Okay the reasoning I'm doing this is because I was disappoint in Adam character I didn't like how Adam was done in the show and I didn't like how faunus discrimination was just drop in volume 7 and I'm pretty sure most of you agree that volume 5 was trash volume 4 was okay volume 6 was okay volume 7 to me was the second worst volume as a Weiss fan I was unhappy with how she acted in volume 7 but the reason I'm making this is because their will be a few change for volume 4-6 most are minor so let me tell you them.

In volume 3 the original fight between Yang and Adam happens

volume 4

RNJN story

- Ruby nightmare's are worst that she cries

- Ruby is also more paranoid after Pyrrha's death

- Ruby and Jaune change as leaders Ruby become more reckless and Jaune becomes more cautious

- Ren and Nora shows that miss Pyrrha's as well

- team jnr trains

- team rnjr talk about their problems

- Ruby ask Qrow how can she use her silver eyes are and ask if Salem killed her mother Qrow doesn't answer the part about her which makes Ruby mad

- when Qrow is poisoned by Tyrian when Ren and Nora are going ahead of Ruby and Jaune and Qrow when Ruby and Jaune sit Qrow on the tree the two have a talk with one another on how they can become better leaders they both agree that they can't be too reckless and they can't be too cautious that as leaders they must find a middle ground as leaders

- when team rnjr fights the nuckelavee Raven helps them win and she says to Ruby only one

The ending plays out the same as in canon

Weiss story

- after Jacques slaps her she thinks back to Ruby and determination and decides to train she doesn't summon on the first try so she trains

- when she tries to escape she doesn't wear her heels to avoid making noise

also her outfit is white

Its the same as in canon

Blake story- her coat is black and her crop top is white

- Blake doesn't slap Sun

- Blake also doesn't act like jerk when Sun gets injury by Illa

- Blake thinks back to Ruby determination to be a like the heroes in the story books and that also helps her to stop running from her problems

- Blake and Adam were not in a romantic relationship they had big brother and little sister relationship.

Also Illa is not in love with Blake Illa didn't have racist friends she loved a human girl and her parents death was frame as a accident but Illa finds out when she visits their graves she over hears 4 hunters laugh about how they killed her parents she goes to her human girlfriend for comfort but the people who hate faunus find out Illa was a faunus and tried to convince her human girlfriend leave Illa but she declined so they beat her up Illa gets mad and fights them but the atlas police show up they people yell that Illa beat all of them up the atlas police without hesitation shot at Illa it was only after her human girlfriend yell them to stop and jump in a bullet hits her aura the atlas police stop shooting Illa is about to go help her but one of the racist people stop her Illa so she jumps out of her window goes on the run white fang members find her and she joins the whitefang and that is why she has her doubts of her place in the whitefang because she still loves a human

the rest of Blake story in vol 4 is the same

Yang story- her jacket and pants has a brighter shade of brown and her shirt is yellow

- Tyrian attacks Yang's house asking for Ruby after Tai fights him off Yang decides she needs to get back in shape to help her sister

- Tai tells Yang that she can't go in with brute force and that needs to think smarter when fighting

- Yang also has trouble fighting with her new arm and has a lot of flashbacks to Adam during training her and Tai talk about incident Yang cries in Taiyang's arm and she starts to feel better

it the same as canon

volume 5


- Ruby training is more about how to use her silver eyes

- Ruby shows she scared that Qrow might die like her mom , Penny and Pyrrha he talks to her saying that he will try his best not to die he also tells her that they make their decision and that death is going to happen to all of us

- she fights Cinder and she loses her right eye in that fight


- Weiss once tried to escape the bandit but failed

- Weiss fights Adam and sees his brand

Adam doesn't kill Sienna he just imprisons her and he fights Blake and Sun at heaven and is not oneshoted


- she and Illa fight more and Blake has her night vison


- When Yang fights the bandits she has trouble against and still gets flashes of Adam which throws her off her game

- Raven tells Yang she left because she was burden

- Yang fights Hazel at heaven and he tells her how Ozpin use his sister and ask her would she be on Salem if he use Ruby the same way he used his

team jnr sees Pyrrha memorial and talk about how they can make sure any of them don't die

Yang doesn't accept Blake at the end of vol 5

volume 6

Maria teaches Qrow how he can control his bad luck

Yang shows concern for Qrow

Illa is imprison for her actions

Sienna is with the group

Their are more changes but this is long enough if you want me to tell you more about the changes I'll make a story explain the changes more in depth

the some of ship that are in this story

- rosegarden

- whiteknight

- blacksun

- yangxoc


- snowbird