Wanted to post this for a long time.

For some reason, lately, I've been really into stories with adult Izuku or stories that deviated from canon a lot. Maybe I am just getting lazy because I don't want to write the same entrance exam and the first events of the manga.

"Stupid brat, what the hell were you thinking?"

Toshinori watches the young man get scolded by a couple of heroes. The same heroes who stood by and did nothing. They, much like himself, had accepted their powerlessness in the situation. Much like himself, they waited for someone else to arrive and save he day.

"You could've gotten killed in there."

And yet, the very boy that saved the day was getting scolded now. Where everyone else stood helpless, this boy - whose heroic aspirations All Might shut down with cold and callous words - risked his life just for the chance to save his friend. And wasn't that what a hero should do? Fight even when the odds are against you. Risk your own life for the sake of someone else.

All Might takess off to the sky but he watches young Midoriya as he makes his way home. His transformation will run out soon and he will wait for the boy by the street's corner. He will greet the boy and apologize for his earlier words. Toshinori smiles as he lands on the ground softly and awaits the boy. He knows he is making the right decision in choosing him.

In just five minutes, he will appear before the young man and tell him that he can indeed be a hero.

That is the fate of All Might and Izuku Midoriya, after all. An idol and a fan. A hero and his apprentice. But the universe is a chaotic and random place. And what must one day become the origin story of the next Symbol of Peace is cut short by the sudden phone call.

"M-Mom?! Yes, I am fine."

Toshinori stops and looks at the boy from around the corner.

"W-What, wait- Mom? You saw the news? Mom, please, don't cry!" the boy looks to be on the verge of tears himself. "M-Mom... Mom, please- Mom, I promise I am fine. I wasn't hurt that badly. Oh no, mom, please, don't cry..."

Suddenly, Toshinori's vision changes.

He doesn't see the boy ready to become the next Symbol of Peace. He can see the boy shake and sob as he is trying to calm down his mother. He can see the bruises and burns on his pale skin. He sees a child. A child too vulnerable and unprepared to bear the burdern that comes with with the power of One For All.

Suddenly, he sees his mentor. The woman who made him the man he was today.

"Heroes are great people, Toshinori. We protect people. We inspire them. But there's a reason why the lives of many heroes are lonely ones."

Back then, things were even more dangerous than they were today. Too many heroes found their families threatened or attacked. Which if why, in order to continue to protect the world, Nana Shimura chose to cut ties with her family. All Might swore he would not rest until heroes no longer had to make such sacrifices. He didn't want to see it ever again.

"Mom, please, I promise, I will be home soon. Yes, I am not hurt. I promise, mom, I am not."

He watched the boy brush away the tears. Could Toshinori really ask this kid to put his life on the line again? Could he throw a Quirkless child into the jaws of danger right after he almost died? He had the heart of a hero but... But in the end, it was just a heart. Toshinori just couldn't do it. He would find another successor. And this boy?

He would pray that this child found the dream that he could accomplish. With that thought in mind, Toshinori disappeared into the shadows just as the boy passed the corner by. Toshinori was sure, the boy would be alright. He would grow up to be a doctor or a police officer. He would help many people even without a Quirk. And he would not leave a mother grieving from loss.

It was for the better of all.

Izuku Midoriya incuded.


"You sure you wanna get off here, kid?"

"Yeah, here would be perfect."

Takoba Municipal Beach Park was as dirty and depressing as ever with random garbage scattered across the wet and foul-smelling sand. It's been years since anyone actually referred to it as Beach Park with even some locals seeing the place as nothing more than a dumping ground for their trash.

Mom once told him how she came here as a kid. How it was a perfect place for a hot summer day to relax and play around. Izuku didn' think he would get to see the beach go back to its prime days. Not when their heroes and government officials were too busy chasing after the evergrowing number of villains. Ever since All Might died, it seemed like the only thing that anyone did, really.

Still, despite the rotting trash and glass shards scattered all around, Izuku continued to come here. He didn't come here to clear his thoughts or feel better about his life. The view from here was hardly worth getting your clothes soaked with the foul smell, too.

And yet, for some reason, he felt right at home here. As if this beach held something special to him even though he'd never been here before.

"Maybe I am just getting old."

Twenty-five wasn't that old, he understood that. But nevertheless, he felt much older. Much more tired than some of his peers who looked towards tomorrow with brighter and happier eyes. Perhaps that was because they still had something they dreamed of.

Izuku's dream died ten years ago.

All his life, Izuku believed he could be something more. That he could be a hero just like his idol, All Might. That was what the man said himself all those years ago during the interview. He said it didn't matter whether anyone had a strong Quirk or no Quirk at all. He said that all that really mattered was having a good and honest heart.

"I am sorry, kid... But you can't be a hero."

Only for the man himself to tell him otherwise.

Izuku took a sip of his beer. He never liked alcohol. The taste was too bitter and it always gave him a killer headache. And even though he hated the drink with every taste bud, he emptied the whole can before tossing it into the pile of garbage. Anything to drown out the bitter memories of that day. The day he gave up being a hero.

That night ten years ago, as he came home after getting scolded by the arriving heroes, Izuku promised himself that he would live a normal life from now on. From posters to action figures, everything went into plain brown boxes and locked away in the attic. And hey, he did pretty well for himself all things considered. He had a nice apartment and a good job as a writer.

Kizuki-san even mentioned a potential movie deal for his latest book.

Safe and respectable work. Good money. A roof over his head and food on the table. It was good enough. So many people didn't have even that much.

So why did he feel so damn empty? It was stupid. Here he was, almost thirty years old and still hung up on his middle school delusions.

Izuku laid down on the relatively clean spot. Nobody came here this late so he didn't have to worry about getting chased off. Which left him to quietly stare at the sky full of stars and wonder why he still couldn't give up on his old dream.

Above him, a single star streaked through the sea of black.

A shooting star, huh.

Mon once told him that seeing a shooting star would grant you a wish. But the same was said about blowing your candles and throwing a coin in the wishing well. And he had spent ten bithdays to wish for Quirk. Same with the amount of money he threw in the well. So what was the good in wishing upon a shooting star? He finished his beer and crushed the can with the bitter smile.

Then again, what was the harm?

"I wish for a Quirk," He said the words with his chest full of hope. "I wish to be a hero."

One moment passed. Then another.

And now he just felt stupid.

Look at him, a grown-ass adult asking the shooting star for a Qurk. He must have been more drunk than he thought. Better leave before he got a bright idea look for a genie lamp in the pile of garbage.

With a small bitter chuckle, Izuku got back on his feet and dusted himself off any sand. Before he called a cab to take him home, Izuku decided to give the night sky above him one last look. He was surprised to see the same shooting star that he wished upon a few seconds ago. His amusement quickly turned into terror as the giant fireball suddenly changed its course.

Towards him.

"Oh, shit!"

Izuku jumped out of the way as far as his feeble legs could take him. Stumbling and falling upon landing, he swallowed a mouthful of sand. But it was certainly better than getting burnt and crushed by a cosmic rock. Which, upon further examination after he recovered from initial shock, was no rock at all. No rocks were as round and as polished.

It was some kind of satellite. Or perhaps a container.

He walked over to the metallic sphere, feeling the heat slowly fade away. As the smoke and dust cleared, Izuku watched the sphere open and reveal something glowing inside. His reason and logic told him to step away. Whatever it was, it had to be dangerous. He backed away slowly and was almost ready to call the police or the nearby hero office.

And only a tiny voice stopped him. The same voice that always drew him to this place. It ws only now that he realized what this voice was. It was his dream. His dream of being something more than the destiny chose for him.

Pushing reason and logic aside, he slid down into the crater. The single object inside the sphere looked like some kind of a bracelet. Black and grey with the green hourglass in the middle of it. It didn't look that dangerous when he reached for it. It looked much more dangerous when it latched onto his wrist as if it was alive.

The panic pushed his mesmerized state away, making the voice of his dream almost non-existent. What the hell was he thinking? Ugh, what kind of idiot reached for something that came from space just because the tiny voice in his head told him to? This idiot. Izuku fucking Midoriya. He was really drunk. Or he was just that stupid.

Shit! Why wasn't this thing coming off?

As the device refused to detach itself from his wrist, more and more intrusive thoughts filled up his head. Was it some kind of bomb? Was it radioactive? Would it give him cancer? What if it was some really important tech for some space station and now it was on him because he was a fucking idiot? Hell, he didn't even know what this thing was.

He looked at it for five minutes trying to figure out what exactly it was. As if it sensed his confusion, and maybe it did, the dial popped up and showed the weird black silhouette in the green background. Cautiously, he turned the dial. Then did it again. With each turn, a different silhouette showed up. Looking at them closer, most seemed to be humanoid in shape.

He understood it was a risk. He knew it was really dumb, too.

But he pressed the dial down regardless.

It was hard to describe what happened next. As the green light exploded out of the bracelet and washed over him, Izuku found himself in some strange place. Surrounded only black and green, he had no idea what this place was or how he would get out.

Then, he felt it.

Izuku watched in horror as the rocks started forming all over his body like some kind of rash. Growing thicker and bigger, he could only helplessly try to tear them off but to no avail. It was only then that he realized the rocks were his skin instead of just covering them. Just like his skin turned into rocks, his flesh and blood transformed into magma. Izuku clutched at his head, not surprised but alarmed that now his head was on fire as well.

And yet, he felt no pain.

"W-What happened to me?" He was back on the beach. He turned to the sphere to get a proper look at his reflection. The thing that looked back... That was him, wasn't it? "Oh my God..."

He looked like a man made of stone and fire. And technically, that was exactly what he was, right? He noticed the hourglass symbol proudly standing on his chest. He tapped it carefully, wondering if he could reverse the transformation. The protruding piece of metal made a small beep but refused to change him back. If changing back was even possible.

Surprisingly, Izuku felt little panic. In fact, he was shaking with bubbling excitement.

Was... Was that his wish granted? No, that didn't make any sense.

This thing - whatever this device was - didn't just appear out of nowhere to make his dream come true. Someone had to have made it. But who could create stuff like that?

All For One was dead and even he needed to physically transfer Quirks from one person to another. Izuku very much doubted Metal Liberation Army could have this kind of tech but not use it. There were other groups that came to mind but none of them struck Izuku as potential creators of this device.

Who made it then?

Izuku looked down at his hands.

Did it really matter who made it even?

He had it. He finally had the way to make his dream into reality. It was selfish. It was irresponsible. He knew that.

He perfectly understood just how childish it was. But he could finally be a hero he always wanted to be. He didn't know who wanted it or why. But somehow, he just knew whoever created it did so for the wrong purposes. Either to empower villains or build an army of the monsters.

But Izuku would use it for good.

He would be the hero.


The unknown force sweeps through the streets of Hao City.

It moves too fast for any camera to capture its form. It moves too fast to be caught by heroes or be stopped by villains. The figure unknown becomes famous overnight as it stops over ten different crimes in progress on the first day of its appearance. Random muggings, burning apartment buildings and high-speed police chases.

The unknown vigilante goes after them all. And yet, despite its growing fame, nobody knows their name.

Black Blur.

Blue Bullet.


Many names appear and disappear. Description vary from person to person only adding to the mystery. A man. A woman. Something else entirely. Blue skin. Green eyes. Reptilian shape of head but no scaled or slit tongue. Only these scraps of information are known to the public for the next two weeks. It is only on its tenth day of appearance that the unknown vigilante slows down enough for the camera crew to catch him. To ask him who he is.

"Call me Strike Speed!"

And then the weird-looking man disappears in the blur once again.


Nevarro City criminals grow quiet and afraid. They look for enemies in shadows. They shake at every sound that comes from the outside. Some cannot sleep without a gun within their reach. Some are too scared to sleep without lights on.

For years since All Might's fall, the city was theirs in everything but name. Too many heroes fell to them. Too many cops were easy to buy. They were running the place and were damn proud of it. But now something was hunting them down.

Haunting them like a ghost.

Nothing worked against the damn thing. Ammunition and Quirks just passed through the damn thing like they were nothing. And while they cannot touch the damn ghost, it can certainly touch them. But that is not what terrifies the young villain as he throws another girl into the cage.

It is the unknown. They have no idea where it came from or what it wants. They have no idea what kind of horrors the damn freak hides beneath that grey robe. Judging by the greyed hair and terrified screams, it was nothing good.

The girl screams and cries. She is begging not to be hurt. The man can only chuckle as he closes the cage.

It is only now that he realizes, the girl was not begging him. She was not even looking at him.

She was looking at the Ghostfreak behind him.


Horis City Hackers lived to prove that knowledge was power. They were not your usual gang of meatheads and psychos.

They lived on the web, crawling all over it like the world's largest family of of bats and muscles, they used keyboards and brains to rob people blind. It didn't matter what for. Whether for the sake of challenge, for revenge or just for the hell of it, they ruled the worldwide web like the kingds they knew they were destined to be.

But lately, trouble has been brewing in their digital kingdom.

Their operations were either leaked or shutdown entirely. The money they worked so hard to steal. The blackmail they gathered on so many people. Everything was being stolen back and returned. Small portions. Small attacks. But enough to gain their attention.

They gather the troupes and ready their best hardware. At first, they thought it was just some upstart auditioning for the part in their group. And they would accept someone with such talents with open arms. But tonight, this asshole doxxed them. Some of them were already thrown into the slammer. And if they were going down, they would make sure to drag this person down with them.

They look for any clues to this person's real identity. But on each and every step, they are picked off. One by one, they all get outmaneuvered and outplayed. Very soon, it becomes obvious that they were never even a challenge to the mysterious mastermind. In just an hour, only King - their leader - stands. Not because he somehow escaped the hunt.

But because he is just too damn defeated to look away from the screen.

[You Lose. - Mastermind]

The words ring like the bell and the man collapses.

On the other side of the screen, a genius tiny alien cheers in triumph.


By contrast, Syro City Slashers are neither bright not sharp. They believe in strength and strength alone. That doesn't mean they are not dangerous, however. They might not rule the streets. But they sure know how to make others believe they do.

If you lived here, you knew better than to ever mess with or even question these guys. Among them, the man known as simply Enforcer was perhaps the worst of the bunch. Already a fighting maniac at the age of fifteen, the man's Quirk allowed him to get stronger with every hit he took. He was the living legend. Or rather, the real life monster.

"Alright," the red giant spoke as he cracked all of his four knuckles. "Who is next?"

And now, the Enforcer lies defeated before the people that he spent years putting down. Even his underlings, who were as reckless and bloodthristy as they were dumb and strong, look cautiously at the red giant. They dont run away, of course. To do so is to give up on what they believed in for years.

Kano watches with bated breath as more and more of the Slashers surround the big man. He is only ten but he already knows how dangerous these guys are. You had to if you wanted any chance of surviving here at night. All the Slashers had Quirks centered around strength augmentation. And all of them were simple-minded enough to make efficient and deadly army.

They rush the red man. Like a shoal of piranhas, they swarm the hero. Neither the kid nor his mother nor anyone here can tell what's going on that mess of a fight as the collective cries and roars mix into the mad cacophony of sounds and screams.

They break their bones. They tear their flesh. They spill their blood. They are at war.

And from this war, the red giant emerges victorious.

His name becomes the new legend around here. Some people speak of him with respect and admiration. Some with fear and distrust. But the name Powerhouse is enough to make sure none of the Slashers or any other gang of meatheads appear around here ever again.


Ten silhouettes. Ten forms. Ten entirely different powersets.

Izuku smiled proudly at his new notebook.

He had kept the old ones even after all these years. And now he started a new one on this device. And while it was much safer than keeping it on his computer, Izuku still chose to be very careful with what he wrote inside. No illustrations. Nothing that would directly link him to all the vigilantes suddenly appearing across the country. Yes, to an outsider, the notebook would look filled with some stuff on Quirks and heroes unknown.

But to Izuku, those were the first steps he made as a hero.

He watches the broadcast on his special new phone - courtesy of the Mastermind. The reports on his hero activities continue. The debates grow only more heated as people connect the different vigilantes through the common shared symbol on their bodies. They discuss his powers. They discuss his motives. They guess and wonder where he came from.

Izuku will not lie, he enjoys it. He would keep being a vigilante and helping people even if he remained unknown. But it is nice to feel accepted. It feels great and almost intoxicating to hear people say they are glad to have him around. Even if it is not his name they are speaking.

Izuku wonders though, what his name should be. He had no intentions of becoming a licensed hero right now. He knew that whoever created this device would want it back. And registering would make it easier for them to find him. But still, a small childish part of Izuku wanted a hero name for hiself, not just for his superpowered forms.

He takes a brief look at his wrist. Using the genius brain of Mastermind, he crafted a small holographic device to mask the alien tech as a simple watch. A watch...


Yeah, he liked the sound of it.

"I am the Watchman."

And it was his time to be a hero.

1 Heatblast / Trailblaze

2 XLR / Strike Speed

3 Grey Matter / Mastermind

4 Ghostfreak (Unchanged)

5 Four Arms / Powerhouse

Five out of ten aliens are picked. I think I will finalize the list by next chapter BUT I am always open to suggestions. Which aliens do YOU guys think should be included for his batch? I am not very keen on sticking with the original line-up and want to use aliens from other seasons as well so I am happy to hear your suggestions.

Couple of things to address here:

1) Yeah, for most aliens, I will try to come up with different names.

2) A lot of events changed due to Izuku not attending U.A. And yeah, it's a shame that All Might decided to make him his apprentice in this universe but what can I say? Giving Izuku OFA in addition to Omnitrix seemed like an overkill. I hope it made sense why he changed his mind last minute.

So what did ou guys think? I hope you liked this story. If it gets enough interest, I will try to update it as often as I do Superior Legacy.

Till next time!