AN: I know it's not rlly christmas time right now, but i couldn't help myself, i just love christmas AU's, and i love Charah sooo... also, this story takes place in New york, so there is actual winter weather instead of Burbank. some things in the story are kind of coming from me and my past, like some things you'll notice would be specific like the diner, and the mall, and the crane machine. These things have a lot of meaning to me, so i'll be trying to mention them a lot in the story, as it reminds me of some tough times i had went through :) anyways enjoy :) 4

Chuck was just strolling around the Macy's, walking through the jewelry department shopping for his sister, Ellie. He had picked out some nice clothes and exercising equipment for Ellie's fiancé, Devon, As chuck likes to call Captain Awesome. They had just gotten engaged, and were planning on getting married in January. Chuck could afford anything for them, and wanted to get something special for Ellie. He was having a hard time, when he heard a woman and a daughter talking as he walked his way through the jewelry section.

"Please mommy! I think Aunt Carina would really like this bracelet! i want to get it for her!" The little girl said, as he could hear their conversation clearer, the closer he walked towards where they were, making sure to stay as silent as possible.

"I'm sorry sweetie, We can't afford this one, why don't we get Aunt Carina a nice scarf? I'm sure she'd be happy with any present you gave her." he could her a beautiful voice say, as he realized the only thing between the family and him was a rack of bracelets. he could almost hear the little girl pout, when his instincts kicked in. he really needed to stop doing this, but there was something in these two females voices, that just told him he had to. he did what Ellie likes to call, 'The Chuck', and then quietly snuck away from the jewelry side of the store, and made his way towards an area in the store so he could still just barely hear them, yet not be able to see them, or them see him. he stood behind the rack and listened as heard the older sounding woman practically gasp at the sight of the 4, 100 bills he had left on the ground, with one of the cards he liked to carry around, that had read, 'Enjoy ;)'. he then decided to stop listening, and he continued to shop, looking around in the clothing isle next to the jewelry isle, looking at women clothing for Ellie. he heard an already familiar voice whisper-yell, "Sir!" and get closer.

"Excuse me sir, i just found all this money on the floor with this card and figured i'd return it." he heard a soft, gorgeous voice say to his left, as he turned to seen the woman who he had apparently given the cash to. She was absolutely stunning. She was around average size, probably 5,4 , She had the most gorgeous blonde flowing hair he'd ever seen, and she had these gorgeous steel blue eyes, that he found himself lost in. The moment he started to bring myself back to reality, he noticed her breathtaking scent of vanilla, and he almost completely lost it, until something shook him back, and he got out of his haze to see an adorable child next to her, hand in hand. All of the woman's features were represented in the girl, except for her eyes. The girls eyes were instead a chocolate like brown, still utterly gorgeous though. he then brought himself back to the fact that they were coming to him about the money, before he replied, he looked down at his attire, realizing that from the back the red button up might indicate that he would work here, but he had just decided to dress formal for christmas, so today he had worn a red button down with a white tie, and black dress pants, since this was his work attire as the head of his company. Or properly, his dads company.

"Oh- I'm- Well i see, you must think i work here, because of my attire and all, but that wouldn't be the case. I don't work here, But truthfully, i would suggest keeping the money, all in all, the note must have been left there for a reason." he said, as he had put down the shirt i had been examining, and turning to the woman and what he presumed to be her daughter.

"I'm sorry to bother you, You did look like you had worked here. I'm just gonna return the money to the counter i can't keep this money." The woman said, going to walk away. he didnt know what had happened to him, but something inside him told him he should tell her. And he did.

"Wait- I'm sorry... that money was from me, I overheard you and the little one talking about a bracelet for someone, and how you couldn't afford it, so i just felt like being nice. Please just keep the money." he said, soon realizing the huge mistake he had made.

"Sir, please, i can't accept this money. That's too kind of you. Please, take it-" The breathtaking woman said, aiming her arm out to him to hand him the money back.

"No, I insist. Please. Just take it. Don't make me get on my knees in public, because believe me, i will." he said, pleading the woman.

"I don't believe you. I can't take this money from you." The woman said, as he then proceeded to get down on my knees and start to beg, in public, to some woman he'd never seen before, and probably never will again after today.

"Okay, Okay, Fine. Only because i wanted to save you the embarrassment. But you have to let me pay you back somehow." The woman said, as he was able to get off my knees.

"Okay. Deal. How about... you and this cutie over here bring me to lunch. And you have to let me pay for lunch. And for whatever you're purchasing here." he said, reaching out with his non empty hand to shake hands.

"I don't agree with this at all, but i really don't need to have you on your knees twice begging me in public, so i'll take you up on this..." She said, leaving it as an open question.

"Chuck. Chuck Bartowski. And you are..." he said, curious as to her name, as she extends her hand to shake with his.

"Sarah. Sarah Walker. And this is my daughter, Molly Walker. She's a bit shy." The woman, now named Sarah, said as we shook hands. Sarah. Boy was that a gorgeous name. At this point he hadn't found a single thing wrong with her.

"So, Sarah and Miss Molly, what are you two here to buy?" I asked, as the little girl answered before her mother could. "Me and Mommy were looking for something for Auntie Carina. I really liked the bracelet over there, but mommy said it was too expensive."

"Well that's no problem, lead me to this bracelet Miss Molly." he said, bowing, as a chuckle escaped from the little girl, as she grabbed his hand with the one that wasn't holding her mothers and dragged them both to the jewelry section once more.

"This one! It's so pretty and i think Auntie Carina would love it!" The little girl exclaimed, letting go of her mothers hand and pointing to the bracelet on the rack.

"I think it looks lovely. I'm sure this Auntie Carina will love it." He said, gently tossing my jacket over my shoulder so he could gently lift the bracelet off the shelf and still hold the little girls hand.

"Thank you Chuck, this is really nice of you, but you really don't have to do this." The older woman said, making eye contact with Chuck.

"Seriously, it's no problem. Especially so close to the holidays and all. Is there anything else you need to buy here?" He asked, as the two females pondered, wondering if they needed anything else.

"Not really, i haven't gone shopping for Molly yet, and we don't really have any family besides her Aunt Carina and Aunt Zondra, who we now have gifts for already." Sarah said, as Chuck nodded his head and walked with them to the cash registers.

"I'll be back, start brainstorming somewhere for lunch." Chuck said, taking the gift they had bought this Zondra from Sarah, and walking towards the counter. He went straight to an open register, and pulled out his American express gold card, and placed the items he was purchasing for Devon and the items from Sarah and put them on the counter infront of the lady. He peaked over towards the gift cards and turned back to see a smiling Sarah and Molly as they waited for him. He then asked for 5, 50 gift cards. The woman at the register seemed a bit surprised, but then smiled back at him.

"You know what? Make it 7." He said, the woman in even more shock. She finished ringing up all his stuff, and then put it in one giant bag. He started to dig through the bag, and pulled out one of the gift cards, and layed it back on the counter, then sliding it towards the woman.

"Uhm, Sir, you forgot this one." The woman at the register yelled in a low voice as Chuck had already started to walk away.

"Keep it. Enjoy the holidays." He said, giving the lady a bartowski grin, and walked back towards the Walkers.

"So, you picked a place?"

"Can we please go to the friendly's mister Chuck? I love to go!" The little girl chirped, looking up at the tall, curly haired man.

"Sure. You lead the way." The man said, as the mother and daughter reached out for chucks empty hand, his other holding the back, his jacket on his shoulder still, somehow not falling off yet. They then proceeded to walk out of the Macy's to walk towards the Friendly's restaurant in the mall. They soon arrived, at the entrance, when Molly started to practically jump up and down.

The group walked into the restaurant, standing at the waiting section in the front, soon to be greeted by a waitress who apparently hadn't looked up from the list she was holding, till she stated, "How many will it- Chuck! It's so good to see you!"

"Hey Kath! It's good to see you. Today it's me, And my two guests, not Ellie." He said, greeting the waitress. Sarah was for some reason a little distraught when he saw the relationship between the man and the waitress, and the mention of another woman. She didn't know why, seeing as how she just met him.

"Right this way." The waitress said, grabbing a kid menu and two adults menus. They were soon seated at a booth, Sarah and Molly sitting across from Chuck.

"So Mr Bartowski, is Ellie or Kathleen your girlfriend? should i make sure not to embarrass you?" Sarah said, soon regretting even asking, although she desperately wanted to know, Molly being too distracted by the coloring page the waitress had gave her.

"No, i don't have a girlfriend, I did once..." He started to stumble over the thought of what Jill had done to him, but remembered what his sister had told him. 'Don't .Bring. Up. Jill.' He closely replayed his sisters words, before continuing his sentence. "but that's all over and her restraining orders are very specific." Chuck finished, with a giggle of his own. Sarah found herself giggling at his joke as well, realizing she had not found herself giggling, from a guy, who wasn't on a comedy tv show, in forever. She liked the presence of Chuck. He was nicer then most men, and she kept getting lost in his deep, chocolate brown eyes, Soon losing herself in his curly hair, that make funky, and cute, animal shapes. God what she would do to play with his curls. She then started to bring her gaze back down, immediately blushing at his adorable smile, as he was also indeed lost in Sarahs features. There was a long silence, then soon followed by the waiter coming back to take their orders. Everyone already knowing what they wanted, Sarah ordered a cheese burger with extra pickles with a side of french fries, and a Coke, which Chuck took a mental note of, in the slight chance that after today he would see this incredible woman another time. Molly ordered the kids chicken tenders and fries with an apple juice. Chuck decided to order the same as Sarah, as he would gain a giant smile for the woman he had gain a liking to.

"So Chuck, who were you shopping for at Macy's?" The blonde questioned him, as the waitress walked away with their menus, whispering something in Chucks ear that Sarah couldn't make out.

"I was just shopping for my sister and her fiancé, Captain Awesome. This may sound bad, but i still live with them. Our parents aren't really in the picture any more." The man said, finding his fingers quite interesting as he continued to watch them as he fiddled with them.

"No! so you really call him Captain awesome?" Sarah said, unable to contain her laugh.

"It's true! Wait till you meet him." Chuck said, followed by an awkward silence. "Everything he does is awesome. Climbing mountains, jumping out of planes... Flossing." Chuck said, laughing a little at his own remark, which caused a major outburst of laughter from Sarah.

"That's funny!" Sarah said, as her laughter died down.

"Well i'm a funny guy." Chuck said, playing with his hands.

"Clearly, which is good because i'm not funny." Sarah said, as they continued their conversation.

"Is that your big secret by the way? Cause i've been sitting here trying to figure out what's wrong with you." Chuck said, interrupted by Sarah saying, "There's plenty, believe me." "and i was thinking, she's either a cannibal, or she's really not that funny. And i was pulling for cannibal cause i've never met one before." Chuck said, glaring at the woman across from him.

"Not a cannibal, but i do come with some baggage." Sarah said, nodding her head over towards the little girl, still oblivious that they were speaking.

"Well i can be your very own baggage handler." Chuck said, as the silence filled the space between the two. Saved by the bell, Kathy came back out with their food, giving everyone their own food.

They ate their food, all of them enjoying it. Every now and then Sarah stopped to ask him a question. "So how old are you Chuck?"

"Well, I just turned 27 in September. How about you?" He asked, as they continued taking bites of their food.

"I turned 26 this year. So yes, i had Molly when i was 21. She's turning 6 on March 30th." Sarah said, soon looking down at the 5 year old in awe of her creation.

"My turn for questions. Mr Chuck, whats your favorite princess movie?" The little girl said, finishing up her cut up chicken tender.

"Truthfully? My favorite is Tangled." Chuck said, leaning over the table to get closer to Molly, pretending to hide it from Sarah, but saying it loud enough for her to still hear.

"Me too! I love Tangled! Mommy, Can Chuck watch Tangled with us?" Molly said, getting excited as she started to almost shake her mother with enthusiasm.

"I don't know if Mr Chuck would want-" Sarah said, soon interrupted by Chuck. "I would

love to watch Tangled with you some time Ms Molly. If that's okay with your mother-" Chuck said, as he started to gain a little happiness, soon deflated thinking that her mother may not have wanted him there.

"Sure. We'll set that up sweetie. But first, we'd need Mr Chucks number first." Sarah said, putter her face in her hands, staring at the man across from her. Chuck took out a small piece of paper and a pen he had in his jacket pocket, and wrote his number on the paper, sliding it over the table to the woman.

"Well Mr Chuck, This has been an excellent evening, Thank you. Molly and i don't want to waste anymore of your time, seeing as how your all dressed up you must have somewhere to be." Sarah said, going to dig through her purse to look for cash, soon stopped by Chuck coughing to get her attention, her then remember Chuck was insisting on paying once more.

"Unfortunately, i do have to get back to work, but it was lovely meeting you two. Here's your things, and i hope to hear from you soon." He said, slipping a piece of paper in the bag he was handing sarah with her stuff inside, and 4, 50 gift cards as well. They all went to stand up, him leaving a 50 bill on the table for the waiter, along with a 30 tip. Molly has gotten up and saw a claw machine in the corner, soon getting extremely excited. "Mommy! look at the claw machine! can i play please! i want the bunny! Please mommy!"

"I'm sorry sweetie i-" Sarah said, once again interrupted by Chuck, "Sure you can! here, it looks a little tough to get the bunny, but if you can't get it with 2 try's, just let me know and i'll work my magic." Chuck said, handing a 2 singles to the little girl, as her face lit up, she immediately ran into Chuck, giving his legs a tight squeeze, Chuck bending down to place his large arms around the little girl. Some would have seen his arms as just long, but sarah could see the hint of muscle pointing out of his semi tight shirt, her mind starting to wonder about how fit he was. She kept thinking about him, until she remembered the night she got pregnant, and completely stopped thinking about Chuck in that way. 'Men just leave. that's all they do.' Sarah said in her head, until she thought about the night she got pregnant. Wasn't he supposed to leave? wasn't that the point? She had wish the man had knew about what had happened, so maybe she could meet him for the first time, but that wasn't the point of that stupid party. The only reason she ever forgave Carina and Zondra was because they were all she had, and at least she had Molly now. That's all that mattered. She had her 2 friends, and she had her daughter. Before she knew it, she looked up from her daydream and saw Chuck and Molly weren't there, starting to panick, she looked up more to see them at the claw machine. She let out a massive sight and walked towards the machine and watched as her daughter hadn't quite managed to get the bunny.

"Okay, why don't i try. I'll get you the bunny. I promise." Chuck said, cracking his knuckles. Sarah wasn't thrilled with a man making a promise to her daughter, but had hope in her that he wouldn't break it. Sarah really never had a good with a man, so she wasn't expecting Chuck to be as kind as he had been.

Chuck had started to concentrate on the bunny, and then he somehow magically got the bunny out from the mess in just one try, and Sarah watched as Molly's face lit up, along with Chucks as the claw dragged the bunny towards the hole, releasing its grip for the bunny to slide down to where molly could now pick it out of the slot.

"Mr Chuck! Thank you! I'm gonna name him... Chuckles! I want him to be named after you!" Molly said, hugging on to the bunny. Sarah was so relieved that Chuck managed to keep his promise. Not a word was spoken between Sarah and Chuck as they all walked out of the restaurant, into the corridor, where it was now time for them to part.

"Thank you for today Chuck, Molly and i enjoyed meeting you, and thank you for your very generous offers of money. We appreciate it a lot." Sarah said, as there was now a gap in between them.

"Anytime. I hope to hear from you soon. I'll talk to you later Sarah. See you later Ms Molly!" Chuck said, soon enveloped in a hug from the little girl. Sarah and Molly then walked towards the door, as they started to put their jackets on for the outdoors, they both looked back and gave Chuck a huge grin and wave goodbye. Chuck waved back, then walking back to his own exit close to his car, so he could get back to work. He thought of the day, and was extremely pleased with how the day went. He hadn't dated a women since Jill, even though the countless numbers of times his sister would set him up with nurses from the hospital, and the multiple efforts of Morgan trying to get him to go to parties with him. Sure he had gone to one, but Chuck didn't like to think back to that one, as it brought him sad memories. He didn't like thinking about it, so he had given up on women. Seeing as his hard relationship with his parents, that not even Sarah could know yet. He was surprised to see Sarah as a possible 'love interest' for him, but quickly slid it under the bus as he continued to his car to get back to work so he could attended his last meetings of the day at his first job, so he could get back to his second job with one of his best friends. Bryce.


hiiiii i hope u like it, i've just been dying for more christmas Chuck and Sarah AU's !! i have a lot of twists and turns planned and can't wait to continue :) 4