This is just a plot bunny bouncing around in my head. It may later become a part of a larger story. This idea came to mind after I read Sealure's story called The Scars of the Past (Still Burn Today).

The concept of this that Zuko has an older sister, Kazuna, who went with him into banishment. When he turned against Katara in Ba Sing Se his sister fought alongside Iroh and was taken as a prisoner. Later, when Zuko helps Sokka free his father they end up finding his sister there too. This story starts up after they arrived back with the gang. In this story Chit Sang does not exist. Obviously I do not own the rights to Avatar the Last Airbender. If I did the movie would never had been made.

Kazuna was...not pleased with how things were going. It had been just over a day since they had met up with the Avatar and his friends after Zuko and the water tribe boy, Sokka, had freed her and several other prisoners, including the Southern Water Tribe chief, Hakoda, and Zakuna had taken this time to sit back and observe how the group functioned. Especially now with her brother intermixed with it.

She was pleasantly surprised to see how well he was getting along with a majority of the group. Avatar Aang clearly respected Zuko as his Firebending Master and often tried to include him. the young earthbender girl, Toph, was rough around the edges, but seemed to care a good deal about Zuko herself. Sokka's treatment of Zuko had set her on edge slightly until she realized that the boy was joking around, and Zuko understood that. She'd even seen him manage to make Zuko laugh a couple of times, which filled her with a grateful warmth.

On the other hand she was unpleasantly surprised by the waterbender girl's treatment of Zuko. For a girl who had always seemed the most even keel of the small group she clearly knew how to be cruel. Constant barb's, jabs, insults, and vicious words came from her, aimed at Zuko. No matter what he did she always had a harsh word for him. And if one of the others tried to defend him or she caught them interacting happily together she'd double down on it. In all honesty it reminded Kazuna unpleasantly of when they'd still lived in the Fire Nation. Kazuna had kept quiet for the last day, observing and speaking with the others there to understand the situation, but now she stepped in, literally.

It was dinner time and most of the group was settled around the fire to eat. Zuko had made tea and was bringing it around to those in the group that wanted it when Katara made a cruel remark about it likely being poisoned. Zuko's shoulders slumped slightly but he otherwise ignored her until Kazuna physically stepped between the two of them and glared at Katara, arms folded over her chest

"That's quite enough," she said coolly, narrowing her eyes at the other girl.

Behind her Zuko straightened and looked at her in surprise.

"You stay out of this!" Katara snapped "Just because he's your brother doesn't mean you get to wave away everything he's done!"

"He's serving tea," Kazuna replied evenly "And considering that he and I are both drinking it as well the chance of it being poisoned is basically nil."

"Zuna, it's fine, leave it," Zuko said, coming over to touch her shoulder gently

"It's not fine," Kazuna replied firmly, keeping her glare level with Katara "I've heard enough of this kind of bile from Azula and Ozai. I have no desire to deal with it here."

Katara stiffened and straighten in fury "I am nothing like them!" she spat, visibly shaking in anger "If you want someone whose just like them look at him!" she jerked her arm to point furiously at Zuko over Kazuna's shoulder.

Fury shot through Kazuna, egged on by the sharp intake of breath she heard from just behind her and how Zuko's hand tightened on her shoulder in distress. The fire shot a foot taller in response, causing the people sitting around it to scramble back. Sokka and Hakoda jumped to their feet, hands dropping to touch weapons in case they needed to defend Katara from an angry firebender.

"That's not fair," Toph spoke up angrily "That's going way too far Katara. He's here to help us!"

Taking a deep breath Kazuna reached up to gently take Zuko's hand and squeeze it reassuringly while she gathered her temper, grateful for the distraction Toph provided.

"He burned your feet!" Katara pointed out shrilly.

"It was an accident!" Toph sounded exasperated. This clearly wasn't the first time it had been brought up "He was asleep and I startled him awake! Of course he lashed out! Anyone would!"

"You don't have a clue what you're talking about," Kazuna cut in before Katara could reply. Her voice wasn't as calm as before, but she was under control and the fire had returned to normal "You don't know Ozai or Azula and you certainly don't know Zuko. So don't you dare compare him to them."

"I know plenty about him!" Katara snapped back, easily transferring arguments "If you forget you lot chased us around the world for no reason!" Kazuna blinked several times before shaking her head in disbelief.

"You really think that? That we had no reason for chasing you? For trying to capture the Avatar? Do you think we did it for fun? That we enjoyed risking the lives of ourselves and our crew?"

"I wouldn't put it past you!" Katara spat back. Kazuna let out a frustrated sigh and shook her head again.

"You are acting like a naive, bigoted child," she informed the other girl simply.

Katara scowled and crossed her arms over her chest "Oh yeah? Well then what was it? What's your big reason for chasing and attacking us constantly?"

Kazuna visibly hesitated, looking uncertain for the first time in the conversation. Zuko on the other hand had paled drastically, and he wrapped his arms around himself in an almost automatic response. One that almost everyone else noticed with some concern. After several long moments the silence was broken by a quiet request.

"If you're willing I would like to know as well." Kazuna looked over at Aang as he spoke and moments later her shoulders dropped some and she sighed. She took a moment to turn and meet Zuko's gaze to make sure it was ok before nodding

"Very well. But we might as well sit. It isn't a short story, or a happy one." She turned completely away from Katara and touched Zuko's arm, gently leading the unresisting boy to an empty spot around the fire where she sat on the ground, legs crossed in front of her. Zuko hesitated for a moment before moving to sit next to her, placing the tea pot off to the side. He settled onto the ground next to her and pulled his legs up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them and resting his head on top of them. Once he was settled Kazuna shifted over to wrap one arm around him, tucking him against her side. It said a lot to the others around the fire that he didn't fight her at all, instead leaning into her and closing his eyes. The rest of their little group settled down as well, waiting to hear what Kazuna had to say, even Katara sat next to her father, though it was with a glare and a huff of anger.

Kazuna took several moments to gather herself and ended up fixing her eyes on Aang. It was easier to speak of this while looking at someone who actually seemed to care. She didn't want to be looking at Katara while she told this story or she might explode at the other girl. She took another deep breath, calming herself and her inner flame before giving a slight nod and speaking.

"It started three years ago," she began slowly "Ozai was in a war council meeting, planning for an attack on the Earth Kingdom. Zuko was crown prince, but at thirteen he wasn't allowed into the council as a general rule. But on that day he managed to convince Uncle Iroh to let him in, on the promise that he'd stay quiet and just observe."

Hodoka couldn't help but startle slightly as the girl spoke. The fire prince was only sixteen? He hadn't realized he was so close in age to Sokka. Though looking at him now, curled against his older sister, he looked impossibly young.

Toph frowned as she listened. From their heartbeats this was going to be a rough story. Sparky's heartbeat was picking up in what she gathered was remembered distress. His sister's heartbeat was closer to remembered grief. Making a decision she shifted over to be closer to Zuko's other side, touching his arm slightly. Zuko's eyes opened and flashed over to her. After a moment he gave her a weak smile, shifting to lay his hand on hers.

Kazuna sighed slightly before continuing as Toph got comfortable again "I was uncomfortable with the idea of him being in there with Ozai without me, but I knew I wouldn't be allowed in. I may have been fifteen, but I wasn't the heir. So instead I climbed my way into the vents to watch and listen. The meeting was to discuss an upcoming battle with the Earth Kingdom army." She grimaced "One of the generals suggested sending out a division of new, inexperienced troops. They would be slaughtered, but while the Earth Kingdom army was distracted another division would come up from behind and take them out."

"That's awful!" Sokka burst out, looking horrified at the idea. Hodoka looked rather sick as well, but his expression was also set in some sort of grim understanding.

"Didn't anyone try and stop it?" Aang asked, visibly distressed.

Kazuna's expression creased with a somber sort of pride and she hugged Zuko closer to her side "One person did. Zuko stood up and argued that it was wrong. That we couldn't betray our people like that." She shook her head and grimaced "Ozai was... unhappy to say the least." Zuko snorted at this, a dry, bitter sort of sound.

"He was furious," he corrected, voice horse and rough. He didn't open his eyes or shift from her arms as he spoke.

Looking deeply concerned Toph scooted closer to press against his side. She wasn't sure she wanted to hear the rest of this, but she did want to try and help Zuko. Across the fire Katara's scowl had died and she was now visibly listening, expression creased in confusion and a small amount of concern.

Next to her Hodoka just looked grim as he watched the two fire nation siblings tell their story. The prince had been banished, he knew that. It couldn't have been for something so small, could it?

Kazuna nodded at Zuko's correction "Furious," she corrected herself simply "Zuko had spoken out of turn. Disrespecting the high ranking general and the others in the room." Her expression darkened into anger "So Zuko would have to face an Agni Kai for his offense." Hodoka's sharp intake of breath and horrified expression showed that at least he knew what that meant. The rest just looked confused.

"Agni Kai?" Sokka voiced the question on their minds, both curious and wary.

"A fire duel," Hodoka spoke up, voice tight "The looser is either dead or dishonored." The kids looked visibly sick at this and Aang was beginning to shake so Suki reached over and pulled him close. Katara shifted closer to her father, pressing against him.

Kazuna nodded "Many of our people would prefer death to losing their honor," she told them with a tired smile "Honor is... more important than you know. it's an innate part of our society. To be without it..." she shook her head "Many conciser it a fate worse than death." She turned to look at Zuko then, expression both achingly proud and horribly sad "But Zuko refused to back down. He was right and he knew it. And the general was on the older side, not in his prime. Zuko was sure he could win, could prove that he was in the right." A choked sound escaped Zuko at that and he pressed his eyes tightly closed. Toph shifted to wrap her arms around him, trying to offer some amount of comfort.

Kazuna looked back at the group again, finding Aang's eyes as she made herself continue "An Agni Kai is generally a public occasion so the members of the court that were nearby were called as we moved to the arena. Uncle, Azula, and I were in the crowd to watch as Zuko moved to take his place and fight the general." She took a slow, slightly shuddering breath and let it out "But we didn't fully understand the situation. It wasn't the general he had to face. By speaking out in the Fire Lord's council Zuko had insulted Ozai himself." Aang shook his head, eyes wide and horrified. Beside him Suki and Sokka both looked rather sick as Suki pulled Aang closer. Hondoka's eyes widened in horror and his arms tightened around Katara whose expression, if anything, looked worse than his.

"Your father?!" Sokka managed to get out, sounding strangled "You-He-What?!"

Zuko let out a choked laugh at that and shook his head "He hasn't really been our father in a long time," he told them. Toph let out a sound that honestly seemed closer to the noise of a frightened animal and proceeded to push Zuko's legs down to climb into his lap. Zuko startled at first, but as the young girl turned to cling to him his expression softened and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to sooth both of them. Kazuna watched them for a moment, expression softening fondly before she looked back at the rest of the group again.

"Yes. He was to face the Fire Lord. But Zuko couldn't bring himself to fight Ozai," she grimaced "And by that point we knew that fighting back against any punishment he had for us only made things worse." She shook her head, as if dismissing that, and paid no mind to the horrified looks that comment brought "Instead Zuko bowed before him and begged for mercy and forgiveness." A slightly hysterical laugh from Zuko cut her off.

"Stupid. So stupid. I knew better." Kazuna frowned at her brother for a moment before making a decision. Shifting around some she changed her position before moving to simply and effectively move both Zuko and Toph into her lap, pulling them close, her arms encircling them both. Toph ended up somewhat pressed between the two of them and both younger kids were visibly startled by this. But after a moment Zuko simply leaned his head against Kazuna's shoulder. He was much larger than the last time they'd done anything like this, but the position was still familiar and comfortable, even with Toph between them. He forcefully didn't think about the others watching this. He was simply too tired to care. Once they were settled Kazuna nodded to herself and looked back up. There was some surprise on Katara's face, but otherwise the majority of the group just looked sad. Kazuna almost wanted to stop explaining, but knew this needed to get out in the open for things to move forward from here.

"Ozai kept ordering Zuko to stand up and fight," she started up again, as if she hadn't stopped at all "But Zuko refused, trying to explain that he was loyal to Ozai and to the country. That he simply wanted what was best for the Fire Nation. But Ozai didn't care. He saw Zuko's refusal to fight as weakness. So he..." Here she cut off, throat suddenly dry as she pressed her eyes tightly closed, trying to push away the images that jolted through her mind. In her lap Zuko was fairing even worse. He was trembling head to toe, hands tightening against Kazuna's shirt, clinging to her.

"He burned part of Zuko's face off," Kazuna finally managed to get out, not looking at them now. Her eyes were tightly shut as she struggled to keep her voice somewhat close to even. "He said it was to teach him a lesson," she let out a shattered laugh "Uncle had to hold me in place while it happened. I think he looked away, but I couldn't." She shuddered. She would never fully escape the sound of her brother's screams or the image of him burning. She swallowed hard several times and forced the rest of the story from her mouth "Zuko passed out and we were allowed to rush him to the healers. But while we were there we were informed of Ozai's decision. Zuko was to be banished for his lack of respect and honor." She shook her head and finally managed to look back a Aang "He could only come home if he returned with the Avatar." A strangled sound escaped Aang before he practically flew across the area they were sitting in and crashed into them, arms wrapping around Zuko (and Toph by practicality) as he sobbed. The crying boy crashing into him seemed to help snap Zuko out of the past and he blinked several times before shifting one arm around to pull Aang close as well. In his lap Toph was shuddering as she clung to him, small sobs escaping her despite her efforts to control them.

"That's why you chased me?!" Aang asked, horrified between his sobs "You just wanted to go home?!" Zuko nodded and tightened his grip on the boy. "I'm sorry!" Aang sobbed, but before he could finish Zuko shook his head sharply.

"Don't. You have nothing to be sorry about. None of this was your fault. And I regularly thank the spirits that I was never able to catch you. I hate to think what he would have done to you if I had ever succeeded in bringing you back." His voice was raw with emotion, but he seemed to be gathering himself some try try and help calm the two younger kids clinging to him "And I'm alright now. In the end I think him banishing me is the best thing he could have done for me. Otherwise, I never would have learned what was actually happening out in the world. Never ended up here, helping you." Aang didn't seem to know what to say to that, but Kazuna gave her brother a tired, proud smile before making herself look back over at the stricken water tribe girl who had started this whole conversation. For her part Katara was trembling as well, tears welled up in her eyes and she looked horrified and haunted.

"Do you understand now?" Kazuna asked the other girl, voice closer to pity than the anger she held at the beginning "It was never as simple as it looked." Katara let out a small sob and nodded before stumbling to her feet and making her way over to them.

"I'm so sorry," Katara choked out, kneeling next to the small, huddled group "I didn't mean any of it. I was just so angry." Zuko looked up at her and gave a trembling smile before shifting his arm that was wrapped around Aang to offer her the ability to join them. She promptly did, wrapping her arms around as much of the group as she could. Not long after that Suki and Sokka made their way over to join, wrapping their arms around the group as well. There was a lot of sniffling, shaking, and quiet sobs throughout the huddled group, but finally they were starting to heal.