A/N: Welcome, welcome! to another story whose idea hatched like.. a few days ago! I recently got into The Owl House (like, last week recently) and I had this idea pop in my head, and since the finale had yet to air when I watched, I wrote down some notes as to how I'd get this started. This story... well, if I tell you how long it'll be, that'd be a part lie because even I barely know how long it'll be. xD

Anyway, here's the first chapter and my first story involving TOH! enjoy!

Another Form
Chapter One: Falling

It was a Friday at Hexside Academy; the skies were warm and cozy. A field trip had been planned for this day, and a bus had been arranged at the top of the morning.

"Now, students, be sure to behave," Principal Bump advised as they boarded the "bus", which was really a flying creature. "The place to which we're heading can be quite dangerous."

Willow looked only mildly concerned, while Luz began grinning from ear to ear, and Gus was in between. They sat together on this bus, having been watching the scenery pass by. "Not to worry, Principal Bump, danger is my middle name!" the human replied.

This earned her a wry grin from the principal, as he particularly wondered if that truly was her middle name. But she'd earned it by facing the Emperor and rescuing Eda and living to tell the tale. She'd even strung the piece of his mask on a necklace she was currently wearing with her uniform, a proud trophy.

"It's a shame Amity still couldn't come," the plant witch put forth, her greenish eyes gazing around at everything. "She may have healed recently but this trip would have still been too dangerous."

Luz nodded, and pursed her lips. "What exactly is the destination?" she alternated her glance between Augustus and Willow.

"The Mystical Plains," the younger witchling stated, a small smile on his face. "It's known for randomly spiriting away creatures and people. And the majority of the time they never come back."

Luz's eyes were pinpricks as she recoiled. "Oh, that dangerous.."

Willow and Gus nodded. "But you'll be fine. You have ten seconds to react before it does," the former supplied before Luz could somehow get cold feet. As if she could back out now.

"Like.. step away or something..?" she was curious, her eyes returning to normal and even sparkly now. This seemed interesting.

The two witchlings nodded, and gave her pats on the back. By that time, the bus landed on the outskirts of the Mystical Plains, and the principal ushered everyone off. When Luz stood up, she noticed that her bag was heavier and slightly wiggling. Or had it always been like this today and she was simply too distracted?

Willow and Gus looked back at her. "Are you coming?" the plant girl asked.

The human blinked and nodded. She had an inkling of who managed to be a stowaway in her bag. "Yeah, I'll be right with you!"

They nodded and followed the other students. Luz jumped off and opened her bag, and a probably self-proclaimed king of demons popped his head out. "Finally! it was getting hard to breathe and claustrophobic in there!"

"What were you doing in my bag?" Luz asked, unable to truly be mad at him. And then she figured it out. "Would you have missed me, King?" she grinned cheekily, wearing a playful face.

"No!" he blurted out, purple eyes narrowed, as Luz started walking slowly after the students, a ways behind. And then he looked down, claws fiddling with her bag carefully. "I mean, you know."

"The King of Demons never misses anybody," Luz chuckled.

"That's right! and don't you ever forget it!" his expression told all though. He would have missed her. Luz nuzzled him for a brief moment and he let it happen, provided no one else was watching.

"You're cute," the colorful apprentice looked ahead just then, missing the smile in King's eyes. Where was everyone? had she really slowed her pace? she started running forward, eyes wide. "Willow! Gus?!"

A regretful King chose this moment to shrink back into her knapsack, reminded of the time he accidentally shrunk her friends. Now he accidentally made her lose them.

And near the Mystical Plains at that? hoo boy. He really screwed up.

That was when they heard the witchlings' voices on the wind, sounding worried. "Luz?!"

"I'm coming!" she shouted back. "Just stay put, okay?!"

As much as they wanted to, they couldn't. They were already in the plains. They had to keep moving, Principal Bump had warned. And before they could say anything to that effect, Bump came back and led them along.

"Luz!" Gus called, his voice getting farther away.

The girl pushed onwards. "No!" until she found herself in a beautiful place of noticeable and wavy air. Grass was everywhere, and the sky seemed unnatural, a mix of reds and greens. Luz allowed herself to stop for a moment, looking around at everything. "Woah…"

King poked his head out of the bag again, and looked up. The sky looked familiar to him. But on a much deeper level. Sorta like he'd seen it a long time ago. He didn't understand.

A fog started to roll in, and Luz didn't know why. King was too busy scrutinizing the sky. The human gasped as she found it so thick it blocked her vision, and she looked down at the demon king. He looked so mesmerized. But why?

And that happened to be Luz's fatal decision. Before she could take another step, a sound erupted from somewhere in the fog; the two vanished without a trace.

They reappeared in a black void, falling. The human was unconscious and upside down, but the demon regained his senses eventually and made a little noise of shock as soon as it properly registered.

"Oh. Oh this is not good!" he twirled in place as he held his head. King soon flailed over to the girl and grabbed her cloak, tugging on it. "Luz! wake up!"

"Five more minutes…" she muttered in her sleep.

"No! now! I command you!" he poked her nose carefully but harshly, and this woke her up.

Hazel eyes fluttering open, they soon took in the void, and their owner smiled. "Huh.. a void. That's nice."

King raised an eyebrow, but before he could offer a rebuttal, Luz fully woke up and screamed, eyes pinpricks. "WHERE ARE WE?"

"How should I know?!" King let go of her, twirling around again.

Luz noticed his fur flapping, and her clothes flapping too, and.. the blood rushing to her head. Soon, she spun herself upright and glanced down. "Are we.. falling?"

"Hm.. your guess is as good as mine, Luz," the fluffy demon replied.

She looked up, and saw nothing but dark, and then looked down. Nothing but dark. It was impossible to tell, but with the physics of their clothes…

"We are falling, King!" she scrambled to hold him. He didn't protest.

"But why? and where?!"

"No clue where, but we're in this together!" Luz grinned. "And.. I sorta kinda didn't react when the fog rolled in." Her grin turned sheepish. King just stared at her, unimpressed. "Well, it's not my fault my friends accidentally left out what to look out for!"

"Well, we'll probably be falling for a long time… got any stories?" he looked to her with a smile in his eyes.

Luz smiled back, but before she could begin a small light could be seen below them. "Hey look!" she pointed.

"That's no story!" King frowned, crossing his arms. The light got brighter and bigger, and he looked down. "Oh. Well. It was nice knowing ya, Luz."

The human nearly blanched at his pessimism. But to be honest, he was probably right.

"Go out screaming?" Luz questioned seriously.

"Go out screaming," King replied just as seriously. And so they did scream on their way to the growing light, hugging each other tightly.

It was a bright, sunny day in Gravity Falls. Two teenage twins were lugging bags upon bags of stuff to the Bottomless Pit. The brother was wheezing tiredly by the time they got there, while his sister wasn't breaking a sweat.

"T..tell me why we're here again, Mabel?" his cracking voice asked as he kneeled to rest, the bags on his back causing him to wobble slightly.

Mabel, the sweater girl, grinned, revealing braces. "Because I have more stuff to get rid of, bro-bro!" she set down her bags and helped her brother before he tumbled into the pit.

"Woo.. thanks.." the brunet coughed into his scrawny arm. He wondered where the strength he had as a twelve-year-old went, but.. on the other hand this was a lot of stuff, and it was a ways from the Mystery Shack.

"No prob, Dip-Dop!" she poked his stomach twice to enunciate his nickname.

Dipper chuckled, holding his stomach to protect it. Mabel went back over to the bags and raised them up high. "Now, goodbye early extremely embarrassing high school moments I can't bear to remember!"

And that's when they both heard faint screaming, slowly getting louder, stopping the brunette in her tracks. The boy got up, scrunching up his face. One of the voices sounded.. familiar..

And soon the two screamers popped out of the Bottomless Pit and.. landed right on Dipper. Poor boy can't catch a break.

Luckily, they were pretty light, but it still hurt. Mabel gasped, dropping her bags, "Dipper!" and then looked over the other two, and gaped. "What the…"

The human and demon had their eyes scrunched closed, as they awaited their fate. But it never came. The girl in blue finally opened her eyes, and blinked for a while. "Am I in Hell again?"

Upon realizing she wasn't, she grinned and squeezed the creature in another hug. "WE'RE ALIVE!"

"Yeah, that's.. that's great," a muffled voice could be heard underneath her, causing her eyes to widen. "Now do you mind getting off.. please?"

"Is the ground talking?" the girl pursed her lips.

"No," Mabel interjected, and when that got the tall one's attention she pointed downwards.

That's when the half-Dominican girl looked down, and realized she and her friend had landed on top of someone. "Oh! so sorry!"

She scrambled off and got up, and Dipper pushed himself off the ground and coughed out dirt. Mabel rushed over and helped him up. The other girl glanced between them and almost dropped her friend as she squeed. "You guys look alike!"

Dipper exchanged confused glances with Mabel. "Um yeah. It's a twin thing."

"Oh right!" Luz set a recovering King down, her grin growing wider. "Can I squish your cheeks? they look so squishy!"

And without an answer, she flew right up to Dipper and started messing with his face. Mabel couldn't help snickering as she pulled out her camera. The boy was unimpressed as there was a click, snap and print of the photo. "Scrapbook opportunity!"

His sister didn't bother to stop it afterwards, finding it too hilarious, and soon Dipper was the one to grab Luz's hands and pull them off his face. "Yeah, uh, maybe don't do that."

Luz put her hands behind her back and rocked on her heels sheepishly. King soon recovered and stepped forward, sizing up the twins to see if they weren't hostile demons of any kind, with his claws on his hips and a serious air around him, tail lashing slightly.

But of course, this was the sweater girl's turn to squeal as she rushed over and hugged the creature. "Ohmigosh! he's so cute!"

"Mweh?!" he tried to squirm away from her hold but she proved too strong. "Cute?! I'm not cute! I'm the king of demons!" he'd never agree to that statement from anyone except Luz. "Put me down, you gremlin child!"

A slight shadow overtook Mabel's eyes, as they widened, and she dropped him and backed away. King landed on his behind shortly after. "Oof! wha-?"

Dipper bit his lip, and clenched a hand. That voice…

Luz noticed the awkwardness rising, and had no idea why that was. She slid next to King, smiling. "So. Uh. Who are you guys?"

Silence from both of them. They remembered the end of their summer two years ago all too well.

The Dominican-American almost lost heart and she reached out a hand, still smiling. "I'm Luz Noceda. And this is King," her other hand found his head and pet it. "And you?"

Dipper wasn't sure about this yet, but Mabel quickly bounced back and took her hand. "Mabel Pines!" She looked back at her brother and introduced him too, "and that's Dipper, my brother!"

"Huh.. nice names!" Luz smiled as they shook hands. She looked around again, noticing large garbage bags, a giant hole right beside them and trees in the distance all around. "Where are we? some part of the Boiling Isles?"

The boy raised an eyebrow, stepping next to his sister. "Boiling Isles? never heard of it."

"Oh.." displaced from home once again. Luz seemed a little disheartened that this kept happening to her. The air this place had wasn't the same as back home.

The twins noticed, and, while she seemed to be friends with something.. "strange", they found themselves wanting to help. Dipper glanced to Mabel, and Mabel nodded, chiming with "You found yourself in Gravity Falls, Oregon! ring any bells?"

Luz squinted, and shook her head. Dipper sighed. "Ah. I see. Well, of course, it's.. not on any map anyway." He scratched the back of his head.

King gazed at both Mabel and Dipper, listening. They seemed familiar. Why? he had no clue. Either way, he was being very uncharacteristically quiet. He hummed to himself.

Luz looked down at King. Even if this was her home, King belonged with Eda, and her mission wasn't done. She had to find a way back to the Boiling Isles, back to her friends and found family. She needed to help Eda, and Lilith. She took a breath. "I need to find a way back there."

"The Boiling Isles?" Mabel chewed the inside of her lip. Luz nodded.

"I have things I need to do."

Dipper frowned, and squirmed in King's somewhat unblinking and silent stare. Mabel glanced back at her brother, and set a hand on Luz's shoulder with a grin full of braces. "You can stay at the Mystery Shack then until you can go back home! maybe even Grunkle Ford can figure something out?"

"G..Grunkle?" the side of Luz's mouth twitched.

"Great Uncle," Dipper fidgeted.

"Oh! neat! lead the way then!"

And so they did after kicking the bags into the pit, Dipper and Mabel almost happy to lead, if only to get away from King for a while. After a few moments passed, knowing they probably needed some space, Luz picked King up and proceeded to follow.

This woke the demon up from his trance, and he shook his head of it, placing a hand on his skull. "Luz?"

"What happened back there, King? you were staring again…" Luz kept her pace so she didn't lag so far behind like she did back at the Mystical Plains.

"Uh.. I'unno.." King replied, frowning softly. The memory escaped him. "Can't remember." This frustrated him. He bonked his head a few times with his fists, trying to wake it up. But Luz stayed his hands. "Hitting doesn't help. I'll see if they have some hot chocolate for you to drink."

He'd heard Luz talk about some "lactose-free hot chocolate" before, but he guessed this was when he'd finally truly find out about it.

"Okay," he nodded, and soon yawned, "I'm tired.." King closed his eyes, snuggling against Luz. "Wake me up when we get there.."

Luz pet him until he fell asleep, and soon quickened her pace. Thankfully, she could still see the twins in the distance. Along with a shack farther along. With its charm, it reminded her a lot of the Owl House. And soon she smiled.

This wouldn't be so bad.

A/N: Hello again. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'd really love to hear your thoughts on it, so if you could click that review button down there, I'd really appreciate it. :3 I've gotten started on the next chapter already, and it'll hopefully be weekly updates. So, yeah. Review, and I hope you enjoyed it!

Seriously, in all honesty, reviews are especially what fuel me. The sheer scarcity of reviews kinda took the wind out of most pieces I've done. So... yeah. I enjoy hearing what y'all have to say about it, and it really helps. Again, please review, and now I take my leave. Until next week! :3