I Don't Own These Characters

The snow was coming down heavily. It had been snowing for nearly five straight hours. In the last two hours the snow had gone from small flakes that dusted the windshield, to large, wet flakes that forced the pickup's wipers to work overtime just to keep the windshield clean.

Nineteen year old Percy Jackson son of Poseidon sat in the driver's seat, staring at the deserted highway, and gripping the steering wheel like his life depended on it.

Hera Queen of Olympus wife of Zeus, sat in the passenger seat. Her face was filled with worry and fear. A small bruise was on her forehead, just above her right eye. "How much further do we have to go?" She asked.

Percy glanced at the beautiful goddess for a brief moment. He had always loved Hera just as much as Annabeth. She was like the second mother he never had when he was little. "We will be there in about two or three hours."

"Two or three hours," Hera exclaimed in dismay. "Percy, the drive from Olympus to camp usually takes five hours total. We've already been on the road for over five hours."

"Yes, but that's when the roads are clear, and I can do sixty five. With six inches or more of snow on the ground, I am forced to drive a lot slower. The snow fall has forced me to slow down a lot in the last two hours. I'm driving as fast as I can without wrecking."

Hera shook her head in dismay. "I know you are. I'm sorry. It's just that the snow is getting deeper with each passing hour. I'm worried that we'll be stranded out in the middle of nowhere."

"This heavy snow is making it a little hard to see the road. Don't worry. We won't be stranded. I know this highway like the back of my hand. It's a good thing too, because half the time I'm steering by memory. The snow is so deep I can't see the ditches."

"I wish you hadn't told me that," Hera groaned."

"We're going to be alright," Percy replied in a soothing tone. "I've driven this highway dozens of times. This isn't the first time I've driven it in heavy snow either."

"This is my prick of a husband's fault," Hera grumbled. "If Zeus had kept his cock in his pants like a husband is supposed to, I wouldn't have left him, and your parents wouldn't have asked you to take me to camp." Hera stared at the heavy snow. "And we wouldn't be driving in a freak spring blizzard."

"Paul never said why you didn't drive your car to the camp."

Hera looked at her nephew. "Last night, I caught Zeus coming out of a motel with his new twenty two year old secretary. I was driving home from my yoga class when I saw them leaving their room. The tramp was all over Zeus. I was so upset I didn't notice that I had veered off the street. I hit a light post head on. My car's front end is completely caved in."

"I take it the small bruise on your forehead is from the airbag."

Hera nodded. "Those airbags hit you in the face pretty hard. Anyway, Zeus saw the accident. He tried to calm me down, but I was so mad that I began screaming at him in the middle of the street. I told Zeus that I never wanted to see him again. I told him not to bother coming home. Then I took a cab home, leaving my car wrapped around the light pole. When I called your mom last night, she wanted to send you after me immediately. I wish I'd let her send you last night instead of insisting you wait until this morning to leave your house. We wouldn't be stuck in this mess if you had. But who knew this snow storm would hit? It's the middle of May. Winter is supposed to be over."

Hera closed her eyes and let her head flop back against the bucket seat. "Damn that Zeus."

Percy snuck a quick peek at Hera's shapely legs that her pants held tightly like a second skin then at her huge breast inside a white teeshirt as she continued to rant about her husband. He knew he shouldn't be checking Zeus's wife body out, but he couldn't help himself. Percy loved looking at her same with his girlfriend. Percy remember the talk he and Annabeth had not so long ago about Hera.

He was glad that she'd worn her summer outfit that showed off her sexy body.

Hera opened her eyes, and then turned her gaze to Percy, forcing him to look back at the road. "Hell, who am I kidding? I've known Zeus was cheating on me again for months. It's been at least six years since he's touched me in anyway. He is always staying late at the office or playing with the kids. Of course that's code for he's in a motel fucking his secretary."

Hearing Hera cuss this much was different for Percy.

Normally Hera hardly ever swore. To hear her say things like prick, cock, and fuck was new to the young man.

Percy once again glanced at Hera.

She was obviously hurt by what her husband had done.

Percy felt bad for the Goddess.

Hera had always been Percy's favorite aunt.

Unlike the other gods, who hardly ever spoke to him when the family got together, Hera would always take the time to talk with Percy and Annabeth.

Hera was an incredibly sweet woman. Looking around thirty four, she was also drop dead gorgeous. Her brown hair hung just to her shoulders, outlining her pretty face. She had an amazing body. Her breasts were large and well developed. Even though she was a D cup, her breasts hardly sagged at all.

Percy suspected it was because she was perfect for having kids. He also had a desire to suck her breasts like a child.

Hera's waist wasn't tiny, but she wasn't overly thick either. Her waist was around twenty seven inches. Her hips were round, and her ample butt cheeks begged to be squeezed. She had long, shapely legs that excited Percy to no end whenever she wore short skirts, or dresses. Hera's dresses and skirts were usually tight and short.

Percy on the other hand wasn't the most handsome young man you would ever meet. Only his family, Annabeth and Hera found him good looking.

Hera had always been kind to Percy, it didn't take him long to develop a huge crush on her.

After turning eighteen, the boy started having sexual thoughts about his sexy best friend's mom. He would frequently masturbate, while fantasizing that he was making love to the beautiful woman. He would envision her lying flat on her back with her sexy long legs wrapped around his waist, as he pounded her bottom out.

Hera loved her nephew in spite of his looks. She had always managed to see past his funny looking face to see the wonderful young man he is. Hera knew he had a serious crush on her; but she acted like she was unaware of his feelings. She didn't want her husband to catch on, and hurt the boy for having inappropriate thoughts about his wife, so she kept quiet.

It was starting to get dark, and Percy was having even greater difficulty seeing the road. Even with headlights on bright, Percy could barely see twenty feet in front of the pickup.

"Hera, I think we are going to need to pull over. It's too dark to see the road, and the snow is coming down even harder. If we keep driving at night, we will wind up in a ditch."

"Percy, this highway is deserted. We haven't seen a single car since we got off the interstate. If we stop now we will be stranded."

"We won't be stranded. The truck has heavy duty snow tires, and it is a four wheel drive with a frame that sets high off the ground. There is an overlook a few miles ahead. The spot is wide, so we will be safe there. We'll stop and spend the night. We will continue on in the morning. Hopefully it will stop snowing by then. We can call Chiron after we've stopped and let her know what we are doing."

"What if the snow gets too deep?"

Percy shook his head. "Paul bought this truck for a reason. It would take two feet of snow to strand this baby. And even with the heavy snow fall, I don't think it'll get any deeper than a foot or so by morning."

"Where will we sleep?" Hera couldn't imagine sleeping in the cab of the pickup.

"There is a mattress in the camper shell. There are a couple of heavy quilts back there as well. We will stay nice and warm, trust me."

Hera remembered seeing the mattress when she had placed her suitcases in the camper shell.

The bunk bed mattress was narrow, but they would be able to sleep on it if they lay on their sides.

Hera wanted to continue driving, but she knew he was right.

It was becoming too dangerous to continue driving in the dark.

They had entered a mountainous region a little over an hour earlier. The road was becoming curvy, and there were numerous places where they could easily drive off a cliff to their deaths.

Hera sighed heavily. "You're right. We've got to stop. I hope Zeus is happy with himself; the cheating bastard."

The overlook appeared ahead of them.

Percy almost didn't see it. He eased the pickup onto the snow covered gravel and stopped the truck. He shut the engine off and turned off the headlights.

Hera looked out the passenger window. It was almost too dark to see the drop off next to the overlook. She could just barely make out the snow covered valley far below.

As they sat there, the snow started coming down harder.

"Percy, the snow flakes are getting bigger."

"We'll be alright; trust me." Percy pulled out his phone and handed it to Hera. "Why don't you give Annabeth a call while I get our mattress ready? Make sure you plug the phone into the cigarette lighter after you talk to her, or it will be dead by morning. The charger is in the console." He climbed out of the cab.

A blast of frigid wind shot through Hera for a moment before Percy closed the driver's side door. She had brought a heavy coat, but it was packed in one of her suitcases. Because it wasn't that cold when they left her house, she'd put on a light jacket over her short dress.

The wet snow had started coming down so hard that Percy's jacket and jeans were covered by the time he reached the tailgate. He could barely see ten feet in front of him.

As Hera spoke to Annabeth, Percy brushed the snow off his clothes as best he could, and then climbed into the camper shell. He moved Hera's suitcases off the mattress.

A sheet had been put on the mattress a few months earlier. It was musty but Percy knew they had no choice. The mattress was small, but if they snuggled up together, they should be able to sleep through the night.

The covers were lying on the mattress near the cab of the truck.

Being careful not to kneel on the mattress with his wet clothes, Percy started spreading the quilts out. At that moment it occurred to the nineteen year old that he would be sharing a bed with Hera.

"If you get a chance take it." Came Annabeth voice in his head.

Percy would be sleeping with one of the woman he'd wanted for years. The hope of making love to the Queen of the gods instantly soared.

Hera wasn't feeling very good about herself. She needed reassurance that she was still a beautiful and sexy woman.

Percy felt there was no one on Earth who could comfort her better. He would ease her pain, and at the same time, make her feel desirable again.

His cock twitched in his wet jeans. The young man immediately began to form a plan.

Hera finished talking to Annabeth who told her to be safe. She closed the flip phone. She got the charger out of the console and plugged the phone up. She then climbed out of the cab.

The cold blast of air went straight through her jacket, and blew right through her pants.

"Shit, it's cold," the lovely brunette exclaimed as she waded through the deep snow to the camper. "I should have worn better pants." She crawled into the low camper shell, and immediately pulled the door shut. She was covered with snow.

Percy had just finished making the bed. He laid all three quilts on the bed, and immediately started stripping down.

"What are you doing?" Hera asked in surprise.

"My clothes are covered with snow. They will get the mattress wet. Sleeping on a wet mattress will make us sick."

"You aren't planning to sleep naked are you?" Hera felt slightly nervous.

"I'm keeping my underwear on," Percy replied as nonchalantly as he could. We will never get to sleep wearing wet clothes. My jeans are already frozen from being out in that wind and snow."

Hera thought about their situation for few moments, and then decided that Percy was right. She quickly stripped off her sweater, followed by her pants and shoes. She brushed the snow out of her hair and off her bare legs.

Percy had already climbed under the quilts. He couldn't see much because of the semi darkened interior, but he could make out Hera's, shapely form as she undressed. His cock twitched again.

Hera had stripped down to her bra and panties.

Even though the small camper shell cut out the wind, Hera could feel the bitter cold caressing her bare skin.

She dove under the covers, and snuggled up against Percy in an effort to get warm. Her bra straps were pressed against Percy's bare chest.

Percy could feel Hera's bottom pressing against his cock. He hoped that he didn't get an erection too soon, or she would sleep in the cab of the truck.

Hera could feel Percy's cock touching her backside through their underwear. She felt uncomfortable lying with someone she almost raised as a son, but she knew they had no choice. They could either snuggle up under the quilts or freeze to death.

They lay there quietly for nearly a half hour. Neither could work up the courage to speak.

The quilts began to warm up, and eventually they were feeling warmer.

Percy could tell that Hera was not comfortable with this sleeping arrangement. He desperately wanted to put her at ease so he could begin seducing her. Percy knew Hera wasn't feeling very pretty at that moment, and that she needed someone to make her feel special again. He believed that if he handled her right Hera would give in to her need to feel loved again and she would surrender herself to him.

Percy reached out and began stroking her damp hair. "Are you ok?" Percy asked as he ran his fingers through her hair.

Hera sighed. "No, but I will be. I just need some time to get over what Zeus did to me."

Percy wrapped his arms around the goddess of Marriage waist and held her tightly. "I can't believe Zeus actually cheated on you again. You are a beautiful and incredible woman. Why he would want to be with anyone else is beyond me."

Hera patted his arm. "Thank you. I really needed to hear that."

"I'm not just saying that to make you feel better. You really are beautiful more than Aphrodite equal to Annabeth."

Hera held onto Percy's arm. A smile appeared on her face. "And you are a very sweet young man."

Taking a chance, Percy slid his other arm under Hera's neck and wrapped it around her upper chest. He held her tight. "Are you beginning to warm up?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm feeling much warmer. It was freezing when I first took off my clothes. But between the quilts and your body heat I'm feeling very cozy. We should be able to get a good night's sleep in here."

"I'm glad," Percy replied. "I was a little nervous when you first crawled under the covers with me."

"Why were you nervous?"

Percy paused before speaking. "I was afraid that you might think I would try to use this as an opportunity to take advantage of you."

Hera laughed. "Percy, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I've known for a long time that you have a crush on me. Yet you've never once acted like anything but a gentleman towards me. I trust you completely."

Percy hesitated for a second time before speaking. "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but Annabeth and I want you to join us. Because I have more than a crush on you. I'm crazy about you. You are beautiful, sexy, and you're wonderful. You are my dream goddess."

"And just how many girls have you used that line on while cuddled up on this mattress?" Hera asked in a playful tone.

"Only you and Annabeth," Percy quickly replied. "I've never had any other girl in here." His hold on Hera relaxed as he continued.

Hera turned to face him. She couldn't see his face, but she could still see his silhouette. "Your serous about what you said?"

Percy slowly shook his head. He knew his plan to make love to Hera had just fallen through.

She would never want him now.

"I guess I'm not the kind of guy that girls want to be with except for Annabeth and you. They would rather be with handsome men than someone who looks like me." Percy felt like a loser yet again. He couldn't even be sure enough to seduce the goddess of his dreams.

Hera could hear the sadness in Percy's voice. Her heart went out to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him hard.

Percy returned her hug.

She lifted her lips to Percy's ear. "I know you're not going to believe me, but one day you will marry Annabeth. She is someone who is tired of the self centered men who only think of their own needs. She want someone who is loving, giving, kind, and caring. She will want a man who makes her feel special. Percy, she will want someone like you."

"You and her are the only girls I want Hera I want to marry both of you." The nineteen year old immediately regretted saying that. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

Hera caressed his cheek. "Don't be sorry. Right now that is exactly what I need to hear. It's nice to know that a man still wants me."

Percy rose up on one elbow and gazed down at her form. He couldn't see her face, but he didn't need to. He had memorized every curve of her lovely features. "Sometimes I wish you weren't already marry. I could ask you out. I could maybe take you and Annabeth to dinner and dancing. I'm not much of dancer, but I'd learn for you two. Hell, I would do anything for you if you were mine."

Hera's heart soared with joy at the words being spoken to her. For the first time in a long time a man was telling her that he would do anything to be with her. She began to cry.

Percy believed he had once again said the wrong thing to the heart broken woman. He wrapped his arms around his goddess neck and hugged her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"I'm not crying because you hurt my feelings. I'm crying because it has been far too long since anyone has said such things to me. Percy, you've made me feel like a woman again. And I love you for it."

Percy began caressing Hera's face. He wiped at her tears. He then pressed his lips to the bruise on her forehead.

Hera wrapped her arms around Percy's shoulders and clung tightly to him. All the anxiety, pain, and frustration she'd been struggling with for the last several months came bubbling up to the surface. She began to sob uncontrollably.

Percy held Hera, letting her release all of her pent up emotional pain.

She continued to cry until she was completely cried out.

Percy held still, and let her cry until there were no more tears.

Hera was glad Percy was there for her. She began stroking Percy's back. At that moment she forgot that he was married. To Hera, Percy was a man offering her love and kindness, which was something she desperately needed. She grasped his face and lifted his head. She pressed her lips to his and kissed him. It was supposed to be a kiss of affection, but it quickly turned into a kiss of passion. She slid her tongue into Percy's open mouth. She hungrily explored the inside of his mouth with her tongue.

Percy moaned into Hera's mouth. His cock lurched to life as it began to harden. He rolled her onto her back. He eased his legs between hers, and settled his underwear covered cock against the gusset of her panties.

Hera lifted her spread legs, allowing Percy's thick member to rest against her clit. She began to explore Percy's body with her hands. She caressed his chest, sides, and upper back. She knew that what they were doing was wrong, but at that moment she didn't care. She wanted to be treated like a desirable woman.

And Percy was more than willing to accommodate his sexy goddess. He began to rub the underside of his shaft back and forth across Hera's clit. The sensation of his cock massaging her clit caused the goddess to writhe in lust.

Hera wrapped her long legs around his thighs and clung to him for dear life. The combination of their new position and her silk panties rubbing against her clit increased the stimulation that Hera was experiencing.

She moaned into Percy's mouth as he continued to stimulate her clit. After what seemed like a lifetime, Hera broke the kiss with her nephew. "Percy, that feels so fucking good. You are driving me crazy."

The quilts had slid down their bodies a little, but neither noticed the cold air caressing their upper torsos.

Percy slid his hands beneath Hera's back and began to fumble with her bra strap. Having never really removed a woman's bra, he failed miserably.

Being impatient to give her breasts to him, Hera reached behind her back and unsnapped the bra. She jerked it off, and cast it aside.

Percy dipped his head down to Hera's exposed left breast and began sucking on her nipple. He was forced to scoot down a little to take nipple in his mouth. His new position brought the head of his underwear covered dick against the gusset of her panties.

Hera clung to the back of Percy's head as he suckled on her sensitive nipple drinking her godly milk. "Suck my tits Baby, suck them hard," she moaned.

Percy sucked as hard as he could on his beautiful goddess's nipple. Her milk was better than anything he had tasted before.

He ground the head of his dick against the entrance to her wet pussy. The young man was going wild with lust. He wanted to bury his cock in her body more than anything. Unable to wait any longer, Percy hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear and pulled them down. His cock head caught the waistband of his underwear for a second before popping free.

Hera knew Percy intended to try and fuck her. She wanted it, but knew that if they took their lust there, that she would be doing something that could destroy his relationship with her husband. "Percy, wait," she said in a hoarse tone. "You can't fuck me. What we are doing is bad enough. But if I let you fuck me, we would be defying fate. If I took your virginity it would destroy our family. Besides, I'm not on the pill, and this is not the time of the month to have my cunt filled with a young man's sperm. If you came in me, you would most likely get me pregnant. Let's just keep doing this, ok?"

The homely young man was desperate. He wanted to fuck Hera more than anything. In desperation, he quickly asked. "Can I rub my cock against your bare pussy? I won't put it in. I'll just rub the shaft against your pussy lips."

Hera considered Percy's request. She knew in her heart that once their underwear came off, the danger of going too far would increase dramatically, but she was sexually excited. Plus the temptation of feeling Percy's bare cock rubbing against her exposed clit and pussy lips was too powerful to resist. "Alright, you can rub your cock against my pussy bareback. But you mustn't try to put your dick in me. You have to promise that you won't try to fuck me."

"I promise," Percy replied in a ragged tone. He finished removing his underwear. He then slid his fingers into the waistband of Hera's panties, and tugged them off her round hips, and down her legs.

The quilts had slid completely off their torsos.

Percy grabbed the hems of the quilts and pulled them back over his shoulders as he stretched out on top of her. He settled his hips between her spread thighs, and pulled the quilts up over their heads.

Hera wrapped her long legs back around her Percy's upper thighs. She could feel the shaft of his thick member wedged between her pussy lips.

The head of his cock was resting against her swollen clit.

"Remember, you can't put it in me. Just rub your cock against my cunt."

Percy resumed rubbing his shaft along Hera's pussy. He moved slowly so he wouldn't lose contact with Hera's pussy lips. His cock wasn't overly long, but it was thick. He had to use short strokes to keep his dick nestled between her cunt lips.

"This feels so fucking good," Hera moaned as she rocked against her nephew thick shaft. She reached down and grabbed his butt cheeks, and gave them a firm squeeze.

Percy's cock was as hard as an iron rod. His entire body pulsated with lust.

Hera's bare pussy lips and clit felt incredible to the young virgin.

Percy wanted Hera to be his first more than life itself. Annabeth said she didn't mind.

But he had made a promise not to fuck her.

The pair continued to rock back and forth, grinding their sex organs together.

With each backward stroke Percy's cock would move a little lower onto Hera's labia until the tip briefly touched the entrance to her cunt.

"Be careful," Hera whispered to him.

"I'll be careful," Percy promised. He continued to caress her vaginal entrance with the tip of his cock, but he was careful not to let it slip inside her.

Hera began to enjoy the little game of chicken the head of Percy's cock was playing with her pussy.

Percy could raise his hips slightly as the tip of his cock came into contact with her vaginal entrance, and drive his dick into her cunt any time he wanted.

The dangerous game was exciting Hera more and more with each stroke.

They slowly rocked back and forth, using one another's genitals for mutual masturbation.

Percy's need to go faster began to take over. He gradually increased his pace.

Without realizing what she was doing, Hera increased the pace of her upward thrusts to match Percy's urgent thrusts.

Before long the pair was rocking violently against one another.

It had been far too long since Hera had cum. Her body desperately needed it.

The underside of his shaft rubbed hard against Hera's engorged clit.

Her eyes grew wide, and her body suddenly stiffened. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck," Hera screamed as her body erupted in orgasmic bliss. "Percy, you're making me cum. Fuck you're making me cum hard."

Percy began to thrust harder against Hera's cunt lips. His cock head clipped the entrance to her cunt with each thrust. Percy had gotten so caught up in dry humping Hera that he pulled his cock back too far.

His cock head immediately shifted position so that it was aimed right at the entrance to her cunt. Percy thrust his hips forward.

Before either of them realized what had happened, Percy's cock sank completely inside Hera's cum soaked pussy. His cock head forced her vaginal walls aside. He slid balls deep into Hera's hungry pussy.

Percy froze. He'd gone too far. He had shoved his cock in Hera's cunt. "Oh shit."

Hera's eyes grew wide. She could feel Percy's cock buried deep in her body.

His balls were resting against her ass cheeks.

Her body was still trembling from orgasmic bliss. "Fuck, what just happened?"

Without knowing what he was doing, Percy rubbed the top of his shaft against that special spot just inside Hera's cunt.

The lust filled goddess's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she began to cum again.

"I'm sorry Hera," the young man pleaded. "It was an accident."

Hera wanted to tell Percy to pull out, but her body had other ideas. She clamped her vaginal walls down on her lover's thick cock. "Fuck I'm cumming again."

"Do you want me to pull out?" Percy hoped she would say no.

Hera's pussy felt too damn good for that to happen.

"No, not yet," she cried. "Let me cum first. Fuck I need this so bad." She tightened her legs around Percy's upper thighs. Her body shook with lust.

Not knowing what else to do, Percy began to fuck Queen of the Gods. He pulled his shaft out until only the head was inside her before shoving his dick back inside.

Hera wrapped her arms around her Percy's neck and hung on for dear life. She pulled Percy's cheek down next to her own, and clung to him tightly. The moment her second orgasm subsided, her body exploded yet again. "Three times," she mewed. "You've made me cum three times."

Percy wasn't sure what to do. He knew he wasn't supposed to fuck Hera, but her cunt walls felt like velvet to the horny young man's cock.

"Fuck," Hera groaned. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

Percy rammed his thick cock into Hera's pussy again and again. His balls began to churn with the need to release his baby making sperm into her fertile godly womb. Percy was so close to cumming that he knew he wouldn't be able to hold back.

Percy tried to pull out, but Hera had her legs locked around his thighs. He wasn't going anywhere until she let go.

"I'm gonna cum soon," he moaned into her ear. He knew it was dangerous to spill his mortal seed in her fertile godly womb. "What do I do?"

Percy's words sent her body deeper into a sexual frenzy. Hera was approaching yet another orgasm. She didn't care what happened. She didn't want Percy to remove his wonderful cock until she came again. "Please, don't pull out. I need this too much. I can't believe I'm going to cum again."

Percy felt his Hera's pussy tighten around his shaft. His dick was buried deep inside her cunt.

Hera's tight vaginal walls were squeezing his thick shaft.

Unable to hold off any longer, Percy unloaded his thick sperm into Hera's fertile body.

Hera felt Percy's thick cock swell inside her. She knew he was about to spill his mortal seed in her, but she wasn't ready for him to pull out yet. She clung tightly to Percy as the first jet of baby juice splashed against the back wall of her cunt. She began to cum yet again.

Percy tried to withdraw his cock before he spilled any more seed into his Hera's fertile womb.

Hera raised her legs around Percy's hips, and clamped them down so tight that he couldn't move. "Don't pull out," she whimpered as she shook from her fourth orgasm. "Please don't pull out."

Percy fired millions of his mortal baby makers into Hera's receptive and fertile womb. His pelvis felt like it was coming apart at the seams.

Hera shook as she clung to Percy . She knew she was being knocked up by Percy yet all she could think of was how much she needed this.

They trembled and moaned together as their orgasms began to subside.

Percy collapsed on top of Hera in complete exhaustion.

Hera clung to Percy until her orgasm finally ran its course. Only then did she release her grip on his hips.

They lay together gasping for air.

Percy finally raised his head and kissed his sexy Hera. "I love you."

"I love you too Baby."

Percy tenderly kissed her cheeks. "I probably got you pregnant, didn't I?"

"Zeus only once with Ares and Hephaestus. Then again I've always suspected that Zeus is incapable of getting me or anyone pregnant just got lucky on me once. Even though there is no guarantee it will happen, the chances are good that I will end up pregnant with your baby."

"Are you mad at me?"

Hera kissed Percy. "I'm not mad at you. I sort of knew this could happen when I let you remove my panties. Hell, maybe I wanted it to happen? Percy, if I do end up pregnant with your child, I don't want you to feel guilty."

Percy caressed his lovely neighbor's cheek. "I really do love you as does Annabeth."

Hera pressed her lips to Percy's lips. Breaking the kiss she smiled up at him. "I love you too. Now, why don't we see if we can get that wonderful cock of yours hard, so you can fuck me again?"

"Hera, I really do want to fuck you. But every time I cum in you, it increases your chances of getting pregnant."

The beautiful goddess whispered into his ear. "Baby, I don't care if you do knock me up. I need your wonderful cock buried in my pussy all night long. I'll worry about the consequences later."

They began again and this time neither held back. As Percy pound into Hera's pussy like they were animals made for breeding. Hera held Percy to her kiss with all the passion like her lips were made for him.

Their passion was so great that they made love throughout the night.

Each time Percy dumped another load of sperm into Hera's godly womb.

Hera had no doubt that she would be impregnated by Percy. But her need to be loved and made love to overrode her good sense.

Sometime during the night, the snow stopped falling.

Just before dawn the next morning, the lovers fell asleep in each other's arms lips together. Percy's cock buried in Hera's pussy where both belonged. But not before Percy asked Hera a question.

"Marry me and Annabeth?"

Hera look at Percy and without hesitation said


They woke up a couple of hours later.

Percy climbed into the cab of his truck, and called his Annabeth. He told her they would be home in a few hours. He also gave her the good news. Annabeth said that she can wait for them to arrive.

Before leaving however, they made love again.

Percy unloaded more baby juice in Hera again.

They then got dressed, and headed for Camp.

The clouds had moved on during the night. The sun shone brightly on the ten inches of snow.

Hera could feel the millions and millions of sperm cells swimming around in her vagina when she moved her hips. She gazed lovingly at the young man who would be the father of her child.

Percy wanted to make love to Hera one more time before they reached camp.

Hera was more than willing to let him bury his dick in her again.

Being careful not to get the pickup stuck, he pulled the truck off onto a small side road.

They got on the bed of the truck they undressed Hera climbed onto Percy's lap and bounce up and down while Percy drank her godly milk and they fucked for nearly an hour.

Percy filled his now finance womb with more baby makers. Then they rested for haft hour with Percy sucking Hera breasts like a baby.

When they arrived at Camp Haft Blood they were greeted by Annabeth. Then that night in Hera cabin the two loves of Percy Jackson gave him another night to remember.

Hera knew she shouldn't have let Percy cum in her after the first time. But having his rich, potent, sperm splash against her cervix just felt too good to make him stop. She had no doubt in her mind that she would indeed become pregnant with his baby. But she didn't care. She felt loved and wanted.

Hera with the support from literally all the other gods divorce Zeus and granted immortality to Percy and Annabeth.

Hera was right. She did become pregnant.

One of Percy's sperm cells fertilized the egg in Hera's womb which hadn't happened for eons. Percy had to admit

When he saw Annabeth and Hera walking down the isle in their beautiful wedding Hera look more beautiful than she had before thank to her round belly that held their child. Annabeth had decided to get pregnant after the wedding though Percy couldn't wait.

After a wonderful honeymoon all over the world literally.

They now lived in New Rome.

One night Percy was on his knees fucking his very pregnant wife Hera from behind while she eat out Annabeth pussy while her belly had began to show her pregnancy.

Hera moaning with lust as their true husband repeatedly rammed his thick cock into her swollen body. Suddenly her water broke.

Percy pulled out as his goddess shot fluids down the front of his thighs. "Shit, I think your water just broke."

Hera turned over and sat in the fluids. She had a look of frustration on her face. "It looks like our kids are ready to come out," she groaned in disappointment. "I just wish they had waited until after I'd cum before deciding to enter this world."

Percy stroked Hera cheek while Annabeth rubbed her stomach. "I'll make you both cum as much as you want once you are able to have sex again."

Annabeth and Hers gave their beloved sexy smiles. "Does that mean you're planning to fill our fertile womb with more of your sperm?" Asked Annabeth.

"Do you want more kids?" Percy asked.

"Hell yes, I want more kids. I love being pregnant. I want you to keep me knocked up until my womb dries up which is never." Said Hera making Percy and Annabeth laugh.

"Then I shall do my best to keep your belly swollen and full of our babies."

The couple was very happy together. They would watch their children run around playing with seagulls. They would watch fire works on Fourth of July. One of the things they would enjoy was going to be in the truck bed where this all began as a blizzard swirled around the truck.

Most people cannot stand snowstorms.

But to Hera, snowstorms are a reminder of the night her Percy had first filled her with his rich potent seed