His lips were pale. He was looking at what used to be his brother with wide eyes. He could feel his own fingers tremble as he tried to grasp his weapon. Not from fear, because he was a Primarch and he was not supposed to be afraid. This emotion was brand new to him. Something... raw, something moving him to the core.

Horus smiled. It was not the smile Sanguinius used to watch and enjoy on numerous occasion. This was a strange, twisted expression, not quite fitting the friendly demeanour of his brother. Then he realized this was not entirely his brother. Not anymore.

„Horus," he breathed more than whispered. He let the name hang on his lips, his eyes now filling with something unusual.

„Sanguinius," came the answer. A simple statement. His voice was hoarse, although Sanguinius could sense the little voices coming from beneath, whispering, tempting, resting.

„I was afraid it would come to this, brother."

Yes, Sanguinius was afraid of that too. Afraid even though he was not supposed to know fear. He was afraid for Horus, because that was what he's alwasy been, apparently.

„Brother," he whispered, his voice suddenly full of tears. He lowered his sword and spread his arms wide in a gesture that would seem inviting if both of them did not know better.

„Please, Horus, it does not have to be this way. You can come with me. You must come with me."

Something in Horus' eyes slowly shifted. It seemed like some kind of pain.

„You are aware I cannot return. The deeds I comitted will not be forgotten, nor they will be forgiven. You must understand, Sanguinius. I must continue. There are certain things that have to be put to an end."

Sanguinius winced at the sound of his name. He blinked a few times to get rid of a few tears. Now was not the time to get overwhelmed.

„I know you, Horus. Better than anyone else, if I may speak so boldly. We both have our flaws but this… this is not you. This is something else and you have to fight it. We swore to fight these unnatural forces. We made our promises and we must stay true to them. Please, brother. For the Emperor."

Horus' eyes moved again and then they were blank, devoid of emotions.

„No," he whispered firmly, „for I am not serving Father anymore. I am not his tool. I am my own Lord."

Are you? Sanguinius thought bitterly, but he knew there was no point in arguing. He considered it for a moment and then took a step closer. His brother looked at him vigilantly but did not make a move.

„Horus," Sanguinius said again, his gentle face frowning with effort, „return with me.

„I told you - „

„Not for the Emperor. For me."

Please. The unspoken word was hanging in the air. And Sanguinius never thought he would be pleading, begging someone as if the whole world mattered on it.

„For you, Sanguinius." Horus was silent for a moment. Then he lowered his weapon and took a few determined steps forward. Sanguinius held his breath until his brother stood only a few inches away from his face.

„I would die for you," Horus breathed into his brother's face. „You know that very well."

Sanguinius thought that the sweetness of Horus breath must have been a doing of the Warp because he was feeling light and intoxicated. It was difficult even to stay still.

„My brother. My dear brother Sanguinius. Would you do the same?"

Sanguinius shaked his head to get rid of the intrusive thoughts.

„What do you mean?"

„I mean," Horus was now very close to his ear, „you could always join me. Now, please re-consider this offer. We would rule the galaxy side by side. You and me. All nations would know our names, all would bow to us and fear us. We would be infinite."

With every word, Horus sounded more and more excited. Sanguinius slowly closed his eyes and for a while let himself be engulfed by the image. Him and Horus, side by side. The light was dim but he could even see the colour of his own hair and Horus's sharp features. They were holding hands, talking and laughing. There was grass under their feet and Sanguinius realized he was barefoot.

„It is strange to think about it," he heard himself say, „us being brothers, but so unsimilar at the sam time."

„We are what we are supposed to be," Horus voice was light and playful, „we are our father's warriors. And brothers and friends. You are my friend, Sanguinius. The closest one I have."

It was an old memory, Sanguinius realized, but something was wrong. His wings were not the same colour as always and there were strange voices whispering in his head.

„No!" He shouted and opened his eyes. He nearly fell backwards as the first thing he saw was Horus' curious face watching him closely. Their lips were just inches apart. But they were not friends anymore, there was no friendship or hope and they were both probably going to die.

So Sanguinius closed the gap between them and kissed Horus. He tasted just like Sanguinius has always imagined and his lips were surprisingly soft. Then there were fingers in Sanguinius' long hair, clutching and pulling him closer. He let himself be pulled. He caught Horus' left hand in his as if he did not want to let go. But in the end, he did because he had to.

The moment was over as a daydream and they were facing each other once again. Sanguinius' mind was still full of images of a happier life and Horus' voice was reaching his ears from a long distance.

„If this be the fate you choose..."

Yes, he thought. This is the fate I choose. I cannot join you. Not anymore. But I know my fate.

He once again forbid himself from crying as he raised his sword.

Emperor, let me die by my beloved's hand for this shall be my destiny.