Chapter 18

It was Friday and Leonard took the afternoon off to prepare for their trip to the ranch. He picked up Sarah from school and then went to the market to buy food for their trip. After paying for their groceries, he dialed Penny's number. She answered it after a few rings.

L: Hi honey! We just came from the market and bought some groceries for our trip tonight.

P: Oh yeah I almost forgot. I'll leave early so we could avoid the traffic jam.

L: Ok. Just text me when you get home ok?

P: Ok honey. Bye!

Leonard loaded the groceries in the trunk of his car. Sarah sat in the passenger seat as Leonard put on her seat belt before going to the driver's seat to drive home. They got home and he told his daughter to change her clothes and wash up in the bathroom. He put the groceries on the kitchen island to separate the ones they were taking and the ones they were leaving behind. Sarah was done after a few minutes and went to the couch to watch some TV. Leonard then went to his and Sarah's bedroom to prepare a small bag for their clothes and other stuff. He was done after about fifteen minutes and went back to the couch to watch TV with his daughter. He took his phone and texted Penny that they're home and waiting for her. Penny replied that she will be home around four o'clock.

Penny came over to Leonard's apartment around four-twenty with her small bag that she packed the night before. "I'm ready!" she said walking in and giving Leonard and Sarah a hug. They walked out of their building and went to Leonard's car to load their stuff. Leonard secured Sarah's seat belt in the back seat before going over to the driver's seat and starting the car.

"So….everyone ready!?" he looked at Penny and Sarah.

"Woo hoo!" said Penny. "Yay!" Sarah exclaimed.

Leonard drove away and decided to pass by a burger drive-thru to have something to eat along the way since they would not have time to cook dinner. They arrived at the ranch after driving for about an hour and a half. The ranch staff took their names and asked them to follow another staff riding an ATV to follow him to the cabin reserved for them. They arrived at the small cabin and took their stuff inside to get settled in and rest for the night. The cabin has a small fridge, an electric stove, a couch, dining table and some pot and pans in the kitchen counter-top. The bedroom has a double bed which he figured would be enough for the three of them. There is also a small fire place with some firewood on the side. Penny took their bags along with Sarah to the bedroom to put their stuff in the drawers while Leonard started to put their groceries in the kitchen cabinets. Penny decided to light the fireplace to warm up the cabin. They were done in about half an hour and went to the living area to rest on the couch.

"Sarah honey are you alright? you want something to eat...we have some grapes and apples in the fridge if you want." Leonard asked his daughter.

"I want some grapes daddy." she said. Leonard stood up and got a bunch of grapes and put them in a bowl from the dish rack and went back to the couch. He gave the bowl of grapes to Sarah for her to eat. He turned to Penny. "I have the other kind of grapes you like!" he smiled at her and went back to the kitchen to show her a wine bottle.

"Awww honey! You're the best!" Penny exclaimed. Leonard opened the bottle and poured the wine into two glasses. He handed one to Penny as he sat down on the couch.

"This is nice right?" he smiled at her. "Tomorrow, Sarah here will ride horses and I'll watch from the safety of the fence!" he jokingly said.

"Daddy you should try to ride too?….Penny can teach you." Sarah said.

"Yeah….come on's not that hard….we'll pick a horse that's not afraid of people so it will be easier to control." Penny assured him.

"Ok fine. But you will ride a small horse ok. I don't want it jumping and running with you on it's back." He said to his daughter.

"Yes daddy...I'll be careful." Sarah said as she ate the last grape from her bowl.

"Don't worry Leonard, I'll be there to look after her." Penny said as she put her hand on his shoulder.

"Fine. Now lets get you to the bathroom so you could wash up and brush your teeth." He said as he took his daughter's hand. He went to the bedroom to get a change of clothes for Sarah and their toothbrushes. Leonard went back to the couch and sat beside Penny.

"What are you thinking?" he asked her while putting his arm over her shoulder.

"Nothing...just how my life has changed in the past couple of months…" she sighed as she took another sip of her wine.

"Is it good or bad?" he asked.

Penny faced him and caressed his cheek. "Honey it's good...I have a better job...I have you and parents were so happy for my commercial…." she kissed him.

"Are you happy?" he asked her.

"Of course honey!" she kissed him again.

"Me too…" he said as he rubbed his hand on her back.

They stayed this way until Sarah came out of the bathroom already changed for bed.

"Sweetie you want to go to bed now or you want to sit here with us?" Penny asked.

Sarah went to them and saw the board games under the coffee table. She knelt and pulled them out. "Look daddy, let's play with these!"

"What do we have here?" Leonard said as he looked at a couple of the board games.

"Daddy they have Jenga! Look!" Sarah exclaimed.

"What's Jenga?" Penny asked.

"Uh you stack these sticks and remove one from the bottom and pile them up on the top. The one who collapses the stack loses." Leonard explained as he started to pile up the sticks.

"Ok sounds fun!" Penny said as she sat by the coffee table. "What's the punishment?"

"Well do you have some talcum powder with you?" he asked Penny.

"Yeah. Why?" Penny eyed him suspiciously.

"Well I suggest that whoever loses, the other two dips their finger in talcum powder and paints the loser's face with it…. Agreed!?" he asked the two girls.

"Agreed!" they both said.

They began to play as each of them tried to stack the sticks while trying hard not to topple the structure. Leonard was the first to topple and received a mark on his nose and forehead. Next to lose was Sarah who got a mark on each cheek. Leonard lost a second time and got two streaks on his chin. By about ten in the evening, Leonard got the most marks, Penny had marks oh her cheek and forehead while Sarah retained the marks oh her cheek. Leonard put Sarah to bed after washing her face. Penny freshened up in the bathroom and changed to her sleep clothes. Leonard washed up after Penny and changed to his boxer shorts and t-shirt. It didn't take long for Sarah to fall asleep while Penny sat back down on the couch. Leonard joined her as she cuddled beside him.

"That was fun huh?" Leonard said.

"It was….you kept flinching at the last moment that's why you kept losing…" she laughed.

Leonard wrapped Penny in his arms as she pulled a blanket over themselves as they felt the warmth coming from the fireplace.

"Leonard this is nice….I wish this wouldn't end." Penny whispered.

"Yeah I know….we should do this more often….the three of us….seeing you and Sarah happy….I couldn't ask for more." he said as he tightened his hug.

Penny wiggled herself off and looked up to Leonard. Their eyes met as they drew closer to a kiss.

"Honey….that rug by the fireplace seems like a good place to cozy up…" she teased him.

"What if Sarah wakes up and sees us?" he asked her.

"We'll be quick!" she said casually.

"You are trouble, you know that!" he admonished her.

"Mmmm...what are you gonna do Dr. Hofstadter?" she said playfully.

Leonard stood up and went to the bedroom. He went back with a couple of blankets and pillows and laid them by the fireplace. Penny then sat down as she invited him to join her. They got under the covers and made love.