AN: STFU! Let me write in peace please. Yall taking the fun out of it and making me unmotivated. All I get is hate in the reviews and no props. If you don't like the story leave then.

I'm in my feelings and I'm not high while writing this. It's not gone be as funny and I might kill somebody, depends on my mood as I'm writing.

I keep saying we close to starting tvd but I lied. We not going to get to the 2000s no time soon. I don't want to just skip the 1000 year gap like nothing happened. I want yall to see my characters grow and develop as people.

All that said I hope you don't leave and you stay and enjoy the story, but if you do then I wish you well.

Now Enjoy!

"Die Father!" Edward screams at me and rams a sword through my chest.

" UHhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Uhhhhhh! Ahhhhhh!" I wake up sweating and breathing heavily.

I just had a dream of Edward with an evil look on his face killing me. I kept trying to reason with him and make him come to his senses, but he never did. I told him if he truly wanted to kill me then I wouldn't fight back. He then rushed me and stuck a sword in my chest.

What type of dream was that? Why would Edward ever kill me? He wouldn't. It was just a bad dream not a premonition. My children would never kill me, even if they did I wouldn't care because it was them that I love the most.

I get up out of bed and put my clothes on. I was going to wear all black. A black vest, black pants, and black boots. This was war and darkness suited the theme. I look down and admire myself. As I'm admiring myself the door opens.

" Father?" Edward says and takes me out of my thoughts.

" What is it, bastard?" Edward looks at me with an annoyed expression and points to the window. I look outside and see the entire army and the leaders talking to them.

"You slept until midday. It's time for the army to start moving. They didn't want to start without you, but you wouldn't wake up so they did. I stayed back to wait for you. Now come on I want to kill some people. You ape."

" Yea yea bastard, I'm coming."

We walk outside and everybody looks over at us. I fly up to the rest of the leaders and take their spotlight.

"Hello! I was sleeping, but I'm up now!" The army looks at me with mixed expressions, but I just smile and start my speech.

"Today is the day for you to make your name! Today we will show everybody what happens to those that side against us! Today we will kill, rape and plunder! We will take everything from these bastards including their lives! The gods are watching over us cheering! If you don't make it out alive you will be welcomed into Valhalla with open arms! Now! Time to go kick some ass!"

The crowd erupts into cheers and chants. The other leaders look at me annoyed because I stole their shine. I just smirk and we start the march on Bloodshire, the town where the rebel army was resting.

2 days later…

We finally came up on the city. It was a big city obviously as it was able to hold 10,000 soldiers. All the soldiers weren't inside the town though. Half of the army was camping outside of the town. They weren't organized at all, it would be easy to slaughter them right now, but where was the fun in that. I signal for the army to stop and tell them to stay here while I go talk to the people.

As I'm walking down the hill in front of the town they notice me. Some soldiers pull out their weapons and run up on me.

" Who the fuck are you?! Give me your sword or die!"

I look at them calmly and draw my sword from my back. The Elemental Dragon gets to taste some blood again for the first time in a while. 5 people surrounded me and before they even knew it their heads were rolling across the grass. The once beautiful green grass was now blood red.

The army looks at me in shock and fear before they all pick up their weapons and get ready to attack me. I wave my hands in peace and they stand still.

"Speak! Why have you come here!?"

I look at them and smile.

"You would dare go against my kingdom? I know you've heard the stories of the great King Thad. The great battle mage turned king. You probably thought they were only bedtime stories, but they are true. I am King Thad and you have 2 hours left to live. Get your army together because me and my army won't hesitate to attack after those 2 hours. You chose the wrong people to cross."

I start to walk away slowly, and they all look at me in shock. They come to their senses and scream for their archers to attack me while I'm walking away. I just laugh and let all the arrows hit me. All of the arrows bounce off of me and hit the ground. Nothing man made can hurt me.

They all stare at my back in shock and fear, I think I smell urine too. I decide to scare them even more. I turn around and look at them with my wolf eyes and fangs. "ROOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAR!"

" Good god! What have we angered!?"

"By the gods he's a demon!"

" Demon!"


"We're going to die, aren't we?!"

"Why us?!"

They all scream in fear at me. I just smirk and start to turn. Now I'm in control of my wolf form so I can turn freely.

"Puny humans! I gave you all a chance, but now I'm going to kill you all! Bjorn! Attack!"

Bjorn and the army come charging over the hill and I rush the army.

" No stay back demon!" A man screams as I rip his head off.

" Please I have kids!" A shieldmaiden screams at me before I rip open her stomach. She definitely wouldn't be having anymore.

I go through the first 50 or so soldiers before Bjorn and the army reach me. The army is shocked by my form, but I calm them down.

"This is another form I was blessed with by the gods my friends. I won't harm any of you. Now! To Victory or Valhalla!"

The army cheers and rushes forward again. It looks like a scene from a movie, the Vikings and Rebels are fighting and blood is spilling everywhere. The once beautiful green grass is turning blood red and the city is scrambling to help the outside army.

"We're under attack!"

"Go help our brothers!"

" Show those Vikings what happens when u fuck with us!"

Plenty of soldiers come charging out of the city. With their reinforcements they quickly start to overpower the Vikings. At first the Vikings were slaughtering them because of their fear but now their spirits were renewed. I decided to level the playing field a bit.

"Asshole sons! Quit playing and use your power! There's too many of them for us not to!"

After I screamed that at them they nodded and started throwing lightning and fire everywhere. Fire was Edward's main power, but he had dozens.

The army that just came finally realized why they were losing at first. Many realize they cant win and decide to accept that and fight to the end. But some try to save their own ass.

"Dammit! We might not be able to win with these beasts on their side! But we can cripple them at least! Attack their leaders!" The army general screams and they start to focus on our leaders. I don't pay it much attention though me and my sons had already killed a thousand or so of their soldiers and bjorn and the others weren't weak.

I decide to test a new spell I had been working on, it was an explosion spell. Unus mille explsiones I scream and a thousand explosions go off inside their army killing 3000 soldiers and injuring hundreds.

"Puny humans this will teach you some respect! Never cross me! Hahahahahaha!" I start laughing and watch their terrified faces. In reality that spell had took 70% of my magic to cast and I probably shouldn't use magic anymore for this fight unless I wanted to injure myself. The battle was relatively even though now in numbers, but we had a severe advantage in morale.

I decide to let up a bit and support the army. I look over and see Bjorn jump in front of Lothbrok and a sword impales him. My eyes widen in shock and Lothbrok looks up in shock. Bjorn cuts the man's throat and falls to the ground with the sword still in his chest. I quickly rush over and pull the sword out.

" Bjorn! Stay with me! Don't die!" I yell and tears start to build in my eyes.

Bjorn just smiles and says " Take care of my family Thad. I'm going to Valhalla to feast with the gods friend."

"No! It's not your time! Your family needs you! The army needs you! I need you!" I scream at him in anger.

" It's too late to save me friend. I wish there was a way but I'll be gone in a few minutes. Take revenge for me and protect the army. I'm giving you kingship again." He says softly and closes his eyes.

Tears start to fall from my eyes and a strong bloodlust starts to form around me. I quickly turn into my wolf form but this time my eyes are red lighting bolts and red lightning dances around me.

"I can save you Bjorn but it depends on if your body can take it. You won't be a human anymore, but you'll be alive. Don't argue with me on this either you have no choice this is my own selfishness. I failed your father, but I won't fail you." I say and bite his hand. He makes no movement but I can still hear a faint heartbeat so I know he's alive.

It's up to him now to live. Now I must do my duty and take his revenge. I turn and look at the enemy army, their numbers were small now at only 3000 or so soldiers left. I would kill all of them on my own in honor of my friend.

" Retreat! King Bjorn is injured! Take him away and to camp and let me finish the rebels off! " I scream and the army falls back and carefully takes Bjorn away. As Edward and Thor leave they nod at me. When the entire army was finally gone I decided to make my move. The soldiers all looked at me in fear and envy.

I show my fangs and red lightning eyes and smile evilly.

"I'm…going……..make……..SUFFER!" I scream and turn into a blur of black and red lightning. They all start praying for help.

" What did I do to deserve this fate god!"

"Why me!"

" Odin why have you blessed him and not me!"

" Please make sure my family is okay lord!"

" God please save me!"

" This is the end isn't it?"

I quickly flash and kill dozens of soldiers. Heads, arms, legs, organs and guts fly everywhere. I flash a few more times and I've killed a thousand people by now. I get bored of just tearing their bodies apart and decide test something. I hold my palm to call for lightning and a giant red lightning bolt comes from the sky and kills another thousand people. I look at my palm in shock. My lightning powers were much greater in my werewolf form, imagine when I became a vampire too. I was going to be unstoppable among mortals. A god would still kick my ass a little though. Let me get back to killing these bastards though.

Only a thousand soldiers were left, and some were even injured. I decide to fully humiliate them. I turn back into my human form and walk slowly at them with an evil glint in my eye.

For the next three hours I slowly kill them and listen to their cries of mercy. I finally kill the last one and start my humiliation plan. I tied a thousand bodies to trees in the forest and put their dicks in their mouth and a stick in their ass. When the people decided to go out of the walls they would see their loved ones humiliated. I feel a lot better now and decide to go to the camp and check on Bjorn.

As I'm approaching the camp I see everybody happy and partying. They're drinking beer, fighting each other, and a few people are even in their tents with a shieldmaiden. They finally notice me and everybody starts cheering and then they open up a path to Bjorn's tent. I walk in and see a slightly younger looking Bjorn looking at himself and cutting his hand.

He looks at me and flashes to me and hugs me.

"Thanks old friend! Whatever you did made me better and younger!"

I look at him and I'm confused. I should have only made him into a werewolf, he shouldn't be this fast when he's not in his werewolf form and he shouldn't be this young either. Werewolves I sire must have stronger powers than normal. I should check him out with my supernatural sense.

I look at him and I'm shocked by what I saw.

"What is it Thad? You look ill."

"Fuck the gods! Fuck their mothers! Fuck their children!" I scream and go on a profanic rant.

Bjorn was an immortal werewolf alpha who was much stronger than normal wolves. So anybody I turned into a werewolf basically became a vampire who didn't have to feed on human blood and transforms every full moon. The gods must not have thought this was important enough to tell me before I turned someone. Now my friend was immortal and it's my fault, I'm sure he doesn't want to be immortal. I guess I should tell him and get ready for a beating.

"Bjorn…'re a werewolf like me now, but you're also immortal and can turn others if you bite them. If I knew that was going to happen, I wouldn't have turned you. I probably could have healed you with a spell but I wasn't thinking in the heat of the moment. I hope you can forgive me my friend. I didn't wish this life for you."

Bjorn looks at me in shock and then his eyes turn red and he screams at me " So you've robbed me of Valhalla! I won't be able to go and feast with the gods and be with my father! You should have just let me die! My family is strong, they would have been okay without me!"

"Bjorn calm down. You can still go to Valhalla and be with Ragnar. You have a weakness towards silver, and it can kill you and other than that other things can still hurt you. You're just a human who can't die from natural causes so you have to die in a fight of some sort and you'll be sent to ?"

He calms down and apologizes to me. After that we go and join the party outside. Then as I'm getting drunk I decide to make a first family of werewolves so Bjorn won't be lonely. I called a surprise meeting and bit Rollo, Horik, Njal, and Erik.

They are shocked and angered by my actions, but I calm them down.

"Calm down you'll still be able to go to Valhalla. I didn't want Bjorn to be alone and I need someone to control the werewolves behind the scenes. You will be my eyes and ears for the werewolf kind. In a thousand years I'm sure you all will be known as the strongest wolves and the others will follow you. Every wolf is stronger with a pack, remember that. You will be known as the first family of werewolves and run things. You are my pack and you're connected to me so if you ever need help just ring. Now let's celebrate immortality!"

We drank well into the night and I woke up the next morning with a massive headache.

"Owwww. I need to cut back on the drinking. My head feels like it's about to burst." I mumble and sit up in my tent. I had a crazy night last night. Now it was time to go take over Bloodshire, it was a pretty large town and could become another major city for the kingdom. It would be easy as all of their soldiers were dead. All we have to do is kill their king and get somebody to marry the princess and I have the perfect candidate. Erik is the only one of my wolves who isn't a king and he deserves it. He's a smart and collected leader, he's more than qualified to run a kingdom.

I get out of bed and put on my clothes and I realize I don't have my sword. I must've left it on the battlefield when I turned, it was likely still there so it was fine. I walk out the tent and see the group of us that were going to the city. It was the original wolves and Edward and thor. That was more than enough firepower to take over the town so we started our march on Bloodshire.

As we were walking through the forest, they saw the corpses I had violated. They look shocked at first then they just laugh and praise me for being merciless. I smile and we joke the rest of the way until we approach the hill over Bloodshire.

There we see people crying and burying the bodies of the rebel army. The field had been dyed red with their blood and body parts were spread out everywhere. The town was truly worth being called Bloodshire now. I look down there to look for my sword, but I see no sign of it. It wasn't too big of a deal though, I could always just take magic from my werewolf powers.

The people finally noticed us looking down at them and started screaming and running inside the city. We all laugh and start to walk slowly towards the city. We step over all kinds of body parts and organs, I really overdid it in my anger. Bjorn kicked a head that was in his way and it flew dozens of yards from us. My wolves were far from normal ones.

When we got close to the walls a few dozen soldiers came out to meet us.

"Halt! State your business here! You have already killed the rebel soldiers, what else do you want?!" a guard with a better outfit than the rest screamed, I guess he was the head guard. He looked young, likely under 20. He must have just taken over because the other head guard died.

"You have committed a major crime by harboring fugitives of my kingdom. You allowed these people in your walls and even helped them. That is considered acting against us and I can't have that my friend. We are here to kill your king and take control of the kingdom, any objections or anyone who gets in our way will die. I'm sure you know my power, nobody will be harmed except the king so let us pass or die. We are very fair people." I tell him with a smirk and flash my eyes red.

The soldiers all back up but the head guard stands still and looks at me with no fear.

"You can kill us demon! I shall stand on my beliefs and I will protect my kingdom until the end! God will not forgive you and he will punish you! Come my brothers let us reach the heavens!" He screams but the soldiers don't cheer. He looks back to see them all standing out the way and looking at him with guilt.

He grunts and says " Hmph! Bunch of cowards! I hope you're sent to hell for this betrayal!"

He stands up tall, closes his eyes, and opens his arms. He was getting ready for his life to be taken. I walk forward towards him and he braces himself more. I come in front of him and grab his head.

"Look at me."

He opens is eyes and sees my cold red pupils. He looks terrified but he still doesn't try and run.

" I like you, I like your loyalty and courage. These people obviously don't appreciate you. They are willing to let you die alone. Why don't you come and be my bodyguard, I can give you untold powers, riches, and even land if you want."

He looks at me in shock before saying "I'm sorry sir I cannot do that. I only answer to the king."

"Okay then what if I go battle the king and rightfully take kingship. Will you follow me then?"

"If you use no powers and defeat King Brian, I'll follow you to the ends of the earth, but if you cheat and use your demon powers I will not."

"Ok…..what's your name boy?"

" I am Leonardo Bloodshire, nephew of the king."

Oh, that's interesting, this was the nephew of the king. That makes a lot of sense, his loyalty stemmed from his blood. He felt obligated to always protect the city his ancestors built. I would be taking that city though.

I let him go and tell him and everybody else to wait here. A few seconds later I'm back with the king in my hands.

"King we shall fight for kingship. Accept or die. You only have this choice because I've taken a liking to your nephew."

He looks at me fearfully and accepts. At this moment I realize I need my sword, I wonder if I can call it like Thor calls Mjonir. I hold my hand out and I try to feel it. I sense it inside the kingdom, and I call for it. In a matter of seconds The Elemental Dragon appears in my hand. The king takes out his own sword, a saber of some sort.

" This will be decided in one move." I confidently say. The soldiers and Leo look at me with doubt but Bjorn and the others just laugh at my escapades.

The king gets mad and rushes me and tries to cut my head off. I duck and cut him from the balls all the way to his head. His body fell into two parts and the soldiers look at me in shock. I had used no powers and yet I could still do this. Leo looks sad for a second before kneeling in front of me.

" I am a man of my word master."

"Good, take this bite!" I scream and bite his arm.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Why!" He screams out.

" The bite is a gift my dear friend. Many would kill for power like you're about to get. Hahahahahahaha!"

As he's on the ground shaking, I signal for Erik and the others to go take over the kingdom.

About 2 hours later, Leo finally gives in to the bite. I tell him to look at me and his eyes turn a golden yellow, not beta yellow but a yellow that looks like a mini sun. He roars out and starts to change.

He grows a few feet and yellow fur covers his body. In his face a mane grows and his sun like eyes look down at me.

He looks down at me and roars to signal dominance. "ROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR!" It was the greatest roar I had ever heard, a true lion's roar. I had to keep him in line though, so I transformed too.

"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!" I roar out and he cowers under my roar and transforms back into a human. Unfortunately, that means his clothes faded away and I saw…. I'd rather not talk about it.

I flash into the kingdom and steal someone's clothes they were drying and give them to Leo. I never expected him to become a werelion instead of a wolf. I guess it's true, you take the form you resemble the most. Leo was prideful like a lion which is why that's what he became. He wouldn't be able to make more werelions by bites, but he could pass it down in his bloodline. He was even more powerful than my wolves.

"You are a lion Leo. The king of the jungle, remember that. You can follow me, but never follow anyone else, it is beneath you."

"Yes master. Thank you for this gift. I will always try my best to protect you even if it costs me my life." He says in a respectful tone. He was too serious, he needed to loosen up. I would worry about that later though I needed to make sure all was good in the kingdom.

I walk into the throne room and see Erik marrying a beautiful woman, likely the king's first daughter. Everyone was around him congratulating him except Edward, who was in the corner brooding and trying to be cool.

I congratulate Erik and then I call for an emergency meeting.

"You are all immortal now so you won't be able to be kings for much longer. All of you need to relinquish your crown in the next 20 years. It might seem like a lot of time but it's not with your lifespan. It will pass by fast so live your king days to the fullest, after that travel the world and have fun. So I advise you all to find an heir and groom them. I'm getting ready to leave. Bjorn tell Ragnar and Lothbrok Bye for me, ok." I tell them then signal for Leo, Thor, and Edward to follow me.

We walk out and as I'm getting ready to fly, I realize Leo can't fly. I don't feel like waiting months on a ship either though, so I use telekinesis and grab him.

"Ahhhhh! Master what is this!"

" Leo this is magic! And don't call me master, call me Thad! You're a bodyguard not a slave!" I scream and start dashing through the air. Leo is screaming and crying for me not to drop him so I'm laughing my ass off. Edward flies behind me and Thor runs with his lightning on land. We were leaving what would be my last true Viking battle. The Battle of Bloodshire, which would be talked about in the history books. It was now time to get ready to become a bloodsucker.

AN: I'm just as lost as yall I just got some random motivation and finished this chapter. I started writing this like a month ago but I got depressed looking at reviews and stopped again. I won't ever take that long to update again though. I realized that I need to stop taking what people say to the heart.

As always, Thank you for reading and have a great day!