AN: Hey, everyone. This is my first Teen Titans fanfiction. I hope you enjoy it; I don't know if it is any good.

Yes. It was time, finally time. It was time for the misery to end. Raven was ready, she had been ready for a long time. She had played around with the concept of death. The great mystery, the great beyond. The great, unreachable chasm that she had always wished she could go spelunking into.

Her life had been a series of ups and downs, as most people's lives were. She had shared in great memories with the other Titans. She had engaged in battles alongside her friends as well. She remembered vividly the day that she defeated Trigon. The wispy white energy had surrounded her like a blanket. Warm, comforting, and beautiful.

There were also days that she wished that she could move on from. These were the days that Raven recalled most vividly as she laid on her deathbed. The heartbreak. The pain. Raven, being a Cambion, had to have a high tolerance to emotional pain. She had been able to move on from Terra's betrayal eventually. She had managed to deal with her father's wicked voice, tempting her and berating her in her head for years.

Yet, she could never get over having to leave the team.

Raven recalled the day. It was a painful day, a sad day. It happened when she was well into her late twenties. Raven had remembered the fight that had ensued after she had lost control one time to many.

"Raven!" Robin had yelled.

Raven hadn't listened. She had stared down at Beast Boy with all four of her glowing, wicked red eyes. Tentacles had escaped from her cloak and wrapped around the poor green changeling. Raven, in her demonic rage, had wanted to kill Beast Boy. She couldn't remember why she had wanted to do it though. Perhaps she had just been having one of those days; the days where, despite Trigon being defeated, Raven still gave into the dark, horrible energy inside of her. Trigon might have been gone, but Raven still felt his presence inside of her. It was inescapable, this demonic residue. It was as much a part of her as her human half.

Raven's tentacles had wrapped around her teammate. His green face was growing pale, his breath had sounded like it was reaching out to the surrounding area. Raven, of course, hadn't cared. Her demon half had already taken control. Her powers, stronger than ever, were coursing through her mind and her veins. It wasn't until Robin had thrown his birdarang at her that Raven finally snapped out of it.

Raven's memory after that had grown hazy. She could remember yelling from Robin, Starfire looking at her in frightened pity, Cyborg giving her physical examinations. The only one who hadn't done anything, surprisingly enough, was Beast Boy. He had just gone off to his room, away from the shadowy sorceress. Raven had wanted to call out to him. Looking back, she probably should have.

But now, she couldn't.

She hadn't seen any of her friends in years. She had just gone off and lived her life, what life she could live. Of course, it had been pretty miserable without the guidance and laughter of the other Teen Titans.

Raven rolled over. She could feel dark energy swirling around her. Her aura was acting up again. Raven needed to keep it under control for just a few more moments. After that, she could finally have the rest she had been craving.

Raven turned over on her side. She closed her eyes.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos," she muttered quietly. That seemed to be enough. The darkness subsided, drawing back into Raven's withered body.

"It is almost time, Raven," she said to herself. "Just a few more moments and it will all be over."

She closed her eyes again. She wanted to take a nap, a long nap. An endless nap. But just as she did, she felt something she hadn't expected.

Somebody was touching her shoulder.

She looked up. Her vision had become weak and blurry over the years, so she couldn't make out any of the details on the person's face. However, she could see that it was a man. A green man.

"Beast Boy?"

The green changeling chuckled.

"Just call me Garfield, Rae. I haven't been called Beast Boy since the team broke up."

Raven was shocked. Garfield's voice was old and crinkly, like a piece of tinfoil. Raven looked up at Garfield in puzzlement.

"Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see you," Garfield replied. "I figured, since you are pretty much on your deathbed…."

Garfield took a seat on Raven's bed. Raven could just barely see that he was smiling.

"So, how's life?"

Raven scoffed.

"Pleasant as always."

Garfield laughed.

"Yeah, I figured that. I hear that you're going by Rachel now?"

"Mmhm," Raven said with a nod. "Rachel Roth. Roth was my mother's last name."

Garfield placed his hand under her face.

"It's beautiful. It suits you."

Raven felt her old heart flutter. She turned away from Garfield, doing her best to do away with the flutters

"There's nothing beautiful about me. There never was."

Garfield looked at her with a stern grumpiness.

"Don't say that, Raven. You are still the most beautiful girl I've seen in a while. And believe me, I have seen a lot of beautiful girls in my day." He leaned in closer. "And honestly, I am glad that I got a chance to see you once last time."

That caught Raven's interest.

"Why did you come see me, anyway?"

Garfield smiled, his gums making up for the lack of teeth.

"Because I wanted to tell you. Ever since you left the team, I've missed you. I even left the team myself, trying to see if I could find you. But I never did. Probably because I had no idea that you changed your name." Garfield chuckled. "I didn't think it would be fair to leave you alone, with nothing but the cruel world to comfort you. I wanted to help you Raven."

"And why would you want to do that?" Raven asked with a raised eyebrow.

Garfield leaned in closer.

"Because I love you."

Raven's eyes grew wide with shock.

"Since when?" she asked incredulously.

"Since forever. You are just amazing, Rae. And I'm sorry it took so long to tell you. But you know what they say? Better late than never."

Garfield chuckled and embraced Raven in a hug. For the first time since she left the team, Raven smiled. Now she was happy. Now….