Harry Potter and the Pokemon Wizard

A fanfic by Sheya

Disclaimer: Unless owing nearly all the games and Manga counts, I don't own Pokemon, Also, unless owning the books counts I don't own Harry Potter. JK Rowling and Satoshi Tajiri hold the honor of ownership.

This fic has been edited... again- hopefully the errors that were are no longer and that the errors that could be will never happen.


Harry Potter and the Pokemon Wizard


Chapter 1

Journey's End


It's a beautiful day in Kanto. The birds are singing and the sun is shining, the breeze is soft and warm. However, where are all the Pokemon trainers? The rolling hills are empty and the city streets are deserted... in fact NO ONE is about. In a store window a TV is playing- on that TV is what appears to be an Official Pokemon League Tournament. Getting closer to the TV we can see what is happening in far away Indigo Plateau, two trainers were battling it out; one was the youngest trainer to make it this far, Ash Ketchum. The other was the current League Champion, Edmond Volt. The fourteen, almost fifteen, year old Ash had just KOed his opponents second Pokemon but Bulbasaur Ash's second Pokemon also got KOed.

"Hehehe, now you loose boy."

His opponent raised his arm a threw his last pokeball into the arena, releasing a Raichu. Ash looked at the Raichu and smirked, he then cocked his head and opened his mouth, "You really think a Raichu is going to defeat me?" Ash held up his hand and pointed at the Raichu. "All right Pikachu you're up next... show this over evolved Pokemon what a real powerhouse can do." Pikachu jumped into the arena and sparked, Ash dropped his arm.

"Hahahaha... You think that that runt can beat my Raichu. If you don't evolve your Pokemon right away all you've got is a baby." The older man shoved his chest out, crossed his arms, and smirked.

"You're related to Lt. Surge aren't you?" Ash sweat-dropped with a sigh.

"He's my cousin." the man stated proudly.

"Did you know that Pikachu beat his Raichu four years ago...." our young hero crossed his arms leaning on the railing of his platform.


"...and Pikachu is SOOO much more powerful now." continued the raven-haired teen.

"Uh oh, my Raichu can't beat Surge's Raichu...." the opponent sweated nervously.

"Well- say good bye to your top spot. Pikachu use Agility and Thunder."

Ash again pointed towards Raichu and Pikachu started advancing as Raichu started blasting Thunder in random directions to try to weaken or take out Pikachu. Every time Thunder came Pikachu's way she grounded with her tail to avoid the blast... a trick she learned against Lt. Surge's Raichu. Shortly she got close enough and blasted Raichu with dead on Accuracy, Raichu dropped like a sack of potatoes.

"Ahhhhh!! Raichu! I guess you win.... Kid, you got skill, now all you have to do is beat me in the Master's Tournament."

"Bet on it." Ash smiled as he jumped down from the trainers box and held out his arms so Pikachu could jump into them. "Good job Pikachu. You always get the job done."

As Ash left the arena his friends joined him, "Great job Ash, I thought you wouldn't make it a few times this year but you did it." Brock yelled, slapping him on the back.

"Hey we got a party to get to." Misty ran up and hugged Ash.

The young Champion's mother walked up to her son. "Yes, we have a party and I made all your favorite foods."

"That's great Mom, I can't wait."


The party lasted well into the night, all his friends had come to congratulate him; there was Ritchie and AJ and Duplica, even Gary who was eliminated, by Ritchie, the round before he would have faced Ash. There was dancing, and swimming, and all different kinds of games, but no battling; Ash figured that the Pokemon needed a break as much as the trainers.

As the party wound to a close near dawn, Delia walked up to her son. "Ash, I'd like to ask you to go to school.... I know that the schooling on Pokemon Islands is much different from the Schools anywhere else in the world... but I want you to go to my old school in England. Normally you would have started when you were eleven but that interfered with the way things work here. I have gotten permission for you to start now. Anyway, I taught you everything you needed to know to get in at fifteen before you went on your journey, now that you have gotten here you have done most of what you wanted. The Masters Tournament isn't for another year so you don't have to worry about that."

He looked at her and smiled, "Actually I don't mind, I've felt that I needed to do something new for a while now, I just didn't want to give up on my dream. Right now my dream is on hold for a year anyway. And, next summer I will beat the Masters and become one myself. But for now I think that I need a break from traveling."

"Good, the school is called Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. We can leave in a few days, I have preparations to make."

Ash wandered off to talk to his friends, Brock and Misty, he explained to them what he was going to do and they wished him good luck saying also that they would miss him till he came back in the summer.


Ash, Delia and Pikachu got off the plane at Heathrow Airport in London; his mother flagged down a taxi and told it where to go. When they got to their destination, which was the Leaky Cauldron, they exited the taxi, grabbed their bags, and entered the almost unseen door. Ash looked around at a cozy little inn, with weirdly, to him, dressed people. He did however know that these weird clothes were the fashion for wizards.

"Ash, we will be staying here for the next week and then you will be going to school on September 1st. Tonight we will relax tomorrow we will get your school supplies."

"Ok, so what rooms are we in?"

Just as Ash asked his question the Inn keeper walked up to them, "You will be staying on the second floor I'll lead the way."

He led them to two rooms on the second floor, Ash took their bags in to the rooms while his mother went back down stairs and ordered dinner. Ash started putting their stuff into draws and was almost finished when his mother came back up with a tray of food. Ash took the try and put it on the table. Then he, Pikachu, and his mother sat down to dinner.


After dinner Delia started to explain about The Hogwarts Express and how to get on to the train. "I will give you your ticket when you leave."

That night Ash was surprised by a talking mirror, but he got over it quickly, however the mirror had a hard time getting over the boy who understood his pet. Ash and Pikachu fell asleep very quickly that night, but, he had troubling dreams, when he woke up he did not remember them and he fell back to sleep quickly and slept peacefully the rest of the night.

In the morning they all went into Diagon Alley and to get Ash's school supplies. First they went to Gringotts where Delia took out some money from her vault there, she also acquired a key for Ash so he could go on his own if he needed to any time during the next week. Then they went to Florish and Blotts for Ash's books.

As they entered Madam Malkin's there was a boy about Ash's age on his way out he had slicked back blond hair, he pushed Ash out of his way grumbling about mudbloods and know it all's. Ash landed on his but and kicked out tripping the other boy, of course he needn't have bothered because Pikachu let out a thundershock. Ash sat there watching as the thundershock went right over the boys head and the boy landed on his face.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?!?!" The boy stood up yelling at Ash.

"Well, I was trying to trip you because you pushed me down, but I inadvertently knocked you out of the way of a very BAD shock." Ash smirked as he stood up. "You should be more careful and you should apologize for knocking me down."

"What bad shock?"

Ash pointed to the sidewalk which was cracked and bubbling from Pikachu's thundershock. "Pikachu let that off when you knocked me down. She wasn't aiming for you but if it had hit you would be... well... lets just say that you almost met whatever gods you believe in."

The boy stared at the sidewalk "M... m... maybe you should control uhhh Pikachu better?"

"Well normally Pikachu would be more careful but you pushed pretty hard and Pikachu was very startled. I am sorry for Pikachu almost frying you... but I'm still miffed that you knocked me down."

"Uhhhh... Sorry about that, this girl just pissed me off... I have to go...." He ran off looking a little sick.

"Ash, I think you should tell Pikachu not to shock people when startled."

"She won't do it anymore... Right Pikachu?"

"Pika... chu." /Sorry... right/ Pikachu hung her head.

"Well let's get you your uniform."

They entered the Clothing store and met the owner. "Hi, I'm starting at Hogwarts this year and I need the Uniform." Ash smiled and put his hand behind his head.

"Sure honey, I'll be right with you I just have to finish up with Miss Granger here."

"Ok I'll wait."

Presently a girl with bushy brown hair came out of the sizing room. "Hi, I'm Hermione Granger, You look like a fifth year but I've never seen you before."

"Ash Ketchum, Pleased to meet you." He and Hermione shook hands. "I'm starting my fifth year and transferring to Hogwarts, my mother wanted me to go to Hogwarts because that is her school."

"Well I hope we can be friends." Hermione started for the door. "I have to meet my friends so I'll let you get you robes." Ash watched her leave.

"Well that was much more pleasant then my last encounter with a student."

The proprietress come over to Ash, "Come, dear, I'll get you your robes now." Ash followed her in to the sizing room and proceeded to get his robes.

When he came out his mother was looking down the street, "Ash I want to get you a present, you go and get the rest of your supplies... And, don't forget a familiar. I'll meet you at Florian Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, it's right down the street."

"Ok, I see it."

Ash and his mother separated at that and Ash went to get a wand at Ollivanders, it was 14 inches, Ash tree, made with a dragon whisker core. He then went into Magical Menagerie, but he did not see an animal that he liked, and Pikachu did not get along with anything there either. So he made his way to Eeylops Owl Emporium, where he found a great horned owl that Pikachu liked, it liked Pikachu too, it also reminded him of his Noctowl but much smaller. He bought it and left the store.

He made his way to Florian Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor and sat down to wait for his mother, he also ordered some Sundays, for himself and for Pikachu, while he was waiting. Shortly his mother walked up to him.

"Honey, I got this present for you it is both a birthday present and a going to school present."

Ash opened the case and inside was a Firebolt courtesy of Dervish & Banges.


"This is the best Broomstick out there, when you get to school you will have to get someone to teach you how to fly it, but you fly with you Pokemon all the time so this shouldn't be any different."

"Thanks mom this is great." He hugged his mother, "Oh I want you to meet my Owl, I don't know what to name it though,"

"It's beautiful, I'll help you think of a name over the next week."

As they were talking a shadow passed over them, they both looked up and saw a man smirking above them, "Are you the ones who scared my son?"

"Well, I guess he got scared by something that happened when he pushed me down."

"And would that thing happen to have something to do with a destroyed piece of sidewalk?"

Delia looked at him and stood up "I think you are trying to make trouble, no one got hurt and there was no harm done."

"Oh but I think that the animal that destroyed the side walk is dangerous."

"But you can't do a damn thing about it, in this area of the world Pokemon are protected and anyway they're considered to be sentient so even if they weren't protected you couldn't do anything about it."

"Pokemon? Oh them... you're right I can't do anything about it."

"Good, now if you will excuse me, my son and I are going to finish our shopping." Delia turned away just as he put his hand on her arm.

"Do I know you?"

She turned back to him, "I'm sure you have seen me around I believe I was in your year at Hogwarts."

"Yes I remember now... Delia Potter... everyone thinks you are dead."

"Well if that is what everyone thinks then I did my disappearing act very well indeed. And, Lucius, the name is Ketchum now."

"James Potters sister is still alive...." He stared at her, "All this time and you're still alive... How did you elude the scrying spells?"

"I believe the term would be 'Sore wa himetsu desu'. In other words A secret."

"Right, why would you tell me." He turned to go as he was leaving he noticed a trio of kids walking towards the ice-cream shop.

"Why would those bloody Muggles want to come with you this year? They hate anything to do with wizards." A red haired boy was saying.

"I don't have a clue... maybe they're trying to find a way that I don't have to live with them anymore." The one who spoke now wore glasses and had messier hair then Ash's.

"That would be a relief for you Harry." This was the girl that Ash had met earlier.

"Harry Potter..." Lucius smiled maliciously, "It looks like you going to get to meet your Aunt after all."

"HUH?! I already know my aunt."

"I did not mean that Muggle you call you aunt, I meant you fathers sister."

"Harry... Potter... Well that explains why Voldemort suddenly stopped looking for me around the same time I felt my brother die."

Harry stared at Delia. "You're my fathers sister?"

"Yes, I had to hide from Voldemort and in doing so I made everyone think I was dead. Well my brother would have known I was alive but...."

"He died... did you know that I survived?"

"I didn't know that my brother had any children... I left just after the wedding."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEW NOTES: Alright I fixed Hermione's name. Che- one mistake and.... Well it's fixed, actually I thought that I had checked the spelling of her name, guess I just told my self to and never did. But, at least I was consistent in my error; you gotta give me points for that. As for more action in this fic... there was action- after all you got a Pokemon Battle and Malfoy almost got fried... what? You want a major battle in the first chapter? No... no... no... This fic will have at least 9 chapters so the major battle won't come for a while yet. However, there will be more action... soon, I promise. Although, I am thinking of writing more into the Pokemon Battle but that is for a later date. Also I reread the chapter and caught a few more errors that I know weren't there last time I reread it, I think my comp purposely messes up my stuff. Now, I'm thinking of doing a Ranma crossover along similar lines as this one and that one will have major Dursley bashing... IE... Onna Ranma putting Vernon in a headlock ^ . ^ And various other things ^ . ^ I will have fun when Ranma-chan meets Vernon 'cause to him she won't be a threat.

Notes: I wanted to do a Pokemon crossover with Harry Potter 'cause I like both and there are so few out there. So, now you have the first chapter. I was trying to do this with a co-author but it did not happen 'cause I also wanted to Post this before the new book came out.