Chapter 1


Note: Ever wonder what might have happened if Hercules and Callisto crossed paths a little bit earlier? Such as before Xena became reformed? My theory on what mght have happenned.


Alcmene was getting ready for bed, but with the storm raging outside she feared she wouldn't get much sleep. Before she could even get to her bed a young woman rushed inside, this was Callisto, and it was clear she was shivering from the rain. Alcmene immediately put a blanket around Callisto and brought her over to the fire.


Callisto: Thank you. Sorry to just burst in, but I couldn't take that rain anymore.

Alcmene: I can see that. You're welcome to stay here until it passes.

Callisto: Thank you. I'm afraid I don't have much money to pay you.

Alcmene: Don't worry about that.

Callisto: Are you Alcmene, mother of Hercules?

Alcmene: Yes. Are you seeking my son's help?

Callisto: Yes. I understand he and I have a commo enemy. Xena, the warrior princess.

Alcmene: I know who she is. She turned Hercules and his best friend Ioulas against each other and tried to kill them both.

Callisto: Ten years ago Xena attacked my village, slaughtered my parents, my sister. She has to be stopped, perhaps Hercules and I can work together on that.