AN: Well this got a lot more traction than I ever thought it would. Thanks to a particularly helpful review I realised a called Dr. Desmond Dr Miles at a point not sure If y'all spotted but he did so thank you for that. Also I realised I didnt really introduce the MC in the previous chapter this was partly because I really hadn't thought out his personality yet so I came up with this idea where I start of each chapter with a memory of the OC that sorta ties the chapter together this idea may or may not be permanent depending on how its received.

Night-Stryder: Thanks for the feedback and pointing out my errors, I totally agree that I should make my chapters longer in order to give my charecters an opportunity to show a bit more of their depth I hope this chapter makes up for the short length of the previous one.

Guest: Thanks for reviewing, this is a Kr self insert not a Match one,but this Kr is a bit closer to a nerfed new 52 Superboy, meaning his baseline isn't 50 tons, more like 3 but to make up for that he's gonna get some tactile telekinesis which will allow for flight and for him to be able to way more than in the in the show, they made him like super boring power wise in the original, I'm not abput to make the same mistake... (I don't wanna give too much away) ,at first I wanted to use Match but then decided I could use his charecter for something else if you wanna know what just stick with this to find out.

OTHER GUEST(YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE -_-) : I don't know what some of those reviews even were,I'm cautiously optimistic ypu were just trying to be a nice a guy and fill my review count BUT! if you were trying pull a fast one on me then Ha! jokes on you! I actually LIKED!! reading them!! the ones I could understand anyway... you kinda lost me somewhere between the mythology and the random philosophical and introspective quotes, maybe dumb it down next time?

I'm really sorry if I didn't answer your review, I either replied via PM or I felt as though the ones I did reply to answered your questions but I want y'all to know I read each and everyone of your reviews and very, truly appreciate your feedback

Disclaimer: In case it isn't obvious I do not own Young Justice

"Where the hell am I how did I get here?"


'There has to be a reasonable explanation maybe I'm in a coma or something'


'Aerospace engineering can be defined as the study of…'


Chapter 2


A boy and a girl lied down in the back of a beat down red pick up truck, a comfortable silence between the two, until the girl unsurprisingly to the boy, broke it " know you're really stupid right?" in response to her question he simply laughed. "You going to have to be a bit more specific, why am I stupid?"

Irritated by his obnoxious answer, and equally obnoxious laughter, she elbowed him in the ribs, he winced and hurridly put his hand against them in an attempt to ease the pain."Hey! they still hurt you know." she huffed in response "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, you're lucky you didn't get arrested." Hearing her worried tone he sat up gingerly, still cradling his aching ribs, and turned to her "Yeah I guess I am." following his lead the girl too sat up, pulling up her hoodie in an attempt to hide her scarred face. Her eyes, an odd hazel, unlike his were averted towards the floor of the pick up, scarlet locks of hair, styled in an attempt to hide her disfigurement, cascaded down the left side of her face .

"Conner?" she whispered "Yeah?" he responded his voice just as low as hers "Thank you" ,she continued, " were my hero today, just like something out of those doodles you're always reading."

He smiled at her words, a smile that died down when he saw her attempts to hide her scar, a regretful look flashed across the boys face, the smile returned to his face at the same moment the girl eyes looked into his, a melancholy atmosphere surrounded him as he whispered his reply.

"You're welcome Meg."

Project Cadmus, Washington, D.C, U.S.A

June 21 2010 approx-21:00 EDT

(20 minutes earlier)

What does it mean to be alive? What is it that defines life? How can we tell that one thing is sentient and another is not? Most people have an intuitive understanding of what it means for something to be alive. Each different but still ultimately the same.

'You aRe the SupErboy ,a genomorph, a clone made from the DNA extracted from the Superman, created to replace him shoUld he perish, to destroy him should he turN from the LIGHT.'

Most people would characterise whether something was alive or not, not based on its ability to draw breath, but on it's sentience, it's ability to perceive it's environment, and experience sensations such as pain and suffering, or pleasure and comfort and react accordingly. A person in a vegetative state although able to breath, to gather nutrients from food, to excrete, could not be truly considered alive.

'obseRvational astronomy a division of the astronomical sciEnce that is concerneD with recording and interpreting data, in contrast with theoretical astrophysics, which...'

Which is exactly what Project Kr was, a vegetable, a blank state imbued with only the ability to breath, this in turn allowed for it to be taught and programmed by the three G-Gnomes without fear of any complications arising, it was significantly harder to brainwash something with the ability to resist after all.

'You are the Superboy an agent of the LIGHT, a shield forged to protect hUmanity, a sword sharpened to strike at it's enemies, a deterreNt should it attempt to stray from the LIGHT's path.'

And for a time that is all Project Krypton was, a vegetable, a blank state, a hollow unthinking vessel unable to defend itself from the machinations of its creators, until one day, at exactly 21:00 it -He- wasn't.

His blue eye's slowly opened to the world, his face held in a pained grimace

' head is killing me.' His first thoughts unsurprisingly were incoherent and jumbled which made sense under the circumstances. This wasn't exactly his first time waking up in a hospi-

'You aRe the SupErboy, vanguarD of the LIGHT, AtlaS of hUmaNity, cReated to rEplace the S-'

Before he could begin to gain his bearings three deep monotone voices tore through his head, they in turn were also interrupted. "Aaah!" a hoarse pain filled scream tore itself from his raw unused vocal chords

"What the fu-" his question halted itself in his throat as he actually managed to remember the reason he thought he was hospitalized, 'Why does only my head hurt, that bastard stabbed me like 4 times,gave me a hell of beating too, and what kind of ER room is this?'

His eyes frantically roamed the presumed hospital ward in hopes he find would something or someone that would help explain his situation, it was oddly dark and futuristic, the only thing he could see past the bright light that shone down him from all directions was what seemed to be a computer in front of him and speaking of lights.

'Why the fuck is it so bright in here? feels like someones shining the damn sun in my eyes...and why am I standing up? man am I about to lay into who's ever in charge of me...weird dark rooms, damn rave lights in my eyes, a diagonal gurney, fucking diagonal! And why the hell is my hospital gown so tight!! about jock itc-' his train of thought came to an immediate halt as he actually caught his "hospital gown" reflected off a glass he hadn't noticed, and on his chest he saw a symbol he'd only ever seen in movies and comic books.

An iconic red S inside of an equally red shield, and as he stared in a perplexed silence, almost as if to cement that something was wrong, his brain was suddenly assaulted with an insurmountable amount information.

At first he couldn't make heads or tails of it, the things that flashed across his mind were inconsistent and extremely hard to believe, in his minds eye he saw images of a world where men flew through the skies as though they were Gods, a world where Atlantis was more than a myth, where Amazons stood amongst men in the defence of mankind, a world where aliens were not only real, but had both waged war against humanity and rose to defend it.

'Wha...what is all this, this cant be real.' He held his hands against his ebony hair in clear panic. 'There has to be a resonable explaination for this, the Justice League is a fictional superhero group they're not real!' his breathing, just like his thoughts, turned erratic and panicked. "Get a grip Conner, this...this is just.. a coma induced hallucination or something, yeah! A dream! You're gonna wake up any minute now, just calm down and get a-" he froze again when he realised the voice that had just come out of his mouth was unfamilar to him."No,NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo!!" He hurriedly tried to catch his reflection on the semi-reflective surface to confirm if what he feared was true or not.

He caught a proper look at his face reflected of the glass of the pod he was housed in, and the shocked face of a stranger with his hands knotted in his hair stared back at him.

He hurriedly pulled his hands off his head, an action the stranger mirrored, his breathing quickly became panicked once again "This isn't happening. This isn't happeningthisisn'thappeningthis isn'thappeningthisisnthappeningthisisnt happeningthisISNTHAPPENINGTHISISNTHAPPENINGTHISISNTHAPPENINGTHISISNTHAP-" his panicked whispers were interrupted as once again three voices echoed across the inside of his head.

'You aRethE Superboy, a bastion of the LIGHT, Defenderof humani-'

'SHUT UP!!!' His panic and fear quickly gave way to frustration and anger, and unbeknownst to him his eyes glowed an eery red. 'My name is Conner Morgan!!I'm a mechanic from fucking Pittsburgh! Pittsburgh!! So who or whatever the hell you are stop fucking lying!!'

A heavily silence, filled only with his laboured breaths, followed his mental outburst, his head for the first time since his awakening was silent, a silence that, much to his trepidation, did not last long.

'You should not be awake, not yet.' The new voice inside of his head, while just as deep and monotonous as the previous three, unlike them however, this new voice seemed, for lack of a better word, more alive in a sense.

At this new interruption, Conner growled in frustration. "Oh for fuc-" 'You must be quiet.' The voice interrupted. 'Think, do not speak, despite appearances, young Conner, you are not alone and you and your new found...condition can not afford to be discovered.' at this new sign of a mental breakdown Conner only grew angrier. 'Who or what are you?' He demanded, 'How do you know my name? Where am I?'

In lieu of a "vocal" answer, instead the image of a strange creature flashed across his head. It had the appearance of a tall, slender man with blue skin. It's head was radically different from that of a human, most notably in the presence of horns and the absence of a nose. Almost as if ensure it wouldn't be mistaking for an eccentric human, it had pointed, fin-like ears, and two ribbons of flesh originating from it's cheeks and ending down just past it's chin. In contrast to it's inhuman appearance it wore plain white hospital-like pants and a matching shirt.

Conner's reaction, as one would expect, was one of utter shock 'Just what in the holy FUCK! is that!?' the new found voice in his head this time replied in what he assumed was an ammused tone. 'You yourself asked what I was, or where you assuming I was a disembodied voice plaguing your innermost thoughts? And as for who I am, my name is Dubbilex and I in a sense, young Conner, am your brother.'

At this revelation Conner only grew even more confused 'Ok first of all, sure pops wasn't always the best husband to my mom's, but I'm sure as fuck the broads he messed around with were HUMAN! not whatever hell you are, and even if by some miracle you're telling the truth, you still haven't answered how you know my name, or where the hell we are, and oh let's not to forget the fact that I can hear your voice inside of my fucking skull!'

Despite Conner's angry rant, the voice, Dubbilex as he now knew it was called, respond in the same monotonous tone it had started with. 'As you have correctly observed...I am not human, but despite your appearance, young Conner, neither are you, not fully...and as for how I know your was you who so loudly introduced yourself to the world.'

Conner at first snarled, frustrated at Dubbilex's apparent shear refusal to give him a straight answer but he soon froze stock still when he realised what the creature was implying. 'Are you saying you ca- Are you reading my mind!?!' Dubbilex once again responded with an ammused tone. 'Normally I would congratulate you for reaching the obvious conclusion... but strangely enough, young Conner, whilst I am capable of telepathic communication, I did not open this channel, I am not reading your mind. You are reading mine, or more specifically your brothers.'

"Why the hell won't you just give me a straight answer! So what?! I'm a telepath now!?" Conner loudly proclaimed his voice echoing in his containment pod. 'You must be quiet!!' Dubbilex's angered voice reverberated within his skull,causing him to wince and for the first time since they had started speaking, he felt an oppressive feeling within his head, almost as if someone was blowing up a balloon inside of his skull. 'You can not!... you can not be discovered, if my words are not enough then simply look up.'

Somewhat intimidated by the creature's sudden outburst, Conner immediately followed it's instruction and for the umpteenth time since he work up five minutes ago he froze in shock at what he saw above his head.

The creatures were similar to Dubbilex in a way, inhuman in appearance, a lack of a nose, small horns which glowed an eery red protruded out of their small heads, heads that were house to small elf-like ears. Unlike Dubbilex ,however, their skin was a pale white, marked with dark red tribal like markings and black stripes,their eyes were an unblinking red.

'Those...' Dubbilex's voice once again rang throughout his head, the balloon like feeling although lessened, returned with it. 'Young Conner, are called genomorph-gnomes, they ,much like you, were created by Project Cadmus for a purpose.

At those words, Project Cadmus, Conner's already aching head was assaulted with an echo of a thought that was engrained into his very psyche. 'You are the Superboy, a genomorph, a clone made from the DNA extracted from the Superman, created to replace him should he perish, to destroy him should he turn from the light.'

Dubbilex either unaware or uncaring of Conner's revelation continued on. 'You like them are a genomorph, an artificially created life-form, but unlike them, young Conner, Superman, the earths greatest hero, was your source, you... are so much more.'

What little hope Conner held onto that this was all some sort of dream, in the face of all the evidence to the contrary soon shattered and as his hopes fell to the floor, so too did his tears. 'You're lying, have to be cause... if your not lying..then that means that I di-'

A fist, like thunder, came crashing across his jaw, spittle, blood and what looked like a piece of a tooth flew out his mouth as he fell to the floor in a daze.

A voice, like that of a beast, deep, guttural, and full hate spat out."You think I was gonna let you go after what you did to me !?"

Footsteps, like an earthquake, booming in his ears as his attacker crept down the alley, crept closer to his dazed form."You're lucky that Nigger lover, Freddy Kruger like bitch already offed herself, or I'd finish what I started when you tried playing hero, guess I gotta settle for beating you black and blue...heh blacker anyway."

An ember of a fire he thought long dead burned bright at his attackers words an incoherent whisper left his swollen lips.

"What was that half-breed? speak up I don't speak mush mouth." his assailent squatted down and held him up to his eye level by his hair.

"!" His declaration was accompanied by a reckless headbutt and the all too familiar crunch of cartlidge, both attacker and victim fell to the ground."Ya sonnuva-agh!! ya dead ya hear me!?!? Dead!!!"

A look of defiance sat strong in his swollen eyes, haggard pain filled breaths escaped his lips as he dragged himself up using a nearby dumpster, beaten and tired he did the only thing he could, he called for help.

"Help! he's tryna kill me he-"

A knife, like lightning, struck him in the chest, he still called for help, despite the pain, and was struck three more times for his trouble.

He crumbled to the ground once again and despite his fear held his hands to his chest, as though they would stop the bleeding, but still as blood filled his mouth he still screamed for help. Help he would never recieve.

He slid down the stand he had mistaken for a hospital bed, his knees to his now noticeably broader chest and his muscular white, arms wrapped around his longer legs as silent sobs wracked his body.

Dubbilex, inexperienced and unsure on how to comfort his fellow genomorph hesitated briefly, but upon realizing how little time they had left spoke 'I can not pretend to understand what it is you must be experiencing, young Conner.' upon hearing his name Conner's body stopped shaking, showing he was listening. 'But from what little you have told me I can somewhat...deduce what is that has happened...I can help you, young Conner, but... now is not the time nor the place for tears, Desmond, our creator, approaches. If he finds you as you are...alive, aware...make no mistake he will wipe you new found sentience clean from your mind.

Unsure if his words were effective, Dubbilex quickly searched his fellow genomorphs memories for anything he could use to convince him to comply, upon finding something he thought could work he continued.

'I had a...plan for Project Kr...a plan Match, Kr's predecessor, proved too... unstable to execute. The Superboy was special, the perfect blend of Human and Kryptonian DNA held together by my own...he would have been the face for our people...a way to show the world we were thinking, feeling beings, capable of doing great things...he would have been our hero.' At that word a memory flashed across the now no longer crying Conner's mind... a memory of a boy and a girl lying down in the back of an old truck. 'Your..."soul" occupying his body does not make any of that less do not have to be, but can still be what you've always known yourself to be, young Conner.' Dubbilex continued.'you can still be a hero if you so choose, but you must not let cadmus rob you of that choice.

A heavy silence followed the G-Goblins attempt at a pep talk and at first he thought he had failed and as a result would have to forcibly enact his plan to keep Desmond unaware of Project Kr's new found sentience, until Conner with a resolute look in his eyes stared at the g-gnomes above his head and asked.

'What do you need me to do.' And through their eyes Dubbilex could see a fire in the young clones eyes, a fire emphasized by their red glow.

June 21 2010 approx-21:26 EDT

(10 minutes later)

'Wake it up.'

AN: And thats a wrap folks, sorry for the second cliffhanger( same one twice!!! Kill him with fire!!!!) but I promise this is the last filler chapter before we get into the thicc of it (I know y'all got a siccness for the thiccness) I apologize if the dialogue seemed a bit weird and or forced this was my first attempt and I wanted to get something out for you guys as fast as possible and before anyone tries to rip me a new asshole about the language used I'd just like to say Im South African and white grandfather aside I'm about as black as you can get, but seriously I apologize if I offended anyone especially with what's going on in the States right now again I wanna thank everyone that reviewed y'all the reason I decided to pump a new chapter out so quickly, I mean the first 1K chapter took me like a year to even think about posting, again don't be afraid to flame out my mistakes the masochist in me actually implores you! feel free to make any suggestions on how to improve my wrighting or requests on what you'd like to see happen and if its not to crazy (Sorry y'all this ain't gonna be one them MC gets all da BichEz! ) I'll see what I can do.