Teacher Training

By Todd Fan

Disclaimer: 'Damn you scuba steve!'


Okay, this is another one of my bizare and random 'pick on a certain group' fics. Remember 'Sugar and Spice'?. Well, this is like that, for the adults. *Laughs in a manical way* So you could call this a sequel....kinda.

Kurt: It's just an excuse to vrite stuff vith Sabertooth, Forge and Angel in eet, and get ze adults to make fools of themselves.

HELL YEAH! Okay, i really don't consider Remy, Pyro and Piotr as 'adults' they are, i think, teens, older teens, but still teens, so they won't be in this as much...sorry. But anyone above that in the 'adult' category will suffer, whowhahhahahahhahahhaa! Maybe my third will be the Acolyes....tee hee. Thanks to rabi_sultan, who went though his list of bizare songs for Magneto to sing until i found one i liked.


Chapter 1 - Another nightmare begins


"I'm worried", stated Hank, watching as Kitty and Kurt put suitcases into the X-Van, "i'm very worried".

"I second that motion", said Ororo, her eyebrow rising as she recognised one of the suitcases as her own.

"Maybe Chuck's planned a vacation fer us all?", said Logan hopefully.

"Then why he he smirking at us?", asked Hank, pointing to Xavier as he wheeled over, indeed, smirking.

"I'm afraid", admited Logan.

"Hello my dear faculty", said Xavier with a grin to put the Cheshire cat to shame.

"Charles...what is going on?", asked Ororo, rather worriedly, "why are our suitcases being packed away?".

"All your questions will be answered, Ororo", said Xavier, putting up a hand, "just as soon as i have everyone".

There was the sound of flapping overhead and Warren Worthington III dropped from the air to land easily amongst the others.

"So, where's the trouble?", he asked, "you said you needed my help desperately. Well, i'm here and.....how did my suitcase get over here?...and why is it being loaded into the X-Van?".

"Hello Warren", said Xavier, "glad you can make it, now all we need is...".

As if on cue, a phycadelic painted pick-up truck drove down the drive-way and stopped. Forge clambered out with his tool kit. He paused, seeing everyone outside, then blinked in suprise as Bobby walked past with a suitcase...his suitcase...how the?

"There is no emergency fault with the Danger Room...is there?", he said, eyeing Xavier supisously.

"No", said Xavier, "well, everyone in the van, chop chop".

The adults all blinked in unison.

"I 'aint goin' nowhere until ya tell me what's going on, Chuck", said Logan, crossing his arms stubornly.

"I was afraid of that", said Xavier, before putting a hand to his temple, "sleep".

Suddenly, each and every adult dropped to the ground in a slumber.


Logan groaned as he opened his eyes, a familiar scent catching his nostrils and making him jolt awake. He gave a feral growl when he saw Sabertooth sat on the seat next to him in the X-Van. Sabertooth had his arms crossed and was obviously sulking.

"Well well, if Sleepin' Ugly hasn't gone and woken up!", he said with a sneer.

Logan snarled then glanced around to get his bearings. They were, indeed in the X-Van, a moving X-Van at that. Sat up front were Xavier in the passenger seat, with Mastermind next to him, who looked to be sulking as much as Sabertooth. What shocked Logan more was Magneto in the drivers seat, singing along to the radio cheerfully.

"Huh?", said Logan, before looking around the rest of the van.

Mystique was snoring in a corner, as was Storm, the two women being given their own little area of the Van. Across from him slept Forge, and behind Forge, Beast and Angel.....something was very very wrong here.

"Nothing's wrong, Logan", said Xavier from up front, "we are all having a little...growing adventure".

"Growing adventure?", repeated Logan

"Yeah", said Sabertooth grumpily, "our great leaders decided we should be better suited as adults to care fer teens. I don't even CARE about the stinkin' teens!".

"No, but you work with them", said Magneto.

"Then why is SHE here?", said Sabertooth, jerking a thumb at Mystique.

"You know what her mothering skills are like, Victor", said Magneto, receiving a rather dangerous growl, "they need work".

"THE BREAD IS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!", shouted Hank in his sleep, making Forge and Angel jerk awake.

"Whatzat?", said Forge, then looked around him, "this...really can't be good".

"Magneto!", said Warren, "i should have known you would be behind this evil plot and...are you listening to Madonna?".

"Why, yes i am!", said Magneto, "'cause we a living in a material world, and i am a material girl!".

"There is no evil plot", said Xavier, "consider it...teacher training".

"Question, why are WE here?", asked Angel, indicating to Forge and himself, "we are NOT teachers at your school, nor do we have anything do do with the children..at all".

"Because it will be a growing moment for you", said Magneto "...plus Jason and Victor refused to go without you suffering too".

"Thank you, Jason and Victor", said Forge, his voice dripping with sarcasm.


It wasn't long before the rest of the group had woken up, each saying how it was unjust for them to be there, before giving up and sulking.

"There goes my weekend plans!", snapped Mystique.

"Actually...it's three weeks", said Xavier, "suprise!".

"WHAT?!!!!", errupted the bus.

"I am NOT spending three weeks with these...scary, scary freaks", said Warren.

"Who are you callin' a freak, wing-boy?", said Sabertooth.

"Hey, you leave the prissy rich-boy alone, Bub", saiid Logan, popping out his claws.

"HEY!", said Angel, "i'm not prissy!".

"No fighting", said Xavier, "we are to handle this like civilised adults, am i clear?".

"Yes Professor", said the car in unison.

"Wait!", said Storm suddenly, "who is looking after the children?!!!".

"My Acolytes", said Magneto smugly, "gee...i sure hope Piotr can keep John from burning the palce to the ground".

Mystique suddenly gave an indignant snort.

"So THAT'S why Irene suddenly needed to take that 'Buisness Trip'!", she said, "she saw what was coming and got out of there before you could get her!".

"Clever Irene", mused Hank.

"So", said Logan finally, "where will we be stayin'?".

"Here", said Xavier, passing a hotel brochure to the back of the van, "it's the Dew-Drop hotel. There will be seminars for you to got to, some even on things other than children and teaching and..."

He paused when Logan snarled as Mystqiue snatched the brochure from him.

"I can't believe we're stuck in this stupid hotel for three...HEY they have a health spa!".

"As i was saying", said Xavier with a cough, "you will have to attened the daily seminars on your time-table, but how you spend the rest of your time is up to you....but please, PLEASE don't do anything....juvinile".



Xavier sighed as Sabertooth and Logan jostled for position, this was going to be a long ride....


Soooooo what do you think?. Asi said before, if you think of it as a sequel to Sugar and Spice, you can get a good idea of what sort of madness to expect. The good thing about this is, you don't NEED to have read Sugar and Spice to enjoy it....did that make sense? Neh. Do review, until next time.....