Authors not: as soon as the food fight starts this song starts playing: https/

Soon as the teens sat in a table together they began to chat

Danny Fenton: So Cree do you have any friends or family back at home?

Cree: Well I live with my Mom, Dad and little sister ,Abby. Let me tell you she can be a real pain, always borrowing my CD's, annoying me with her lame little friends….

While Cree was talking Danny was picking at his food, it looked rather gross and he was wondering if it was even edible

Danny: Ick! Is this supposed to be food or barf?

Tucker: Um, my sausage is hairy and my French fries have little legs like bugs.

Tuckers fries scattered away like cockroaches which made him scream, the other students had noticed that the food had disgusting combinations like Moose Fondue, Toasted Bat, Gorilla Pie and much more.

Sam: Okay this is not in my vegan diet, who would make this?!

"Do we have a problem?"

Said a lunch lady with a German accent

Valerie: Hey who are you? I've never seen you in the cafeteria before.

"Why I am Gramma Stuffum, I'm the new lunch lady they've hired and I've added my delightful cooking to the menu for you skinny teens"

Dash Baxter: Hey! Who you callin skinny! There's no way we're eating this slop! This is worse than when the meat was changed to vegan garbage!

Sam: For once I agree with Dash, I'm a vegan and I do not eat this so-called "food".

Gramma stuffum: Oh, but you look so thin! You need fattening up and nothing fills you up more than my Rat and pork lasagna!

Gramma stuffum then plopped a big pile of her lasagna Sam's plate. the Goth girls skin Suddunly turned green and almost gagged.

Sam: Eeww! This is so not right! I will not eat this!

Gramma stuffum was red with anger, she saw Cree wink at her which was the signal she told her about. The old lady then got out a giant steam pot with green ecto sludge coming from it. This triggered Danny's ghost sense, he started to suspect that something wasn't normal about the new lunch lady.

Gramma stuffum: If you won't eat Stuffums food then her food will make you eat it!

She claps her hands then all of her cooking started to come to life as a gross food monster', the Lunch Lady ghost came out of the giant steam pot Gramma Stuffum had then she blocked the doors with giant piles of meat.

Lunch Lady*angry voice*Now there's now way out! *nice voice* now eat your meat, children.

The food monster's then started to force feed themselves to the students then the rat and pork lasagna on Sam's tray came to life then tried to hop into Sam's mouth only for Sam, along with Tucker to run away. Meanwhile Danny went underneath the table so he could go ghost, meanwhile Cree and Valerie both went to hide somewhere so that they could activate their high tech fighting suits, Finnaly The three teenager's sprung into action.

Danny phantom: Okay you two, lunch time's over! it's bad enough we got one crazy lunch lady and now we got two?! What's the next two Box ghosts?

Gramma Stuffum: Well, well, well if it isn't the skinny ghost boy. We've cooked up some ectoplasmic meal's for you!

Gramma stuffum create some more gross food monster's that Lunch Lady infused with ecto-energy but Danny blasted them with ecto lasers.

Danny phantom: Sorry granny I would eat but your gross cooking made me lose my appetite.

Danny then kicked gramma stuffum into a pile of meat,while this was going on Valerie was ready to catch phantom but was too busy defending herself from rotten rat burger spiders.

Valerie: Ugh, I have no time for this! I have to catch Phantom before he gets away again!

Cree: Not if I catch him first!

Cree showed up in her battle suit which disguised her voice, she got out an ecto gun and shot Danny against the wall.

Valerie: Hey! I don't know who are are but back off ninja girl, phantom is my target!

Cree: listen I'm just doing my job so how about you mind your business?

Valerie: I'll mind my business if you don't leave and let me turn in these ghosts!

Valerie punches Cree in the face, Cree kicks her into a table and then the two end up getting in an epic fight. Danny, Sam and Tucker were just watching from a distance.

Tucker: Dude look two girls are fighting over you, lucky.

Sam: Tucker I think Danny has more important business to handle right now.

The goth points to Danny fighting the two lunch ladies still causing mayhem. The ghost boy was being squeezed by an octopus made of spaghetti and meatballs, he used his ectoplasmic rays to destroy the beast, having it splatter everywhere. Then Danny used his ghostly wail to blast away a swarm of food monsters, meanwhile Cree had just trapped Valerie in a huge pile of ecto goo with the thanks to her new weapon.

Cree: now that she's been dealt with I can catch Phantom while he's distracted.

Gramma Stuffum: You may have beaten our army but do you have room for dessert?

Danny phantom: No but do you have room for my thermos?

Danny grabs his thermos, pointed it at the lunch lady and was about to fire only for Cree to blast Danny with an ecto-ray which stunned the ghost boy.

Danny: Aaahhh! What's going on!? Who are you?!

Cree: I'm the girl that's gonna have you ready for your delightfullization, now say goodnight Phantom.

Danny was too injured to fight back, he had a look of horror on his face as Cree was about to trap him in her thermos but before she could a group of five kids blasted through the lunch room doors.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry this one took so long, next chapter and onward I'm gonna write differently to make things more interesting and detailed to read.