Disclaimer: I don't own Joan of Arcadia

"Good morning Joan," Cute Boy said.

"Let me guess," Joan said, "New assignment?"

"Let's try this again," Cute Boy said, "Good morning Joan."

Joan laughed.

"Sorry," she said, "Morning."

"Much better," Cute Boy smiled.

After a moment of silence Joan spoke.

"I got 100% on my French test," she told Cute Boy, "and also I'm entering the talent show. I hope you'll be there."

"Congratulations on the 100," Cute Boy said, "and of course I'm going to be at the talent show. What are you doing?"

"It's a song that I wrote called WONDER'S EYES," Joan told Him, "as if you didn't know that."

"Let's hear it," Cute Boy said.

"I don't have my guitar with me," Joan tried.

Cute Boy handed her a guitar. Joan groaned but she strummed the guitar and started to sing.

"Wonder left His crayons on the table yesterday

"So I called Him in and asked Him to please put them away

"Then I noticed on the table this picture He had drawn

"It was me and Cute Boy. He was there alone

"He pointed at three spaces He had underlined in red

"And the teardrops started falling when He finally said

"It's you and my daddy and me I'm all alone

"See since my love couldn't be here I just colored my love gone

"I didn't understand until I saw through Wonder's eyes

"Though she cannot be here she's not missing in His mind

"So I'm sending you this picture and I hope you take the time

"To see that something's missing when you look through Wonder's eyes

"You'll see that something missing when you look through Wonder's eyes

"Wonder left His crayons on the table yesterday"

Cute Boy smiled.

"You worked hard on that song Joan," He said.

"I did," Joan replied, "It's based on… well I mean to say… I'm sorry. I'm still new at this."

"There's no need to apologize," Cute Boy said, "You have a caring soul."

"You know," Joan said, "If it were up to me everyone would be accepted. Then again, if it were up to me people would have learned the value of kindness, compassion, love, respect and understanding 2020 years ago."

Cute Boy put a hand on Joan's shoulder.

Joan put her head down.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I just get so passionate about things."

"I love that about you," Cute Boy said.

"I think what people did to Him back then wasn't nice," Joan said, "In fact I think it was mean."

"Not nice is a synonym of mean," Cute Boy replied, "and you're absolutely right. It's really hard to see people you love suffering"

Tears filled His eyes at the thought.

"I imagine it is," Joan said, "In fact I know it is."

"I can't compare to what you've been through," Joan added, "but when Kevin was in that accident it was an emotional trauma for me."

"I know you want Kevin to walk again," Cute Boy said, "and he will."

"Today would be nice," Joan said.

"Patience Joan," Cute Boy said, "Patience."

"It just seems unfair," Joan said, "that some suffer when they don't have a choice in the matter."

"I know it seems unfair," Cute Boy said, "but I have a perfect plan."

"I know you do," Joan thought to herself, "I just wish I understood why that perfect plan includes things like hell and people suffering and children getting crucified like a child could do any damn thing wrong."

"Those things," Cute Boy said, "Were not part of my plan."

Joan blushed. She had forgotten Cute Boy could read her thoughts.

"Sorry," she said.

"Go on," Cute Boy said, "You have more on your mind."

"If it's not in your plan," Joan asked, "Why did it happen? Why did people act cruelly to an innocent person and why did people do that to children. Why can't Kevin walk? Why are two people who love one another separated because one person said the forbidden thing when she was out of her mind because of sickness."

"Most people are not like you Joan," Cute Boy said, "Most people don't know how to be kind. Kevin can't walk because a drunk driver ran a stop sign and caused a car accident that damaged Kevin's spinal cord. Sin is a very dangerous thing. It cannot be in heaven because it will harm the occupants of heaven."

"That's fair," Joan said, "but isn't sin something caused by free will?"

"Of course," Cute Boy replied.

He paused.

"I see what you're saying Joan," He said, "and there might be a solution to the problem."

Joan groaned to herself.

"Does that 'solution' involve me," she asked.

Cute Boy laughed.

"Did I just tell a joke and miss the punchline," Joan asked.

"No suffering," Cute Boy promised.

"Okay but what exactly is so funny," Joan asked.

"It's just funny that you would jump to conclusions like you did," Cute Boy said, "and wonderful that you would be willing to do anything it took."

"Well I would," Joan said, "and now maybe you could give me a gift? Maybe you could get Kevin to walk again?"

"I told you," Cute Boy said, "He will walk again."

"I am patient," Joan said, "I just want what I want when I want it and I want it now."

"Yes," Cute Boy said, "That's called being impatient."

"Well," Joan said, "I guess I CAN be a little impatient. Is that my worst sin?"

"Joan," Cute Boy said, "You just need to trust me."

"See that's not always so easy," Joan replied.

"Do you think it was easy for Ester to save the entire Jewish nation," Cute Boy asked, "or for Noah to build the ark or for my Son to be crucified? No, but it was all worth it in the end."

Joan thought for a minute. GODGOD had given her a lot of assignments but this was probably the easiest and harder one of all.

"Okay," Joan said, "I'll work on trusting you."

Cute Boy smiled.

"Great," He said.

He walked away. It would be a long time before Joan fully trusted Him but she knew that He was right. It wouldn't be easy but it would be worth it.