The Maelstrom Dragon Slayer


In a deep forest, located in the country of Fiore, on Earth, it was possible to see several blurs running at very high speeds, there were 2 people running ahead while another 20 to 30 were behind.

The two people ahead were wearing a black hooded cloak, so it was not possible to see any distinguishable features other than the height, in which one was slightly taller than the other, and the fact that the smaller person was carrying something wrapped in a black cloth on the arms.

The chase continued until the two people suddenly experienced an extreme increase in speed and came to a river.

Upon reaching the river front the older person took the package from the other's hands and removed the front cloth to reveal a Baby sleeping peacefully, he had little red hair on top of his head.

He then removed the hood from his head and it was revealed that he was a man who was between 20 and 25 years old, with red hair that looked like blood that was straight with two bangs that framed a beautiful face and cerulean blue eyes that were reflecting seriousness and a little of repentance.

The person next to him soon removed the hood from his face and also removed the hood to reveal an extremely beautiful woman with the same hair as the man next to her and amethyst eyes who had a little concern and regret when looking at the baby in the man's arms .

"Arashi, are you sure there is no other option?" The woman asked the now identified Arashi.

He simply shook his head with a resigned look on his face. "No, there is no option, they have already destroyed the rest of the Clan and with our magical reserves as large as they are, they can track us across the country, they are probably on their way here now."

Arashi then changed his gaze to the baby in his arms and gave him a hopeful look. "Naruto is the last hope for the Uzumaki clan, I will put a barrier around him that will erase his magic signature long enough for these people to leave the country."

"Kushina, say goodbye to him while I set up the barrier." He said while handing the baby over to Kushina, then started writing runes in the air at an extreme speed, it was almost impossible to see his finger with untrained eyes.

Kushina just looked at the baby in her arms with a loving and slightly confused look. "Well ... I honestly don't know what to say, what does a person say to his newborn son when he is about to sacrifice himself in order for him to survive?" Kushina said more to himself than to the baby.

"I don't know what to say, I was never very good with goodbyes." She admitted to herself and then looked at the baby with a regretful look. "I ... I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I couldn't be there for you while I was growing up, depending on who finds you at the end of this river, you will be well or poorly cared for, if you are well cared for I want you to always brush your teeth, clean yourself properly every day and don't take too much ramen when you grow up, this is the addiction of all Uzumaki after all. " She gave a little laugh at the end.

"As for the girl issue, try to find a good Uzumaki girl if possible, and pretty easy to distinguish a Uzumaki girl, they almost always have red hair like yours and usually have strange personalities, but one thing we all share, is ours burning temper." She spoke and laughed again at the end, remembering the good times with her clan sisters.

Before she could continue talking, Arashi came to her with a very complex Rune in his hands. "Kushina, come on, time is running out, they'll be here in 5 minutes maximum." He said and shortly afterwards Kushina reluctantly handed the Baby over to him.

They went to the river's edge and Arashi looked at the baby with a sorry look for a moment. "Hey dude, I'm sorry for having to do this, but we have no choice at the moment, hopefully you can be found by someone who will give you a good family." He spoke and then took a necklace from inside the cover, it was a necklace with a black cord that held a rectangular pendant that was full of written Runes.

"Here, in this necklace are the remnants of the Uzumaki clan, it was separated into several levels, you will only be able to open the first level when you are 7 years old, the age that Uzumaki children begin to learn Runes Magic, right after you learn the basics. , you will have enough knowledge to open the second level and learn one of the other magic of the clan, also in the first level are letters from me and your mother to you. " He explained more to the wife beside him than to the baby, who now had his eyes open, looking curiously at the man who was holding him.

Soon after he put the necklace around the baby's neck.

"I think this is goodbye so, take care my son, you will someday have to fight the people who destroyed our clan, this is a lot of responsibility for a baby, but you will succeed, I believe you." He had a break at that point and then continued. "There will be times when you will suffer a lot, lose a friend, a girlfriend or a family member, we all go through this and much worse things and many people give up or just think about giving up, but I believe you will not give up, for that you are a Uzumaki, and the Uzumaki never give up. "

"My last piece of advice is: Always remember the Uzumaki clan motto: The Family Comes First." He said in a serious voice and then changed his gaze to his wife. "Do you have any last words Kushina?" He asked.

Kushina leaned over and kissed Naruto on the forehead. "Live well, Sochi ... and please don't choose to specialize in boring Rune Magic like your father, learn something cool, like my Chain Magic." She said in a playful voice at the end, looking at her husband, who got a mark on his head when he heard her call his magic boring.

"Hey! My magic is super cool, I can teleport and seal a giant animal in a kettle, this is much cooler than fighting with chains." He said in an annoyed voice and then spoke with a serious look on his face. "Time is running out, come on." He said while placing a piece of paper inside the cloth on which Naruto and soon after put the Runa on the cloth, which created a barrier around Naruto's body and the boy stopped moving entirely inside the barrier, in fact, everything he stopped inside, not even the cloths moved while Arashi brought the bubble close to the water.

He gently placed the bubble in Rio while he and his wife watched him being carried by the current with a regretful look.

"Well, that's it, let's get ready for the fight." He said to his wife, who nodded and then got a fierce look on her face.

"Yes, let's show them why we were called Bloody Whirlwinds."

(1 month later)

It was a normal day for Wasser, the Water Dragon, she woke up, hunted some animals for breakfast, then dived into the river where she lived and floated in the water while looking up at the sky, lost in thought, until she felt something going down the river.

She looked curiously as a shiny golden bubble came up to her and hit her claw, she took the bubble and brought it up to her eyes and looked at her with interest, and then the bubble started to break and she put it in the middle of her hand.

She looked curiously as a human baby wrapped in a cloth was revealed, she looked at him for a moment and saw a paper coming out of the package, she took it with the other claw and took the height of her eyes, she only had two words written and she deduced that it was the child's name.

Naruto Uzumaki

She focused on the child for a moment and then exclaimed in surprise. "Wow, you have an enormous amount of inactive child magic, almost as much as a normal adult magician." She was very surprised to find this out, as it was very rare for a child to have so much magical power, and she saw that it was probably a newborn that was 2 days old at the most, his magic reserves would grow along with him, so when he was an adult , your reserves would be totally insane.

It was at that moment that the baby woke up, he opened his eyes and it was shown that he had cerulean blue eyes that were looking at him in front of him curiously, kind of strange, since usually a human baby would cry when he saw her, but that baby did the unexpected, he started laughing and stretching his arms out to her.

Seeing that, Wasser made a decision. "It is decided, starting today I am your Mother, little one, I will teach you as much as I can until x777." She said and then put her head close enough that Naruto could touch her snout.

Chapter End

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