My name is Abigail Williams. I was born and raised in the United States. All my friends were murdered for being witches. We live in a time of racism, where it is immoral just to exist. I will take my revenge on this world and kill every single human.

The year is 1700. John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, Giles Corey, and Mary Easty are all dead because they were witches. All the witches in the area have been eliminated. However, there is one secret witch that hasn't been caught yet. Her name is Nightmushroom. My plan is to meet up with Nightmushroom so she can turn me into a witch.

I started leaving my house, and I walked into the forest. I walked behind one of the trees where Nightmushroom's house is located. Nightmushroom was standing inside, waiting for me to come in. Nightmushroom said "Hello, Abigail Williams. Why did you schedule an appointment with me?" I replied: "Nightmushroom, turn me into a witch." Nightmushroom said "That will cost you $1,000." I won't be able to afford that, so I'll try making a deal instead. I said "How about you lower it to $700, then I kill every human in the village." Nightmushroom stopped to think about it for a few seconds. After several seconds, she made up her mind. "Fine, I'll turn you into a witch for $700."

I handed Nightmushroom the $700, and she quickly put it into her pocket. She grabbed her magic wand that was lying on the ground, and she pointed it at me, saying "Shayrcadub oraec aubcir acrulehu." These magical words caused a feeling in my body to generate. I felt my body get heavier. Suddenly, everything around me faded away, and I collapsed on the floor.