Second chapter here we go

Agent venom is one of the shield agents and he has the ultimate spiderman tv show origin

Also I forgot to mention that the helicarrier is bigger than the one in avengers so I'll call it the super helicarrier but for short helicarrier

Chapter 2: Hatsume!?

In peter's room on the helicarrier

"Hatsume?! What are you doing here?" Peter asked.

"I just wanted to see your babies," Hatsume said.

"Great, now I need to take care of you while you are here," Peter said.

"Where are we Parker?" Hatsume asked.

"I can't tell you that, it's a secret," Peter said.

"Hey Peter, did you get back?" Ant man said

"Oi it looks like you got a girlfriend, peter.

"Shut up Scott '' Peter said embarrassed.

"Well I'm gonna leave you two lovebirds to do ya thing" Ant man said.

"Leave us Scott" Peter said.

"Who was that?" Hatsume said.

"That was Scott Lang, also known as Ant Man," Peter replied.

"What can he do?" Hatsume said.

"He has a suit that lets him shrink in size, and he also can grow to 70ft tall and he controls ants" Peter replied.

"Oh cool, I want to meet the man who created that suit," Hatsume said.

"Peter!" Fury said.

"Yes? Fury" Peter said.

"You're not supposed to bring anyone back to the helicarrier," Fury said.

"Am sorry Fury, but she grabbed my arm as soon as I pressed the teleport button" Peter replied.

"Well I guess we can tell her our secret" Fury said.

"But don't tell her to blab all this information out in the public, got it?" Fury continued.

"Yes sir" Peter said.

"Who was that?" Hatsume said.

"My boss, and he gave me the clearance to tell you about our secret"

"Ohh what secret?" Hatsume said.

"Ok you won't believe me but this ship and everyone else onboard is from a different universe" Peter said.

"What? you're from a different universe tell me more" Hatsume said excitedly.

"One of our villains from our universe, used a magic space cube, to transport this ship and everyone in it into your universe" Peter said.

Hatsume nods in understanding.

"I am the hero called spider man, I was bitten by a radioactive spider and now I have spider like abilities, I have a suit and my web shooters are over there" Peter said

"Wait, you have babies of your own?" Hatsume said.

"Yeah, is that your term of technology?" Peter asked.

"Yes," Hatsume said excitedly.

"Ok, I'm gonna tour ya around the helicarrier, bring your notes cause there's a lot of tech around here" Peter said.

"REALLY?" Hatsume said more excitingly.

"Here is my room and my lab, I use this lab to create my web fluid" Peter said.

Hatsume nods in excitement.

"Here is my suit room, I only have 3 though, but my mentor iron man has 49 suits and his friend has 5 suits" Peter said.

"What, 56 suits?" Hatsume said very excitedly.

"Hatsume stop being excited, you might die from happiness" Peter said.

"Don't worry Peter, I'll be fine," Hatsume said.

Peter then takes Hatsume on a tour of the heroes' rooms, Hatsume is inspired after hearing all the technology all the heroes have, especially iron man.

Peter then takes Hatsume to the elevator of the helicarrier.

"Hatsume put this breather on you will need it" Peter said.

"Why?" Hatsume said.

"Just do it or else you die from altitude" Peter said as he put a breather on Hatsume and himself.

As the elevator doors opened, the deck was wide open for Hatsume to see.

"Are we on an aircraft carrier? Peter'' Hatsume said.

"Not just any aircraft carrier, but the helicarrier, you will see why" Peter said.

Peter then took Hatsume to the edge of the ship where the giant wind turbines could be seen

"Wait are you saying we are on a flying aircraft carrier?" Hatsume said exsititly.

"Yes, a vehicle created by Iron man himself" Peter said.

"Also this thing has a camouflage mode too" Peter continued.

"Amazing," Hatsume said excitingly.

"And by the way what year did this technology was created?" Hatsume asked.

"I think it was 2010," Peter answered.

"2010?, we're living in 2148 and there's no flying vehicles" Hatsume said.

"Yeah, to be honest, your universe has primitive technology, sorry if I'm being mean" Peter said.

"No, no it's alright, Peter and by the way what powers this thing?" Hatsume said.

"Oh you want to see the arc reactor room don't ya" Peter said.

"What's an arc reactor?" Hatsume said.

Peter then takes Hatsume to the arc reactor room.

"This is the arc reactor, the generator powering this thing, it could produce near infinite levels of energy" Peter said.

"Woahh" Hatsume said.

"And on top of that, it's clean energy" Peter said.

"This arc reactor could solve the energy crisis," Hatsume said.

"Also this arc reactor powers all the aircraft and weaponry we have down here" Peter said.

"Heck it even powers the suit iron man and war machine wears" Peter continued.

Hatsume nearly faints over the technology Ben has told her.

"Hatsume are you alright there?" Peter said as he supported Hatsume.

"Yeah, I am OK Peter," Hatsume answered.

"Well it's getting late, I think it's time for you to go home now" Peter said.

"Can I come back again?" Hatsume said.

"If you promise not to say anything about this ship and everyone in it, yeah i'll let you" Peter said.

"I promise," Hatsume said.

"Alright here ya go, it's a spare teleporter, it will teleport you to my room if you want to come back, also it will bring you to your home if you put in the cornets" Peter said.

"Alright, Peter, we'll see you tomorrow at school," Hatsume said as she teleported away.

"Yeah see you tomorrow" Peter said.

Fury's front door

Peter then walks into Fury's office.

"Hey Peter, what do you need?" Fury asked.

"This" Peter replied as he put the book on his desk.

"How did you get it?" Fury asked.

"One of the teachers said that I can borrow it for a day," Peter answered.

"Good, trash the betrayal part of your mission" Fury said.

"Alright," Peter said.

"But I still need you to go to U.A high as a janitor still," Fury continued.

"Why is that Fury?" Peter asked.

"We still need information about this world" Fury replied.

"Roger that Fury" Peter replied.

"I'm just gonna read this and input it in our files, I'm gonna return it to you tomorrow" Fury said.

"Sure thing Fury" Peter said.

The next day

"Alright Peter ready for day 2 of your, Job" Agent hill said.

"Yes I am" Peter replied.

"Good, luck on your job peter" Hill said as she transported peter.

Peter then appears behind, U.A.

"Alright time to get to work" Peter said as he went into U.A..

Peter then walks into All Might's office returning the book.

"Thank you for returning the book" All Might said.

"No Problem" Peter said.

"I also revived a message from Nezu ,he wants you to clean the buildings from the outside" All Might said.

"I'll go do that strait away" Peter said as he went to go to get the cleaning supplies.

5 minutes later

"Ok, let's start on this wall" Peter said.

Peter then walked on the wall cleaning it as he goes.

What he didn't know that he was on the walls of Class 1A and Class 1B.

"Hey Peter" Class 1B said as they poked their heads out the window.

"Hey class 1B" Peter replied.

Peter then puts his foot on Class 1A's window.

"Hey who's foot this this?" Someone in Class 1A said.

"Oh sorry" Peter said.

"Who are you?" Some of the Class 1A boys said. (not including Kaminari)

"I am, Peter Parker U.A's new janitor" Peter said.

"Sounds like a jackass name" Bakugou said.

"Don't underestimate, him" Kaminari said.

"He has a six pack under that shirt" Kaminari continued.

"Really?" the other boys said.

"Yeah, Parker San, show em your muscles" Kaminari said.

"Alright" Peter said as he lifted his shirt.

"Both girls of class 1A and 1B, blushed heavily after seeing Peter's muscles.

"I want those muscles so i can get all the girls" Mineta said.

"Shut up useless grape" every girl said.

"Yeah shut up grape" Jiro said as she plugged her earphone jacks into Mineta.

"Psst Peter" Agent hill said.

"What is it, agent hill?" Peter quietly said.

"Hulk's Devil dinosaur got out of the helicarrier" Agent hill said.

"And he's coming towards you" Agent Hill said.

"Why?" Peter said.

"He wanted to see you again" Agent Hill said.

"Oh he just wants to see me?" Peter said.

"Yeah" Hill said.

"When he's coming?" Peter said.

"Right about now" Hill said.

Suddenly Devil Dinosaur burst through the U.A gates.

"OH SHIT IT'S A RED DINOSAUR!" Kaminari said.

"Ok class we will start homeroom now" Aizawa said.

"Ok class we will start homeroom now" Vlad King said.

"Class what are you looking at?" Both teachers said.

"There's a red Dinosaur on the field" the class representatives said.

"What?" Both teachers said.

They look to see Devil Dinosaur approaching the building.

"Class get down" both teachers said.

"Peter you get to cover too" Midoriya said.

"No, I will stand" Peter said.

"But you're about be rushed by the dinosaur" Kaminari said.

"Don't worry, I got this" Peter said.

"Devil Dinosaur SIT" Peter commanded.

Devil Dinosaur listened.

"Wait that's your pet!?" every student said.

"No but he knows me very well" Peter answered.

"He has a friend dinosaur?!" well I'm more jealous of Peter now" Kaminari said.

"Devil Dinosaur then licked peter til he was slobbery mess.

"Devil stop that" Peter said laughing.

"Alright what's going on here?" All Might said.

All Might then sees peter in a slobbery mess.

"Parker what is that?" All Might said.

"Devil Dinosaur, my friend's pet" Peter said.

"Alright Devil Dinosaur, you had fun time for you to go home" Peter said as he pressed the teleport button on Devil dinosaur's collar.

Devil dinosaur roars in goodbye as he teleported back to the helicarrier.

"What did you do to him?" Midoriya asked.

"He got sent back to his owner" Peter replied.

"Alright class get back to ya seats" the homeroom teachers said.

"Aww man" Everyone said.

Peter then finishes the U.A walls and then moves on inside.

"Ok, let's move on to this room" Peter thought.

He then jumps out of the vents stumbling upon the big 3.

"You must be the new janitor, I am Mirio Togata"

"Hello there, I'm Peter Parker"

"Hey there, I am, Nejire Hadou"

"Tamaki Amajiki"

"Hey Peter you wanna spar?" Mirio said.

"I don't see why not?" Peter answered.

"Alright get in that corner, so we can begin" Mirio said.

"Can I use my gadgets?" Peter asked.

"Alright but I am still gonna kick your ass anyway" Mirio answered.

"We will see about that," Peter said.

"Start!" Hadou said.

Mirio started approaching Peter then dove into the floor.

Peter stayed still.

When Mirio started to resurface to try to grab Peter by the leg, Peter used his spider senses to doge Mirio's attack, then used his web shooters to grab Mirio, then using his strength to smash Mirio to the ground continuously.

Mirio tried to recover but Peter was too fast for Mirio to recover.

Eventually, Mirio couldn't take much more, and he gave out.

"And we have our winner Peter Parker" Hadou announced.

"So fast how good is this guy?" Amajiki thought.

"So Mirio, no hard feelings?" Peter asked.

"No hard feelings," Mirio said.

Peter then says goodbye to the big three, then cleaning up the rest of the school.

Peter then goes to see Kirishima because they wanted to talk.

"Hey Peter" Krishima said.

"Hey Krishima" Peter said.

"So how did you get your muscles?" Krishima said.

"When I got my quirk, the muscles came with it" Peter replied.

"So cool" Krishima said.

"Well nice short talking with ya, it's kinda getting late" Peter said.

"Alright see ya tomorrow" Peter.

Peter then walked over to an empty alleyway where no one was around.

Then he teleported to his room.

"Home sweet hom"

Suddenly an alarm went off.

Peter then sees Flash Thompson running down the hall.

"Flash what happened?" Peter asked.

"The absorbing man has escaped" Flash replied.

"Fury said he's sending me to stop him, with the help of ant man" Flash continued.

"Alright, Flash, but don't get hurt" Peter replied.

"Thanks, Peter" Flash said.

Meanwhile at the absorbing man's location (outside the bank)

"Ha Ha! the people here are more afraid of me" Absorbing man said as he was robbing the bank.

"Hey Villain you are under arrest for using your quirk illegally and robbing a bank"

"What the fu*k you say?" (ya know absorbing man can't speak Japanese)

"Crap he speaks English" Kamui Woods said to Mt. Lady

"Well I don't know how to speak English too ya know" Mt. Lady said.

"Wait, let's use our translators the agency gave us" Kamui woods said.

"Oh Yeah" Mt. Lady said.

"Let's try this again, Villain you are under arrest for using your quirk illegally and robbing a bank"

"Ah like I'll listen to you guys" Absorbing man said.

"I am a super villain named Absorbing Man"

"Well I'm the hero named Kamui Woods."

"And I'm Mt. Lady."

"What kind of Hoe ass hero names are those?" Absorbing man replied.

"The kind of names that's gonna defeat you" Kamui woods said as he charged at Absorbing man.

Absorbing man then, absorbed the vault door making his body metal.

"Ha ha, metal is superior to metal ya know" Absorbing man said as he crushed Kamui woods.

Kamui woods is left there with only his head and torso left.

"Well let's see if you can handle giants" Mt. Lady said.

"Well are you ant man's wife cause he has a similar ability to your's" Absorbing man said.

"Who is ant man?, and I'm single" Mt. Lady replied.

"You never heard of ant man, well that's a shame" Absorbing man said as he swinged his wrecking ball at Mt. Lady.

The wrecking ball then hit her legs causing her to fall on the ground.

"For a giant hero, you ain't that strong" Absorbing man said.

"Well how about a small hero" A voiced cried out.

"Who said that?" Absorbing man said.

"Right down here" the voice said.

It was ant man standing on Absorbing Man's shoulder.

"Ant ma"

Ant man then punched Absorbing man causing him to return to his normal form.

Then black webs stuck on Absorbing man's back.

"Well, well, well, isn't Carl Creel" Agent Venom said.

"Ant Man and Agent Venom, I suppose you're to apprehend me?" Carl said.

"Yes we are" Agent Venom said.

"Who are those two?" Mt. Lady said to a broken Kamui Woods.

"I don't know but they might be vigilantes" Kamui woods replied.

"Ok let's wrap this up" Agent Venom said.

Ant man then shot a car making it big, then Agent Venom then lifted the car, throwing it on Carl trapping him.

"Well that's done" Agent Venom said.

"Yeah let's get back" Ant man said.

"Hold on you two are not going anywhere" Kamui woods said.

"Show us your hero licences" Mt. Lady said.

"Oh yeah, this earth has a law, requiring heroes to have a licence" Ant man said to Venom.

"Well that sucks, Scott, now we need to deal with the good guys now" Agent Venom said.

Ant Man then used handcuffs to capture Carl.

Then after he was cuffed, Carl then teleported back to his cell.

"What Happened to him?" Kamui woods questioned.

"I handcuffed him thus returning him to his cell" Ant Man replied.

"We are supposed to arrest the bad guys" Mt. Lady said.

"Well too late, we just sent him back to his cell" Agent Venom said.

Kamui Woods then sees the S.H.I.E.L.D symbol on Flash's shoulder.

"Are you apart of S.H.I.E.L.D?" Kamui woods said.

"Yes, why?" Flash replied.

"Alright then you are under arrest for one your members attacking a pro hero" Kamui Woods said.

"Oh yeah, Hawkeye, attacked, the chef when they were stealing the food" Ant man said to Agent Venom.

"You're not getting away for your comrade's crimes" Kamui woods said.

"Well I guess we get to fight" Ant man said.

"Mt. Lady go handle the ant man, I'll go handle this Agent venom guy" Kamui woods said.

Mt. Lady then turns herself big as she approached ant man.

"Crayon Cannon!" Mt. Lady cried.

"Really 68ft?" Ant man said as he turned himself small.

Ant man then ran up on her body then jumped to her face then turning giant.

Mt. Lady then looked at Ant Man in surprise"

"How are giant if your name is Ant Man?" Mt. Lady asked.

"This suit can give me the size I need" Ant Man said.

"So it's not your quirk, I thought your quirk is about size" Mt. Lady said.

"Nope I'm quirkless" Ant Man replied.

"It's getting hot in here," Ant Man said as he removed his mask. ( ant man can remove his mask when hes in different sizes)

The masked revealed Scott Lang in his late 20s ( It's like this so Ant man x Mt. Lady)

"You're kinda cute for a vigilante" Mt. Lady said.

"My mom said that I always had charms," Ant Man replied.

"But that doesn't mean I like you" Mt. Lady said.

"Ok vigilante turn yourself in," Kamui Woods said to Agent Venom.

"Like never" Flash said.

"Alright then Lacquered Chain Prison" Kamui Woods cried out.

Flash then gets captured by Kamui woods attack.

"Now you won't be able to move now Agent" Kamui Woods said.

"Is that so?" Flash replied.

"Yes, and I'm now turning you over to the police" Kamui woods said.

"Not on my watch" Flash responded.

Flash then uses Venom to grow a symbiote tentacles equipped with guns.

"Take this!" Flash said.

The guns open fire on Kamui Woods forcing him to drop Flash on the ground.

"Scott we can't stay here no more, we need to go" Flash said as he was opening fire on Kamui Woods.

"Head back to the quinjet I'll hold them off" Flash ordered.

"Roger that Flash" Scott said as he turned himself small and called Antony.

Scott then used his gun to turn Mt. Lady small as a toddler.

"Hey! What gives?" Mt Lady said.

"We can't let you guys ruin our escape" Ant man replied.

Flash then shot a web at the bank's building enabling him to get away.

"He's getting away!" Mt. Lady said.

"I'll get him," Kamui Woods said as he grappled the building.

"You're chasing after me?" Flash said.

"Yes, you and your friend are committing violent crimes, and it must be paid for" Kamui woods said.

"Sorry but am just doing my job" Flash said as he was swinging away.

"Scott is the quinjet fired up and ready to go?" Flash said on the comms.

"Yes, ready for takeoff," Scott responded.

"Good, I'll be there in a minute," Flash said.

"Fury I need a blackout" Flash said on the comms

"What for Agent Venom?" Fury asked.

"I'm being chased, a blackout will cover our escape" Flash responded.

"Agent initiate blackout," Fury said. (F.r.i.d.a.y is a hacker)

"Yes director Fury" S.H.I.E.L.D. agent said.

The city of Musutafu now plunged into darkness.

"What the?" Kamui Woods said as the city plunged into darkness.

Flash then took advantage of Kamui Woods confusion and headed for the quinjet.

Scott and Flash then escaped the city and headed for the helicarrier.

The next day

Well done men you captured the Absorbing man" Fury said.

"Although you did run into some heroes, the mission was accomplished" Fury continued.

"All in a day's work Director Fury" Flash and Scott said.

"Also, Eugene, do you want to accompany Peter on his current mission?" Fury asked.

"Yes anything to do with Spidey" Flash reponeded.

"Good head on over where Peter is he will guide you" Fury responded

"We will work out the paperwork and information for getting in that school," Fury continued.

"Yes, director Fury," Flash said.

Flash then heads on over where Peter is

"Hey Peter," Flash said.

"Oh Hey Flash, what do you need?" Peter said.

"Fury said I can go on your mission" Flash replied.

"Really that's so nice of him," Peter said.

"I know," Flash replied.

"So we are going to U.A high where you will be a security guard there" Peter said.

"It also said here bring your own weapons" Flash said.



"Alright let's go" Peter said as he pressed the teleport button.

"Here we go," Flash said as he pressed his teleport button. (flash used venom to fuse with his shoes and gloves)

Peter and flash appeared in the same alleyway Peter had been before.

"Arlight U.A is right over there" Peter said.

"I'm just gunna guide to you to the pinable's office then I'll get to work, alright" Peter said.

One walk to Nezu's office later

"Here we are, Flash," Peter said.

"So i'm just gonna go now, see ya later flash" Peter said.

"Yeah see ya later" Flash said.

"Hello there you must be Eugene "Flash" Thompson am Nezu the principal of this school.

Flash then hands over the paperwork to Nezu.

"So you wanna become a security guard for this school?" Nezu asked.

"Yes I do" Flash reponeded.

"Good we've been attacked by villains so it's good for us to have a security guard to call the heroes on the campus" Nezu said.

"This is my weapons a taser rifle and a taser pistol, it just tazes them," Flash said.

"Interesting," Nezu said.

"Quirk" Black spider, does whatever a spider can but it's enhanced" Nezu said out loud.

"I have the same powers as Peter but I can take more hits than him" Flash said.

"Perfect for a security guard," Nezu said.

"Alright Thompson, here are your instructions and your scanner" Nezu said.

"Thank you Mr. Nezu," Flash said.

The instructions read.

1 Check on the students if they cause a disturbance such as bullying and lewding.

2 Use the scanner to scan the students if they are carrying something that is not allowed on campus if they do have something that is not allowed on campus, confiscate it and give it to Nezu.

3 Alert the teachers if villains decide to show up.

4 engage any villains who appear on campus.

"Seems easy peasy lemon squeezy to me" Flash said.

Flash then sees class 1A approaching the U.A gates.

"Well time to scan those students over there" Flash thought.

Class 1A

"Guys, did you hear the news today?" Midoriya asked.

"Yes and the Ant Man guy turned Mt. Lady to the size of a toddler" Ilda said.

"Wait Mt. Lady is now the size of a toddler now?" Ausi said.

"Yes" Uraraka said.

"Well that explains why Mt. Lady never showed up on her news interview" Ashido said.

"And that Absorbing man, his quirk it seems to absorb anything he comes into contact with" Midoriya said,

"Shut up Shiity Deku, we already know that just by watching the news," Bakugou said.

"That language is very inappropriate because we are on campus," Ilda said.

"Whatever four eyes," Bakugou replied.

"Heh heh, I'll get the girls by showing them p**n and then I'll get my pervy revenge" Mineta thought.

"Hey you guys, stop," Flash said as he approached Class 1A

"Hello, and what do you need?" Ilda said.

"I'm Flash Thompson the new security guard and I am here to scan you if you have unauthorized belongings that are not allowed on campus" Flash said.

"Surely we don't have any belongings that should not be on campus" Ilda said.

"Yeah" everyone said.

"Well I'm just gonna scan you anyway, just to make sure" Flash said.

"Alright" Class 1A said.

Flash then scans the entire class, then the scanner talk saying

"Minoru Mineta, has p**n in his backpack confiscate it" the scanner said.

Everyone in class 1A was silent for a few seconds then, the whole class turned to Mineta.

"Gotta go" Mineta said as he started running.

"Hey get back here!" Flash said as he was chasing after Mineta.

Ilda then turned serious and then using his turbo boost brought Mineta back to the gates.

"Mineta" the girls said.

"Yes?" Minetas said.

( Play roundabout here)

"You're dead" the girls said as they kicked/ punched Mintea everywhere.

Mineta then tried to get away again, but Flash used venom to grab him.

"You're not going anywhere til you give me those 18+ articles" Flash said.

Flash then used his webs to grab the books, then asked Todoroki to burn it.

"Hey half hot, half cold, can you burn these using your fire?" Flash said.

"Sure" Todoroki said as he burned it.

"And by the way it's Todoroki"

"Noo my plan" Mineta said as he held the burnt paper.

"We are going to have a long talk about respecting women and not bringing stuff like this to school" Ilda said.

"Nooooo" Mineta said.

"Well I didn't get your names, but thank you" Flash said.

Class 1A then introduces themselves to flash except Mineta and Todoroki.

"Well see ya guys another time" Flash said.

"Alright goodbye Flash" Class 1A said.

"Ya know he's like Kacchan but more nice" Midoriya said.

"I'm not like that american douge" Bakugou said.

"Not just the blonde hair," Midoriya said.

"I wonder if we can see him again today?" Ausi said.

"I dunno but he seems like a nice guy" Midoriya said.

To be continued

Well guys end of chapter 2 it be a week til the next one comes out cuz i need to do my other story but am letting you guys know that flash x Hadou and Peter x Kendou

See ya in the next one