I got this idea like two nights ago so I decided to write it down and post it. I know I'll eventually continue it, but I don't know when because I only have the general idea for more chapters. But once I get them done I'll post more.

Kidnap and Rescue

I remember the first time I ever met him. I was 7 years old and on my way home from school. I ran into a boy a few years older than me. We both fell down. I hurriedly got up and held my hand out to the boy.

"I'm so sorry," I said, still holding my hand out. The boy looked at me in shock staring at my hand. He reached out and gripped my hand, his skin felt dry, and I helped pull him up.

"My name is Midoriya Izuku," I said. The boy was staring at me in shock and opened his mouth to reply.

"Izuku!" I heard called. I turned around and saw Mr. Aizawa, one of my neighbors standing at the end of the street.

"Mr. Aizawa!" I waved.

"You should get home. You'll mom will worry," Mr. Aizawa said. I realized he was right and turned back to the boy.

"I'm sorry I have to get home," I bowed and ran towards Mr. Aizawa. I didn't think I'd see that boy ever again. I didn't know how wrong I was.

I woke up from my memory, arms wrapped around my waist. I stayed silent knowing it was Shigaraki and he'd be mad if I woke him. I felt him nuzzle the back of my neck and I stayed still.

"Izu time to wake up," Shigaraki sang.

"I am up Tomura," I said. I wasn't allowed to call him Shigaraki anywhere but in my head.

"Good we have the attack today," Shigaraki said letting me go. I sat up and turned to see Shigaraki getting up. I just kept sitting in our bed, I wasn't allowed to get up till Shigaraki got my clothes together. I wasn't allowed to do anything by myself.

My clothes for the day turned out to be a pair of jeans and one of Shigaraki's shirts. I stood up and headed to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before heading back into the bedroom. I then got dressed, the shirt hung off me, it was too big, and exposed my shoulders. Shigaraki smiled at me and I kept myself still, he liked to control me.

He held out his hand for me to take. I didn't hesitate and took it. His smile grew wider. He loved that he could touch me without his Quirk activating. He was dressed in his costume ready for the operation. We headed out into the bar and separated. Shiragaki went to talk to Sensei and I headed to the bar. Kurogiri was there waiting with my breakfast of rice. This was my everyday routine.

Once I was done Shigaraki slid in and sat next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled my hair.

"We're leaving in 10," Shigaraki said.

I was one of the first through the portal. I watched all of the monologing and had to wonder why we were still here if All Might wasn't here.

I watched as the students tried to escape and Kurogiri went after them. As long as Kurogiri didn't play with them none of them would escape. I watched Eraser Head take on a whole group of villains on his own. I wanted to start babbling about his Quirk and about heroes, but I knew that would annoy Shigaraki.

I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Shigaraki getting irritated. I knew he would order me soon.

"Izu, stop him," Shigaraki ordered. I nodded and headed towards the fighting. I was here because of my Quirk. Shigaraki called it Null, what it did was similar to Eraser Head's Quick, but there were some differences. When I touched someone with one of my fingertips I would put an almost invisible marker on them and until that marker was washed away that I could stop a Quirk from working. It didn't matter what type of Quirk it was, also as long as I didn't let a Quirk affect me it wouldn't, that's why Decay never works.

I ran towards Eraser Head ready to mark him. When he turned around I stalled, even with the eye shield I could tell, this was Mr. Aizawa, I never knew he was a hero. I could tell Mr.. Aizawa recognized me because when he kicked me away I flew away from the fighting and Shigaraki. I landed in the lake, I knew I should go back and finish my assignment but if I just stayed floating here then I wouldn't have to take orders.

Aizawa pov

The day I found out Izuku was taken was one of the worst days of my life. I had known the kid since he was little and he was always trying to stay cheerful. I had just gotten off of patrol and was heading towards Midoriya's apartment. I had promised Inko that I would take Izuku to the zoo so that she could have a day to herself. I reached the apartment and noticed the door was open, this struck me as worrisome.

Even knowing that I was coming over Inko would never leave the door open. I had my own key. I cautiously crept in and stopped dead in my tracks. There lying on the floor was Inko, blood slowly flowing from her head. I rushed over and was relieved to find that she was still alive. I called an ambulance and once I knew they were coming I started searching the rest of the apartment. I needed to find Izuku.

He was nowhere to be found. Once the police arrived a missing persons report was sent out for Izuku and Inko was taken to the hospital. There was no trace left on where Izuku could have been taken. A few days later Inko died in the hospital. A month after that with no progress on his case most everyone stopped looking for Izuku assuming he was dead. I knew he wasn't though and spent most of my free time trying to find him.

I had no luck until today. Because coming at me was Izuku. He was with the villains. I saw his apathetic face and would have assumed he wanted to be here if not for how he paused when he realized who I was. After that realization I could tell he didn't want to go through with what was planned, but was going to have to. I kicked him away from the fighting and towards the lake. I hoped he'd stay away. He didn't return.

Once All Might and the reinforcements arrived the tides were turned. After all the fighting was done against everyone's protests I headed towards the lake. I needed to know if Izuku was still there. Some people followed me, but I wasn't paying attention to that. Once I reached the shore of the lake I saw Izuku laying there looking up at the ceiling.

I heard someone, probably Nezu, call for a medic. But I couldn't focus on that. All I could focus on was that here was Izuku. After all those years here he was.