AN: I'm currently reposting all of the chapters because I'm not happy with the number of mistakes, there were also some inconsistencies in the timeline which need sorting out.

Agent Fornell, accompanied by a SWAT team, approached a run-down cabin, in the middle of Great Falls Park. The building was surrounded, upon kicking down the door, the SWAT team entered, with the intent of neutralising 3 former Mossad agents turned mercenaries and hit-men on behalf of Interpol.

Together, Aleksander Dahan, Carmel Gurion, and Bunim Ofe had murdered 48 people since their sacking from Mossad 3 months ago. Interpol had theorized that the three were looking for information of some kind and were willing to use any means necessary to find that information.

Their latest victims were FBI agents, one working on Middle Eastern Intelligence and the other working on Russian Intelligence, both tortured and eventually killed.

The building was eerily quiet but upon breaking down the door, a loud bang was heard from beneath the floor. On high alert, the building sweep began and a series of cries of "CLEAR" were heard.

"We got a basement!" shouted Fornell. The SWAT team was once again on high alert and stormed the basement.

In the basement a girl was hanging lifelessly from the ceiling by her hands, bound together in metal cuffs, then chained to the ceiling, her feet barely touching the floor. There was a bag over the girl's head but red curls billowed from beneath in a matted mess. Her clothing was ripped, torn, and covered in blood both fresh and dried. The back of the shirt was nothing more than a few strips of fabric, leaving the girls deep wounds visible to all. The soles of her feet were blistered from chemical burns.

Fornell stepped forwards to check for a pulse, "We need to get this kid to the hospital, she's got a pulse!"

The SWAT team removed the bag over the girl's head and picked the lock of the cuffs causing her body to crumple to the floor.

Back at FBI headquarters, Fornell received a phone call that sent shivers down his spine. He reached for his keys and slowly drove to NCIS headquarters, dreading what was to come.

"Fornell, what are you doing here?" Asked Gibbs. Tony, Ziva, and McGee were also puzzled and awaiting a response.

Upon noticing the on looking agents, questioning his out of the blue arrival at the Navy yard, Agent Fornell, offered only a short response to Gibbs' original question.

"You. Me. Vance's office. Now." The explanation did nothing to answer the sudden arrival of the FBI agent.

The seasoned agents took the stairs in silence, two at a time as the rest of the MCRT looked on in confusion. Vance was expecting them and welcomed them into the office, shutting his door quickly behind them.

"Long story short, we need a copy of Jenny's will, we have found her daughter and we need her will, in the hope, it will outline an arrangement for her daughter do either of you know where it is?" Explained Fornell

"I, unfortunately, do not know where the former director's will is, Gibbs, do you?"

"Tobias, I want the long story, now."

"Look, Gibbs, I shouldn't be telling you this, but, my team at FBI carried out a raid on Monday morning on behalf of Interpol we found a young girl who's DNA was an exact match to that of Eliana Shepard, the missing daughter of former NCIS Director Jennifer Shepard."

"Fornell its Friday now! Who did the DNA test? Has it been verified? Where is Eliana?" Demanded Gibbs.

"Gibbs, I cant discuss the details of the case at the moment, I just need to find Jenny's will because we have a homeless and apparently parentless child who is in a bad way"

"Tell me which hospital she's at!" Gibbs shouted.

He couldn't believe that after 11 long years, little Lia had been found. Gibbs has always had a soft spot for Lia, and he had never given up looking for the young girl, even after Jenny's death, if anything if added more fuel to his fire.

Unfortunately for the Lia though, she had disappeared seemingly without a trace. His work had been off the books since the missing person case went cold two months after her disappearance.

Fornell broke Gibbs' chain of thought when the words 'George Washington University Hospital' as he shook his head whilst Gibbs slammed the office door.

"I really hope you know what you've just brought up Agent Fornell, and may I suggest you keep this to yourself. I will be in touch with your director and Interpol, I think this has just become a matter for NCIS to be involved with."

The ride down to Abby's lab seemed to take an eternity. He could feel his team's eyes on him from the moment he left the directors' lab.

"Gibbs, I'm good but I can't control how fast AFIS finds a fingerprint match!"

"Abs stop! Get a DNA sample collecting kit and follow me!" Gibbs barked, being short-tempered with Abby for the first time Ziva, Tony or McGee could remember in their time at NCIS.

Abby, instantly subdued followed Gibbs' instructions and gathered her DNA sampling kit and quickly followed him.

"Boss, what's going on?" asked DiNozzo.

After being ignored the team headed back up to the squad room, racking their brains as to what caused the sudden change in Gibbs.