The Great Crossover Crisis

Introduction: Hey there! Well, this will probably be one of my most challenging projects to date. With Dual Destinies nearing its end (I promise that I will finish it off!), and my other stories are also getting huge followings, I have finally caved in to the requests of having my alternate Ranmas meet. I have written to have four of my Ranmas come together into this miniseries. Now this won't affect the individual stories, but the readers will like how each Ranma and their different personalities clash together. You will also see some other anime characters as I begin this tale that I call the Great Crossover Crisis.

" ": Chinese language

* *: Thoughts

D-Ranma: Dragon Ranma from Dragon Child

T-Ranma: Techno-Ranma from Ranmatech

B-Ranma: Ranma from Fighting Blind

Kojiro: Ranma from Cat Fist Fury

As always, Rumiko Takahashi and all those other anime and manga writers created all the characters mentioned in this story. In the words of Stan Lee, 'Nuff said.


A Really BIG Bug in the System!

Universe A

In a plane that was far removed from the infinite and often tangled mess that is reality, a goddess by the name of Skuld, was currently making some minor... adjustments to the Ultimate Force System, the super-computer that ran just about everything in her universe. Well, it would be more accurate to say that she was just getting rid of a few bugs. Of course her method of debugging the system left much to be desired. With her atomic Bug Smasher Mark II held up high, she was bopping those little critters out of existence like some weird parody of Whack a Mole. Unfortunately, for every bug she clobbered out of existence, several more would pop up and start playing havoc with the system.

Meanwhile, down below on the human plane, a certain martial artist who happened to be a master of the Neko Ken, was sitting in the restaurant of his longtime friend and sometime fiancée.

"Hey Ucchan! This is really great! Just what I needed after that White Claw mess." Kojiro Shinkara, formally Ranma Saotome, enjoyed his okonomiyaki as Ukyo watched him.

"Thanks Ko-chan." Ukyo said as she gazed dreamily at her fiancee's hybrid form that he was currently in.

Universe B

In another universe, a second Skuld was also doing her own version of 'Whack a Bug' as she continually smacked the bugs as they appeared. She smiled as another of those pests bit the dust, then frowned as three more appeared near a console which had the files of a certain blind martial artist. She hefted her mallet and charged at them.

Down on this Earth, a blind but very talented practitioner of the Unseen Light Martial Arts walked home beside his adopted cousin Shampoo.

"I think you are doing very well. You and the others will be ready to face off against Kodachi."

"It's all thanks to you Ranma." Shampoo replied as she snuggled up close to her cousin and hoped future husband.

Universe C

A third Skuld was smacking away at a console, trying to clear out the bugs, but was so far getting nowhere. Like her counterparts, this goddess of the future was also getting close to a certain console that contained the files of a Ranma Saotome.

On Earth, the dragon of the Saotome clan was busy playing with his kid sister.

Universe D

Yep! You guessed it! This Skuld was also hard at work smashing bugs and not making much progress. She too was dangerously close to a certain console.

Somewhere out in space, a ship was racing along. It was streamlined and shaped like something out of Star Wars. Inside the cockpit, Ranma was looking over the navigational charts for the quickest route to the nearest intergalactic trading station. His ship was in need of a few replacement parts and he thought that he could go get them on the weekend, as he had no classes to teach. After plotting a course to the station, he reached for the controls to engage his quantum-phase drive.

Now, in normal circumstances, these four Ranmas would never have had the slightest chance of ever encountering each other as the Ultimate Force System in each universe kept their realities separate. However, due to a certain and almost unbelievable coincidence, four separate goddesses of the future were about to cause one heck of a glitch and throw into the system, the proverbial monkey wench. Or in this case, the hammer.

"I GOT YOU!!!" All four Skulds yelled out simultaneously as they smashed their hammers on top of a huge bug on each of their consoles. The gigantic glitches disappeared in a cloud of smoke, but unfortunately, the Skulds had put a little too much force into their blows. The hammers crashed through the top panels and gave the delicate circuitry beneath a nasty jolt. Sparks began to fly and wisps of smoke began to appear.

"Uh oh!" The four Norns of the future said as they stepped back. Alarms began to ring out and it wasn't long before their older sister Urd joined each counterpart. Simultaneously, the same scene unfolded.

"Skuld! What the heck did you do?"

"I'm sorry! I was just trying to get rid of all the bugs and I..." Skuld looked over to the ruined panel which was seemed to be moaning in pain.

Urd gasped as she ran to the smashed equipment and began typing on a nearby keyboard. She frowned as she saw the readout. "Oh no! Skuld! Do you realize what you've done?! You have just caused a mutltiverse rift! We're not talking about between two parallel universes! You've connected four universes together and opened up rifts in several others!"

"I didn't mean it!"

"Never mind that now! Come here and help me! We have to try and seal up those rifts before any of them lose elements of their realities!"

All four Skulds nodded as they rushed to their sister's aid. Working feverishly at the controls, the four universe pairs of goddesses raced to seal up the accidental tears in the space-time continuum.

Universe D

Ranma wondered what was going on when he saw a huge tear in space in front of him, just as he activated the quantum-phase drive. He was pressed back into his chair as his ship was suddenly sucked into the hole, which then sealed itself up.

Universe A

Kojiro waved goodbye to Ukyo and then began hopping rooftops back to his apartment. He had decided to switch back to his human form as the okonomiyaki chef had started to become a little too amorous. It was then that he noticed something sparkling in the distance. Curious, he ran toward it. When he made a leap that would place him on a roof near the light, it then suddenly exploded into a huge rip in reality. Kojiro was unable to reverse his forward momentum in time and was instantly sucked into the gap. The hole remained for a few moments more before closing up.

Universe B

The blind Ranma was sitting on the roof of Pepper's Place and playing his flute. It was then that he suddenly stopped as his extraordinary senses picked up something... odd. It felt to him as if the entire fabric of his environment was coming apart. Strange energies were being emitted from... somewhere. Ranma shook his head in order to clear it, but his senses began to feel as if they were on overload. Whatever this power was, it wasn't anything like he sensed before.

Ranma got to his feet, trying to get down from the roof, but his seventh and sixth sense weren't cooperating. He had also lost his sense of balance as he began to feel a jumble of conflicting energies. He held his head with his hands, trying to focus through the pounding that began to ring in his ears. He was so confused by all the spiritual static that he didn't notice a hole had formed behind him. When he turned around, he stumbled forward and was enveloped into the fissure before it closed up.

Universe C

Ranma was flying high over Juuban. He always loved to take evening flights before going to bed. He had been thinking about taking Kisara with him one of these days, when his ki suddenly began to feel erratic. For a moment, he thought he was over Jusenkyo again.

"Whoa!" Ranma found himself dropping like a stone, as his inner energies were no longer focused to keep him aloft. Something had interfered with his concentration and was a mixture of magic and strange energies.

The young dragon warrior looked down at the approaching ground, then his eyes widened. It wasn't the fall that bothered him. As he was part-dragon, Ranma could survive a drop from five thousand feet without any problems. He had done it before in the Dragon World. No, it was the sudden appearance of a rip in the sky below him that caught his attention. Before he could react, he fell into the rift and was gone from sight.

Meanwhile, back at the Ultimate Force System in the four universes, each Skuld and Urd were wiping their brows as the rifts in the connected realities were closed.

"Whoa! That was close!" Urd commented.

"Yeah." Skuld agreed as she looked over to the damaged console. She began typing a few commands to see the extent of the damage and assess what was lost. She then cried out in dismay. "Oh no! We weren't fast enough in sealing those rifts! We lost one element from our reality!"

"What?!" Urd exclaimed as she rushed to the still intact viewscreen.

In the other three universes, the same scene was happening with the other Skulds and Urds. They each discovered that one person from their dimensions had been sucked into the rifts and was now tumbling through the chaotic web of limbo where all realities intersected.

In the Universe A, B and C, the goddesses knew that those three Ranmas would perish unprotected in that myriad of disordered and frenzied energies. Already, the blind Ranma and Kojiro was screaming in agony as they felt their bodies and minds being torn apart, little by little. D-Ranma wasn't suffering as much, but even a Blood Bonded martial artist would not survive for long in limbo.

Simultaneously, in Universe A, B, and C...

"Skuld! He'll die out there!"

"Wait a second!" Skuld exclaimed. "I'm picking up three other people that have the similar dimensional signatures!"

Urd looked down at the console and nodded. "Those must be his dimensional counterparts from those other three universes. Looks like one of them is protected inside a ship. Do you think we can transport our guy into that craft?"

"I think so!"

"Do it! We can then pull him out once we transport the craft to a neutral area of limbo."

In limbo, T-Ranma was quite surprised when three other people suddenly appeared in a heap behind him in the pilot cabin of his ship. However, he only spared them a glance as he fought to regain control of his craft. He couldn't tell exactly where he was, but he was certain that this definitely wasn't hyperspace. On his main viewscreen, he could only see an infinite web of energy lines and flashes that go on and on. His navigational circuits were totally fried and he could only hope for the best as he engaged the quantum-fold drive to blast him back into real space.

In all four universes...


Both Urd and Skuld screamed as they saw the craft jump forward and disappear into an adjacent timeline.

"Skuld! Where'd they go?"

"I don't know!"

"What?! What do you mean you don't know?"

"The console that was damaged had our dimensional trace on him. I've lost track of him and his counterparts! And it also looked like they've been swept into one of the side timelines and then into a nexus!"

"So right now they're bouncing through several universes?"

"I'm afraid so, and the worst part of it is... I don't know how to get them back!"

To be continued...

Author's Notes

Well, people have been asking me to do crossovers with several series and I think our intrepid four will be having the wildest rides of their lives. Which universe will they crash into first? As they battle their way through these adventures, the four will begin to learn about one another and their shared history.