I don't own True Blood.


Michl: When you loved me least.

" I know I am deathless. We have thus far exhausted trillions of winters and summers, there are trillions ahead, and trillions ahead of them." -Walt Whitman.

Glaciers of blue icy irises searched his own startled eyes with such intense, raw emotions that it would have certainly compelled the young man to feel uncomfortable if he wasn't already, from the tight iron grip the blond giant had on his biceps and the front of their bodies brushing up against one another, Kanin felt befuddled and awkward, never in his nineteen years of life on planet earth had another guy just grabbed and manhandled him in the middle of a gloomy fucking alleyway. The young man let out a rather undignified squeak as the giant hands of the touchy male slipped under his arms and grasped him by his armpits, lifting him effortlessly from the ground.

Kanin's eyes widen as sharp fangs extended from behind the parted lips of the blond giant before he was being pulled into a tight embrace. Oh god! Strong arms wrapped around him tightly, creating an indestructible cage around the human male as he was forced wholly against his killer. Sharp fangs scraped against the skin of his neck, causing Kanin to squeeze his eyes closed as his fast-beating heart slammed against his chest. Fear poured off of his paralyzed form giving rise to the tone of a disapproving growl responding beside his ear.

" Don't be afraid."

The male cooed, huskily before the sound of a deep, rumbling purr emerged from the vampire's chest as he sniffed at Kanin, who was scanning the long, dark alley from over the shoulder of the vampire, searching frantically for a way out of the life-threatening situation that he found himself in.

The young man only wanted to go to the open store to search for more flu-medication and cough drops before his damn influenza became worse...and because of that choice, he was now being molested by a terrifying vampire prior to the sick fuck eating him. Kanin swore under his breath only for a cool hand to cup the back of his neck and shift him to confront the icy eyes of the predator again. In an instant, cool lips were pressing against his, a tongue pushing past his stunned lips to devour the inside of his mouth savagely. Kanin tensed further, pushing back against the cool palm holding the back of his neck until it released him, enabling him to jerk his red, swollen lips away from the vampire. The human male blinked the building tears away, he didn't know whether to cry or punch the vampire in the face. Kanin trembled as darkened, blue eyes scanned him hungrily...lovingly?

" Put me down," Kanin urged the blond vampire, astonished when the other male promptly followed his request, releasing his tight grip from around Kanin's waist, allowing him to slide a few inches down the front of the vampire until his feet touched the concrete. As soon as he had control over his trembling legs, Kanin swiftly back away from the imposing blond, shivering violently when the vampire took calculated, predatory steps after him. Kanin panicked as the vampire crowded him, guiding him and backing him into an alleyway wall. In retort, Kanin swung his arm back, created a fist, and struck the vampire in his cheek with all of the strength he could summon.

Fear crawled its way into his throat as the vampire's head was turned to the side from the force and a simple blink was his only response. Kanin let out a curse before scampering around the momently startled male to flee. He broke out into a run, cutting around the corner of the alleyway and onto the deserted snow-covered...icy walkway, his heart slammed repeatedly against his chest, straining himself and bringing up violent, racking coughs as he fled toward his apartment building, almost slipping more than once. Just as he reached the entrance to lead him inside the tall, warm building, a strong hand snagged his shoulder, pulling and twisting him around before his back was slammed into the front doors. Kanin wheezed, clamping his eyelids shut as fatigue swiftly caught up with him along with the agonizing pain lighting up his spine and muscles located in his back. Irregular, ragged coughs had his head hanging forward and facing the ground, his shoulders slumping, and body tense as his lungs betrayed him, overworked from fighting influenza and sprinting for his life, Kanin's own hand clenching his hoodie over his heart with a clawed grasp as he fought to breathe through the body wracking coughs.

Eventually, the coughing fit died down, allowing Kanin to breathe with relief, a cool hand cupped his chin, lifting his blurry vision up to meet the uneasy, fearing gaze of the vampire. " You are ill."

" ...Yea, no shit."

Eyebrows furrowed over stressing, icy glaciers as the vampire leaned even closer, " I apologize for wielding my strength against you...it is strange to see you as a human, brother."

Brother? Oh, what the fuck?

" Let me go," Kanin pleaded, he didn't have the tolerance for this bizarre vampire, this odd, unusual vampire that called him brother after touching, kissing, and sniffing him like an incest-bred weirdo. He didn't seem like he was going to murder him, thank god for that, but he nonetheless creeped Kanin out. The human male was most certainly never going to leave his apartment in the dead of night again.

Kanin flinched as the vampire's features twisted with anguish, a dark, greedy expression was painted on his face. " You spoke those same words then...not this time." The vampire growled, refusing as Kanin reached his trembling hand into his back pocket, searching for his phone.

The police.

Apparently, the vampire must have known exactly what he was up too because his hidden phone was torn out of his hand, the sound of a crunch filled his ears, aluminum, and glass breaking easily in the hand of the blond before he was dropping the shattered remains of the mobile phone and dragging Kanin fully against his imposing figure.

" Don't fight me, brother...our maker will be so joyous to see you...he has mourned for you since you met the true death...never again."

The male whispered brokenly against his struggling panicked form. Kanin fought, pushing at the vampire, not understanding or caring about the words coming from his mouth until the cool hand came back to grip his chin once again with iron, unrelenting fingers, turning the human male's struggling head toward him until their eyes locked.

Kanin immediately felt his body become pliant as he drowned in icy glaciers, tenderness flowed from the vampire, a profound affection swelled up from the depths of Kanin. It wasn't his own emotions, they came from the blond male in front of him.

The smoldering blue eyes pulled him in, and he was sinking deeper, his body went numb. " Rest, brother."

His vision went black as his own eyelids dropped over his eyes of their own accord.

Kanin was drifting, only partially aware of the distant voices with different tones and a set of large, cool hands running under his hoodie, shirt, and up the flesh of his ribcage. He groaned, swatting the frosty hands away from his shivering body as the headache made itself known.

" -a lot of rest." A female spoke from further away, a deep rumble responded from a male as one of the offending hands slipped under Kanin, resting on his lower back before lifting him up like a ragdoll and settling him against the breathing cool form of something that smelled truly satisfying.

" How long before he recovers?"

" Depends on the amount of peace and medication intake." The unknown female answered, then the sound of rustling, a door was opened before shutting back into place. " I know you're awake."

The amused tone of the male spoke as hands slipped back under the helm of his shirt, tracing his feverish skin with cool fingertips. Kanin let out the building cough and buried his nose into cool material, the scent of leather and salt? ocean...the seducing musk was faint, dulled from his stuffy nose.

When one of the hands trailed down and slipped into the back of his jeans and elastic line of his boxer briefs, Kanin jolted as his heavy eyelids shot open. An amused laugh responded against him, rumbling and shaking him slightly in the process while insulting fingers dug into the flesh of his rear. Kanin's sight focused, allowing him to comprehend that he was in the arms of the same vampire from the alleyway, curled up in his lap...on a bed, in an expensive-looking bedroom with the insane blond. The male instantly struggled against the tight hold his kidnapper held him in, reaching up with one of his arms to tear the glacier blue orbs out of the vampire's head. The hand that was in his pants was suddenly gone, clasping gently around his wrist and holding him in place.

" Calm yourself, brother." The giant blond rumbled lovingly, gazing down at him with suffocating affection. Kanin didn't calm, his breathing picked up instead, raspy and jagged as his body struggled against the iron hold of his captor.

" Let me go!" Kanin shouted as the vampire tightened his grip on him, the handsome features of the blond twisted instead with desperation and dark infatuation, his pale lips and jaw tightened for a short, emotional moment before his face relaxed, smoothing back out eerily. Icy glaciers narrowed down at him before those pale lips parted, revealing no view of fatal fangs waiting from behind.

" Never." A hiss escaped the vampire savagely causing Kanin to still and stiffen against the cool body of the creature.

" What do you want?" Kanin asked with desperation, eyes wide, blinking back tears as he evaluated the dangerous situation.

" I wan- no, I need you to remember...you don't remember us. I want you, he wants you," The vampire was shifting against his frozen, feverish form. " He craves you...mourns you, we both do. You left us once but it won't happen again. I could smell your scent on the wind in Madison. You smell the same, look the same, and certainly taste the same, except for the illness that grasps you at the moment...you don't remember but he'll find a way to make your memories return. Godric will stop at nothing to restore you to what you were...you are no longer a vampire, brother. Only a human now...it's strange but I don't dislike it, I know you are ill with influenza but he will heal you. I'd give you my blood at this moment but that is Godric's given right first, perhaps he will allow me to feel you as well, truly feel you, and not just through the bond that connects me to him..."

The vampire paused his confusing speech to pull Kanin's trapped arm closer before dropping kisses against his knuckles, causing him to tense further and struggle to pull away, only relenting when he couldn't escape. " You are more responsive as a human, you use to be so composed and now...you blush so easily...so inexperienced now." The blond hissed against his hand before licking his knuckles with darkened eyes. " I'd take you at this moment, sink into your heat if you weren't so ill, coaxing enticing moans and cries from those full lips" Kanin trembled with terror at the vampire's threat. " No...Godric would have the privilege of claiming you first. You are his."

Kanin couldn't hold back the tears any longer, the vampire had kidnapped him and spoke so casually about violating him. Kanin choked on a heavy sob, catching the unwanted attention of the vampire. His hand was released before the creature was tensing against him, cool thumbs wiped away his tears as the vampire cooed and murmured to him, hushing him, a soothing purr rumbled against his quivering form as anxiety smothered him. " Shhh, brother...don't weep. Are you pained? Do you need human food? A warm bath? What can I do to ease your discomfort?"

" ...P-please don't." Kanin wept, coughing harshly in the process.

" Don't wh-" The vampire cut himself off, icy glaciers widened as realization shadowed his features, a dreadful look crept on his face a moment later. " Never, brother. I would never." The vampire promised, stroking Kanin's flushed features with his fingers. The human male studied the vampire with exhausted skepticism, brows furrowed as he struggled to trust his kidnapper's vow to not rape him.

After a tense period of the vampire caressing his face, the creature then changed position on the edge of the bed, shifting Kanin against him, lifting the human male to sit upward in his lap. Nervous eyes fell on a wooden, food cart with a plate of different fruits, a bowl of broth, and multiple clear bottles of water.

He watched the vampire reach to grab a single white bag on the second shelf, pulling it closer and handing it to Kanin before leaning in and trailing his nose along the uncomfortable human's jawline, sniffing and rubbing his features against him.

Kanin shifted his body away to the other side, surreptitiously while praying that the vampire wouldn't notice. If the blond male did notice his attempted stealthy movements, he didn't comment on them. Kanin swallowed, wincing at the discomfort of his raw throat before reaching into the white bag and grasping one of the items. Kanin's eyebrow furrowed as he pulled out a labeled bottle of Tylenol before he dropped the bottle carelessly into his lap and reached in to pull out a bag of cough drops.

Kanin twisted his head to the side to hold the icy gaze of the vampire, who watched him with an unnerving type of fixation. " I need to go home."

" You are home." The vampire spoke as if he was correcting him. Kanin shook his head, furiously, regretting it when his head spun. After the room stopped spinning, Kanin fought against the iron hold of the vampire's arms, pushing the medication, empty bag, and cough drops onto the bed, he was surprised and relieved when the other male released him, allowing him an escape.

Amused, slightly worried icy blue orbs watched him stumble onto his feet and only just evade knocking over the cart of food, Kanin twisted around to eye the vampire before he studied the bedroom. It was a grande room...but where were the windows? Kanin turned to glance at the bedroom door, it wasn't wooden. Steel? The blinking, green light on the small, metal box attached to the wall, beside the closed door caused Kanin's stomach to churn with nausea and bile to rise into the back of his throat.

" I'm a prisoner?" Kanin whispered his question toward the direction of where the vampire sat.

" No, brother. You are family."

Anger twisted Kanin's features, he turned, sending a scowl toward the tall blond. " You keep your own family members captive?"

Kanin flinched back when the vampire appeared in front of him...at the full height of 6'5...five inches over Kanin's own height. The imposing figure of the vampire leaned closer causing the human to take a step back in the process.

" Only when they attempt to harm themselves further...you should rest and eat before I leave to collect Godric. He has taken to the wilds of Canada...it will be difficult to track him but not impossible."

" Who is Godric?" Kanin let out a whisper as the vampire's eyes tracked him.

" Our maker. The one in command of our bloodline. Daddy." The vampire teased, smirking as he wrapped his arms around the struggling form of Kanin once again, entrapping the heavily breathing body of the human against the tall figure of the vampire. " Who are you?" Kanin gasped, slamming his palms against the clothed chest of the male and pushing back with all of his strength to escape the iron hold.

" Eric." The vampire answered plainly, purring despite Kanin's attempted escape.

" Eric." The human recited while breathing harshly through his nostrils.

A needy groan sounded...rumbled against him, causing Kanin to stiffen before, " Forgive me." and cool lips were seizing his own, the vampire licked and kissed him demandingly, whispering apologies and words from an unknown language, Kanin tore his lips away, leaning back against the arms of the vampire before sharp coughing took over. Cool hands frantically rubbed his back as he was pressed against the leather jacket Eric wore. The same addicting scent invaded his dulled senses again as his lungs cried with agony before they eventually settled back down.

Kanin was officially done, this was ridiculous. Here he was, with a vampire that couldn't keep his lips or paws to himself after kidnapping him, dragging him to god knows where and trapping him in a room with no windows and a secured steel door!

" You need to eat, brother."

" I'm not hungry." Kanin snarled into the leather jacket as cool palms stopped their movement on his back. " Will I have to feed you?" Eric sounded a tad too eager to hand-feed him.

" It won't stay down," Kanin warned the vampire, churning nausea remained in his stomach.

" Later then." The vampire was suddenly lifting him up, causing a surprised noise to escape Kanin's throat. He carried the stiff male the short distance before placing him gently on the bed, Kanin's hands were instantly filled with the Tylenol and a bottle of water. The human male lifted his eyes to watch Eric grab the empty bag and cough drops off of the mattress and setting them on the bedside table, next to Kanin, then he was leaning down, shadowing the apprehensive form of the human male, " The sun is rising, brother. It's time to lay down."

Kanin tensed further, eyes wide with panic as his fingers tightened around the items in his grip.

" No, brother. I'm not staying...I'd like too. I want nothing more than to curl up against your warm body but I did notice how you went for my eyes a short while ago," Eric ran the rough pad of his thumb over Kanin's chapped bottom lip. " You'd stake me if I allowed you that chance." The vampire pulled away, standing next to the bed, looking down at the nervous form of Kanin with worrisome longing.

" Get some rest, brother. I'll see you when the sun sets."

Kanin was tired and he wanted nothing more than to sleep but as soon as he had a chance, he was finding a way out of here. The human absolutely didn't want to be handed over as a gift to this Godric!