Note: Not canon-compliant. Fred, George, and Arthur die in the battle so this plot bunny can work. Get ready to get on a Smut with a plot fueled emotional roller coaster! Picture:

Arthur as a youngish Eric Stolz, (my mental image of him) or any redhead DILF you want.

Snape is Adam Driver or Adrian Brody, your choice.

James is Darren Criss.

Remus Tom Hiddleston

and Sirius as Ben Barnes

Chapter One


The dark clouds rolled in heavy over the ruins of Hogwarts. Hermione huddled with Ron as Voldemort stood at the centre of the large gathering. So many died, on both sides. Good people who didn't deserve to fall; Harry's lifeless body hung in Hagrid's arms. She held her breath, waiting for him to jump up and finish off the Dark Lord without a second thought. The dark side won, and not even his followers appeared happy about the turn of events.

"Your chosen one has failed you! Dying, while I stand, and soon you will see the greatness that will happen!"

His followers lightly cheered, the Malfoy's remained quiet, Draco's gaze never left Harry's body.

Hermione gulped. She couldn't let this happen. They were close to destroying him. Nagini's body lay beheaded at the entrance of the school. All it would take was killing his physical form and the last of his soul. There would be no more resurrection for him, but he wielded the Elder wand; none of them had a chance at killing him while he held that power. So many had perished in the war, and it'd been for not.

It wasn't like Hermione to not have a backup plan. Granted, her trump card was a last resort, the absolute last plan on her list. It was the only thing that could give her enough power to take him out. She could not let Voldemort live to see the end of the day.

She'd spent much of the last year on the run reading books on invoking the goddess. It would take having to sacrifice herself to make it happen, but in the end, if this evil man was finally dead, it would be worth it. Her death would be worth it. Of course, there would be the chance that the goddess would let her live, but she hadn't found any accounts of that happening, it was doubtful. No, she would sacrifice herself for the greater good.

Pulling her body from Ron's hold, she edged away as Voldemort spoke, a long speech she paid no mind. Ron moved to follow her but she shook her head. "Stay here," she mouthed. "I'm going to fix this."

She didn't leave him room to ask what she was doing.

Hermione walked several yards away from the crowd as Voldemort went on about his victory. She knew she needed to work fast, get the power, use it to kill him, and then she would die. The Goddess's power would be too much for her to hold. It would make her combust.

Reaching into her beaded bag, she pulled out the dagger that Bellatrix used on her. The word Mudblood still marred her skin, along with hundreds of other scars the witch made. The cursed blade hummed with magic, any mark it made will forever stay in the skin, and if pierced with it the wounds are fatal; Dobby never stood a chance. She licked her lips, a blade like it was needed to invoke the goddess, it was as if the Fates planned for her to do this all along.

Holding her left palm flat up, she poised the tip of the dagger over it with her right and forced herself not to scream as the curse in the blade bit her skin. "I invoke thee, Hecate. Please my goddess hear my plea. Give me the magic to banish this evil from the world." She began to carve the triple moon symbol into her palm. "I invoke thee, Hecate. Take my life and blood as a sacrifice. Lend me your power to banish this evil from the land." The tears coursed down her cheeks. Thunder rolled over the land, as the clouds opened up and released their anguish. The icy droplets soaked the hills and her within seconds. Once she finished one pass with the blade, she went back over it, making the cut deeper; all the while fighting her body's urge to throw the dagger from her.

Her scarlet blood dripped onto the ground, washing away in the rain. "I invoke thee, Hecate, I invoke thee. I invoke thee, Hecate. Please lend me your power. Take my blood and life as a sacrifice. My life will forever be yours!" She screamed. Her voice melding with a clap of thunder. Lightning struck the ground near her. One, and then another, and another until five points of smouldering earth encircled her.

"Please my goddess!" The hum of magic flowed through her veins as she lifted her bloody hand to the sky. "I invoke thee, Hecate!" Lightning struck the centre of her palm; it rushed through her body and down into the ground, connecting the five points with a circle.


Harry swayed as he came to in a blinding white room. "What's happening? Where am I?"

"Harry, my boy! So good to see you!"

Harry whirled around. "Sirius?" His grin grew as he spotted his godfather who swaggered up to him as if he didn't have a care in the world. His mother, father, and Remus walked with him, all with wide smiles. A stoic Severus Snape stood off to the side. His frock missing and his white button-up sleeves pushed up to his elbows. He's the most relaxed Harry had ever seen him, but the potion master made no move to come greet him. The memories the man shared before his death still whirled around his mind's eye.

Harry rushed forward, trying in vain to encompass them all in a giant hug. They all reached for him. After a moment, he pulled back. "Wait, if you guys are here, that means I'm... I didn't make it."

His father clapped him on the back. "I'm afraid not. Neither did Remus, as you know. But now, we can all be together."

He looked around, again, at the stark whiteness. "No offence, but I imagined that the afterlife would be a bit more... colourful." His hand ran over his messy hair.

"Harry? Lad, is that you?" The fatherly tone of Arthur Weasely met his ears, and Harry turned his gaze to spot the tall and lean man, his casual sky-blue button-down tucked into his tan trousers and his red hair lazily swept back out of his face. The lines around his eyes crinkled with a smile. Twin men stood at his sides, almost a head shorter, but no less devilishly handsome. They wore matching grins, looking the closest to their father in appearance than any of the other Weasley children.

The three walked over to the group, and peered around. Arthur's grin faltered. "I understand now, we didn't make it. Oh, Molly, my love. I'm sorry."

Harry reached out and touched his pseudo father's arm, unsure of how to comfort the man.

Sirius stepped toward the man and clapped him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Art. Time moves differently here. Though years may pass on the plane of the living, it will feel like mere days. It feels like only a week has passed since I got here, but I know it has been longer."

James nodded, clearing his throat. "It feels like months for me, but considering my son looks to nearly be the age I was when I died, I can tell it's been much longer."

Fred peered around. "Please tell us,"

"This isn't all there is," George finished for him.

Lily smiled at them. "It's not, this is just the between." She then glanced over her shoulder. "It's nice to see you, Severus."

He gave her a curt nod. "The same to you, Lily." He pushed his hands into his slacks, waiting for her to continue.

She motioned to something over Arthur's shoulder. "The train will take us to where we want to go, we just came here to pick all of you up. It's easier when friends and family come here to greet you. Makes the transition seamless."

Harry's eyes widened as the train materialised before his eyes. "That will take us to..."

"Heaven, Valhalla, Nirvana. Whatever you wish to call it, Harry, my boy! It's a wondrous place, you're going to love it!"

Lily walked forward, heading for the train, she took the first step onto it. "Come along everyone! We have so much to show you!"

He took a step toward her.

"Harry!" Hermione's voice echoed through the room. "Please, Harry, help me!"

He spun on his heel as did the other men, facing away from the train. Was that Hermione?

"Did you hear that, Gred?" George asked.

Fred nodded. "I did, Forge. It sounded like Granger calling for me."

George shook his head. "No, she was calling for me."

Together they stepped away from the train.

Harry watched them. He heard his name, not theirs.

"Harry!" Hermione sobbed. "I can't do this alone! It hurts so bad!"

"Hermione!" He shouted. His feet carried him forward more.

"James, Sirius? Where are you going?" Lily asked.

Harry turned his gaze to his father, godfather, Remus, and Snape. All of them looked just as struck as him. He glanced over his shoulder, Arthur tittered between getting on the train and following Hermione's voice.

James hesitated, he turned and jogged back to Lily. He placed his hands on her shoulders and gave her a chaste kiss. "Lils, I just need to go help someone real quick. I'll be back in a second, I promise."


Fred and George disappeared together into the fog that crept into the space. Every fibre of his being hummed with magic, it pulled him away from the train. Harry needed to go to her. Snape, Remus, and Sirius followed the twins, one by one the fog took them.

A hand landed on his shoulder and he glanced over to find his father. "You hear that woman, too. She needs our help. Let's go to her, son."

Harry nodded but looked to Arthur who faltered, even though it was evident he heard her call. "Mr Weasley, are you coming?"

Arthur met his gaze and he swallowed hard. "Yes."

His gaze met his mother's who frowned as she watched the back of her husband. "Don't worry, mum, we'll be back."


All at once it felt like the magic coursing down her body and into her magical core would rip her apart, and it put her back together.

'You called me, child of magic?' the voice filled her head, encompassing her being.

'My goddess, thank you for hearing my plea and answering. I must destroy this man who has brought nothing but hate, and pain to the world,' Hermione answered.

She focused her gaze toward the crowd where people gasped as they stared at her with wide eyes. 'I just need to kill him. He's a disease.'

'You're one of the stronger children to call me. My magic hasn't destroyed your physical form, yet. I shall aid you.'

Power coursed through her limbs and she had the strength to walk. Her hair flowed behind her and her eyes glowed white with magic. People stumbled over each other to get out of her way, not wanting to be in her warpath.

"Hermione?" Molly Weasley neared her; her eyes red from her grief of losing two of her blood children, her husband, and Harry. "Dear? What have you done?"

Hermione paid her no mind, as she stepped into the clearing with the mad man. Voldemort studied her, eyes critical. The rain-soaked the land and cascaded down the sides of his inhuman face. "Do you think a mere Mudblood, as yourself, can challenge me? I have the Elder wand!" He hissed. He raised the wand and pointed it at her, a snarl on his lips.

No longer in control of her body, her hand raised. "I, foolish, child, cannot be defeated by an object created by a man. Though he was powerful, he was still mortal, was he not? Just as you are." Her voice thrummed with Hecate's, two voices spoke as one. The wand flew from his grip.

Voldemort screamd. "How dare you!"

Her hands ran over the wand as her white eyes studied it. "An object such as this should not be on this plane. It is far too dangerous, and has caused enough hatred." In one fluid motion, she snapped it in half, the wood ignited, the burst of magic left it, making Voldemort and those behind him stumble back from the force.

"No!" he screamed. He raised his hand as if to cast wandless magic at her.

Her white-eyed gaze turned on him. "How have you made it this long with your soul fragmented so many times? You have but a sliver left in you. You should've died long ago, child. The misdeeds you performed to become..." Her lip curled. "This. Disgusting. Memento Mori. One should not fear death, it's inevitable. You shall start over, perhaps a few thousand years waiting to be reborn will give you the time needed to learn your humanity."

'Child,' her voice called in her head. 'After I aid you, you have two choices. Leave this plane or continue living.'

'I don't understand. All the texts I read said those who invoke you die. But I have a choice?'

'Those who have invoked me did not have your strength. With anchors, several of them, you and I can live for a while on this plane, if you so wish. I will stay with you until your body dies of old age.'

She should ask more questions. Ask what the goddess meant by anchors, but before any of them can come to her mind, her lips formed a yes. Her drive to live overshadowed her desire to understand the consequences.

'So mote it be.' Hecate answered her.

She flicked her hand at Voldemort. "Be gone from this plane." Her voice echoed with the goddess' off of the mountains. Reverberating in the earth and making several people's hair stand on end. Voldemort's eyes closed as he fell to the side, his body turning to ash before it hit the ground.

A heavy silence fell over the area for a moment, before people spoke amongst each other.

Neville limped forward, and looked at her with unease. "He's dead? Truly?"

Her glowing eyes looked him over, and she raised her hand at him, healing him of his minor wounds. He gasped and stood straighter. She nodded. "The last of his soul went with him. He's gone on to the next life."

All at once, the power in her veins overtook her, and she collapsed onto her knees. Her nails dug into the dirt. She screamed. The magic would rip her apart. Her body glowed as the tendrils of silver magic seeped from her orifices.

'Breathe through the pain, child. Your anchors will be here soon enough, then we will travel to my temple and finish the bonding process.'

Hermione could hardly comprehend her words. 'Bonding? I don't understand.'

Hecate shushed her. 'Let me control your body until the process is over, you'll understand after. Unless you wish to continue onto the next life?'

She shook her head. She wanted to live if it was an option. There was so much she hadn't had a chance to experience and do.

'Then focus on your breathing, child.'

'My name is Hermione.'

'I'm aware. I'm inside you, I can see your life.'

She forced a breath out and pulled it back in.

People around her gasped.

"He's alive!"

Hermione looked up, half expecting Voldemort, and instead found Harry walking toward her, a glow to his emerald eyes. It called her. Despite the pain, her body stood. She was no longer in control. She reached out to him and took his hand in hers. Instantly a bit of the pain of the magical power ebbed from her, she could breathe easier.

More gasps fill the area as two forms materialised from behind her in clouds of white smoke. Their hands touched her shoulders.

"It's Sirius Black!" several voices yelled.

McGonagall stepped closer to them. "My gods! James Potter!" Her wary eyes went to Hermione. "What have you done, Miss Granger?"

Chatter filled the area, three men were back from the dead.

"Look!" Someone yelled.

Her gaze turned to the entrance of Hogwarts, already sensing them, her other anchors. Those brought back to life to ground the vast amounts of magic that now flowed through her veins. They would keep the magic from ripping apart her physical form.

Molly rushed to the men walking out; people parted for them. "Praise the Fates! Arthur! My love!" Her sons, Remus, and Severus walked on by her, all coming to touch Hermione, with each new hand her body felt less like she would be ripped down her middle.

Arthur gave her a small hug, but his eyes never left Hermione. "Molly, I'm sorry, but I must go. I need to help her." He gave her a light kiss on the head before he forced her to let him go as he came to stand with the others. He reached out to touch the middle of Hermione's back.

With all her anchors there, she left in a whirl of silver smoke.

Chapter Two


The group materialised in the centre of ancient ruins. Some columns stood, but most crumbled long ago. Hermione sighed, her voice carried hers as well as Hecate's. "I was once worshipped and prayed to, and this is all that's left from that time. This will not do."

The men continued to touch her, but didn't say a word, their glowing eyes transfixed on her petite form. She waved her hand, the rocks all around them flew into the air, as if moving in reverse, the temple rebuilt itself, the roof returned. Large basins full of oil came to life, fires burned on top with blue flames. A large pool stood in front of them, steps went down into the glittering water; a platform stood tall at the centre, pillows and sheets covered the marble. The marble floor gleamed in the torchlight. The night sky twinkled with millions of stars, the moon hung bright over them.

She sighed with relief. "Better. Now, to bond us."

'What does that exactly mean?' Hermione asked inside her head, still having no control over her body as she turned to face the eight men that encircled her.

'Sex, of course, child. It's the only way to magically bond. Why do you think marriages need to be consummated?'

Hermione took a step back from the men as she fought the control of the goddess. 'Sex? Marriage? Are you saying I will be married to them, all of them? Mr. Weasely is already married! I can't have sex with him! Mrs Weasely would never forgive us.'

'Child, you said you wanted to live. This is your only choice. The pain has already started as you've stepped out of their touch. If you don't do this, you'll die, as will they.'

Her heart hammered. They looked at her with a desire that overwhelmed her, even if a part of her welcomed it. Her core warmed between her thighs and she shook her head. 'Will they stay vacant like this forever? I don't want that for them.'

'No, child. Once the bond has been made with them, they will return to a normal state, but you will forever be bound together. You won't be able to go far without them. They will help control your magic output now that I reside inside you. They can work or whatever they wish, but you must make physical touch with each of them every day.'

Her eyes widened. This was not what she was thinking would happen when she said she wanted to live. 'I have to have sex with eight men every day? That's impossible!'

'No, child. The sex after tonight is optional, though, I doubt you'll say no to it. You'll all crave the primal touch, even if you don't go through with it. I doubt you'll be able to resist the pull for long. Touching in general will help ground you. In whatever manner you want to do that is up to you.'

'I have to have them all inside me tonight? I've only ever kissed boys.'

Hecate sighed. 'Dear child, what do they teach you about magic these days? To bond with them, all you need to make sure of is that they release their seed because of you. Whether that's inside or outside your body is up to you.'

Her panic threatened to come out of her chest. 'Do they know what's happening? I... I don't want to rape them or something.'

'They are aware and willing right now, they need the bond as much as you do. You will not be taking them unwillingly, rest assured.'

Hecate took over her body. Making her step back toward them. 'I assure you, your body might be a virgin, but I am not. If you don't want to do this, fine. Your bodies will be found here, it may be a while before they're found, however.'

She felt sick. She never meant for this to happen, but she's unable to say she wanted to die when she had the choice to live right in front of her. 'Fine, I'll do it. Just never take my body over for this again.'

'I will only take you over when you give me permission, child.'

With grace, she stepped forward again, her eyes burned bright white with magic. She smiled up at the men, and small smiles pulled at their lips. "You are aware of what is happening, are you not?" she asked.

They all nodded, their eyes not leaving her.

'See, child. Stop fretting.'

Knowing she wasn't taking them against their wills helped some. Out of the eight of them, Arthur made her the most uneasy. Not because she didn't find him attractive. He was very attractive, but she'd never thought of him in a sexual light. He was Mrs Weasely's husband. She'd spent months in their home during the last few years. Molly fed her, and both treated her like a daughter. She knew she didn't have to have sex with him, but she would have to bring him to some kind of release so that he could continue living. And after, she'd have to see him every day to keep the bond intact. Even if they never actually slept together, and were able to fend off the primal desires Hecate spoke of, she doubted she could ever look the Matriarch of the Weasley's in the eye again. It broke her heart. The woman lost her husband, only to have him come back to life and have him go off to become bonded to her son's best friend.

Her heart broke more as Ron came to the front of her mind. He'd certainly never forgive her for any of this, especially with his jealousy over Harry, that would only worsen. They'd just admitted their feelings for each other, and she knew after this nothing could ever happen between them.

'Stop thinking, child. This has to be done. Worry after. Right now, just give yourself over to the magic, let it fuel your passions.'

Hecate moved her hands so she reached out to both Severus and James, who stood on opposite sides of her.

'I understand the others, because they recently died, but how are Harry's father and Sirius here?'

'Later, child. I've never met someone whose thinking mind overpowers sexual desire. Do you prefer one of them to be the first inside you? To break your maiden's head?'

Both men reached out to her, running their hands over her shoulders and down her arms to her sides. They mirrored each other. The touches ignited her insides in the most delicious ways. Her core warmed more, her clit tightening with the need to be touched. Hecate allowed her to look at each of them. Honestly, she'd never thought of losing her virginity to any of them. Perhaps, Sirius, she'd had wandering thoughts about him and Remus in her fourth and fifth years, but she never thought it would be something that would ever happen. Did she want one of them to be her first? She barely knew the twins, they were nice. There was no way in hell it would be Arthur, she'd avoid actual sex with him for as long as possible, the rest of their lives if they could manage.

She wasn't sure how she felt about Severus or James, until a little while ago, she thought the former was a traitor who killed Dumbeldore, and James was Harry's dad who should be dead. Out of all of them, Harry was the one she was most comfortable with.

'Harry. I want it to be Harry.'

'Very well. I would've picked one of the more experienced lovers here, but it's your choice.'

She moved forward to Harry, who stared at her with a desire she'd never seen on his face for her. Perhaps Cho or Ginny, but not her, not even when she had a small crush on him in their third year. She quickly stomped those feelings out when she realised he'd never feel the same. Would he be looking at her like this if it wasn't for the magic? Would any of them? Fred and George were known players. Arthur certainly not. The rest of them were old enough to be her father.

Harry stood the closest to her height. She placed her hands on his chest and ran them up to his shoulders, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. His hands went to her sides, he pulled her flush with him. She gasped as the magic swirled from her, he took it from her and it felt incredible. Gods, if it felt that good to kiss what would other things feel like? Did it feel that good for him as well?

As if hearing her thoughts, Harry groaned his fingers flexed against her. She didn't expect for it to feel so good to kiss Harry. His tongue parted her lips, touching and swirling with her as the kiss grew hungry with desire. He was a good kisser. Not that she had a ton of experience. Victor in her fourth year had been sweet, but when it came to kissing he liked to shove his tongue too far into her mouth. And though her and Ron hadn't a ton of time to experiment with each other, his kissing had been slobbery, and she knew he had to have learnt some experience with Lavender Brown.

Hands came to touch her back, sides, arms anywhere a hand could reach. Her mind swam with pleasure, they only magnified the growing, pulsing, need between her thighs. She needed to feel their skin on hers. She moved her arms and shrugged out of her jacket, someone pulled it off for her. Followed by her shirt which required her to break the kiss with Harry. As she was freed from the garment, Sirius turned her toward him. A good head and a half taller than her, he placed his hands under her ass and lifted her so their lips could meet. Her legs wrapped around his waist, his erection pressed into her jean covered core, his clothing gone. Her breasts pressed into his chest. The skin on skin made her magic hum as it passed from her to him.

His tongue stroked the top of her mouth, enticing a deep moan from her. Merlin, she knew he would be a good kisser, a good everything. He didn't have a reputation for nothing, but she figured the tales had been embellished by him. Hermione had been very wrong about that fact.

A hand gathered her hair in their fist and she moaned at the tension it caused on her scalp. Warm lips kissed one side of her neck, before another pair joined in, kissing down her shoulder and along her arm. Fingers gripped her arm and gently pulled it away from Sirius' neck. Breaking the kiss she turned her gaze onto a naked George, who moved her arm to his shoulder. He took her from Sirius, easily holding her up around his waist.

Her hair was once again gathered in a tight ponytail, she glanced over her shoulder to find an also naked Fred. He moved her hair aside and kissed one side of her neck, pressing his chest to her bareback as George leaned in and kissed the other side. On the same wavelength, they kissed, nipped and sucked at her skin, mirroring each other. The magic crackled in the air. All she could do was feel, her mind was putty and her body needed more, so much more. She wanted all of them in any way she could get. She wished there were more of her, so she could touch, kiss, and fuck all of them at once. Fred's grip on her hair tightened as he pulled her neck to one side, and she groaned at the pleasure the slight pain ignited in her.

'I may not need to take control of you, I have a feeling you'll do just fine.'

She gripped at George's shoulders, her nails dug into his skin, and his rumble of a groan went straight to her clit.

'Let's work together. I may be fine now, but I have no idea how to bring a man to any kind of orgasm.'

Hecate laughed. 'I'm sure you could figure it out, you appear to be intelligent as well as powerful.'

'Still, help, please. You'll give me the confidence to get through this. Especially with some of them.'

James came over, his hand lightly gripped her chin and turned her face more toward his before he captured her lips in a kiss that instantly made her toes curl. Her cunt throbbed. His tongue swirled around hers as the twins continued to bite and suck at her neck and back. Every nip sent shocks to her clit.

A small orgasm moved through her, tightening her inner walls, but it wasn't enough to make her see stars. In unison with her, all the wizards groaned as if feeling her come. Her mind wanted to linger on that, but her body took over, drowning it out.

Hecate's soothing voice stroked her mind. 'Did you hear that? They felt your pleasure. They can feel everything with you. I suspect it won't take much for them to all reach release.'

'Will it always be like this? Will they feel me even when I'm sleeping with just one of them?'

'They will only feel this kind of pleasure if you're all together partaking in your desires.'

'An orgy.'

'Yes. If you are with them alone, you will only feel each other.'

The entire subject excited her, and deep down she hoped it wouldn't be the only time they took her as a group.

James pulled at her full lower lip with his teeth before he let it go. She opened her eyes to stare into his. A bit taller than Harry; she could see the resemblance, but they didn't look like carbon copies of each other. He stared at her behind black frames, his brown eyes full of heat. "Tell us what you desire." His voice hit her hard. It was almost as deep as Severus' but she swore under her breath as another shock of pleasure made her inner walls clench with the need for more. She'd been scared before, at the thought of having more than one of them inside her on that night. As the seconds ticked by she was scared she wouldn't have a chance to experience all of them before the spell broke and they had to return to reality. They, after all, couldn't stay in a worship temple for the rest of their lives fucking.

Before she could even ask Hecate laughed more. 'I may be powerful, child, but I can't make you all survive on sex alone, and eventually, even with food, you would need to return to living where you come from.'

George pressed her earlobe between his lips making her moan, before he whispered, "Yes, 'Mione, tell us." His cock rubbed against her covered core.

Fred's hot breath ghosted over her other ear, enticing a shiver up her spine. "What do you desire?" Fred finished for his twin.

She had no idea how to articulate what she wanted. Hecate stepped in, her voice speaking with Hermione's. "I need these bloody trousers off, and then come with me to the platform at the centre of the pool. It will magnify the magic, so the bond is strong with all of you."

George let her down, his hands quickly unfastened her jeans as Fred pushed them along with her knickers off her ass. She stepped out of them and he tossed them away. The men groaned at the sight of her round ass and the neatly trimmed, dark curls of her mons. Her breasts were the perfect size to give most of them a handful.

Her glowing eyes looked around at all their naked forms. Not a single one of them turned her off. The war had made them all lean, some had more muscle than others, such as Arthur who surprised her. The man had muscle, a hint of a four-pack, his Adonis belt curved to point at his rather long cock that stood at attention. She suddenly understood why he and Molly had so many children. She doubted she would be able to keep her hands off him either. He hadn't let years of being a father affect his physique. If she didn't know he was nearing fifty she would've thought he was closer to the Marauders' age. The fact she was even looking at him with desire bothered her. That wasn't going with her plan. She was supposed to want to touch him as little as possible. He was married and his wife was still alive, probably anxiously awaiting his return.

'She'll understand, child, and if she does not, then she does not. You're giving him back his life by doing this.'

'Can they return to normal after this? Can this be a one-time thing and hugs from him be enough after this point?'

'You can try, but it's doubtful. The bond you'll share will go deeper than just sex. They're alive because our magic feeds their souls. You need them as much as they need you. You'll forever be tied together. He'll crave your touch as much as you'll want his. Hugs won't suffice for long'

'I'm going to Tartarus for this for sure. He's married.'

'No, child, I don't think you will. You're a good soul, you're not doing this because it's a desire of yours you're acting upon. You're doing to save him along with yourself.'

The goddess had her walk to the deeper end of the pool. She looked at the men, they watched her with such hunger that her skin burned with a flush. Her thighs slicked together from her arousal. Each of them stroked their cocks. She wanted to take each of them into her hands, mouth, inside her. She wanted to learn how each one felt, and how they responded to things. More than anything she wanted to give them pleasure, like they did for her.

Arching her back, she dived into the water, gliding under the surface.

'The water will purify us and them. Any curses that may have afflicted them will be healed.'

'Even Remus? He's no longer a werewolf?'

'The curse that forced him to turn into his wolf counterpart is gone. Now he is just a Lycan, free to shift or give in to his more primal side whenever he wishes." Touching the base, she found the golden ladder and climbed it to the platform where several pillows and sheets lined the marble surface. The scents of sandalwood and cedar filled the air.

She watched as the men looked at each other, almost as if they were silently communicating. One by one, starting with Harry, and ending with Arthur, they walked down the steps and into the water. Their eyes closed as they felt the healing properties of the water take over them. She suspected a lot of them had magical ailments they weren't aware of. Battling caused a lot of negative energy.

Remus gasped as a purple energy flowed out of him and into the water. He looked at her, and quickly followed Sirius up the ladder. "What was that?" He went to her, his rough hands reaching out to touch her and pull her closer.

She stroked his chest, speckled with light brown hair, and followed the muscular line that went down the middle of his body. A line of dark hair started at his navel and travelled down to his cock; which was average in length, it made up for it in girth. Her finger swirled around his navel as it went down his body. "You're no longer cursed. The water healed you of your beast's madness. He still resides inside you, and will always be there when you need his form. The full moon will no longer make him insane enough to claw his way out of your skin." Her voice spoke with Hecate's.

Her fingers ran the length of his cock and he gasped and it twitched at her touch. "Truly?

Hermione wrapped her fingers around his shaft and looked up into his eyes. "I would never lie to any of you. You're no longer cursed to shift against your will or be unaware of what you're doing when you do shift."

His eyes flash to amber and then back to blue. He leaned down and tilted her chin up with a brush of his fingertips. He kissed her softly and with a gentle warmth that reached out to her and wrapped her in a warm hug. The magic danced between them like a gentle spring breeze, swirling as he took it into his magical core. The scruff of his chin brushed against her as he kissed her with just enough pressure for her to know that he was used to being dominant, but he didn't want to scare her at that moment. Her hands came up to wrap around his neck and she stood on her toes, moaning as her tongue traced his lower lip. He growled, wrapping his arms around her slender waist; he pulled her up a bit, their kiss growing more heated by the second as he no longer treated her like glass but a woman he wanted to claim as his.

A long finger hand touched her back, following the curve of her spine, before a long middle finger parted her ass crack and ran down until his fingers curled and met her swollen and dripping folds. They all groaned as he found her clit and stroked the tiny nub.

She broke the kiss with Remus and glanced over at Severus who alternated between pushing two of his long fingers inside her and pulling them out to rub at her nub. Watching the face of her ex-potions professor as he fingered her, was almost too much to bear. She leaned more onto Remus. Her fingers wrapped around his shaft.

'Tighten your grip a little more, you won't break it.'

The nervousness that had plagued her at the beginning left her more with each passing second, as she let her body take over and her thoughts took a backseat. She made her grip firmer, earning a groan from him. Her hand pumped his shaft and she leaned over more and swirled the tip of her tongue around the head. His hand went to the back of her head and he moaned, Her body hummed with the abundance of magic that flowed between her and the rest of them as their arousal and pleasure grew with hers.

Severus curled his fingers and pressed it against a spot inside her that nearly made her legs buckle. Her inner wall clenched around his long digits, wanting more. She was so close to tipping over into an orgasm. She alternated between running her hands over his shaft and balls and swirling her tongue around his thick head. When she got to have him inside her, he would stretch her so much. His hips bucked in her hands every time she cupped his velvety balls in her palm. Hermione found she liked giving him pleasure.

A hot tongue circled her asshole as two hands spread her cheeks. Severus pulled his fingers out of her, leaving her on the brink, but as the tongue swirled her puckered hole and then sucked, she found that brink again and went straight over it. Her inner walls spasmed and her legs shook to keep her up. An all-encompassing fire swirled in her stomach before it shot out of her. Her magic went out to all the men and the groaned along with her in unison. Lighting struck the water near them.

She looked behind her as her knees couldn't take any more and lowered to the ground. Sirius followed her and lied on his back, lifting her ass above his head. She leaned forward, trying to not to suffocate him with her pussy. His tongue followed her slit up to her clit; he flicked over it fast and her hips rocked over his head. Her moans echoed throughout the temple. Her gaze went around to the men, they watched her, hands moving over their cocks.

She motioned for them to come closer. She took Severus and Fred's cocks into her hands as George stepped in between them. Remus moved off to the side and crouched next to her. As she leaned forward to take the tip of George's cock into her mouth, Remus angled his body to encompass one of her nipples with his. She groaned around George, whose hand went to the back of her head. With the Goddess's help, she managed to keep her hands moving on Fred and Severus. If it wasn't for the aid, she was sure she'd be a mindless puddle of pleasure.

Hermione alternated taking the three of them into her mouth or experimenting with her tongue; running it along their shafts, or their balls. She listened to how they reacted and repeated what they liked. Soon, Sirius' gifted mouth brought her to another orgasm. The clouds swirled above, as more lightning hit the water around them. Her magic-filled all of them more. The twins, Severus, and Remus came with guttural moans, each being forced to sit back on the ground by the sheer force in which they came. Their ropes of cum landed on her chest and thighs.

Sirius moved from underneath her and shakily she stood, holding a hand out to Harry. Drops of precum leaked from the head of his cock, it bounced as he came to her.

'He surprises me, I didn't expect a virgin like him, to be able to resist so many of your orgasms. I assumed you would've had to pick another to pierce your maiden's head.'

'Harry's powerful, too.'

She pulled him to her and kissed him fiercely. She didn't want to wait any longer, she needed him inside of her more than anything she'd ever needed in her life. Pulling back she cupped his cheek. Not speaking with the goddess's voice, she smiled at him. "Are you sure you're okay with this, I can choose someone else if you don't want me." Her voice came out timid.

He pressed his cheek into her palm, his hand came up to touch hers. "I can't think of a better person. I've had a crush on you since our second year, but I knew you liked Ron."

She wanted to laugh, if he only knew the truth he wouldn't be saying that. "Lie down, get comfortable."

Harry moved to the floor and lied on his back, several of the pillows propped him up so he wasn't fully lying back. Hermione straddled his waist, her dripping core centimetres from his hard cock. She was more than ready for him. His hands held her hips, Her slit pressed against his length, he was long with a slightly thick head. She rubbed herself against it letting her juices slick him up. They moaned in unison. Leaning forward she captured his lips in another kiss before taking his shaft into her hand. She positioned him at her entrance, her curls glistening with her arousal and slid herself down onto him. She felt a slight give inside her, but it didn't hurt like she thought it would.

She began to rock, moving on him at first experimentally, but the goddess helped her find a rhythm and Harry joined her, thrusting into her as she came down. Before long, all she could do was feel. She knew there were others around them, but she couldn't think beyond her and Harry. Her nails dug into his chest as she moved as fast and hard as her body would allow. Everyone groaned, their voices filling the temple. The fires grew every time the head of his cock stroked that place inside her, the same place Severus had used to bring her to the brink.

James, Sirius, and Arthur came over to them. The goddess forced her to open her eyes. She continued to ride Harry with everything she had. Her hands reached out to fist Sirius and Arthur's cocks, as she leaned forward to take James into her mouth. They were all close. The bubble inside her would burst at any moment, sending them to Elysium with her.

She took her mouth off James and looked to Arthur's cock as her thumb stroked over his narrow, dark-pink head. She wanted to feel him in her mouth. Her gaze travelled up to look in his face. He stared back at her and swallowed hard. She could tell he wanted it, but he wasn't going to force her. He was letting her do what she was comfortable with. Moving her hands to continue stroking James and Sirius, she angled her body some as Harry thrust into her. She ran her tongue along the underside of his cock and stared into his eyes making sure he was okay with what she was doing. His hips jerked and his hands flexed at his side, a small moan left him. She liked it and she wanted him to do it more. In one confident move, she took him into her mouth and his head fell back, his hands coming to rest on her shoulders. She could see his Adam's apple bob. A small, excited orgasm ricocheted through her.

Harry brought his thumb to the curls of her mons and stroked her clit. All at once, she became undone. Her biggest orgasm of the night hit her. Lightning struck all around as the wind picked up. She moaned around Arthur's length.

Harry's back arched as a surge of magic flowed from her to him. "Bloody hell!" he yelled.

Her magic flowed all around filling every man to the brim as they came. Arthur pulled out of her mouth, coming on her chest with Sirius and James. Harry's cock twitched as he came inside her. They all lied on the floor close to her before she gave Harry a chaste kiss and rolled off him. Her body felt empty without him filling her. She lied between Arthur and Harry.

The ecstasy that had consumed them moments before left, leaving them each more clear-headed. The events of the past few hours hit her, from invoking the goddess to her place next to Harry; his cum warming her passage. The pleasure she'd received had been incredible. They saved her from being ripped apart by the overwhelming power of the goddess, and she saved them from death. But at what price?

The hot tears pricked the corners of her vision and she reached up to cover her face as a sob racked her body. "I was supposed to die. All the grimoires said invoking the goddess was a sacrificial act. I wasn't supposed to live! I just wanted him dead so badly."

'Child, even if things seem wrong now, you'll soon realize you've all been blessed at a second chance at life.'

Harry turned his body to face her. He stroked her cheek and gently nudged her face to look at him. "What you did was incredible. I expect no less from the brightest witch of her age."

The tears flowed freely, his words didn't bring her comfort. More sobs broke in her. Breaking the hearts of the men around her. "You didn't ask to be bound to me, none of you did." She turned her head to look at Arthur who held such sadness in his blue eyes.

Arthur reached out and stroked her hair back from her face before he leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Shush, sweetheart. We all understood what we were being called upon for. Don't fret. Let's rest. It's been a very long day."

Arthur continued to run his hand over her head, as Harry rubbed soothing circles into her hip with his thumb. Soon she felt her tears stop and her body and mind gave over to the exhaustion. In the morning she would worry about what the future held for her and the men who were bound to her for the rest of her life.

A/N: So, I'm aware I have another fic where Hermione is possessed by the goddess, but they're only in the summer before the second year. Nowhere near smut town, and I desperately wanted to write a smutty scene with Hermione and a Harem. Now, I know some of you might not like the Arthur pairing, but after reading A Contract Most Inconvenient by BlankFish, I needed more of the pairing in my life. It's not going to be easy for any of them, but I'm excited for this fic. I will be uploading 8k+ chapters once or twice a month depending on my weekends. I hope you enjoyed Part one. Please feel free to review or inbox me.
