It starts with a fall.

Ladybug clumsiness gets the best of her and throws her onto a boy in a catsuit. She braces herself, screaming, scared to crash but finds herself tangled in his arms.

She's afraid and lost and unconfident, looking for a place to hide. She knows she isn't the one perfect for the job, she isn't the one to be trusted to save a city, and she isn't the one to be a hero.

She looks at the boy, who is supposed to be her partner, who's oozing with confidence, who's standing tall and straight, not scared or nervous. He's excited, eyes burning with passion, as he looks at her and tells her that she can do it, she can be a hero.

It starts because the world is too big and she feels too small.

The battle is too close and there isn't much time to run away.

It starts because he gives her a smile that practically radiates sunshine and strength.

And she feels herself growing stronger under his glow.

It starts with a battle.

Someone's emotions are all over the place. They're mad, frustrated, and vindictive.

Hawkmoth, surely, gives them what they want, a superpower.

She's happy she gets to see him again. He tells her his name is Chat Noir.

He's fun to be around, he's always buzzing with excitement as he's adventurous as one can ever be. Chat Noir, to her, is so full of life and happiness and she finds herself smiling whenever he's around, whenever he's glowing with joy.

It starts on rooftops, where no one else is around; just the two of them, enjoying the night sky as summer breezes kiss their cheeks under the moonlight.

They share jokes no one understands.

They share secrets they never tell anyone in their civilian lives.

They share songs and tears and laughs and puns and smiles.

They share their souls while they enjoy the view of the city.

Ladybug is sure it started with a fall and a battle and a patrol.

She knows it didn't start at a school gate.

She used to think it started with a blonde boy who gave her an umbrella and showed her his sweetheart and a kind smile.

But ladybug now knows it doesn't start with that.

Her fate is Chat Noir, no matter how hard she fell for Adrien before.

Because it starts with something beyond all of them.

It starts with yin and yang.

It starts with creation and destruction.

It starts with good and bad.

It starts with two jewels that held supernatural powers.

It starts with the universe.

It all starts when she finds these earing in her room.

It starts with Tikki and Plagg.

It doesn't start with an umbrella and a smile.

Ladybug knows it doesn't because she knows how rare it is that she has with Chat.

She knows how rare it is to find your soulmate and be sure that it is him.

She knows that Chat Noir and she are meant to be together.

She knows that when the fire takes all she has, he will be her home.

She knows that he is the mirror that reminds her to love herself.

He is the air in her lungs that reminds her to breathe easy.

She looks at her partner that she loves so much and smiles sadly.

She knows she loves him.

He throws his head backward and cracks a laugh at his own joke.


Chat Noir became her favorite person, and she waits every day just to see him and forgets everything about her life.

She knows she shouldn't feel anything towards her partner but when it comes to him, she finds herself falling deeper every time she sees him.

"See something you like?" He tells her.


"I was just thinking." She says instead.

Chat Noir wiggles his eyebrows. "About me"

"About how huge of a dork you are." Ladybug snorts.

She loves him and she can't do anything about it.

The world is too dangerous for that right now.

The wall between them is too big and she finds herself digging harder and furthermore to reach somewhere, to get a glimpse of what it is like to be his, but it's all in vain.

She can't reach him as much as she tried.

The wall between them is dangerous, huge, and impossible to cross.

Ladybug desperately struggles to find a reason to tell him how she feels.

But she knows she should be the responsible one so she keeps her little mouth shut when all she wants to do is scream on top of her lungs how badly she wants him.

Chat noir doesn't tell her how he feels about her in years.

He mentions a girlfriend a couple of years back but he never mentions her again.

Ladybug is jealous, confused, and she feels like she is going to pop at any second so she excuses herself and runs back to her apartment and detransfrorms.

It is going to be a long night.

Because the wall between them is too powerful to break.