Chapter One

Price was not sure why he and Garrick were being sent to Tokyo. Was there a terror cell hiding there? Were there diplomatic issues? Nope, they were just told to "Monitor the Shadows", a statement that meant nothing to them. On top of that, they had possibly the lamest excuse for a cover story, new teachers at a place called Shujin Academy. Price sighed as he waited for an opportunity to pop a cigar, maybe when the train reached the Yongen Jaya Platform.

"That sounds completely made up." A school girl standing in front of the two soldiers sighed.

"It's real." the girl's male companion ensured her. "They say you contact this man and he'll trigger a mental shutdown on anyone you want."

"Sounds like those rumors from Samura City." The girl sighed. "The rumor was that if you called your own phone number a guy would answer it and kill people for you, or something like that, I don't remember." Mental shutdowns, huh? A possible lead for him.

"Yongen Jaya, Yongen Jaya." the train PA blared. Price shook Garrick awake and the two of them walked through the backstreets to a small apartment complex. The two entered an apartment that held one bathroom, two bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. A note sat on a table written in what was obviously a simple computer font.

"Price, Garrick." it read. "By the time you read this, you'll be in Yongen Jaya. You'll take the train or drive to Aoyama Itchome to go to Shujin Academy to finalize your position as teachers there. Garrick will teach English, while Price will be teaching Phys Ed. You are to identify the method Shadow activity can be identified and dealt with, and act accordingly. This mission will last one year, don't disappoint us. - Hereford."

"How the hell are we supposed to find out how to do something we don't even know about?" Garrick muttered. "Not like the dossier was detailed."

"Best not think about it for now, I'd recommend just getting some rest." Price told his friend and comrade. The two entered their separate rooms and took some time to rest.

"Who's that?" Akira overheard a janitor ask one of the teachers.

"That's the new PE Teacher." the stern looking teacher stated. "Apparently, he's ex SAS. He also came here with a new english teacher."

"SAS, huh?" Sakura-San muttered. "Looks like he'll be drilling fitness into you in class. What do you think? About the school, I mean."

"It's going to be tough…" Akira sighed as he got into his guardian's car. Between soldiers, a reputation obsessed principal, and that weird flyer his homeroom teacher had, this was going to be an interesting school year.

"School never changes huh." Sakura-San asked. "Damn traffic, must be because of those accidents."

"Accidents?" Akira asked.

"Yep, been happening a lot lately." Sakura-San answered. "Infact, there was a real sad one just last month, it was a fifteen year old girl, her parents just gotta be…" the radio blared a report about the accidents that have been happening and how they were interfering with traffic schedules.

"Now you tell me." Sakura-San grimaced.

The principal stared at the two soldiers in front of him. Gaz honestly didn't care for this man. He was obviously obsessed with his school's reputation and his own ego, a type of person who should be nowhere near kids.

"And that just about does it." Kobyakawa said as he finished signing the last piece of paperwork. "Just so that you know, I'll be keeping a close eye on you two. I mean, I don't know why I let two forgien ex soldiers join the staff of our school as soldiers."

"Cause it's a good image for the school." Gaz spat in his head.

"Come in tomorrow morning and report to the faculty office right after you arrive." Kobayakawa stated. "Enjoy the rest of your day." Gaz and Price waved goodbye and left the office, going down past a student and his guardian talking about something regarding probation.

"You good, Gaz?" Price asked out of the blue.

"I'm good Captain." Gaz responded. "Not sure how to teach though."

"Just keep going." Price assured Gaz. "You'll do just fine." The two passed through station square, a rather crowded train station in Shibuya. The place was crowded to all hell. People rushed to business and home, teens blocked off pathways as they chatted, and a child all but screamed as her ice cream was dropping. A sudden buzz came to his phone, so Gaz checked it. A strange notification was there.

Metaverse Navigator: Downloaded the notification read. Gaz opened his phone and cautiously stared at the app's interface. A slip of his fingers pressed a button on the app. Everything around him seemed to screech to a halt. People halted dead in the street, and that kid's ice cream stopped falling. A sudden gust of air caught Gaz's attention. He whipped around and stared at a massive pyre of blue flames that held a vaguely oversized human shaped. Standing just in front of the flames was him. Well, not exactly him. He was dressed just as he would in battle, wearing the familiar navy blue fatigues and black tactical vest he'd usual wear, but illuminating his dark skin was a pair of bright yellow eyes that stared directly at him, despite the distance between them. Time moved again and Gaz looked around with a worried face.

"You okay, Gaz?" Price asked with more concern in his tone.

"Yeah, guess I just haven't gotten a lot of sleep…" Gaz said as he deleted the weird app off his phone.

A/N: There we go. This is just a thing I came up with a while back and thought I might do. As this implies, it's COD:MW in Persona. Nothing much more. Honestly, I kind wrote this on a whim. Hope you enjoy.

Question: What would be a good persona for either Gaz or Price?