Despite what people may tell you, dyings not so bad. It hurts for a while and then it goes black, but you wake up again! You don't go anywhere though. I was pretty sad to find that out after I died, but I'm okay with it now. After all, I can still see my parents and friends, they just can't see me.

That might be a good thing though. I don't look like I used too. My new body isn't anything like my old one. It's really big and kinda hard to control. it's really strong though! It should help me and my friends hurt the purple man when we find him.

Everyone calls me Chica now. It makes me a little upset that they don't recognize me or my friends, in our new body's. My family still comes by the restaurant sometimes, but they look very sad.

I want to go and give them hugs to show I'm alright, but we're not allowed off the stage since Fritz attacked one of the day guards, the idiot. He knows we can't hunt during the day, even if the guard was being mean to him. Fritz has been locked up behind his curtain, since the grownups are scared of him now.

I worry about him now that he can't see his family anymore. He's gotten mean, but I know he's just sad since he can't do anything until we hunt. All the rest of us have something to do. Gabe can sing during the day and Jeremy can play his guitar. And Sometimes I help with making the pizzas, but Fritz has nothing to do all day. I hope he is allowed to entertain kids again soon.