Disclaimer: I own nothing, so if you sue me, I'll sue you.

A/N: Hi, well, this is in James's point of view, and I'm sorry that I took so long! Thanks for all da reviews!!!!!

I woke up, without opening my eyes, and felt something lying on my chest. It felt so comfortable; I didn't want to move ever again. Something light, silky, and.. Alive! I could felt the person breathing deeply, and felt.. Oh god! It was a girl! I opened a fraction of my eye and looked down at my chest. A fiery red haired and pale skinned someone was hugging me. A snowy arm around my middle, and her chest at my side, with my arm around her.

Oh no. I opened my eyes fully, hoping it wasn't the person who I thought it was. But it was. Lily. She looked so beautiful when she was asleep, so innocent and young, even though she was the same age as I was. I blushed, and I sat up, Lily's head still on my chest, still in her beauty sleep, not that she needs it. I just wanted to kiss her red hair, smell it over and over again.

I looked over to the to Lily's muggle clock and it said it was 12:34pm. I yawned, still half-dreaming, and I fell back asleep, running my fingers through Lily's hair...


Sizzling sounds. Travelling in my ears, hungrily. I licked my lips. Bacon. Sausages. Eggs. Pancakes. I opened my eyes slowly, like they were glued together, and saw I was still in Lily's bed. And.. Oh dear god! A dribble pad! Not just a little one, but the size of my palm! Oh shit! I got the blanket and covered it, so no one would notice. Hope Lily doesn't notice! I thought, and I dragged myself out of bed and towards the smell of the fry up.

When I enter the Kitchen, I saw Lily over the oven. She was dressed, in tight, but flared jeans and a pink skirt, in Sirius's apron, and flipped a pancake three feet in the air and it landed perfectly in the pan. I leaned against the door and grinned. She still hadn't noticed me. She was looking for plates as she said under her breath, "Bloody plates! Where are you?" She bent over the cupboard. Oh dear Merlin! Her ass! It was more tight and fit than I thought. I gulped loudly, biting my lips hardly. Stop it! Stop it!

I still stood there, just staring at her, whilst she was continuing to make breakfast. I think that she forget that she can cook with magic! "You know," I said, "You are a legal witch which means you can do magic!"

Lily jumped, nearly dropping the plates in her hands. "Oh! James! You made me jumped! Don't laugh at me, I nearly had a heart a attack!" She said, as I laughed, sitting down at the table.

"So, what's with the grub? Without magic?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, as Lily put on the table two plates of eggs, sausages, bacon, toast, pancakes and tomatoes.

"A Muggle cooked English Breakfast." She said, handing out the knife and fork, for each of us. "I've already cooked for Remus and Sirius, and they lurve-ed it, so hope you enjoy." She smiled, and sat down, next to me.

We ate in silence, with a few glances at each other, sometimes catching eyes, and blushing furiously. "James.?" Lily said, quiet timidly.

"Yeah?" I looked at her, deeply in her emerald eyes. God, I could just look in them all day, I love how they sparkle when she's happy.

"You know, what happened last night, when you came in, when I was having that - that nightmare." I nodded, and put an arm around her, as she looked like she was about to burst into tears. "I just want to say - say Thank you."

I blushed slightly, mumbling something like 'It was nothing.' I still had my arm around her waist, and she was still looking at me with her magical eyes. Suddenly, the same butterfly feeling in my stomach came again. Like it had last night, in the Girls toilets and the same again, when we first met, she we bumped into each other. My mouth was opening and closing. I wanted to say so many things but nothing came out. I felt her cold hand lacing through mine, as we drew closer.

Lily let out a small giggle, smiling even more. "You just make things so right, things all OK, like there's no evil and wrong in the world." She whispered, quiet breathlessly. Her cheeks were crimson, and were just begging for me to kiss them over and over again. "James... " she almost purred, so quiet, that I nearly didn't hear it.

"Lily.." I gasped, and I leaned down. The temptation was just took over me, I had no control what so ever. I wanted to kiss her. I had to. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt her sweet breath on my lips. Her eyes were closed and her lips were as full and red as any beautiful rose. Any second we would kiss and the whole world would be at peace..

"OY! PRONGS HAVE YOU SEEN MY SOCKS?" I heard Sirius shout, from his bedroom. Lily and me jumped out of our skins and I turned my head to the door. Stupid fucking Padfoot, I thought, and I nearly shouted it as well.

"I dunno! Look in your sock draw!" I shouted, and I turned back to Lily, who was looking everywhere except me. I heard Sirius then say, "Ah, YES! Here they are. THANKS JAMES!" T I blushed a little more, and I kissed her as gently as I could on the cheek, and whispered in her ear. "Come to Café Uno, at nine this evening. We'll have dinner. Celebrate of you staying here. Just you and me."

Lily finally looked at me, hand on the cheek I kissed and nodded. "I'd liked that." She said, with the small smile. I got up, and went to my bedroom, getting dress for my Quidditch practice I had today. I knew that Patrick Bones would push me harder than ever before, because I was late.

But I didn't care. I was going to a romantic dinner with Lily, and today would be the night, when I tell her my undying love...