AN: I don't own either HP or ASoIaF.

The late afternoon sun beamed down on the gleaming armor of the winner of the joust. The crowd cheered loudly as Prince Rhaegar Targaryen unhorsed his last and final opponent, cantering down the field and surveying the men and women in the stands. All of the smallfolk in the stands were standing up, clapping wildly for their next king. He could see his wife, Elia and their babe, Rhaenys in the royal seat, along with his father and his good brother, Prince Oberyn. Elia's lips twitched into a grin as their eyes met and she dipped her head in a nod as he pulled his horse to a stop at the center of the field.

Ser Barristan Selmy rode over next to him, smiling at him. "Congratulations, your Grace. It was a good joust."

"You were just as good as you usually are, ser Barristan," Rhaegar commented, as he lowered his helmet and tucked it between his hands. "You really do own up to your title."

Barristan laughed and nodded, urging his horse forward. "Well, it is nice of you to say."

Rhaegar grinned and looked over to the host of the tourney, Lord Whent himself, and watched as the man conferred with another. Lord Whent walked over to the seats where he had sat and reached for the crown of flowers. The stands fell silent, all waiting in excited silence, and watched as Rhaegar grasped the crown of blue winter roses.

The crowds became even more silent as Rhaegar gestured to the small box that sat next to the official's table. Lord Whent raised an eyebrow but walked over to open the box and drew out another crown of flowers, this one bearing flowers that were not seen above Summerhall. Dornish flowers that had been grown in a glass house that Rhaegar had sent for specially. Golden-yellow flowers that bloomed after summer rains were over and that opened for the sun and closed for the moon.

The crowds gasped at the sight of both crowns, many of them exchanging bewildered glances. No one knight or man had crowned two queens of love and beauty. Their eyes all watched as Prince Rhaegar Targaryen took a circle around the field, cantering on his beautifully groomed horse. The horse was covered in House Targaryen colors, with a red blanket covering the horse's back and flanks.

Rhaegar rode another circuit of the field and finally stopped by the royal box, slipped the crown of Dornish flowers onto his lance and raised it up. People cheered as their future queen became also the Queen of Love and Beauty. Elia blinked before taking the crown in gentle fingers, nodding to Rhaegar and smiling faintly.

Rhaenys was on Elia's lap and she giggled as Elia showed her the flowers, reaching out with her small fingers to touch the golden petals. Rhaegar smiled widely as Rhaenys pushed her whole head into the flower crown, probably wanting to smell them. Rhaenys laughed and giggled loudly, making the smallfolk all smile at her. Their princess didn't look at all like a Targaryen except for her purple eyes, which were violet and light. Rhaenys otherwise had Elia's coloring, her dark hair and dark skin.

He could see Oberyn laugh and clap, nudging his sister with an elbow, and then moved on, urging his horse over to the other side of the field. Lyanna Stark sat next to her brothers, Eddard, Brandon and Benjen, and her pale grey eyes watched him as Rhaegar stopped his horse in front of their seats. The crowds once again fell silent and watched as Rhaegar held out the crown of winter roses to her.

Lyanna froze and so did everyone else behind the Starks. Rhaegar met her eyes, wondering what thoughts were going through her mind and remembering the conversation from a few nights ago. Lyanna had left them after she had agreed to go with them to Dragonstone, saying something about telling her brothers. Mayhaps they hadn't agreed with her plans. Or perhaps her father had said otherwise.

Rhaegar had talked with Elia the night before though, discussing the state of the tourney and the kingdoms.

"I want to give a crown to Lyanna Stark," Rhaegar said finally, as they both went about their nightly ablutions. Elia sat at a desk as she brushed her own hair back, brushing each strand. Rhaenys was asleep in a crib in the room next door, being watched over by Lady Ashara Dayne. "No one else has jousted me to a standstill."

Elia's lips twitched up into an amused grin. "You haven't been met with someone who could do that in a while. And it was a woman. As long as you crown me, I would approve of crowning the woman who did that. Especially as I think she will not receive any other kind of recognition."

Rhaegar snorted. "There was strength in her tilts but… I could sense… something."

"What is it?" Elia questioned, raising an eyebrow at him as she rubbed her stomach with one hand. This babe had kicked more than Rhaenys had and exhausted her more, causing her to have to take breaks frequently. She knew Ashara was worried and even Rhaella had voiced her worry the last time the Queen had visited them at Dragonstone.

"Mayhaps it was nothing. Now that I know it was a woman… My knowledge has been thrown."

"Oberyn's teaching his daughter to fight. Why can't other women do the same?" Elia asked, lifting her shoulders in a small shrug. Her dark eyes were wrinkled in amusement and she looked upon him with fondness in her eyes. "Besides, we shall know more about her when we travel back to Dragonstone. She did say she would come with us, didn't she."

"You would be alright with it then."

"Perhaps not her betrothed but there have been ladies in waiting who have married after a year. Yes, I would be more than alright with it. The Queen Alysanne made contracts with her ladies in waiting to great success. It would also benefit us greatly to have connections to the North if you intend on dethroning your father."

Rhaegar sighed and walked over to Elia's side, propping his chin on her shoulder. "I believe I married up."

Elia laughed and curled her fingers into Rhaegar's hand, leaning into him.

Lyanna peered at Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, her heart thumping in her chest loudly, as the crowd once again fell silent around them. Her cheeks reddened faintly and warmth fluttered in her stomach. She stared at the crown of blue winter roses in his hands and then looked up at the box that held the royal family. Princess Elia Martell was sitting in her seat, with her daughter in her lap. The crown of beautiful Dornish flowers was sitting lightly on Rhaenys' head and Elia didn't seem to mind at all.

Lyanna met Elia's eyes, raising an eyebrow, and Elia subtly dipped her head in a nod. Lyanna turned to look back at Rhaegar, staring at him as he sat on his horse on the field in front of her, and grasped the crown. She lowered her head down to sniff the familiar roses, letting her hair hide her expression as she grinned at the smell. The blue roses always smelled of… winter, of the chill and rain that came with it.

Westeros had just had a two year winter in the last year and everyone had relished in the summer that had started a moon's time ago. It had been moderate enough that no one had panicked and no one had gone hungry but Lyanna had enjoyed it. The snows had reminded her of Hogwarts and winters spent in the castle, rushing from class to class.

She raised up the crown and placed it on top of her hair then looked around at the smallfolk around them. Many wore the same confused expressions as her brothers did. Brandon had gone red in his cheeks, staring at Rhaegar with anger in his eyes. Ned and Benjen just looked confused, their eyes wide.

Lyanna raised an eyebrow at Rhaegar as she turned back to look at him again and his lips twitched upward into a slight grin. He rode off a second later, back to stand in front of the royal box and his father. Lyanna's heart thumped loudly in her chest at the sight of Rhaegar, as he dismounted and bowed before the crowds. They all cheered and clapped louder than Lyanna had ever heard, the confusion of the minutes before apparently forgotten.

Elia clearly had known what Rhaegar was going to do beforehand, that much was clear.

Lyanna turned to look at the other men and women in the stands, seeing Lord Robert Baratheon glaring at Rhaegar. He looked thunderous and upset, red in the face from anger and mayhaps too much drink as well. Lyanna wouldn't be too surprised if Robert had drunken a lot of ale the night before but that expression… Her heart clenched at the sight of it, too many memories of a drunk Uncle Vernon running through her mind, and she steadied herself, swearing that she wouldn't wed the man even if he was the last man in Westeros.

Many people were staring between Lyanna, Elia and Rhaegar and wondering what was going on. No man had ever crowned two women as Queens of Love and Beauty before. This hadn't even happened when Aegon the Conqueror was king and had two wives. Though… Lyanna shrugged internally at the thought. If it had, there was no mention of it in history books.

She could see though… This tourney would be one of the most talked of tourneys in recent history. Lyanna Stark dancing with Princess Elia Martell during the opening ceremony. Prince Rhaegar Targaryen getting jousted to a draw in the tilts and then winning on the last day. Rhaegar crowning not one but two women as Queens of Love and Beauty, courtesy of winning the jousts.

She wondered what would come in the next few days as she met Elia's eyes, her stomach fluttering as if there were old Luna's creatures in her. And then she met Rhaegar's and her stomach continued the fluttering and warmth. The thought of going to Dragonstone with them was an exciting one, not just for looking at the volcanos in and around the island and the old Valyrian castle, but for… knowing the prince and princess better.