"Hello"- Normal Speaking

'Hello'- Thoughts/Reading

'Hello'- Telepathy/Aura


Ash was sitting down in a seat in the locker room provided. He looked around for a second before feeling something cold tap his head. He looked up to see Chloe with a can of soda in her hand.

"You did amazing out there Ashy"

"Heh...I suppose so, it felt really easy but satisfying. I don't know why."

"Well maybe it's that you're not wearing some random mask or hood to conceal your identity. Everyone knows who you are now."

"That's probably the feeling. It was strange just being out there and battling without a worry. It felt good."

"That's all that matters, I brought you a soda pop to make you feel better." She pressed the drink against his cheek before handing it to Ash.

"Thanks Chloe" Ash said before opening it. He drank some but noticed Chloe was looking at him intently.

"Where's my thank you kiss?"

Ash's eyes widened.

"W-what do you mean by t-that?"

The amber eyed girl giggled a bit before pecking Ash's cheek.

"Its nothing, just wanted to see what you would say."

Ash let out a sigh of relief before taking another drink.

"Do you know when Cynthia is battling any chance?"

Chloe put her hand to her chin. "You know I'm not entirely sure."

"She is in the tournament right?"

"I can't tell. Should we go find out?"

Ash finished his drink before tossing it in the recycling bin. He opened the door before saying,

"Of course we should."

Chloe sighed before following Ash out the door. "You're no fun"

Ash scoffed at her comment before walking around the stadium to find the matchups list. He studied it quietly until he saw the battle.

'So it's Cynthia versus Steven for the first match. Talk about one hell of a matchup'

Chloe also looked at the list then crossed her arms.

"Tell me Ash, do you think Cynthia can beat Steven?"

Ash stopped in his tracks for a second before walking again.

"I take that as an 'I don't know?'"

Ash shrugged before tapping on his Nanodex and releasing his Espeon.

"Hey Espeon do you think you can teleport us to the house? Chloe is really lazy today."

Chloe puffed out her cheeks before saying,

"Hey! I am not lazy."

Espeon nodded before teleporting the three of them back to the house in Melemele Island.

"Thanks Espeon, you can go wander around if you like"

'I'll take you up on your offer Ash.'

Espeon walked away to the other Pokemon in the backyard. Ash began to look around for Cynthia.

'She isn't training I think.'

Ash walked around the backyard and asked some of his Pokemon if they had seen the blonde champion, all of them replied with either no or that she was training. Ash then went and sat down in the living room. Ashley happened to be there at the time so he decided to ask her if she had seen the blonde champion.

"Hey Ashley?"

The youngest sibling turned her head to look at the raven haired boy.


Before Ash asked for Cynthia's whereabouts he noticed that the youngest sibling's aura was different. He pondered whether he should ask about it or not. Ash then took a deep breath before asking.

"How are you holding up?"

Ashley was surprised to hear the question. She saw that Ash was thinking about something before talking so she didn't expect the question. Ashley didn't know what to say so she stayed silent. Ash found her silence tiresome then realized this was what all his friends and Pokemon had to deal with. He decided to read her Aura to see what was going on with her. Ash was surprised to see what she was really thinking. Despair. Pain. Ash saw that she was mentally inflicted. He didn't feel pity for her, nor sadness. Ash couldn't figure it out.

Ash approached Ashley and hugged her. Her eyes widened before crying bitterly into Ash's chest.

He finally figured it out. He felt compassion. Ash understood the pain she felt. Mentally and physically.

"Cry all you need..."

Ashley held on tight to Ash's shirt. He knew she was in pain after suffering the horrid things that bastard Giovanni did to her and her siblings. Ashley let that affect her badly and she knew she couldn't keep holding it in.

Ash was surprised to be pushed back by a strange force. He looked at Ashley and saw that her aura had flared.

"Ashley relax okay?..."

Ashley grasped her head as her aura flared up even more. Ash knew it was going to get dangerous.


'I feel the energy. Barrier is already around you.'


Ash walked towards Ashley while trying to calm her down. Ashley pushed him back again with her aura. Her aura was shaped into a centipede like form. Many arms shot out of the form.

"Ashley relax."

"I can't RELAX Ash! I went through hell dealing with Giovanni! That motherfucker got me and Bloodstray raped!"

Ash crossed his arms and looked at her.

"I've had my own shares of crazy times with Giovanni and things that caused me mental problems. Let me help you."

Ashley grabbed Ash by the collar of his shirt.

"You can't help me"

Ash's eyes flared red before Ashley felt drowsy.

"What...the hell did...you...do...?"

"You learn some things with meditation."


Ash cut her off by hugging her again. Her aura slowly but surely was decreasing.

"I need to calm you down Ashley...I uh..." Ash scratched his cheek slightly before looking at her again. "Care about you and your siblings...You may not be my actual siblings but I'll treat you as them."

Ashley's began to tear up again after hearing what Ash said. She knew Satoshi and Bloodstray loved her but they didn't show it due to their personalities but she didn't expect that Ash would love them all as siblings.


Ash nodded before his eyes turned back to normal and Ashley felt that her drowsiness had receded. She looked Ash one last time before removing herself from him.

'Alright Mewtwo, take down the barrier'

'Yes Ash'

After the barrier had left around them Ash guided Ashley to sofa again and went to go get her a drink. Ash came back with soda for her and him. Ashley took the soda and drank it.

"How are you feeling..?"

"A bit better...thanks for helping Ash.."

Ash nodded before looking at his Nanodex.

'Already afternoon huh? And still no sign of Cynthia...her match is today but in the evening. Where could she be at?'

"Ashley, I know your still calming down but by any chance have you seen Cynthia?"

Ashley took another sip of her drink before responding.

"Well...I saw Cynthia going out of the house and climbing onto her Garchomp. She said she wanted to go somewhere quiet before her upcoming battle."

Ash thought for a bit before getting up.

"Thanks Ashley, are you gonna be okay or do you want me to stay?"

Ashley looked down at her drink and said nothing. Ash looked at her again before sitting next to her and wrapping an arm around her. Ashley was surprised to see that Ash didn't leave to go find Cynthia.

"I'll stay then."

A few hours later

It was already time for Cynthia's battle against Steven. So Ash and Ashley went to the stadium. Chloe said she didn't want to go so Ash let her stay. Summer was already at the stadium so they decided to meet up there.

As Ash and Ashley were walking they ran into Lillie and Gladion.

"Oh Ash! Are you going to watch Cynthia's battle?" asked Lillie.


Gladion looked at Ashley curiously.

Ash mentally facepalmed himself. He never introduced his adopted siblings to his other "siblings".

"Ash who is th-"

"May all the attendees come to the stadium. The battle between Cynthia and Steven is about to commence."

Gladion decided to keep the question in his mind for later before the four of them paced themselves as they walked to the stadium.

In the stadium

Ash found Summer and the other siblings so he sat down next to them.

"Has the battle begun yet?"

Summer replied,

"No not yet. I am quite excited however."

Ash nodded as he looked back at the battlefield

"Can both trainers come to the battlefield?"

Cynthia and Steven emerged from their respective tunnels.

"On our green side we have the formerly dubbed 'Strongest Champion in the world,' The blonde beauty, Cynthia Shirona!"

The crowd erupted for the blonde champion as she waved towards the fans.

"On the red side we have The Stone of Hoenn, Steven Stone!"

The referee began to speak about the rules.

"This will be a 4 on 4 matchup between the champion of the Sinnoh and the former champion of Hoenn! When one side loses two Pokemon the battlefield will change. Trainers release your Pokemon!"

"Togekiss battle dance!"

"Skarmory time to battle!"

Both Pokemon emerged from their pokeballs with a grand battle cry.

The referee looker at both sides before saying with authority,

"Battle begin!"

"Alright Skarmory, Steel Wing now!"

"Togekiss use Fire Blast"

The Armor Bird Pokemon clashed against the Jubilee Pokemon's Fire Blast. There was a few minutes of struggle before Skarmory emerged from the flames.

"Excellent job on toughing that out Skarmory, now Flash Cannon!"

'He has the type advantage on Togekiss and he's utilizing it well. I don't want to depend solely on Fire Blast...'

"Togekiss fly higher up in the air!"

"Chase after it Skarmory!"

Both Pokemon engaged in an aerial battle which looked graceful yet intense. They were equally matched in strength. The Armor Bird began blasting Flash Cannons towards Togekiss.

"Maneuver around it with Brave Bird!"

'Cynthia is on the defensive, we have her right where we want her.'

"Alright Skarmory chase after Togekiss with Brave Bird too!"

Skarmory was enveloped in a blazing white light as it approached the Jubilee Pokemon with threatening speed.

"Now transition into Steel Wing!"

Skarmory slammed into Togekiss using Steel Wing which sent the Jubilee Pokemon crashing towards the ground. Togekiss landed on the rough terrain with a loud crash.

"Steven used Skarmory's Brave Bird to catch up with Cynthia then took it down with Steel Wing! How will Cynthia counter?!"


When the dust settled it was seen that Togekiss was struggling to get back in the air.

"Can you still go on?"

Togekiss looked back at Cynthia and nodded before getting back into battle stance.

'If we can lure him in we can hit him with a point blank Fire Blast.'

"Stand ready for my command!"

The Jubilee Pokemon waited for its trainer's command.

"If you won't attack then we will! Skarmory hit Togekiss with Steel Wing!"

Skarmory charged at the idle Togekiss at an alarming speed.

In the stands

"What's Cynthia thinking?! At this rate Togekiss will go down!" exclaimed Summer in a worried tone.

Ash looked at her before wrapping an arm around her.

"She knows what she's doing."

Back in the battle

"A little bit more..."

Skarmory approached closer before it was one meter away from Togekiss.

"Fire Blast now!"

Togekiss charged up fiery energy before releasing a deadly Fire Blast point-blank towards Skarmory. When it collided with the Armor Bird it released a large cloud of black smoke.

"No Skarmory!"

As the smoke cleared Skarmory could be seen on the ground, fainted.

"Wow! Cynthia waited cunningly until Skarmory came in close before hitting it with a devastating Fire Blast!"

"Skarmory is unable to battle, Green Trainer release your second Pokemon."

Steven looked at Skarmory's pokeball and smiled.

"Good job out there."

The Champion of Hoenn then put the pokeball back into his belt before pulling out a new one.

"Alright, Aggron come on out!" Steven said as he threw the pokeball.

A grey and silver bipedal Pokemon with blue eyes emerged from the pokeball with a roar of authority.

"Okay Togekiss return"

Cynthia put Togekiss's pokeball back then pulled out another one.

"Alright Gastrodon battle stance!"

"Aggron versus Gastrodon. Battle begin!"

Both champions said at the same time,

"Charge in with Giga Impact!"

Both Pokemon collided in a battle of strength as they pushed against one another.

"Who will win between Gastrodon and Aggron in this feat of strength?!"

In another disclosed location...

"You now know what you should do Corvus..." said a thundering voice.

"Yeah yeah, I'll get to it soon..."

Author's Noters

Heyo finally got this one cleaned up. As you can see the last chapter has been HEAVILY modified so there's that. (a whole 1000 words lost :') ) This chapter should satiate everyone's desires to know who Cynthia is battling. As you can see next chapter will be focused of Corvus and Selene. Thanks for the support on Wattpad and Fanfiction. I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter. Listria signing off!