Chapter 3: King of Omashu

Hey everyone I'm back with a new chapter. Wow over 50 followers and favorites. Not bad. Thanks for all the support guys. I hope you like what I have planned. Please Review and Enjoy.

Walking over a hill, Aang led Sokka, Katara, Ren and Appa to the top where they saw a giant city carved into a mountain.

"The Earth Kingdom City of Omashu. I used to always come here to visit my friend Bumi." Aang said.

"Whoa." Ren said impressed.

"We don't have places like this in the South Pole." Katara said.

"They have buildings that don't melt." Sokka said in awe.

"Well let's go, slow pokes. The real fun's inside the city!" Aang said.

"Wait!" Ren said shooting a shadow out and stopping Aang in his tracks.

"What?" Aang said turning around.

"Are you forgetting what happened at Kyoshi? Once people found out you were there things got bad for everyone." Ren reminds.

"Ren's got a point Aang. It could be dangerous." Katara said.

"So what am I supposed to do? Grow a mustache?" Aang asks sarcastically.

"Not a bad idea." Ren smirks.

A few minutes later, Aang had long hair and a mustache made of Appa's hair on him.

"Ugh so itchy. How do you live in this stuff?" Aang asks looking to Appa.

"Not bad Ren." Katara said impressed.

"Great, now he looks just like my grandpa." Sokka said.

"Technically, Aang is 112 years old." Katara said as Aang picks up his glider.

"Now let's get to skippin', young whipper-snappers. The big city awaits!" Aang said in an elderly voice.

Slowly the three of them followed after while Appa stayed behind.

"You guys are gonna love Omashu, the people there are the friendliest in the world." Aang said as they approached the entrance.

"Rotten cabbages?!" A guard said causing them to stop. Looking ahead they saw three guards bashing a vendor with gray hair.

"What kind of slum do you think this is?!" He asks before slamming his foot down launching the entire cart over the edge.

"No! My cabbages!" The Cabbage merchant yells.

"Yeah these guys are just big balls of sunshine." Ren said sarcastically.

"Just keep smiling." Aang said as they walked over.

"Halt!" The guard said bending a boulder over Aang's head. "State your business!"

Moving in Aang walks up to the guard. "My business is my business and none of yours! I've got half a mind to bend you over my knee and paddle your backside!" Aang said in his eldery voice causing the three of them to look in horror.

"Take it easy Old Timer. Just tell me who you are." The guard said.

"Name's Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis, the Third and these are my grandkids." Aang said as Katara walks up.

"Hi. June Pippinpaddleopsicopolis. Nice to meet you." Katara said.

"You seem like a responsible young lady. See that your grandfather stays out of trouble. Enjoy Omashu!" The guard said stepping out of the way so they could pass.

Ren and Sokka look to each other and follow after them.

"Hold it!" The guard said putting a hand on their shoulders stopping them.

"Uh yes sir?" Ren asks.

"You two seem like strong young men. Show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandfather's bag." The guard orders.

"Good idea." Aang said tossing Sokka his bag.

Narrowing his eyes Sokka shoots Aang a glare before the gates were opened and they walked in.

As the gates closed, Momo's ears popped out of Aang's hair confusing the guard for a second.

Entering the city, they saw many beautiful houses and tons of slides delivering parcels.

"What is all this?" Ren asks.

"This is the Omashu Delivery System. Miles and miles of tubes and chutes. Earthbending brings the packages up, and gravity brings them down." Aang explains.

"Great, so they get their mail on time." Sokka said unimpressed.

"They do, but my friend Bumi came up with a better use for these chutes." Aang smirks.


Aang was in standing in front of a kid with wild spiky hair and a funny face, this was Bumi.

"Look around you! What do you see?" Bumi asks.

"Uh the mail system." Aang said.

"Instead of seeing what they want you to see, you got to open your brain to the possibilities." Bumi said.

"A package sending system?" Aang asks confused.

"The world's greatest super slide!" Bumi declares gesturing to a chute.

"Bumi, you're a mad genius." Aang said as Bumi chuckles and snorts before they rode down the mail system in a crate.

Flashback End:

Soon the four of them were sitting in a crate about to go down the tallest chute in the city.

"One ride. Then we're off to the North Pole. Airbender's honor." Aang said.

"Aang this is crazy." Ren said from the back.

"I'm with Ren on this." Sokka said.

"Yeah, this sounded fun at first, but I'm beginning to have second thoughts!" Katara screams as they all went down the chute.

While Aang was laughing having the time of his life, Ren, Katara and Sokka were screaming.

Racing down the chute alongside them was a rack of spears, but as they moved ahead the spears came up behind them.

"Ren!" Sokka yelps.

Grabbing his shield Ren held it up to prevent them from getting impaled.

"Aang a little help!" Ren said.

"I'm on it!" Aang shakes the cart and they ended up flying off the chute and sliding along the roofs.

"Men, you'll be going off to combat soon. It's important that you be prepared for anything." A Solider said when the four of them bounced past them with crazy expressions on their faces startling the soldiers before they got back on the chutes.

"Aang use your airbending!" Katara said.

"Good idea, that'll make us go faster!" Aang said making a gust of wind that launched them down the ramp faster.

Down below they saw one earthbender stop a cart in front of them. Cringing all of them braced themselves for the worst when he pushed the cart away causing them to sigh in relief until he brought another up causing them to crash into it and launch into the air.

Acting quickly Aang uses his airbending to land him, Katara and Sokka into the cart but upon impact Ren flew out.

"Ren!" Katara gasps when Ren fires a shadow which latches onto the cart and using his shield as a board Red slid behind them hanging on for dear life.

"Whoa Ren that looks like a lot of fun!" Aang smiles turning around.

"I'm gonna kill you Aang!" Ren yells as they crashed through a small wall and fell.

Down below the cabbage merchant was admiring his new cart when he heard screaming. Looking up he panics as they crashed down destroying the cart.

"My cabbages! You're gonna pay for that!" The merchant yells as the soldiers ran over to see Aang's disguise had fallen apart.

"Two cabbages please." Aang said.

Soon they were brought to the Palace where an elderly man in green robes and a weird hat saw them and when his eyes moved to Aang he was interested.

"Your majesty, these juveniles were arrested for vandalism, traveling under false pretenses, and malicious destruction of cabbages." A guard said.

"Off with their heads! One for each head of cabbage!" The merchant snaps.

"Silence! Only the king can pass down judgment." The guard said before turning to the King. "What is your judgment, sire?"

The King looks at them and saw Sokka stammering, Katara with her hands together with pleading eyes, Ren glancing around for a way to escape and Aang whistling.

"Throw them…a feast." He declares confusing everyone.

Soon, the four of them were sitting at a fully loaded table while Momo was digging in.

"The people in my city have gotten fat from too many feasts, so I hope you like your chicken with no skin." The King said.

"Thanks, but I don't eat meat." Aang said as the King turned to Sokka.

"How about you? I bet you like meat." The King said stuffing the chicken into his face which Sokka ate before he made his way back to his seat.

"Is it just me or is this guy's crown a little crooked?" Katara whispers.

"We trashed his city and he gave us feast, what do you think?" Ren whispers.

"So tell me, young bald one, where are you from?" The King asks.

"I'm from Kangaroo Island." Aang said.

"Oh, Kangaroo Island, eh? I hear that place is really hopping." The King jokes as Sokka burst into laughter while everyone else looked at him with blank expressions.

"What? It was pretty funny." Sokka said as the King lets out a yawn and stretches.

"Well, all these good jokes are making me tired. Guess it's time to hit the hay." The King said before throwing a chicken leg at Aang but before it hit Aang caught in a ball of air surprising the guards. "There's an airbender in our presence and not just any airbender. The Avatar!" He declares causing them to gasp seeing he trapped them. "Now, what do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Pippinpaddleopsicopolis?"

"Aang we gotta get outta here." Ren whispers.

"Right." Aang said standing up with his hands in the air. "Okay, you caught me. I'm the Avatar. Doing my Avatar thing, keeping the world safe. Everything checks out. No firebenders here. So, good work, everybody." Aang said pulling Katara, Sokka and Ren into a group hug before they slowly moved to the exit. "Love each other, respect all life, and don't run with your spears. We'll see you next time!"

They were about to walk out when two guards blocked their escape.

"You can't keep us here! Let us leave!" Katara said.

"Lettuce Leaf?" The King asks holding up a lettuce leaf before eating it.

"Why is he doing this?" Sokka asks.

"Because he's crazy." Ren repeats.

"Tomorrow the Avatar will compete in three challenges, win and you all go free. And since I'm a nice guy I'll let one of your friends help you." King said.

"I will!" Katara said.

"No me!" Sokka said but the King shook his head.

"No, that one. The boy with the shield on his back." The King said pointing to Ren surprising everyone.

Ren and Aang looked at each other and saw their chances of getting out wasn't that good.

"But for now, the guards will show you to your chamber." The King said when a guard walks over.

"My liege, do you mean the good chamber or the bad chamber?" He asks.

"The newly refurbished chamber." The King said.

"Wait, which one are we talking about?" The guard asks.

"The one that used to be the bad chamber, until the recent refurbishing, that is. Of course, we've been calling it the new chamber, but we really should number them. Uh, take them to the refurbished chamber that was once bad!" The King orders.

Leading them to a room the guards sealed them in and saw four beautiful beds and a very nice room.

"This is a prison?" Ren asks surprised.

"He did say it was newly refurbished." Aang said.

"Either way it's still a prison." Sokka said.

"I wonder what these challenges are gonna be?" Aang asks.

"And if we can pass them." Ren asid.

"Why not? You two are pretty strong. Aang with his air and staff you with your shield and shadows." Sokka asks.

"Maybe so, but Aang and Ren haven't really worked together…at all." Katara said as they both cringe knowing she was right. "There's gotta be a way out of here."

"The air vents!" Aang gasps pointing to a small hole.

"If you think we're going to fit through there, you're crazier than that king." Sokka said.

"We can't but Momo can." Aang said looking to Momo who was on the bed with a big belly from the feast earlier. "Momo, I need you to find Appa and bust us outta here."

Soon Momo was being shoved through the vents but the small hole was too small even for the little lemur.

"Give it up Aang, he's not gonna fit." Ren said as Aang stops trying to push Momo through.

"And how is Appa supposed to save us anyway?" Sokka asks.

"Appa is a 10-ton flying Bison; I think he could figure something out." Aang said.

"Assuming he doesn't get caught before he does. 10-ton bison really stick out." Ren points out.

"At least I'm trying to figure a way out." Aang glares.

"That's enough you two. No point in arguing. You both are gonna need your rest for tomorrow." Katara said as they all went to bed.

Hours later, Ren and Aang were sound asleep when suddenly a guard opens the door waking them.

"Uh Sokka? Katara?" Aang groans before seeing they were gone causing him to gasp. "Ren wake up!"

"Ugh what?" Ren groans as they both saw the guard.

"Where are our friends?!" Aang asks.

"The king will free them if you complete your challenges." The guard said.

"And if we fail?" Ren narrows his eyes.

"He did not say. Your staff and shield please." The guard said holding out his hand.

As Aang tosses him the staff he looks to Ren who slowly walks up to him.

"I better get this back." Ren glares.

Entering the throne room, Aang and Ren saw the King wearing some purple robes.

"First…what do you two think of my new outfit? I want your honest opinions." The King said gesturing to his clothes.

"Is this guy serious?" Ren asks looking at Aang.

"Just say something about it." Aang urges.

"I'm waiting." The King said.

"It's fine." Aang said scratching his head.

"As long as you like it." Ren shrugs.

"Excellent! You passed the first test." The King smiles.

"Really?" Aang asks.

"Well, not one of the deadly tests. The real challenges are much more, challenging." The King said.

"Alright screw these games we're leaving!" Ren said.

"Yeah give us back our friends!" Aang snaps.

"I thought you two might refuse. So I'm giving your friends a special gift." Bumi said as panel of earth came down revealing Sokka and Katara as guards put crystal rings on them.

"Those delightful rings are made of pure genomite, also known as creeping crystal. It's a crystal that grows remarkably fast. By nightfall your friends will be completely covered in it. Terrible thing, really. I can stop it, but only if you two cooperate." The King said as the rings started to grow on their fingers.

"Ah! It's already creeping!" Sokka panics.

"We'll do what you want." Aang said.

"Let's just get this over with." Ren glares.

Soon, Ren and Aang were in a cave as a waterfall as pouring down on a ladder.

"It seems I've lost my lunch box key and I'm hungry. Ooh, there it is! Would you mind fetching it for me?" The King asks pointing to a key inside the waterfall.

Going in first Aang jumped into the waterfall and tried to climb the ladder as the waterfall came down on him full force.

"Ooh, climbing the ladder. No one's thought of that." The King mocks as the water sends Aang flying backwards.

Annoyed Ren lashed a shadow whip at the roof and swung around the waterfall.

"Ooh shadows, that's a new one." The King grins as Ren tried swinging into the waterfall but the water sent him flying out and crashing into Aang knocking them both into a rock.

Cringing Sokka and Katara started to worry.

"That's right, keep diving headfirst. I'm sure that'll work eventually." The King smiles.

Groaning Ren and Aang got up.

"I got an idea." Aang said turning to him. "I'll give you an opening but you'll only have a few seconds."

"That's plenty." Ren said.

Running in Aang fires a blade of air and Ren shoots out a shadow spear.

The blade slices an opening in the waterfall allowing Ren's shadow to pierce the chain and the key drops right in front of the King.

"There enjoy your lunch! I want my friends back now!" Aang glares.

"Ah, not yet. I need help with another matter. It seems I've lost my pet, Flopsie." The King said.

In a large sunken enclosure, Ren and Aang walk up to a small lop-ear bunny.

"Alright we found your pet." Ren calls out looking up at the King, Sokka and Katara.

"Bring him to me. Daddy wants a kiss from Flopsie." The King said.

"Come here Flopsy." Aang said when suddenly a gorilla goat drops in behind them.

Turning around both of them yelp as they narrowly avoid being crushed.

Turning around they saw Flopsie running away.

"Flopsie wait!" Aang said chasing after the rabbit while Ren was dealing with the gorilla goat.

"I think you need a leash!" Ren said slamming his hands to the ground and shadows shoot out stopping the gorilla goat in its tracks.

"Flopsy wait!" Aang said trying to grab the rabbit when it jumped into a hole disappearing. "Ren! Flopsy got away!"

"What?!" Ren gasps when the gorilla goat broke free and swings at Ren.

Jumping back Ren sees the animal's large tongue flopping as it ran. "Wait a minute." Ren pauses. "Flopsy?"

Stopping in front of him, Flopsy wags his tail happily before hugging Ren.

"Flopsy." Aang smiles as Flopsy ran to the King.

"Oh, that's a good boy. Yes, who has a soft belly?" The King asks rubbing Flopsy's belly.

"Are you guys okay?" Aang asks looking to Katara who now almost turned into a chandelier.

"Other than the crystals slowly encasing my entire body, doing great." Katara said when a big chunk grew on Sokka making him fall over.

"We don't have much time left." Ren cringed as they turned to face the King.

"Come on! We're ready for the last challenge!" Aang said causing the King to grin at them.

Next, Ren and Aang were facing the King in a giant arena.

"Your final test is a duel. And as a special treat, you may choose your opponent." The King said as one man with a scythe and many other weapons steps out and the other was a large muscular man with an axe. "Point and choose."

"Oh boy this is not gonna be easy." Aang said.

"I'm leaning towards the guy with the axe, what about you?" Ren asks.

"Hold on. You're saying whoever we point to we fight?" Aang asks.

"Choose wisely." The King repeats.

Ren and Aang huddle for a few seconds and whisper before separating.

"We choose…you." Aang said pointing at the King.

"Wrong choice." The King grins as he tightened his fists and removes his outer robes to reveal a muscular built before he slammed his foot down knocking Aang and Ren onto the arena.

"What the heck?" Ren asks as they look to see the King land in front of them.

"You boys thought I was a frail old man, but I'm the most powerful earthbender you'll ever see!" The King declares.

"Can we go with my original choice of the axe guy?" Ren asks.

"I second that." Aang said as they stood up.

"No take backsies in my kingdom. You might need these." The King said as Ren and Aang were tossed their shield and staff.

Starting the fight off, the King fires multiple boulders at them, but Aang and Ren dodge the attacks.

"Typical Airbender tactic. Dodge and evade. I thought a new bending style would be fun, but you two are so boring." The King said as Ren threw his shield at him but the King caught it with ease surprising him. "Ooh strong metal."

Running in Ren creates a fist made of shadows and fires it at the King.

Smirking the King throws Ren's shield slicing the shadow in half and knocking Ren to the ground.

"Ooh that's gotta hurt." Sokka winces speaking from experience.

Aang uses his glider like a helicopter to try and dive in but the King fires a boulder at the roof causing chunks to fall down and knock Aang's staff out of his hands.

"You'll have to be a little more creative than that!" The King mocks as Ren slowly got up.

Aang rides his air scooter towards the King and fires a blast of air, but the King made a panel of earth deflect the attack.

"Did someone leave the windows open? It feels a little drafty in here. Are you hoping I'll catch a cold?" The King asks before firing the panel at Aang.

As he leaped to dodge the King smacks a boulder into Aang knocking him to the ground.

Using this opening Ren charges in and shadows wrap around his arm taking the form of claws.

Leaping in Ren slashes but the King makes a wall in front of them.

When Ren slices the wall in half he moves in but the King grabs both claws with his bare hands.

Smirking the King applies pressure crushing the claws and making Ren drop to his knees in pain as the King continued his press.

As Aang looks up he saw Ren being pushed to the ground.

"Ren!" Aang gasps as he leaps in and fires a gust of wind knocking the King off of him.

Groaning Ren looks to Aang who helps him up.

"If we want to win this thing we have to start fighting as a team." Aang said.

"Agreed." Ren said as he used his shadows to toss their weapons back to them. "And I have an idea."

As the King recovered from the attack he saw Ren charging in towards him as he threw his shield.

"This move again." The King smirks preparing to catch it when Aang leaps in from above and leaps off the shield like a spring board and whacks him with his staff.

"Whoa, what was that?" Sokka smiles.

"Teamwork." Katara smiles.

Charing in Aang had his staff at the ready when the King started launching boulders at him.

Moving his arms, Ren ran in behind Aang and made shadow tendrils shoot whacking the boulders away before they shot out hitting the King allowing the two of them to deliver two punches knocking him back towards the balcony.

"Not bad Aang." Ren smiles.

"We make a pretty good team after all." Aang smiles.

Both of them turn to finish this off when they see the King take a stance and suddenly the ground started to shake as he ripped the middle balcony out of the ground shocking them.

"Ren I need a boost!" Aang said as he started running around in a circle making a tornado with his staff.

"Hang on Aang!" Ren said tossing his shield to the ground and attaching a shadow to it.

Jumping on it, Aang spins around and around even quicker than before as the two of them made a giant tornado.

As the King throws the balcony towards them the tornado spins the attack around making it fly towards the King.

As it came flying back towards him the King separates the balcony down the middle but when he did Rean and Aang leaped in front of him and the two met in the middle with their weapons inches from his face.

Smirking the two of them thought they won when a pebble hit them both on the head.

Looking up they saw the King had a giant boulder floating over the three of them.

"Well done boys. You both fight with much fire in your hearts." The King said before tossing the boulder aside and they joined Sokka and Katara on the balcony. "You've passed all my tests. Now, you must answer one question."

"Hey you never said anything about a question." Ren growls.

"Yeah you said you would release them if we passed your tests." Aang said.

"Oh, but what's the point of tests if you don't learn anything?" The King asks.

"Oh come on!" Sokka whines.

"Answer this question and I will set your friends free. What…is my name?" The King smiles confusing them all. "I'll give you a few minutes, which ironically is all your friends have left."

Once he left, the four of them looked at each other.

"What do we do?" Ren asks.

"I have no idea. How are we supposed to guess his name?" Aang asks.

"Think about the challenges. Maybe it's some kind of riddle." Katara said.

"I got it!" Sokka smiles.

"Yeah?" Aang asks eagerly.

"He's an earthbender, right? Rocky. You know, because of all the rocks." Sokka said causing Ren to facepalm.

"We're going to keep trying, but that is a good back-up." Katara said.

"No it's not. Okay let's think back to the challenges: we got a key from the waterfall, saved his pet and a duel." Ren recalled.

"And what do you two learn?" Katara asks.

"Well everything was different than what Ren and I thought." Aang admits.

"I had no idea what was going on." Ren admits.

"And." Katara asks anxiously as the crystals grew.

"Well, they weren't straight forward. To solve each test, I had to think differently than I usually would." Aang said before smiling. "I know his name."

In the throne room, Aang was standing in front of the King.

"I solved the question the same way I solved the challenges. As you said a long time ago, I had to open my brain to the possibilities." Aang said as the King laughed and snorted. "Bumi, you're a mad genius." Aang smiles running over to hug his old friend.

"Oh Aang, it's good to see you. You haven't changed a bit. Literally." Bumi smiles.

"Uh hate to break this up but guys!" Ren said gesturing to Sokka and Katara who were only mouths at this point.

"Over here!" Katara said.

"A little help!" Sokka said.

Using his earthbending Bumi broke them free with ease.

"Genomite is made of rock candy." Bumi said before biting a crystal. "Delicious."

"So this King is your old friend Bumi?" Katara asks.

"Who are you calling old?" Bumi asks.

"Bumi you're literally over 100 years old." Ren said.

"Okay I'm old." Bumi sighs.

"Why did you do all of this instead of just telling Aang who you were?" Sokka asks.

"First of all, it's pretty fun messing with people. But I do have a reason. Aang, you have a difficult task ahead. The world has changed in the hundred years that you've been gone. It's the duty of the Avatar to restore balance to the world by defeating Fire Lord Ozai. You have much to learn. You must master the four elements and confront the Fire Lord. And when you do, I hope you will think like a mad genius. And it looks like you're in good hands. You'll need your friends to help defeat the Fire Nation, all of your friends." Bumi said before turning to Ren.

"Uh look Bumi I know you like unexpected things but I wouldn't bet on me." Ren said.

"Ren's still not exactly a team player." Aang said.

"Oh really? When you both worked together you were able to face me with no trouble, didn't you?" Bumi asks.

"Well…I guess." Ren shrugs as he and Aang looked at each other.

"We did fight pretty well." Aang nods.

"Shadowbender I may not know much about you, but you must look inside yourself. You can be much more than what you have become. You do not know of the help you can bring to the world, but if I know my old friend Aang he can help you." Bumi smiles when Momo climbs onto Aang's shoulder. "And Momo too."

Ren looks to his three friends and smiles softly. "So who's ready to leave?"

"Actually, before we leave I have a challenge for you old friend." Aang smiles.

Soon Aang and Bumi were riding the mail system like old times before we heard a crashing noise.

"My cabbages!" The cabbage merchant screams.

Up above, Ren, Sokka and Katara cringed in horror.

"Race you guys to Appa?" Ren offers.

"You're on!" Katara said as they ran off.

"I do not wanna deal with Mr. Cabbage again!" Sokka yells chasing after them.