Hey guys, you're probably wondering what's going on, well I am for some reason unable to read new reviews. So I wanted everyone to know that. Feel free to PM me.

First Day, Homeroom Class 1B

Hitoshi decided to surprise his students. He snuck in before anyone would arrive and hid in the vent above. He watched from above as the students came in marking them present as he did. They talked about many topics, but one that caught his attention was the entrance exam. One of the students caught his eye, Neito Monoma. He was being boastful for someone who didn't make it into the top 10 students.

'His quirk is useful, but it requires another hero or a villain to be present for use, he hasn't trained his body much, and that will make it harder for him in situations where he can't use his quirk to Copy someone else's,' Hitoshi thought to himself as he continued to watch.

A girl came and interrupted the boasting giving Monoma a swift smack to the back of his head and he was out. "Sorry about him, he can let his accomplishments go to his head," she said placing the boy in his seat. "Name's Itsuka Kendo, nice to meet you all."

Soon after Monoma was conscious again, but with Kendo there he kept from boasting too much. Time ticked away and eventually the time came for Homeroom to begin.

"Where's the teacher?" Bondo asked. At that moment Hitoshi opened the vent and jumped down in front of the class.

"Good morning class, I am Hitoshi Aizawa otherwise known as Mind Eraser," he said. "For simplicity's sake you may refer to me as Hitoshi, as calling me by my last name will get confusing when we combine with 1A for some classes." At that a hand shot up, "Yes, Monoma?"

"What do you mean combine with 1A? And how long were you in the vent?" the blond asked.

"I've been watching you for the past 10 minutes," Hitoshi replied causing Monoma and Kendo to straighten in their seats. "As for combining classes, unlike previous years, classes 1A and 1B will be interlinked. You will have some days where you will be trained together, and sometimes we may switch teachers. This will be to better prepare both classes to become heroes. Understand?" The students nodded, "Good, now put on these gym outfits and meet me at Track B."

"But what about orientation?" Tsunotori asked.

"What about it? If you didn't know already UA isn't like most schools. I can teach how I want, and I don't want to waste time on oritentation."

Meeting his class on the opposite side of the school from where his brother was teaching, Hitoshi explained, "Before we train you to be the best you can be, we need to know where you are. Try to incorporate your quirks into the tests, we'll begin with the grip test, Kendo!" The girl in question approached the teacher. "Use your quirk and test your grip," he said handing her the device. Her hand enlarged but reached a point where she couldn't grow it more and still test her grip, which was 523kg at this point. Showing the score to the others he continued, "These tests will show me your potential as a hero, and for that reason the one who comes last has no potential and will immediately be expelled."

It was an interesting round of tests to say the least. In the ball throw, Tsunotori pierced the ball onto one of her horns before shooting it out. Fukidashi killed it in the repeated side steps, creating to walls of BOING which he bounced himself between. Most of the students did very well except for Monoma. He was the odd one out since his quirk required another quirk user, and even when he tagged his fellow students, he didn't know how to effectively use their quirks, which showed in the results.

Quirk Apprehension Test Results

Setsuna Tokage

Juzo Honenuki

Ibara Shiozaki

Shihai Kuroiro

Pony Tsunotori

Yosetsu Awase

Sen Kaibara

Yui Kodai

Juroa Shishida

Manga Fukidashi

Reiko Yanagi

Togaru Kamakiri

Nirengeki Shoda

Kosei Tsuburaba

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

Kojiro Bondo

Hiryu Rin

Isuka Kendo

Kinoko Komori

Neito Monoma

Monoma looked terrified as Hitoshi showed them the scores. "Oh, and I was lying no one's being expelled," Hitoshi said cracking a smile, "That was just a logical deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests." Little did the students know that Hitoshi was fully prepared to expel every one of them if they showed no potential. "Class dismissed, except for Monoma."

As the other's began to pack up and leave Monoma approached, "You wanted to talk to me sir?"

"Don't call me sir," Hitoshi chastised, "That quirk of yours is useful, but I hope you realize that just banking on that alone isn't going to help you succeed.

"What do you mean?"

"Take me for example, do you know what my quirk is?"

"You erase memories?" Monoma guessed.

"No, that was… nevermind. Do you know how limiting your quirk is? How much of a quirk can you use by copying it?"

"Not as much as the owner, it depends on how much I know about the quirk itself, and some quirks, my body can't handle for too long."

"I figured. My brother has a knack for analyzing quirks, he might be able to give you some pointers."

Monoma's eyes brightened, "That would be so cool."

Hitoshi's phone began ringing. "You're dismissed," he said to Monoma before turning away and answering the call, "Hello?"

"Hey Hitoshi," the voice of Izuku came through the phone.

"Speak of the devil."

"How's your class going?"

"Fine, I'm actually wrapping things up now. How'd your class do?"

"Three expulsions," Izuku replied in a defeated tone.

"Really? I didn't think you'd expel anyone."

"Two of them were no shows and one was a pervert who kept sexually harassing the girls. How did your class fare?"


"Really?" Izuku replied shocked.

"Yeah, some of them need some extra work, but it should be an interesting three years. Anyway, I'm going to go get something to eat, are you coming?"

"Yeah, see you there."