A/N: This fic was originally a Huey & Dewey brotherly fluff prompt request by ChibiGals18, so thank you! :)

You can also find this fic on Archive of Our Own because that where I originally wrote this fic. Enjoy! :)

CHAPTER SUMMARY: The McDucks & Beakleys (+ Launchpad) split up and temporarily move into different residences.


****WEDNESDAY, 04/17****

It was two days after the boys' 12th birthday, and Scrooge instantly decided to get major renovations done inside the mansion (except for the residents' bedrooms, living room, kitchen, and dining room).

However, there was one catch—they all had to move out until the house was completely renovated.

"So—where are we gonna stay?" Webby asked curiously, triple-checking if her bags were packed.

"Well—here's the thing, lass. We definitely have places to stay for the next few weeks, but there are too many of us. So we'll have to split into groups," Scrooge replied quickly, scratching his forehead.

"Oh absolutely! Since there are five adults and four children, there has to be at least one adult to look after the kids. Lucky for us, we've already decided who will stay where," Bentina chimed in, smiling widely, which confused the 12-year-olds.

"Uh—so who's goin' where then?" Louie inquired, fiddling with his fingers impatiently.

That was the thing with Louie. He always wanted to get to the point and not linger on one topic for too long, especially if it was super boring. Also, he hated surprises and last-minute decisions (unless he benefited from it), so the youngest expected Scrooge and Mrs. Beakley to stick to their original plans and not change anything.

"Yer Uncle Donald will take you and Webbigail to stay with José and Panchito. Meanwhile, Della and I will stay with Gladstone in his new mansion. Fethry will too, by the way, since he's also getting renovations done in his sub. Oh! And also—Huey, Dewey, and Beakley will reside with Fenton and his mother," the old man elaborated.

"What about me, Mr. McD?" Launchpad said enthusiastically, waving his hand in the air as if he was a student eager to ask questions in class.

"Er—you'll stay with Gyro!" Scrooge announced, chuckling nervously. I should've probably thought about Launchpad's situation more.

"Woo hoo!" Launchpad cheered while performing a victory dance.

"Now Gyro and I will be best buds for life!" he added happily, until he spotted Dewey giving him the look with his arms crossed.

"Uh...I-I mean aside from Dewey, of course!" Launchpad corrected himself while grinning awkwardly, afraid that the middle triplet would chastise him otherwise.

With one brow raised, the blue-clad duckling gave in and smiled softly, indicating that he was okay with his best friend's current living situation.

"Anyway—everyone's alright with this plan?" the billionaire questioned, just to make sure no one would feel awkward or uncomfortable in any way. Lucky for him, they nodded quickly.

"Good! Then let's get movin'!"

20 minutes later, José and Panchito finally arrived to pick up Donald, Louie, and Webby and fly them to their temporary residence (since they were currently on tour). Seconds later, Dr. Gearloose reluctantly picked up Launchpad and drove him towards his own apartment downtown.

In the meantime, the Duck cousins waved hi to their family members from Gladstone's colorful limo before inviting Scrooge and Della to enter the vehicle. 10 seconds after that, Officer Cabrera had arrived in her police car along with her son right next to her.

"Hey guys! C'mon in!" Fenton greeted the two ducklings and their housekeeper cheerfully.

"Hello everyone! Take a seat!" Mrs. Cabrera beamed from the driver's seat.

A few minutes later, Bentina thanked both of them for offering their hospitality. In return, the policewoman claimed it was no problem at all, happy to have guests staying at her house. Truthfully, she enjoyed more company and so did her son.

Once they reached the Cabrera residence, Fenton and his mom helped the trio carry their suitcases inside. Soon, Mrs. Cabrera offered them tea, which they accepted (though Dewey was a coffee person—besides, where else would he have gotten his adrenaline from?).

Meanwhile, the Three Caballeros, Louie, and Webby lost nine hours (due to the time zone difference). The kids were so fatigued that they almost lost their balance while exiting the plane.

"Oh c'mon! You two didn't even get your daily exercise!" Donald complained scoldingly.

"But Uncle Donald! It's night! Croatia's on Central European Time, in case you haven't noticed!" Louie whined.

"Wait—we're in Croatia?! Yay! It was always on my bucket list, but I never got to go! You know, 'cause I was pretty much stuck in the mansion my whole life. Anyway, woo hoo!" Webby cheered. Donald and Louie gave her bemused looks, chuckling in earnest.

Elsewhere, nine hours earlier (but technically at the same time), Gyro ordered Launchpad not to touch anything fragile or potentially dangerous.

"I mean it, McQuack! I am not responsible for cleaning up your messes!" he warned, wagging his finger at the younger duck.

"Whatever you say, Gyro!" Launchpad said brightly while hugging him to death.

"Okay! What did I say about hugging?!" the chicken wheezed while attempting to catch his breath.

Yikes! I almost forgot! What about Scrooge and Della? Oh yeah! They were gonna stay with Gladstone and Fethry for a while at the former's new mansion. Details, my friends, details!

"Welcome, my dear sweet uncle and lovely cousins—to the brand new Gander residence!" the luckiest duck in the world announced proudly, gesturing towards the chandelier room.

Scrooge, Della, and Fethry glanced around in awe. Everything was literally made of gold...okay, fake gold, but still! It was awesome!

"Jesus Christ, you're King Midas!" Della exclaimed, gasping.

"Holy toledo! She's not kidding!" Fethry agreed, still awestruck.

"Well...I-I'm speechless! Even I haven't seen this much gold mounted on the walls—though it's fake gold, but who cares? This is great! Fantastic choice, nephew!" Scrooge beamed in approval, giving him a thumbs up.

"Quick question—where are the bedrooms? No offense, but we need to unpack first. Besides, I need to call the boys later to see if they're okay," Della reminded everyone.

"Oh! They're upstairs. All you have to do is go up the steps and turn left once. The first two doors are guest bedrooms, so you and Uncle Scrooge can take those. As for you, Fethry—you'll take the room right across from theirs," Gladstone informed them.

"Cool! Time to unpack!" Fethry said excitedly before running back to the limo to grab his stuff. Scrooge and Della soon followed suit.

A/N: I wanted to write a more lighthearted and fluffy fic this time instead of an angsty one, so hopefully this is at least okay. :)

I DO NOT OWN *Ducktales (2017)*! ALL CANON dialogues/scenes are credited to the WRITERS/PRODUCERS/DIRECTORS of the show! :)