So, this would take place in the same universe of my Batman Beyond fic, Legacy. You don't have to read it to understand this one, but there will be references and plus I would really, really love it if you checked it out. Please? Also, be warned that Diana will not be overly naive or innocent regarding relationships here. I have no problem with people who portray her as such, but, as you all know, I am a firm believer in bisexual Diana. Anyway, please enjoy!


She was starting to think that her mother was right about men.

Diana tugged at her raven locks in frustration. This cat and mouse game between her and a certain surly bat was starting to get old. It was frustrating that he thought her so naive. She understood that it wouldn't be easy. She understood that it was hard for him to open his heart. She understood, without a shadow of a doubt, that Gotham City came first.

If he were any different, he wouldn't be the man she fell in love with.

Why couldn't he understand that she was more than up to the challenge? Why couldn't he understand that she was patient enough to wait for him to let her in? Why couldn't he understand that his utter devotion and dedication to protecting his city was what attracted her to him in the first place?

Stupid, stubborn man!

The fact that he thought so little of her stung. She wasn't some clueless, ignorant princess who wore her heart on her sleeve twenty-four/seven. She had been in relationships before. He wasn't going to hurt her or taint her or... or whatever the hell he thought! His rebuffs and dismissals frustrated her to no end.

A mass of red hair suddenly plopped down on the table in front of her, interrupting Diana's train of thought. "Shay?" she questioned with an arched eyebrow. A noncommittal grunt was her answer. "What's wrong?"

Shayera lifted her head, green eyes alight with almost as much frustration as she felt. "What do you think?" she replied sharply. She inclined her head to a table across the room. At said table sat John and Mari, talking animatedly with one another.

Diana's mouth formed a grim line. "I see," she responded. It saddened her that John refused a relationship with Shayera even after meeting their son. If she'd met a child of hers from the future, she would do everything in her power to make sure that child came into existence. And it wasn't as though he wasn't totally enamored with the redhead. She just couldn't wrap her head around it.

How could he pass up this chance? How could he knowingly give up the possibility of such a wonderful future?

Diana kindly patted her friend's shoulder. "John is no fool," she said. She hoped to Hera that her words were true. Happiness was within the grasp of her friends, much more so than her. She hoped with all her heart that they didn't give up on it. "If he loves you- loves your son- he will be with you."

At least, she hoped so. Despite not meeting him, Diana could see how much Rex meant to Shayera. She would be the same way, if she'd had a future child with Bruce.

Shayera gave a ragged sigh. "That's the thing, Di." She picked at her food, pushing it around on her tray. "I... I don't think he wants Rex. Not as much as I do."

Diana thought about this. Even before her betrayal, the League had really been all Shayera had. She could understand that; her own banishment had condemned her to find solace among only her teammates. She could sympathize with the woman's desire for a family to replace the one she had lost. It must have been easier for John since he was so connected with his community and the people in his life.

Still, she doubted that John wanted their son less. Family was something he held dear, as she had come to discover. He was simply skeptical by nature, especially with things like fate and destiny. She was certain in her belief in the Fates and what they had in store for her, but, as she was learning, others were not.

The Amazon hummed in thought. "I doubt that," she admitted. "Perhaps he is... afraid."

Shayera blinked. "You think he's scared?" she asked incredulously.

Diana shrugged. "It's just speculation," she reasoned. "But the timeline that he, Batman, and I traveled to was warped, correct?" She almost wished she could remember, but John's report had detailed that Bruce had been reduced to an old, bitter man who had ended up alone. She didn't think she wanted to see such a future for a man who deserved so much more. "Perhaps he is afraid that your future together will be ripped away."

Her friend's green eyes narrowed. "He's more paranoid than Batman, then," she spat.

Diana chortled mirthlessly. "No one is more paranoid than Batman," she joked without humor. Suffocating bitterness spread through her. She had experienced Bruce's paranoia firsthand...

1) Dating within the team always leads to disaster.
You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors, I'm a rich kid with issues, lots of issues.
3) If my enemies knew I had anyone special they wouldn't rest until they had gotten to me through her.

Diana had thought of her response to these reasons a number of times. She had built up her argument, only to tear it down because there was simply no reasoning with Bruce. So what was the point? She wasn't going to waste her breath when he would shoot her down anyway.

Maybe it was time to give things a rest. She knew he cared for her and she certainly cared for him, but he obviously didn't want a relationship with her. And she refused to throw herself at him like one of those shallow, vain women he entertained as the playboy he paraded around as. Hera, she didn't even have a future child with him to hope for like Shayera.

Her pride had suffered enough, hadn't it?

Shayera's hand was suddenly on hers. Her usually hard green eyes were uncharacteristically soft. "Oh, Di, I'm sorry. Look at me rambling. Are you-?"

Diana forced a smile. "Fine," she assured her friend. Or she would be. Because she was an Amazon Princess and nothing could keep her down or deter her. Least of all the pusillanimity of a mortal man.

A red eyebrow arched skeptically. "You're a crap liar, you know that?"

She shrugged, uncaring. "Did you expect any less?"

Shayera looked like she was about to respond when there was a sudden energy surge in the room. Both women jumped up, their heads snapping to the center of the commissary. Shayera's mace was firmly in hand and Diana reached for her sword as the surge strengthened. Diana grit her teeth, her grip tightening on the hilt as she squinted against the blinding light.

It almost looked like some kind of portal... But not quite as it was also similar to some kind of orb.

The surge swelled and she dug her heels into the steel floor beneath her to keep from falling against the energy. The light shone brighter somehow, forcing her to close her eyes.

When the light subsided, Diana forced her eyes open only to gawk at the figures standing tall in front of her. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the seven intruders, her jaw hanging open in shock. Because the people in front of her weren't just any intruders. In fact, they didn't even look like villains.

They were nearly the exact mirror images of her and her fellow Founders.

Well, maybe not mirror images. Wonder Woman's costume was black and silver, aside from the Golden Lasso hanging on her hip. Flash wore goggles and his costume had inducted white into it. Superman was missing a cape... and a smile. The Green Lantern uniform remained the same, though it was obviously a different one than the man who stood a few feet away from her. Their Martian was decidedly female, and redheaded at that.

However, it was the Batman who caught her attention. He was also cape-less and the bat on his chest was crimson red. His cowl revealed no part of his face, though there was something essentially less dark than the Dark Knight she had come to know and love. Though, a sense of familiarity ran through her at the sight of him.

But then she found her eyes on the silver armor of a hawk-themed hero. The deja vu she had felt with the other Batman was nothing in comparison to the familiarity with this man. A distant memory, almost like a dream, overtook her.

"This is a little weird for everybody. I'm Warhawk, Rex Stewart."


Shayera felt every feather on her wings tense.

She had made Bruce describe, in great detail, everything about her son. He had been so thorough that she had been able to picture him in her mind for months on end. And when that wasn't enough for her anymore, she'd had him do a police sketch. The picture of Rex was safely tucked away under her pillow so that whenever she was having a particularly shitty day she could look at it and remember that she would, eventually, have her son.

It was the thought of her son that kept her going sometimes. Whenever there was a particularly nasty newscast about her joining the League again. Or whenever the Anti-Shayera boards turned even more hateful than usual. Just imagining holding her son for the first time, witnessing his first steps and words, watching him grow...

It was all she had sometimes.

And the fact that John refused to- It made her blind with rage and frustration on her worst days. How could he deny her- them- this? How could he be in a relationship with someone else when he clearly still carried a strong torch for her? How could he go on about normal business with the knowledge that they would have a child together?

A child who was now standing within her reach.

Her heart beat wildly in her chest as her eyes fell upon the man with a silver helmet and talons on each hand. This was Warhawk. Her son. Her Rex. She was unaware of her feet moving until a strong but delicate hand settled on her shoulder.

Shayera turned violently. "Di-!" she protested, anger festering in her. First John, now Diana. Why was everyone trying to keep her away from her son?

But Diana's expression was soft and suddenly she knew why the woman was known for her compassion. "Just wait," she murmured gently, her grip softening into a gentle squeeze. Her focus then focused on another individual. She looked almost... distracted? Diana didn't get distracted.

At first, Shayera couldn't figure out who her friend was looking at. But then, she took another look at the 'other' Wonder Woman. It would have made sense if it was Diana. After all, the woman was immortal and if Rex was all grown up by now...

But upon closer inspection, it hit Shayera that this woman was not Diana. She looked almost exactly like her, but there were a few differences. Specifically, around the mouth. There was a distant ringing of familiarity in her head, but she was much too overwhelmed to properly address it. All she could focus on was her son, her son, her-

The other Wonder Woman cleared her throat. She may have looked like Diana, but her mannerisms were nearly the complete opposite. She stood rigidly, her eyes analytical and mistrusting as she scanned the Watchtower. There was a bit of regality in her posture, but it was almost overridden by how militaristic she was stationed.

No, this woman was not Diana. But if Diana didn't hold the title of Wonder Woman, who did?

"Apologies for our unexpected arrival," the woman said, her tone crisp, proper, and commanding. Shayera noticed that Rex stood close to her. Almost as though a sentry would. Interesting. "Please, hold your fire. We aren't a threat. I know you are no strangers to time travel..."

The other Superman rolled his violet eyes. "You're dragging it out," he commented irritably. Shayera didn't miss how sharply the young woman glared at him. He turned and looked at them all, a scowl on his face. It was odd, seeing a face so similar to Clark's scowl. "We're the Justice League from the year 2039."


Something I never really explored was Diana's inner turmoil about Bruce (or Shayera about John for that matter). Like, it's so sad when you find out about the decision she made in the comics. I do hope to expand on it here. Anyway, I hope you liked it and please review!