Author: Kai-Lun-Mau

Disclaimer: I own neither Harry Potter or Ranma 1/2 so please dun sue me this is something i am writing simply for enjoyment

AN: This is a Crossover containing Harry Potter and Ranma 1/2 now I apologize for any irregularities as I live in the UK and the Ranma Series has never been televised and I can't afford the $160 a series to buy them on DVD plus the stores only have up to book 20 of the graphic novels so I'm uses info gleaned from other sources this is also my first attempt at Ranma fan fic so be gentle

The Return of the Phoenix


Phoenix Mountain rang with the sobs of the 17-year-old Martial artist. He cradled the body of his fiancé in his arms. "Please...please wake up... I'm sorry I'm sorry.... please Akane open your eyes!" He rocked her back and forth, he had failed her, he swore he would protect her and he failed her. He flinched as he felt a hand rest on his shoulder.

"She is gone Ranma...." Ryoga stood at his rivals back sick with pain anger and grief but he knew that what he felt was shallow in comparison to Ranma's pain. "Let her go Ranma..."

"NO!" He gathered her tightly against him his tears sliding down his face to land softly on Akanes cooling skin "AKANE!" He soul wrenching cry reverberated around what remained of the chamber slowly gather in strength time the chamber rocked with the sound and the ceiling started to crack and Ranma's head fell back and he screamed in pain in fury and heartache and he felt something inside him snap and it released it's self through his pain his eyes for a single moment burned the blue orbs replaced with burning inferno's and he screamed and screamed till his voice cracked and he fell silent once again cradling her body against him...

Her eyes fluttered open Her gasp of breath lost in the sound of his scream and she stared up into the face of her love and she began to weep at the pain she saw etched on his handsome face. Gently she reached up and she softly rested her palm on his cheek.

He flinched at the touch on his cheeks his eyes opening and his crystal blue eyes meeting her chocolate brown and he stared in shock...."A..Akane?"

"" Her eyes closed and she snuggled up against him weary beyond belief


Two thirds of the way across the world Albus Dumbledore sat bolt upright in his seat in his office his mouth falling open in shock as Fawks Perked up and started to sing, his phoenix song filling the room with its sorrowful music it's tears rolling from it's golden eyes. Sitting back he steepled his long fingers and sat staring at nothing in particular lost in thought at this new piece of information. *Well at long last...the Phoenix has awakened....*


He sat outside the Weaseley's home staring up at the stars lost in thought, his eyes closed his black hair tousled his lightning bolt scar clearly visible on his forehead. Even in the dim light from the moon tears trickled from emerald green eyes as once again he was haunted by the imagine of Cederic lying there dead in that cemetery and the sound of Voldemorts shrill laughter filling his ears. "Please...please make it stop... I'm sorry...I'm sorry I let you die."

Slowly he curled up into a ball on the small bench his sobs filling the air and he flinched as he felt a pair of small arms slip around him drawing him close.

"Please Mione....please make it stop hurting."

Herminione felt her own tears sliding down her cheeks at the pain she heard in Harry's voice...Her small arms sliding around him pulling her against him rocking him gently making gentle shushing noises. She might not have the nerve to tell him to his face but she just couldn't deny she loved the boy who lived and seeing him in such pain was breaking her heart. "I'm here's going to be ok."

From his bedroom window, Ron stared down at the two on the garden bench a scowl on his face hatred and jealousy blazing in his eyes. "Always the important one, always in the limelight aren't ya Harry...even taking Herms from me...well not this time..." Climbing back into his bed Ron settled into sleep and dream of being the famous one and not Harry.


He sat on the Tendo roof staring down at the debris from the failed wedding even a week later, all the damage had not been repaired. Akane wasn't talking to him again and the old freak had destroyed his last chance at a cure. At least the fiancés had backed off all of em', realizing they'd gone to far this time. He blinked as a small shape slowly flew towards him and over his head whilst dropping a creamy brown envelope into his lap. "What the hell...probably yet another challenge." With a deft flick of his wrist he broke the seal on the envelope and pulled out the letter and began to read

'Dear Mr Saotome I would like to'......

*To be continued*