Marcus walked in Fitz's office. He knew what was on his boss's mind. Before he could say anything, Fitz turned around.

Don't give me that look. I am allowed to miss her.

You are allowed to miss her. Just remember you two didn't break up this time. She just needed time for her. Considering all that she has been through, I can understand. I know it has almost been a year, but after being controlled her whole life, she deserves this.

You are right. I agree. As I said, I just miss her. When we decided to help Brandon Crawford on the Gary Flowers case, I just wanted to call her.

I don't think Liv is living under a rock. I am sure she is keeping up with the case like everyone else. Speaking of the case, Brandon called me again about the Brandy Thompson case.

No, it is not the right time to take it on.

That makes no sense. Before Olivia left, she and Quinn sat down and worked things out. They are equal partners. Quinn is handling everything until Liv returns. She says they can handle taking on both cases.

It is not about working the case. It is about who is leading the case. You and Brandon are the face of the Gary Flower's case. We don't have that for Brand yet, and she deserves that.

What about Angela Webster? She was at the dinner you attended the other night.

She offered. Somehow she found out the family wants us on this. She made her pitch, amongst other things.

Other things…

Angela wants me, and I am not saying that to boost my ego. To make a long story short, we had a fling if you even call it that. I think it was more about one-upping Olivia. It was my fault for entertaining her. I was lonely. Mad that Olivia gave her permission to ask me out, and I wanted to make her jealous. Nothing came of us, but if I open the door, Angela will run through it. She doesn't want to take on this family the way they deserve. She wants to shoot her shot at me again, and that is a nonstarter. Every day Liv is away; I realize I meant every word when I said she is the love of my life. I have worked on myself to be better when she does return.

I understand where you are coming from, but his case his huge. Not just for the foundation, but the country as well. We have to do something.

Fitz leaned back in his seat, I want to take the case, but it has to be done right. There is only one woman for the job, and before you ask, it is not just because I miss her.

I agree with you, but we do not have the luxury of time. The families have a sit down with Robin Roberts next Friday in the primetime slot, which leaves us with a little over a week. Not only do they need us, but they also want us.

I know. I just don't…

Know what to do. That's where I come in.

Fitz turned around and looked in the eyes of the woman he had been dreaming about for more than a year. He was speechless. Finally, he took a breath before looking in her eyes, "Hi…"

Olivia smiled. She now accepted that she was in love with this man. Time made her realize he was it for her. It wasn't that she didn't know it, but she wasn't healthy enough to accept. She was now, and from the sound of things, he was still waiting. She took a breath and came back to reality, "Hi…"

Marcus decided to break the stare down up. Liv, we missed you.

Olivia went over and hugged Marcus, I missed everyone too, but I needed that time to breathe and decide what I wanted going forward.

I understand. Well, I am sure the two of you have a lot to discuss.

We do. Can you do me a favor?


Can you call Brandy's family and let them know Fitz & I will fly to meet with them on Wednesday?

Marcus was shocked. He looked at Fitz, who seemed shocked, but was going along with the flow and nodded his head.

Sure, Liv, anything else?

I spoke with Lauren before I arrived. She informed me that Fitz had cleared his calendar to handle the cases. If Fitz does not mind, we will get away for a couple of days to talk and come up with a plan for the interview.

Fitz looks at Marcus, You know how to reach me if needed, but you should have everything under control.

No problem, boss. You guys do what you need to do.

As soon as Marcus left the room, she practically ran over to Fitz. They just held each other. It had been too long.

Fitz finally pulled back and looked at her. How are you?

Complete now that I am in your arms. How about you?

The same.

Do you still trust me?

Never stopped…

I would like to take you to where I have been staying. I promise to tell you everything.

That's fine, Livvie. As I said, I never stopped trusting you.

She nodded, Before we go, I do have one question, and I need you to be honest with me.

Fitz nodded.

I know before I left that I explained I want not breaking up with you. I just needed some time to find myself and what I wanted out of life. I need to know that you still believe that. I was not running Fitz. I promise you.

Fitz leaned in and kissed her like she was made of glass. She did not regret leaving. She needed to get herself and her life in order. When she opened up her eyes, she saw her answer, but Fitz quieted them if she had any doubts.

I won't lie, Livvie. I missed you. I went through a rough patch, but I took the time to work on myself. I knew you were coming back. Now you are here, and I am hoping it is the last time we will be separated for that length of time again.

Olivia smiled and nodded, "It is…"

Good, we can talk more later. Can you give me a hint on where we are going so I know what to pack?

We are going to Hawaii.

A/N-I am back. I have worked on some of my other stories, but I decided to put my effort into this new story. Looking at what is going on in the world has impacted me. Between the pandemic and the deaths happening in the black community, I needed an outlet. I needed to start back writing. I decided to change the names, but the story is loosely based on the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. There are going to be some tough conversations, but more light-loving moments. I hope everyone enjoys and will stick around. All negative and unnecessary comments will be deleted. Next chapter is posting soon. You'll find out what happens in Hawaii.