"She started the fight!"

"You deserved it."

"Mila can you stop making this worse."

"Your daughter doesn't belong at this school."

"Mr. Grant. I understand that you're upset, and I apologize for Mila's behavior. I need you to not speak about where my daughter belongs. I'm sure she hears that every day at this school."

"You're making this about race? Your daughter is violent. She doesn't belong at this elite school."

Olivia tried to stay calm. She didn't want Mila to lose her scholarship to the best school in DC. This whole move was turning into a nightmare. She finally reached her goal of finishing college as a single mom. She moved to DC for the career opportunities. Days like this, she wished she stayed in Ohio. Their small house in the rundown part of town. She worked hard to put her child in an environment that was uppity and unkind. The realization was sinking in that this wasn't going to be a smooth transition.

"Mila I need you to apologize for punching Karen. I really don't want to be late for my interview."

"You're looking for a job? If your temper is anything like Mila's, you will never get a job in DC."

"Fine, I hate this school. I apologize for punching you."

"Apology not accepted." Karen said, and looked at Fitz for his next comment.

"Let's go Mila." Olivia said.

"Am I grounded?"



Olivia grabbed her purse and rushed out of the office before Fitz could say anything else. She didn't make eye contact with the principal. Mila followed with a smirk. This was her second time in the principal's office for fighting Karen. The principal was giving her a written warning. One more fight, and she would be kicked out of the school.

"She keeps making slick racist comments."

Olivia didn't respond until they were in the car. She hated having this conversation. It wasn't fair, and she didn't want Mila to hate the world.

"I know she makes racist comments, but you can't punch Karen when she insults you. Go to the principal before the fight starts."

"You don't understand."

"I do understand. Do you think I've never had to deal with racial insults? You learn to handle it professionally. You won't get far if you physically fight your enemies."

"I hate DC. I hate middle school."

"It will get better. I promise."

Mila shut down and looked out the window. She was defeated. Olivia felt bad about having to drop her off at home and get to her interview.

"Do you want ice cream?"

"It doesn't matter."

Olivia bought two ice cream cones with double scoops and handed both to Mila. She smiled for a second. Ice cream wasn't going to make her happy.

"I will be home in two hours. You can choose the restaurant for dinner."

Mila didn't acknowledge her comment. She washed her hands and sat at the kitchen table. She would probably be full for a few hours. That was a lot of ice cream.

Olivia walked back to her car and tried to keep herself together. Tears would ruin her makeup. She parked outside of the office building and waited to be called for the interview. It was a simple receptionist job, and she had plenty of experience. She would have to work her way up the career ladder in this competitive city.

"Ms. Pope. He's ready for you."


"Steven couldn't be here today, so you're going to be interviewing with his boss."


The lady pointed her in the direction of the office at the end of the hall. Olivia opened the door and stepped inside. He was facing the window. She was so nervous. He turned around and her heart sank. It was over.


"Mr. Grant?"

"Get out of my office." He looked at the resume on his desk. "Olivia Pope."