This is my version what Meredith did after Derek died. She came to Zurich to her person. I wasn't thinking about a funeral and whole that things so it's just no happening. I'm not sure yet if Mer will be pregnant. We'll see.

I'm not own anything. If I would, Meredith would go to Cristina in the show.

She was staring at the computer screen. There was only one click left to buy boarding passes to Zurich. She had to see her person. Now. But she had to call first and she wasn't ready for that. She looked at her phone and grabbed it in impuls, pressing the calling bottom fast, because she was scared different way she would put it back. Dr. Grey felt like in trance.

Meredith, I'm drowning in paperwork, I will call you tomorrow, okay? She heard, but didn't even understand it.

She swallowed hardly and felt tears are beggining to fill her eyes.

Cristina... She started, but couldn't finish.

Mer, are you ok? Her person sounded really worried now.

Derek is dead. Meredith said very slowly with cracking voice.

What?! What happened? Cristina was in shock.

He... He was in the car crash. Stupid doctors... Head ct... She tried, but realised she just can't explain it now.

Cristina, I have to run away. There... This house... This hospital... This city is full of him. I have to run away. She reapited.

And I need you. Meredith took a deap breathe.

If you say yes the kids and I will be in the plane to you in a few hours. Can we stay with you for a little while? Tears were on her face.

Yes Cristina wanted to just hug her

Yes, Meredith. Yes, of course.

Mer bought the tickets, calm herself down and went to Zola's room.

"Zozo, sweety, I need you to help me with packing" She said smiling. Her daughter made a wonder face.

"Are we going somewhere, mommy?" She asked.

"Yes, Zozo" Meredith smiled. "Remember your auntie Cristina? You sometimes talk with her on face time" Zola nodded.

"We're gonna stay with her for a little while, okay?" she asked softly. A girl nodded again.

"I like her, she speaks about hearts a lot"

"Yeah, she really like hearts" She smiled involuntarily. "Okay babygirl, I will get you a suitcase and you will pack clothes and things you want to take. We can be away for some time so you can take with you a few toys" Meredith gave her a warm smile.

When they were ready, they got to the car and Mer was driving to the airport.

"Mommy?" Zola asked quetly.

"Yes, honey?"

"I feel a little scared about this all" She edmitted. Meredith bit her lip.

"I know, Zozo. But we are all gonna be fine. Things are going to get better" She felt the tears in her eyes, but stopped them. "And you know what? Auntie Cristina has her own hospital. And she is printing hearts. If you ask her maybe she will show you?" She turned to her daughter and smile as warm as she could. Meredith felt a little better when she saw a weak smile on Zola's face.

"Okay, we're here guys. Ready for the flight?" She tried to be enthusiastic.

They entered the building. There was not so much time to their travel. So they just quicly did the necessary stuff and got on the plane. Children were sleeping. No wonder, they were confused and tired. So was she. But she couldn't sleep.