Disclaimer: I own nothing except my imagination... that is EXTREMELY VIVID these days.

A/N: So this idea came to me RANDOMLY yesterday morning and I was itching to write it. I want to warm my readers that this story is rated MA for a reason because it talks of themes of adultry and it racier than what I've written so far so if that's not your thing, I have other stories that will be better suited for you. If you go ahead and read it, I hope you enjoy it

Adam sat at the same spot every time he came to have some drinks here. It was his way of taking the edge off of work. Working in one of the toughest Units in Chicago meant you saw things that stayed with you even if you tried to not let them affect you. What he also sees every night that he's there is this woman who sits at the very end of the bar, nursing cocktails of her own. He doesn't know her or her story but the same two things happen every evening. Guys approach her, talk her up and are sent away. Adam is far from blind himself. He does notice how beautiful she is, her deep brown hair falling in waves over her shoulder, the beautiful smile she gives the bartender when he strikes up conversation with her, her legs that are perfectly crossed underneath her pencil skirts and high heels. She's no doubt a beautiful woman but the wedding ring she had is enough to make any man turn and leave her alone. He knocks back his drink, places money on the bar and gives it a tap.

"Night Mike, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Stay outta trouble." Adam could only laugh at the implication and left for the night.

The next day in intelligence saw its share of blood, leaving the whole team beat down and exhausted by the time they went home but Adam quickly showered and left again, finding his regular spot at the bar, a glass of his usual being placed in front of him.

"Long day Detective?" Mike looked at Adam and he didn't have to hear the answer to know it. "Next one's on the house."

"Thanks." He knocked back his drink in one swift go and pulled the fresh, double bourbon Mike had placed in front of him.

"Your job must not be easy for you to be here every night." Adam looked to his right at the sound of the voice and found the beautiful brunette taking a spot next to him.

"Chasing bad guys in this city has its moments." He concedes. "And your job must be lonely to have you sitting here all by yourself night after night." He leaned on his left elbow on the bar and looked at her with a smile.

"Job's not the only lonely thing these days." She smiled back at him and that's when he noticed her eyes. They were a warm brown and he could see her smile reflected in them.

"Only a fool would leave you to fend for yourself." He took a sip of his drink, letting the liquid burn its way down his throat. "Adam Ruzek." He extended his hand and she shook it.

"Kim." He noticed how soft her skin was and he found himself wanting to touch more of it.

"Just Kim?" He offered her his sexiest smile, wanting to know more about her.

"I bet that sexy smile has girls spilling all kinds of secrets to you." She cocked her head to the side in amusement.

"All but you it seems." He flirted with her. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help it. "We might have to work on that Kim."

"Who says there'll be another time?"

"Because I have seen you sit at this bar every single time I've been here. Someone might think you were stalking me."

"Someone like me, stalking you?" She chuckled.

"Trust me, looks can be deceiving." He assured her.

"Is that so Detective?" The woman had ears on her, and she used them well.

"You don't miss a thing do you?"

"I've learned a few things along the way." She admitted.

"Dressed like that." He moved his eyes all over her body, committing every part to memory. "Bank manager, lawyer?" He tried.

"Advertisement." She simply said. "You see all kinds of people in my line of work."

"And it seems that the most important people don't notice a thing." A strand of hair fell in her eyes and Adam couldn't stop his impulse to move it aside, running his thumb against the shell of her ear. He noticed her eyes close at the contact and her tongue dart between her lips to moisten them, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

"You don't miss a thing." She exhaled.

"Not when it comes to beautiful women like you." He downed his drink and pulled his wallet out, placing money on the bar. "A woman who should have every inch of her cherished every minute of every day." He whispered against the shell of her ear, sending a shiver down her body. "Give me a call." He pushed his card towards her, and their fingers brushed against each other's. "Goodnight Kim." He smiled at her and left the bar. He knew he was playing with fire, asking for trouble but the second she opened her mouth to talk, she was under his skin. His phone vibrated as soon as he stepped out of the cool Chicago air.

And how does a woman like me should be cherished? He sent her a quick text and got into his Tahoe, driving back home. He poured himself a glass of whiskey on the rocks and went to lean against the railing of his balcony. He always loved looking over the city scape from the fourth floor of his apartment complex. He took a sip of his drink and there was a knock on his door. He smile at the thought of the woman on the other side of the door as he walked towards the front of his living room to open the door for her.

"For a second there I didn't think you would take me up on my offer."

"For a second I doubted that I should." She took the glass in his hand and took a sip of it, walking into his place. He closed the door and followed her with his eyes as she walked in.

"I'll make you forget all about him." He now stood in her personal space.

"How are you going to do that?" She looked into his eyes as her body light up with want.

He walked around her and stood directly behind her. "By putting my hands all over your body." His left hand was hovering dangerously over the base of her neck. He heard her intake of breath at the anticipation. "See, you're already forgetting about him." He whispered against her ear as his fingers found the zipper of her dress. "Just let yourself feel." He instructed. Her fingers loosened around the glass and Adam took it away from her and emptied it before giving her his full attention again. His right rand lowered her zipper as his left fingers traced her spine. He felt her body react with every touch and his body tightened with the same excitement and he felt himself harden with the excitement of the chase.

"You know that I'm." Her sentence dies on her lips as Adam moved her dress over her shoulders and down her arms, letting it pool at her ankles.

"Married? Yes." He kissed her right shoulder, his left hand gently placed on her left shoulder, his thumb tracing the skin of her neck. She cocked it to the side to give him a better access to her shoulder. He nipped at her skin as goose bumps formed under his mouth. "It doesn't seem to bother you either."

"I couldn't sit there anymore and not do anything about it." Her speech was ragged like her breathing.

"So you were stalking me." He fingers unclasped her bra, a gasp of pleasure escaping her lips.

"Stalking is such a strong word."

"I'd lie if I didn't notice you sitting at that bar every single night too." He looked his finger under a strap and pulled it down her arm as he made his way back to her front as he pulled her bras away from her body and let it fall on the ground. "You're even more beautiful than I imagined you." He pushed her hair behind her shoulders and cupper her cheeks, both thumbs running gently against her bottom lip.

"Any girl would be lucky." Her breathing was becoming erratic. Her body wanted him so bad but he was working her into a frenzy by not diving into the deep with her.

"It's a good thing I don't have one." His lips found hers in a bruising kiss. She whimpered when his tongue touched hers and she laced her arms around his shoulders, her fingers pulling lightly on the hair at the nape of his neck. Her pert nipples brushed against the fabric of his shirt and it sent her body in a frenzy. Her hands fell to his hips and she pulled it over his head, the two separating briefly to reclaim each other's lips. She undid his jeans as she stepped out of her dress, her heels still on her feet. She lowered them under his ass along with his boxers as they kissed, Adam steering her towards his room. A simple wall between separated the two and Adam hoisted her against his hips, holding her body tightly against his as they kept kissing. He lowered her against his bed and got rid of his pants, the offending item in the way.

Kim gasped as she took his naked body in and she knew she was in for a world rocking night. Adam kneeled at the end of his bed and removed one heel at a time before he kissed his way up her legs and over the fabric of her panties. His scruff was leaving behind him a trail of fire in her veins, her body twitching in excitement under his touch.

"Adam." She whimpered as his teeth grazed her hips. He smiled at her impatience but his fingers looped around the side of her panties and started pulling them down slowly. She raised her pelvis to let him lower them and his breath against her skin was driving him crazy, making her forget all coherent thought. He kissed his way back up her legs, purposefully staying away from her center, making her body tighten even more with want. He wasn't going to play with her but he wanted her body ready for him. He reached for his night stand and pulled a foil package, making sure to cover all his bases. She watched him under hooded eyes, arms over her head, her body ready for him. He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her languidly. He gave her a once over and positioned himself over her entrance. Their eyes met and he knew that she was ready.

Adam hovered against her body and he buried himself deep in her heat, grunting as he seated himself all the way in. She was wrapped perfectly around him and as she raked her nails against his back, he started thrusting in and out of her. Her body reacted to his like no other girl had and it coaxed him on, pulling her leg against his thigh and giving him a new angle that made her scream out his name, her body lifting from the bed with each thrust. He worked her until her body shook with her release, making him chase his own. They were both breathless and their bodies sweaty as they caught their breaths. Adam got out of bed to clean himself and when he returned only minutes later, Kim was slipping back into her heals and zipping her dress as high as she could on her own.

"Let me help you." He zipped her rest of it and placed a kiss at the base of her neck.

"Thank you." She turned and smiled at him. "This can't happen again." She pulled her lip between her teeth. It was taking everything in her to say the words but they both knew she was right.

"I know." He replied. "It's a shame though because that was mind blowing." The corner of his lips turned upward in a smile.

"Thank you for the wonderful evening. Good night Adam." She gave him one last, hard kiss before walking to his front door.

"Good night Kim." He closed the door behind her and leaned against it. "Fuck." HE was screwed and he knew it.

Kim opened the door to her penthouse and dropped her shoes by the door. Her body was blissfully spent but she needed to take a shower, Adam's cologne still lingering on her skin. She enjoyed the warm water as her body coiled with want for the man she told herself she couldn't have again. She slipped into boy shorts and a lace tank top and took a bottle of wine the she poured herself a generous glass of and started browsing the channels aimlessly.

"How was your evening?" Her husband kissed her cheek as he came in around midnight while she was still curled on the couch in front of a movie, a half empty bottle of wine next to her.

"Uneventful, you?" It was easy for her to lie, she always did it so well.

"Filled with crooks and criminals." He sat on the couch next to her and leaned against the back of the couch.

"You look exhausted." She commented. "Why don't you go to bed?" She smiled lightly at him.

He took her glass of wine and took a long drink of it. "Come to bed with me baby." He was now standing in front of her, encasing her body with his arms.

"I'm right behind you." She pecked his lips with no real feeling behind it, her mind and body still humming from the high Adam had given her. She watched him go and leaned her head against the back of the bed, wondering how the hell she could keep living like this, her thoughts thoroughly invaded by Adam.

A/N: SO, what do you guys think? Please leave me a review before you go, your thoughts mean the world. - Sarra