Adelianna: Adelianna here, ready to start my second fic. If you want to read my other one, Passed Down Through Time, feel free to do so. Just click my name, Adelianna, above this story and scroll down until it comes to my other fic. I tried to get my bio uploaded, but for some reason it doesn't work. Anyway, usually I do funny, according to others, before and after story things concerning me and my other siblings: The Evil and The Annoying Ones, but I am too lethargic to write them now, so maybe later. I don't know if I'll be doing those with this fic, though. This is only the prologue, so that's why it's in italics. My other chappies will be longer. Anyway, I hope you'll like my story. Please review when you're done.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh


The white stars were woven into the black of night, creating a majestic tapestry to the eye of the beholder. The huge moon shone dimly in the ebony sky, barely lighting the gloomy landscape below as it sat high in the air, an eery yellow glow radiating from the milky-white orb. Wind blew softly across the ground, moving yellow sand from dunes, and rippling small, dried bushes with its soft sigh.

Figures clad in black robes and hoods were standing in a group of five at the edge of a small town in Egypt, whispering amongst themselves as they waited for their master. Standing perhaps a few steps back from the group was one more figure, head lowered as he fiddled with his fingers. It was obvious he was nervous, shifting his weight constantly from one leg to the other, while shaking his head 'no' as if he was debating with himself over some matter.

The silence was interrupted by the sound of a far off motor, its load roar increasing by the second. The hooded figures turned their attention back into town, where the noise was emitting from. The interior of the village was shrouded in shadows, darkness covering the dirty ground and the ramshackle buildings. Then with a start, the motor died down, its screams renting the night air, as though it was some sort of prehistoric beast howling its death cries.

The group saw nothing but shadows, but they did hear car doors opening, then closing, and the heavy crunch of footsteps coming toward them. Four figures, wearing black robes and hoods also, were suddenly revealed from the darkness. An evil presence seem to radiate from them, causing the six hooded figures who were waiting to shiver in fright and foreboding. Three of them were tall, practically giants, while the one in the front leading them was average height, clutching a golden rod in his grasp as he walked menacingly toward his minions.

"Have you brought what I desire?" he asked, his voice hissed from under his hood reminding them of an Egyptian Asp as he stopped in front of the robed group.

"Y-Yes M-Master,"one of them stammered, bowing slightly.

"Excellent work, slaves." He jutted his head towards the figure standing apart from the group. "He is the one responsible for this?"

They nodded timidly, relieved that his attention was no longer on them. The figure holding the golden rod lifted one of his hands, adorned in gold rings, and with his index finger motioned the lone man to come to him.

The man, his black hood concealing his face, looked uncertainly at his comrades, who nodded shyly. Then he hesitantly walked toward the person whom the others called, 'Master'.

"Give the card to me," demanded the Master, cupping his outstretched hand.

Slowly the man reached into the pocket of his robes and fumbled around, using the sense of touch until he grabbed what his blind hand had been searching for. He pulled out the card slowly, only to have it yanked from his grasp by the rod's owner.

"Finally," the leader whispered to himself, a small smile flirted across his lips, unseen by those around him. He pulled the hood slowly off his face so he could get a better look at the card in his hand. The master was revealed to be a boy in his late teens, platinum blond hair gently caressed his shoulder, as his piercing lavender eyes where magnified by his dark, Egyptian skin. Adorned around his forehead was a gold headband, with a piercing Egyptian eye carved into the center, matching gold earring hung from both of his ears. He looked up at the man who had handed him the card, who currently was glancing around nervously.

"Do I understand correctly that you wish to be a Rare Hunter?" the boy demanded, gently putting the card in his pocket.

The figure nodded his head. "Yes, uh, sir."

"You shall address me as Master Marik, or just Master if you prefer," Marik snapped sharply, glaring up at his new Rare Hunter.

"Yes, um," the man swallowed, obviously hesitant at calling someone such a high rank, especially a teenage boy, "Master Marik."

Marik smiled smugly, as he patted the pocket that contained the card. One of the Rare Hunters that came with Marik walked up slowly behind him, towering over everyone. "Was it the card that you expected, Marik?"

Marik glanced up at the man, his lips twisted into a sneer. "Yes Rishid. Ishizu was foolish to think it would be safe in the hands of a child, especially a female."

The new Rare Hunter gulped, knowing it was his daughter of whom they spoke. "She's the same age as you," he quickly pointed out, then wished he hadn't at Marik's furious gaze.

"You dare refer to me as a child?" Marik spat, slowly bringing his rod to face the cowering man.

The man knew what the rod could do to him, and quickly whimpered out his answer. "N-No Master Marik. I-I merely meant that she wasn't a child."

Marik continued to glare at the man. "What's your name again. It wasn't important enough for me to remember."

"I-It's Jared."

Marik cocked his head sideways, a smirk lighting his features. "If you wish to join my organization, a few learned rules is in order. Number one, at the end of each sentence you utter to me, you shall add Master. Number Two, never look me directly in the eyes. Number three, you shall obey my every whim without question. And number four," Marik crossed his arms over his chest, his Millennium Rod still clutched tightly in his hand as Marik's demeanor became more menacing. "If you ever fail me or decide to leave the Rare Hunters, you will either receive a one way ticket to the dreaded shadow realm, or be punished in another way severely. Understand?"

Jared nodded his head slowly, wondering if he had made a mistake. But the rewards that the other Rare Hunters stated he would receive if he obeyed Marik surfaced in his brain, quickly erasing that thought from Jared's mind.

"Now," Marik said, gazing intently at his servant, "State your name again, but this time apply the rules I just relayed to you."

"It's Jared, Master." Jared enunciated the last word.

"And your family is coming to Egypt from Japan, Slave?"

Jared narrowed his eyes at being called a slave, but decided to take no action. "Yes, Master."

Marik nodded. "And does your daughter suspect that you stole the card from her?"

Jared shook his head, his hood still concealing his face. "No, she believes she lost it somewhere, Master. She doesn't know of its significance. Ms. Ishizu was very vague when she gave the card to Janessa, Master."

"Janessa is your daughter's name, I take it?"

"Yes, Master Marik." Jared was slightly alarmed at the interest in his daughter.

Marik smiled, seeming to know of Jared's discomfort. "A house will be provided for you and your family, then. And remember, the more you please me the better rewards you will reap." With that, Marik turned around and stalked to his bright red motorcycle, made dark maroon by the blackness of the night. Parked next to it was a black van, built for traveling in harsh, and rugged conditions. Three of the four Rare Hunters that came with Marik headed toward the van, while Rishid trudged slightly behind Marik. The rest of Marik's slaves went back to their separate abodes. Only Marik's most loyal Rare Hunters lived with him in his dwelling.

"Marik," Rishid said with his harsh, accented voice. He was the only Rare Hunter who never called Marik master, most likely because he was Marik's only friend. "Why not just take control of his mind?" Rishid was referring to Jared. "It would be easier instead of rewarding him."

"I know that Rishid. I have my reasons, though." Marik glanced back at his only friend, tattoos marking the left side of Rishid's face. "Most of the Millennium Item holders can sense when I am controlling someone's mind." They both came to a stop at Marik's motorcycle, the cold wind rippling their black robes. "That alone will hinder me in my venture, as they can just sever my connection. If I am to complete my destiny, I need to be both cunning and deceitful. Noone will suspect my slave Jared as being a Rare Hunter. Before he decided to join our ranks he was a well respected member of his community. He's the perfect Rare Hunter. Smart and greedy enough to listen to me, but to idiotic to do much else. His gregarious attitude will deceive many, and will aid us in our quest."

Rishid nodded, "Yes Marik."

"In fact," Marik continued, "we could use more like him."

"We shall search for anyone matching the description, Marik."

"Yes," Marik gazed off into the desert, deep in thought. "In the meantime, I will prepare my deck to strengthen this card. And keep on searching for the Pharaoh, we need to locate him in order for my plan to succeed." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the card, fingering it lovingly. "Two more to go, plus the Millennium Puzzle, and I will be unstoppable!" Just then some few wandering clouds drifted slowly away from the moon, allowing the orb to illuminate the card with moonlight. Slifer The Sky Dragon shone brightly in the night, as though the magical entity trapped within released its magic to the outside world. The gleam matched Marik's eyes while he chuckled to himself. As he got on his motorcycle and rode off into the night, the chuckle gradually became a hysterical laugh that echoed throughout the desert, shattering its tranquility with the sound.

Adelianna: After you finish reading this story, please click the little purple button below you and review. Thanks go out to all those who do, and to whoever does, I'll read and review your fics also. This is only the prologue, so my other chapter won't be in italic, and they will also be longer. Thanks again, and ciao.