A/N – Had 'Stars' from Les Miserables stuck in my head last night. This story doesn't really have anything to do with the song, but I did get an image of Jack in my head. So here it goes…

Stars In Their Multitudes

Jack stood on the boardwalk right outside the tourist office staring out at the bay. It was a cool night and his great coat fluttered slightly in the breeze coming off the bay. He could see the lights flickering on the water and hear the soft waves hitting the rocks below.

He turned around and leaned against the railing moving his gaze to the sky. Despite the lights of the city, some stars could still be seen. Somewhere out there was the place he was… or would be… born. So far away, not even a speck of light in the dark sky. He thought of his days with the Time Agency. It had been fun and exciting at first, travelling across the galaxies. Then he'd seen the dark side of the Agency and he left, losing two years of his own memories for his trouble.

Then he'd spent a few years conning is way across the stars. Grifting people for money. Not a highlight of his long life. But it had led him to the Doctor and Rose. They'd turned his life around. Still travelling the stars but now a better man.

Funny enough, it was the Doctor and Rose who had led to him staying on Earth for so long. For over a century he had been stuck on this planet. Watching and waiting for His Doctor – the version of the time lord who could fix him. It was the longest he'd ever stayed in one place. It was the longest he'd been away from the stars.

Then his Doctor had come… and tried to run away again. But Jack had followed him – to the end of the universe where the stars were going out.

He'd come back. This time by choice. He'd realized when he was out travelling the stars with the Doctor again, that he'd grown to love this planet.

"Ready, Jack?"

The captain's thoughts were brought back from the stars by the sounds of beautiful Welsh vowels. Turning to the door to the tourist office, he saw Ianto Jones walking towards him smiling.

Jack grinned and held out his hand to the Welshman. As the two men walked along the boardwalk towards the Plass hand in hand, Jack glanced once more at the sky. He knew one day he'd be back up there among them, but right now he was perfectly happy on this little piece of rock spinning its way through the universe.


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