
Disclaimer: I own nothing in the MCU.


It was late when Wanda heard the yelling coming from the living room of the compound. The entire team had been summoned to the compound to discuss the consequences of Cap's mission to get Rumlow.

"Tony this is not what we are supposed to be! If we agree to these terms, we would be no better than the corrupt shield agents!" Steve argues against signing the accords. Everyone is looking between the two powerful members of their team.

"Well if we don't, we are going to be criminals. We will be hunted down, we will be attacked, and we will be fighting a war on two sides. I don't know about you Cap, but me I'm good being the guy who gets assigned the bad people we have to stop." Everyone watches Tony throw his hands around the air trying to get through to his better half. Wanda crept down the hall trying to get a better grasp of the situation. She was used to being kept out of these big conversations. Wanda thought about the fact that this was her fault, anyway, so why would they want her there to giver her opinion.

"Ton listen to yourself! You keep saying you want to be better! You do not want to be the old you! THIS IS WHAT THE OLD YOU WOULD DO!" Steve was furious at his boyfriend for not seeing that he was falling into his old ways. Finally, Natasha steps in and places a hand on Steve's shoulder to calm him down.

"I don't want to be that man anymore" Tony frowns "But I don't want to see the only people that I love hurt either." Tony cannot figure out how else to explain this to Steve. His was terrified of losing him, losing the team, losing the only family he has left ever since those dreams started.

"Ton listen I am all for falling in line and being a good soldier, but Cap may have a point here." Rhodey tries interjecting knowing how his best friend could be. Wanda's frown deepens realizing that she is the reason for this rift. Like always she was destroying the relationships around her. The team would kick her to the curb like everyone else since her family died.

"If we do this, we need to take precautions. Can we agree to that?" Tony finally faulters in his objections causing everyone to let out a sigh. Wanda was already heading to her room ready to pack her stuff up. This was nothing new to her, so why not just be preemptive.

"So, are we agreed? Natasha will work with Wanda to find control over those powers and lose that dependence she has? Steve and Rhodey will work on getting the army to see our value with independence from the government, and the rest of us will be ready to work?" Tony surveys the room receiving nods from everyone.

One hour later

"Where are you going Wanda?" Tony calls causing the girl to jump dropping the stack of clothes she was carrying.

"I heard you guys fighting… I figured that I…" Wanda isn't sure how to tell him that she knew they were going to kick her out of the group.

"Fighting doesn't mean we are breaking up kid. Can we talk?" Tony tries to calm her down as he sits on her bed."

"Oh...yea ok sure." Wanda follows him to the bed and sits waiting.

"Listen no one here thinks that what happened the other day was your fault. That was a hard situation, and you have not got a lot of time to train your powers. We are taking a huge risk by staying independent from the government. It also means that we need to work with you on control. Natasha is going to be spending a lot of time with you in the future, but this isn't a punishment ok?" Tony is speaking low and trying to be as understanding as he can with her.

"Tony I am so sorry about that! I really tried my best to keep it up, and if I did not act Steve might have died! I promise I will work at controlling my powers!" Wanda is close to breaking down.

"Wow wow wow kid slow down. I said this is not a punishment. Nat is very good at keeping herself in control and I think she will be a great help to you. We are behind you all the way. Speaking of which I want you to take this bracelet, and I will not lie there is a power dampener in it. This switch is turns it on and off. I want you to learn how strong you can be without using your powers." Tony hands the bracelet to her.

"Sure. I can do that." Wanda plasters a fake smile on her face putting on the bracelet. Tony pats her shoulder lightly and smile before heading out of her room to let her reorganize everything again.

Next day

Wanda woke up early to try and beat everyone to the kitchen so she could enjoy breakfast alone. However, it was not to be as she shuffled into the kitchen at the ungodly hour of 6 am dressed in black shorts stopping at her midthigh, a red tank top, and a pair of knee-high red socks.

"Oh, hey Wanda. How you doing?" Natasha nods in greeting as she finishes a sip of her coffee. Wanda's head snaps up and stares at the older woman for a few seconds.

"H h hi Natasha…sorry Natasha just tired right now." Wanda tries to act like she is not scared, embarrassed, and annoyed. Wanda walks passed Natasha to the fridge grabbing eggs, bacon, and bread.

"I could make that for you if you want to relax and try to wake up a bit." Natasha tries offering only to receive a head shake in the negative as Wanda starts making the food. The next thirty minutes is filled with an uncomfortable silence between the two women.

"Do you want some?" Wanda asks as she is finishing up with the food.

"Oh, sure thanks." Natasha looks up from her phone surprised at the gesture. Wanda just places a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of Natasha. The two eat in silence with Wanda not feeling comfortable enough to look up at even once.

"So, we are going to start our training at twelve today. That ok?" Natasha asks as she takes the empty plates to the sink once both were done.

"Yea you are in charge. I'll be there." Wanda says quickly as she gets up and heads back to her room looking down.

"No what? This isn't a…." Wanda was gone though before she could finish. Natasha raised an eyebrow confused why Wanda was acting so strangely. She was going to have to figure this out quick if she has any hope of creating control for the girl.

Few hours later

Wanda changes into a pair of black yoga pants paired with a pink tank top and a pair of black Jordan sneakers. She had to be downstairs for training in ten minutes and was a little worried about it. She figured that Natasha would be angry that she was on babysitting duty and felt like it was her fault that Natasha had to do it. She made her way slowly to the training gym and was floored by the sight that was awaiting her.

Natasha was dressed in a pair of tight white leggings paired with just a white sports bra and grey running sneakers. She was stretching out in preparation of the training session, and Wanda could not look away. Natasha was always in great shape and had the tendency to wear tight clothing, but that was on missions or in situations that Wanda was able to escape without making a fool of herself.

"Feel free to join anytime Wanda" Natasha chuckled feeling the girl's eyes on her ass.

"How did you know?" Wanda stutters and feels her face turn as red as her hair.

"You realize that I am a literally a world-renowned spy." Natasha raises an eyebrow as she looks over her shoulder at Wanda. After another awkward moment Wanda heads over to prepare for the training session.

"So, you know this isn't a boss worker relationship, right?" Natasha decides to just dive right in.

"What do you mean? Tony told you that you had to train me. Hence, you are in charge here. Natasha, I appreciate you pretending that you aren't annoyed doing this, but it's fine I get that training me isn't your first choice of a mission." Wanda frowns not bothering to pretend I am not upset.

"Hey kid look at me!" Natasha forces the girl to sit up and look at her. "I want to make this very clear to you. I asked to be the one to train you. Tony was going to call Clint back to the compound to train you. I wanted to be the one to train you because I started to train you, and I want to continue that. You are a great person and have a lot of potential to be an amazing hero. I don't know what is up with you lately, but there is something wrong with you." Wanda's eyes go wide at Natasha's words.

"That is… really sweet of you Natasha and it means so much to me that you want to help me. I am not used to people being there for me after I have messed up. Ever since our parents died Pietro was the only one that stood up for me." Wanda broke down to Natasha tears flowing down her face. The older woman pulls Wanda into a hug and pats her back.

"Hey Wanda, we are not turning our backs on you. You are the reason we turned down the accords. Once Steve told us about the government wanting to run tests on you and keep you out of the field the choice was easy to make. We are just taking precautions now to keep you and everyone one else safe. You are part of this team, part of this family, and important to us. I want you to brighten up back to your normal self because you are not alone anymore. Understood?" Natasha pulls back a bit looking at the crying girl.

"Oh my god really?!" Wanda could not believe that the team would do that for her. "You guys shouldn't have done that! I will do anything to repay you guys I promise!" Wanda stutters shocked by the team running to her defense like this.

"Hey the only thing you need to do is perk up because you are part of this family for the long haul, and work hard as you can at learning to control your powers while also learning that you do not need to relay on them." Natasha smiles at the younger woman. Wanda was completely overcome by emotions with all the support that Natasha was offering her.

"Oh my god I am so sorry!" Wanda freaked out when she pulled away from kissing Natasha.

"Wanda it is no big deal there was a lot of emotions going on." Natasha tries to comfort Wanda knowing the woman is embarrassed.

"I am so sorry that I kissed you can we just start this tomorrow Natasha?" Wanda asks but is already on her feet sprinting to the stairs, so that she could just lock herself in her room.

One hour later

"How did Wanda's training go?" Tony asks walking into the living room and finding Natasha pacing.

"I…I pushed that start date to tomorrow." Natasha answers quickly and leaves the room before Tony could ask any follow ups.

"Where is Nat off to in such a hurry?" Steve asks after placing a kiss on Tony's cheek only to receive a shrug, before Tony pulls the man off to their date.

"Wanda please open up" Natasha begs knocking on the door for the eight time since the training incident. Natasha feels horrible for making Wanda think it was a bad decision since Natasha did enjoy the kiss.

"Natasha please I don't know what else to say to you!" Wanda begs as she opens the door with tear marks on her cheeks. "I know what I did was a horrible mistake. I know that you are not looking for a relationship especially with someone as broken as me. I get that it was" Wanda's voice is suddenly muffled as Natasha place her lips on Wanda's. Natasha wraps her arms around Wanda's neck pulling her close waiting for the young woman to relax.

"I don't think that was a mistake, I don't think that the first one was a mistake, and I know that you are not broken. I have seen the looks for months and I tried to ignore them figuring that I was just over thinking it. Wanda let me in and let me love you." Natasha stares at the beautiful young woman leaving herself vulnerable for the first time since being in the Red Room.

"Natasha I can't take losing someone else. I don't want you to do this because it will help my control, or you feel bad for me, or you unsure after I kissed you and you are rushing into something. I need this to be real. I need this to be for the long haul." Wanda pulls back afraid that Natasha would hurt her and that she is just trying to complete her mission.

"That is not the kind of person I am Wanda. Yes I am going to be training you, yes I think having this relationship will help you, yes that kiss did open my eyes to this possibility, but no I will never hurt you if you let me love me." Natasha promises staring into Wanda's eyes deeply.

"I… I hope you have a good first date planned." Wanda smiles and leans in placing another kiss on Natasha. The kiss filled with emotions like love, passion, desire, and need as each woman's hands explored the body of the other. As much as she wished to stand here kissing the younger woman all day, but Natasha wanted to take her somewhere nice tonight to celebrate their relationship.

"Dress casual and meet me in the living room in an hour. I have everything planned and taken care of." Natasha smiled at Wanda pressing a last kiss to her cheek before heading to her own room to get ready.

One hour later

Wanda walked out of her room dressed in a pair of tight grey jeans, a red skintight t-shirt, and some black leather boots to her mid-calf. When she walked into the living room Nat was leaning against the arm of the couch. Wanda could not help looking the woman up and down in wonderment as she was dressed in black leather pants, a purple blouse, and some black biker boots.

"Ready gorgeous?" Natasha smirked catching Wanda for the second time today checking her out.

"Yea I can't wait!" Wanda bounced over to Natasha placing a light peck on her check. Natasha smiled down at her tugging her lightly towards the garage. Once the two were on Nat's mack black Kawasaki Ninja H2 they quickly made their way out of the complex, and onto the highway back towards the city.

Same time else where

"This is General Ross of the US Army I wish to speak to the captain of the Saber." Is the only sound in a dark desolate battleship that floats just outside the United States radar range.

"This better be good Ross!" is roared into the communication device making Ross smirk. Working with men like this was always fun for him since he got whatever illegal task, he was working on completed, and got to have powerful non law-abiding persons under his thumb.

"They will be in the city tonight alone! I want that which do you understand?!" Ross not one to be out done screams back at the man. There was no answer from the other side of the line, there was no static, and Ross quickly realized he had been played a fool.

A/N: Here is my new, and first, Avengers story. It as you can see is AU where Vision is not the one Wanda lets help her. I plan on this running from Civil War all the way through Endgame. There will be character deaths in the story, however they will not all be the same as from the movie.