"Ace, can you hear me?" Ikora spoke through her mic. "We are sending you other Guardians for support, and we need you to get the job done quick. It's simple. Just Kill the eye of the horde when it opens up, find a way to open the doors to the Shadowkeep. Got it?"

"You betcha! But—I might need something with more firepower. Y'know, maybe somthin' that'll let me take down the eye of the horde in a few shots? That'd really help, Ikora."

"I think I know what you're talking about. I'll transmat one to your location. Have you landed on the moon yet?"

Ace confirmed that he had landed and if Ikora knew what he was asking for, then he would finish this fight quickly. See, what Ace was really asking for was one of the new XZ4 armored assault tanks. Those things could take down actually armies in just a few rounds. Ace finished climbing up a steep hill made of hard moonrock, and there he saw it. The Shadowkeep towered massively on the moon, it's height truly amazing. It only had one entrance, Ace observed, still in awe. And there, he also saw what he had asked for. The tank.

"Oh hell yeah!" Ace spoke, excitedly.

"like it?" Ikora appeared behind Ace, almost magically. "Go ahead, Ace. Why don't you give it a try? I'll support from behind, and so will the other Guardians," Ikora pointed to the hundreds of guardians on the battlefield in front of the Shadowkeep. There were also about triple the amount of fallen and hive there, than guardians. Ace wanted to see how this battle would end. And he didn't plan on dying before seeing the end. Infact, he didn't plan on dying at all.

"Let's finish this, shall we, Ikora?" Ace asked.

"It'd be my pleasure."

Once Ace hopped into the high-tech, modern tank, he switched on it's power and turned on gravity control so the tank wouldn't float off the ground on the moon. He saw how many enemies he'd have to take out, and it was almost impossible with one tank and a few guardians, so he came up with a plan. Infact, it was an incredibly simple plan that was sure to work.

"Ace, what are you doing?" Ghost asked nervously, as Ace moved the tank forwards, not killing any of the horde.

"Getting the task done. You'll see what I mean ghost," Ace said.

Ace didn't plan on killing the horde. He planned on killing the eye of the horde, so he just focused on that one target. With incredible speed, he shot explosive, massive tank bullets at the eye of the horde, and finished it of by jumping out of the tank, and letting it smash straight into the eye. Both the eye, and the tank exploded on impact, and Ikora wouldn't be very happy about that, but at least he had gotten the job done, right? Yes, Ace said to himself, he had. Ace gave himself a pat on the back, and an other Guardian walked over to him to complement him on his amazing job.

"Damn. That was some good work right there, Guardian," The guardian removed his mask and revealed that he was an Exo female, unlike Ace, who was human, "I'm Alice. And I um—I didn't get your name."

"The name's Ace Mayroi. and thanks."

Ace looked in the distance and noticed that Ikora was at the front door of the Shadowkeep, along with all of the other Guardians. Were they trying to open it? Yeah, obviously, Ace thought, but would they be able to do it?

Only time could tell, after all, Ace thought...