Includes: Trans Male Danny Fenton; Tucker, Sam, and Danny in a QPR; Canon-Typical Violence; and Characters Using Gender-Neutral Pronouns


They groaned as they sat up. Their bodies ached and their skins buzzed with power.

"We're alive," they said breathlessly, only to realize they weren't breathing.

They looked up and their eyes met. They flinched back in shock.

Their hair was stark white, contrasting with the dark forest green of their skin. The sides were shaved close like Tucker's hair, but the top fell to their chins like Sam's. It was also feathery and hung in their faces, like Danny's. They had Danny's round face, but Tucker's plump nose and Sam's full lips. Their eyes were hidden behind goggles whose lenses were glowing toxic green. They all wore the same suit: black hazmat with white boots, gloves, and collars. Glittering white stars littered the black while electric blue circuit patterns glowed on the white. Sharp fangs peeked out from their open mouths and their ears were pointed. Black vines weaved in and out of the cartilage and small violet roses nestled against their lobes. They had Danny's small thin body paired with Tucker's wider shoulders and Sam's wider hips.

"What the hell?" they exclaimed, reaching for each other. "What happened to us?"

They remembered each putting on one of Danny's suits and goggles, Tucker taking the prescription ones Mrs. Fenton had made for him. They had gone into the nonfunctioning portal to check it out: Danny curious about the world his parents had spent his life obsessing over, Tucker fascinated by the technology surrounding him, and Sam in it for the thrill. Sam had tried to rush ahead and Danny had stumbled over a wire when he grabbed her to keep her close. This had caused him to bump into Tucker, who had grabbed his shoulder with one hand and the wall with the other to keep upright.

Then there had been a click and the whirring of engines coming to life.

After that, there was only pain.

"The portal turned on," they said, shivering, "with us inside. We… Did we die? Are we ghosts?"

A door opened upstairs and they all turned to look. Danny jumped to his feet, hands burying in his hair.

"Our parents!" they said. "If they find us down here…"

Sam turned to the portal to see a swirl of green mists that resembled their goggles.

Tucker shook his head.

"We're not going in there again. It's where ghosts belong, right? We can't be ghosts, our parents would kill us," they said frantically.


Sam and Tucker jumped to their feet as well, grabbing Danny's hands. Sam tried to tug them towards the portal. Tucker tried to pull them towards the door to the sub-basement. Danny stared at the stairs to the lab.

"We have to go! We'd rather go to the Fenton Dungeon! We can't be ghosts!"

Something snapped and rings of white-blue-purple rolled over them.

They collapsed with a - with three - shouts.


Danny's parents came rushing in as the three slowly pulled themselves off the ground, bodies aching and sluggish.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Mrs. Fenton asked, going immediately to her son's side as Mr. Fenton hovered nearby, looking all three kids over.

The trio shared a look and were both shocked and relieved to see they were back to normal.

They were alive.

"We-I-I mean, I'm fine, Mom," Danny said hesitantly, voice cracking slightly when he realized his voice was the only one answering.

"M-Me too," Tucker said, his own voice wavering for the same reason.

Sam just nodded.

"What happened?" Mrs. Fenton repeated.

The three shared a look.

We need to lie, Sam thought and the boys flinched as they realized they could hear her. Her eyes widened, but carried on. We should say Danny was showing us the portal and it just came on. Don't say we were near it.

Why should we lie? Danny asked.

Uh, because then they'll think somethings wrong.

Something is wrong, Tucker pointed out.

JUST DO IT! Hurry before they get suspicious!

"I was, uh, showing Sam and Tuck the portal and it just came on," Danny said quickly.

His dad looked over at the portal with excitement, but quickly stomped it down and focused on the kids. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"We're fine," they said, then flinched.

"None of you got shocked or hit with anything right?" Mrs. Fenton asked.

"Nope," they lied.

"Alright, but I want to check you all over, just in case. Suits off."

They quickly slipped out of the primarily white suits and handed them off to Danny's dad while his mom checked them over for injuries. She measured their breathing and heart rate before giving their faces a long look to be sure there wasn't any ectoplasmic spillage. She scanned them for ectoplasmic radiation and frowned at the results, but admitted they weren't worrying.

"See, we're fine, Mom," Danny said, even as Tucker had to bite his lip to keep from speaking with him.

"Okay, you three head upstairs. Jazz should be home in an hour with dinner."

The trio fled to Danny's room.

Danny flopped face-first onto his bed. Tucker leaned against his desk, looking over his phone to be sure it was still working fine. Sam placed herself in front of the mirror, staring.

Ten minutes went by in silence.

So did we die or not? Tucker asked and his friends squirmed.

I'm pretty sure we can't be dead with a pulse, Danny said, his hand coming up to his neck to feel the beating against his fingers.

But living people can't talk in their heads with other people… Wait, you guys can hear this, right? I'm not going crazy?

"It's called Telepathy," Sam snorted, leaning closer to the mirror. "It's not exactly connected to dead people."

"It's a pretty common superpower," Danny said, his voice muffled by his pillow as he gestured towards his bookcase.

"I know that, but normal people -"

Tucker cut off as a purple ring of light expanded from Sam's waist, widening until it was around the size of a hula hoop. It split in two with one going up and the other going down. Where they passed, she was transformed into the form they'd woken in.

Tucker jerked upright with a gasp. "Holy crow!"

Danny rolled over and stared at her with wide eyes. "Sam?"

She stared at herself in the mirror for a moment then turned to them. "Yeah, i-"

She cut off, her hands going to her mouth.

"Your voice," Tucker said.

"It sounds like," Danny continued.

"Us," Sam finished, her voice an echoing mixture of her, Tucker, and Danny talking over one another. "This is so…"

"Cool," Tucker said while Danny said, "freaky."

Sam's lips twitched up into a shaky smile. "Odd. Well, it's good to know we're probably not a hive mind now if we're disagreeing."

Danny paled. "Was that a worry we should have had?"

"Between the telepathy and the way we all looked the same, yeah," Sam said, turning back to the mirror.

"Not to mention the talking together thing we were doing," Tucker pointed out. "It was actually a little hard to stop doing that. And was I the only one that was thinking collectively before we changed back."

Dany fidgetted. "Kind of, but I still… We were together, but I was still just me. I mean, you two were arguing about the portal."

"Yeah, but we were saying each other's arguments too," Tucker pointed out.

"So not a hive mind, but some serious mind link nonsense," Sam stated, leaning closer to the mirror and pulling up the goggles to look at her eyes. They looked like her own, but they were a sickly yellow color.

"How did you do that?" Danny asked. "Change into that?"

Sam tilted her head then the boys got a feeling: A feeling of wanting, needing to change, of lightness and emptiness, of strength and power. Then the phantom sensation of a tug just beneath their sternum.

They both let the feeling flood them and felt the tug for real. Then Tucker and Danny were transformed by blue and white rings respectively.

The trio gave a yelp as Danny jumped, then chuckled as Tucker stretched his arms in front of him. Tucker ran over to Sam's side to look into the mirror as well.

"We really do look exactly alike," they said as Tucker glanced between him and her.

He pushed up his own goggles to reveal his usual eyes, but neon purple.

"Our eyes are different from each others. Nice. Do we have to do the talking together thing though? Let's see. Don't talk. I love meat."

Sam punched Tucker.

"Guess that's a yeah. Uh, guys, a little help!"

Tucker and Sam blinked then turned to Danny, who was hovering five feet in the air. He was waving his arms in an attempt to move, to no effect.

"Cool," they said as Sam went to help him and Tucker started hopping. "How did we do that? We don't know, just help us."

Sam grabbed his shoulder and pulled him down until his feet were on the ground. She let go and he bobbed upwards.

They snickered. "Oh shut up. Hey, we think we got i-Woah!"

The two turned to see Tucker standing on the ceiling.

"Not what we meant, but still cool." Tucker pointed at Danny. "Eyes?"

Danny pushed his goggles up so Tucker and Sam could see his normal eyes had turned bright red.

Sam smirked.


Danny closed his eyes and tried to focus on being heavy.

He transformed back and fell to the floor.

"Well, that kind of worked," he muttered.

Tucker and Sam snickered as the latter knelt next to Danny. "You okay?"

"Fine, though I'd feel better if you weren't laughing at me while asking."

"Only one of us is laughing," they said and Sam sent Tucker a look. "It's just coming from both of us."

Danny rolled his eyes and stood up with Sam's help. He stared at Tucker, who was walking in circles, as Sam turned back to the mirror. "Can you get down?" he asked after a while.

"We don't know." Tucker sat down and smiled. "We'll try in a little bit. This is too cool. Hey, our chests aren't as flat as we thought."

Danny turned to Sam, who was standing perpendicular to the mirror and frowning at it.

The two ghosts made a strangled sound then said, "It doesn't look like we definitively have… We could just have pecs." Sam looked down at herself and fiddled with the zipper of her suit. "It does make us wonder."

They gave another strangled sound, then a human Tucker was plummeting from the air.

"No, no it doesn't!" he snapped and the others turned to him. He scrambled to his feet and pointed a finger at her, a blush on his face. "I under no circumstances want to know what we look like under there. And since we've got this mind meld thing going on, neither of you are allowed to look, you hear me?"

"What's the problem?" Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.

He crossed his arms and glared at her. "In case you're forgetting, I'm kind of outnumbered in the lower area department. I'd prefer to think I still won out somehow."

Danny nodded quickly. "Same."

Sam snorted, but dropped her hand. "Alright fine. For the record though, we might not have anything underneath. The Fentons said ghosts are just ectoplasm given form by post-human consciousness, right? So we could just be smooth underneath, if there's even an underneath, to begin with. The suit might not even open."

Tucker and Danny gave her the same horrified expression. Together, they said, "That's worse, Sam!"

She laughed, then fell through the floor.

{Mystery Meat}

Danny and Tucker ignored Sam joining them at their lunch table as they ate their bagged lunches.

She gave them a mental poke, but only Danny looked up. "Come on, you guys aren't even eating the school lunch!"

"Only because we saw your plans during practice and came prepared," Tucker muttered into his ham sandwich.

"You can't just force your agendas on people, Sam," Danny said.

"You've eaten vegan plenty of times with me!" she huffed. "You said it tasted fine."

"Yeah, but I did so to make you feel more comfortable. My decision. It's not right t-"

Danny's breath fogged in front of him as Sam's cheeks flushed and the hair on Tucker's arms stood up. All three were immediately on their feet. Sam and Tucker's eyes darted around as Danny dragged them towards the doors. Tucker's eyes caught on a green glow coming from the kitchen as Sam's landed on the furious looking Dash headed their way.


"Go, Danny, we'll distract him."

Tucker pouted, but said, "Kitchen. We'll catch up."

Danny hesitated, then slipped off without them.

"Hello, child," the lunch lady looking ghost said as Danny nervously approached her in his ghost form. "Can you help me? Today's lunch is meatloaf, but I don't see the meatloaf. Did someone change the menu?"

Yeah, Sam did, Tucker growled.

"Uh, yes?"

Lie! Do you want to tick her off? Sam hissed in his head.

She shouldn't be so bad. She looks a little like my grandmother, Tucker scoffed.

And we look like teenagers. Shut up. Lie, Danny!

"W-we mean, no," Danny stuttered quickly as the ghost's eyes began to narrow. "Not technically. The menu is technically the same. It's just, uh, this week is special so the menu's slightly different."

"Special? A celebration?" she asked, voice sweet and innocent.

"Y-yes, exactly! It's, uh, celebrating vegetables and their health benefits."

"How wonderful! But meat is very important."

"Of course, but everyone knows that. The kids at this school needed to be reminded that veggies are important too, so the school put together a vegetarian week."



The ghost hummed as she looked out towards the cafeteria. "And the children have learned their lesson?"

Red flag! Red flag!

Lie, Danny! Lie as if your afterlife relies on it, because it does, Sam near shouted.

Yes, thank you, I was able to figure that out on my own. "Of course. They can't get enough of the new - Temporary! - menu. We're sure they'll be eating nice balanced meals when this is all over."

"That's good. Children need nice healthy meals."

"Yup, definitely. So, uh, are we done here? Would you mind, you know, going back to the zone? You wouldn't want to distract anyone from their meal."

"No, I suppose not," she sighed sadly and Danny felt a little bad. She did seem like a sweet old lady.

"Great, we'll show you back to the portal if you want," Danny said, holding out his arm like he did for Grandma Fenton.

"Such a sweet child," she hummed, patting his cheek. "You could use more meat on your bones though."


"I can find my own way home… Say, what's your name, dearie?"

"We're Doppelgänger," Danny said, giving the name the trio had decided on using for their shared ghost form.


"We." He gave a half-nod, half-shrug motion. Even when only one of them was transformed, they couldn't help but think of themselves as a trinity and refer to themselves as such.

The lunch lady seemed to just accept this, though, which made him wonder how weird ghosts tended to be. They'd mostly just faced animal-like creatures before.

"And you are?"

"I am the Lunch Lady."

Yup, ghosts were just weird like that.

The Lunch Lady gave his cheek another pat then flew off.

So, that's taken care of, Danny said. He transformed back and slipped back into the hall just as Sam and Tucker left the cafeteria. "Though it might not have gone so well if you'd been there Tuck. I almost told her Sam was at fault because of you."

"It would have been the truth," the tech geek pointed out and Sam shoved him.

"We might want to look into ways to capture ghosts long term though," she said. "We're not going to be able to talk them all down and clearly they're not sticking to the portal."

"What about that thermos thing Danny's dad showed us before the Ectopuses showed up?" Tucker suggested.

"Are we seriously calling them that?" Sam groaned.

"I thought he said it doesn't work," Danny said.

Tucker's eyes flickered purple as he smirked. "Let me have a peek at it."

Sam and Danny watched the thermos activate with wide eyes.

"How did you do that?" the trio asked. "We've got Technokinesis powers. We do?"

Danny placed his hand on his computer and focused. After a moment, Tucker sent him instructions, but it didn't help.

"Can… can we not all do it?" they said. They turned to face each other.

Sam hummed a tune as the potted plant in front of her danced.

"That's freaky," Tucker muttered.

She glared at him. "Chlorokinesis isn't any freakier than Technokinesis."

"Yeah, sure, until you go Little Shop of Horrors on us," he said, gesturing to the Venus flytrap.

Sam stared him in the eyes as she turned the pot so he could see the name Audrey II painted on the pot.

"Guys!" Danny cheered, bursting into Sam's greenhouse.

"Danny, Sam's making murder plants!"

"Audrey II is a sweetheart, don't judge," Danny said, waving Tucker off. "She only eats ectoplasm anyways."

"What?" Tucker yelped.

"He's joking."

"I am?"

Sam raised an eyebrow at Danny. "I was joking when I told you that."


"Danny, did you pour ectoplasm on my plant?"

Danny squirmed under his friends' gazes.

"Oh my god!" all three muttered as they looked down at the plant.

It hadn't stopped dancing.

"I'm sure it's fine," Sam said after a few moments.

"Yeah," Danny said slowly before accidentally sending his friends visions of living hot dogs and turkeys and carrots and - "Anyways," he cut in as they turned to give him horrified looks. "I have news. Good news. News unrelated to Sam's maybe ghost plant."


Danny grabbed Sam's hand and Tucker's shoulder then pulled them both backward.

Suddenly they were surrounded by a star-filled void.

"What the heck?" Tucker and Sam as the three activated their ghost flight to keep from bobbing around uncontrollably in the gravity-free space. They turned to Danny, who was smiling with red eyes. "What is this?"

"A pocket dimension," Danny said, pointing to the Fenton Thermos floating past them and they realized a few other bobs and bits were in the void as well. "I can stick things in it and pull them out whenever I want. And it's space-themed!"

The two chuckled at his excitement.

"How'd you even figure this out?"

Danny blushed. "I fell into it. I was looking for my backpack to put the thermos in and tripped."

They gave him big smiles.

"Shut up." He floated off to the side and knocked on empty space, only for it to give a solid thump. "It's not as big as it looks, maybe the size of my bedroom, but it works."

"Great, but can you get us out again?"

"No, we're trapped," Danny deadpanned before shoving them out of his Space Fold.