Hey OBX people! It's been a while! This story will have five chapters of varying length and is based on a prompt by FloraJardim. As is routine by now, thank you to mashimoshi for helping me brainstorm for this. Love ya. Also, this is an AU where nothing in the show happened and Kiara remained friends with Sarah.

Hands swept slowly over smooth, warm skin. Fingers tugged roughly at blond strands of hair. Kisses, passionate and sweet, pressed against swollen lips. Breaths intermingled, words of affection whispered into the quiet.

Then the door opened. Kiara squeaked in surprise, though she wasn't sure if it was because of the sudden interruption or because JJ rolled them over to cover her topless body with his. Several groans rang out around her, all of them dismayed. "You could knock," she grumbled, trying to find either her top or bikini top without moving out from beneath JJ, "I mean, come on." Giving up, she looked up at her boyfriend impatiently. He grinned down at her, reaching to pick her top from the floor while carefully making sure she was never exposed to their friends' eyes.

"This is my house," John B protested, crossing his arms defensively, "I shouldn't have to knock!" He lifted his gaze to the ceiling as his best friends moved apart to allow Kiara a moment to cover herself up. Normally, there weren't all that many boundaries in their crew, hence the whole never knocking thing. However, he had no desire to see Kiara naked. Well, not anymore. He had Sarah. Which was the real problem. What was the point of having the house all to himself if he still got interrupted when he brought his girlfriend home?

Shaking his head, JJ smirked at his best friend. "Stop pouting, JB," he teased, "It's not like you won't get it up again." He laughed and dodged the spoon his best friend threw at him. It was too easy and far too tempting to rile John B up. Honestly, the guy was like a kid arriving at kindergarten only to find that his favorite spot in the jungle gym was already taken, with the added twist of hormones and a slightly less volatile temper. JJ drew Kiara into a slow, deep kiss, smirking against her lips as he heard an indignant squeak, accompanied by words of comfort laced with laughter, behind him. Too easy. Every. Single. Time. "You're the one who said it was okay that we stayed here for a couple of days," he reminded John B, rolling his eyes, "You said you'd be glad to have us around."

"A momentary lapse of judgment, I assure you." The house went dead silent. A freaking feather could drop and they would hear it. Three pairs of wide eyes stared at John B, who looked absolutely horrified. His gaze flickered to his best friend, whose shit-eating grin confirmed that he had indeed said that out loud. Kiara looked stunned.

JJ cracked first, bursting into laughter. Her boyfriend's loud guffaws broke Kiara out of her shock and she chuckled, raising her eyebrows at her red-faced friend. "Why John B, I had no idea you could be so articulate," she teased, watching the blush travel up to his ears, "Keep at it and no one will be able to tell you apart from the Kooks." Beside her, JJ was laughing so hard he couldn't get a sound out, tears of joy slipping down his cheeks. Sarah, who until that moment had stayed out of it to avoid giving JJ fuel, had her lips pursed tightly in a valiant attempt to keep from laughing herself. Though John B probably didn't notice, as he was busy glaring at JJ, Kiara could see the mirth dancing in her eyes. It was so unexpected, the sudden use of articulate, spruced up words and it was hilarious.

"It's not funny."

The deadpan he tone used only succeeded in breaking Kiara too. Within seconds she was reduced to a giggling mess beside her blond beau. John B turned to glare at Sarah. "This is your fault," he grumbled petulantly, "You're a bad influence." She nodded indulgently, patting him lightly on the cheek. He could see that she wanted to laugh too though and though he could see the humor, he didn't feel like laughing yet. What did the world have against him? It wasn't fair that he had to be horny, interrupted, and then mocked, all within fifteen minutes. Barely, just barely, John B stopped himself from stomping his foot. If he did that, he'd lose Sarah to laughter as well.

It took several minutes for JJ to calm down enough to even breathe properly. Once he did, Kiara was trying her best to stop giggling, though she wasn't particularly successful in her endeavor. Still chuckling, he stood and helped Kiara to her feet. "Your folks are still at that convention in Raleigh, right?" She nodded, holding onto his hand as they walked toward the door.

"Wait," John B exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at them, "If Mike and Anna are in Raleigh, why did you have to do that here?"

Without looking back, JJ waved him off. "How else am I supposed to have time to mess with ya, Routledge?"