So …

I've been thinking about the sequel to this (tentative title: Child of Iron, Goblet of Fire), and I've hit a brick wall on one detail.

After several days of giving myself a headache by beating my head against said wall, I've decided that since the hubby and I are going out of town for Labor Day, it's the perfect chance to disconnect and at the same time, ask for help from those of you who enjoyed this story.

My brick wall is this: with Wormtail in custody, who among Voldemort's followers would he tap to be his combination mouthpiece and caregiver (remembering that at the beginning of book four Voldemort is stuck in his baby-thing form, only regaining a quasi-human form after the resurrection ritual)?

I mean, does anyone really think that if Babymort (sorry) approached Lucius Malfoy, Lucius would do anything other than kill the thing? (Lucius is well on his way to controlling the Ministry by bribing Fudge at this point; why mess with something that works?)

My first thought would be Bellatrix Lestrange, who would have to escape from Azkaban early (and, more to the point, have some *reason* to escape early).

Offer your suggestions in comments or via PM. Any suggestions are helpful, and all are welcome!

Please don't be offended if I don't respond to each and every comment; in a real-life brainstorming session (at least the ones I've participated in), the suggestions are accepted without judgment or other comment.

I will say, however, THANK YOU in advance!