Title: Party All Night

Author: Jocelyn ([email protected])

Feedback: Give it to me, baby! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Summary: A trip to the mall, a wrestling match, and a co-ed student slumber party. 'Nuff said.

Rating: R for language and dirty imagery

Characters: All the main characters and a few original students (Nadine, Charlotte, Andy, Allen) created on the principle of "The more, the merrier!"

Disclaimer: The X-men belong to Brian Singer and Marvel Comics, blah blah, I ain't makin' a dang penny offa this fic, blah blah, I'd appreciate it if the aforementioned owners of the X-men did not sue my brains out. Thank you.

Spoilers: None for X2 (written before X2 came out)

Part I: The Mansion…

"No, you can't have the Mercedes, Kitty. Take one of the SUV's if that many of you are going."

"Aw, please, Mr. Summers? The Mercedes is a cool car!"

Cyclops loved the fact that his sunglasses let him roll his eyes without being noticed, "Plenty of kids drive not-so-cool cars to the mall. You girls will have no trouble finding boys to flirt with whether you're in a Mercedes or a Ford."

Behind Kitty, Jubilation Lee sighed in defeat. "If we have to take an SUV, can we have the Navigator?" she pleaded, naming the most expensive of the fleet.

"Quit while you're ahead," Jean Grey murmured in her fiancé's ear.

"Fine, fine, wait a minute." Scott walked into his office and pulled the keys to the Lincoln out of a desk drawer. "Here you go, and remember, no one under sixteen drives!"

"Yessir!" In a flurry of waves, smiles, and giggles, the gaggle of girls darted off on their errand.

Scott shook his head and started to walk back into his office, then paused and turned back, "Hey Kitty!"

The girls stopped. "Yes?" Kitty asked.

"What on Earth are you going shopping for, anyway? You girls could open a mall of your own with your wardrobes."

The girls glanced at each other then shrugged, "We're just, you know…shopping!"

"No, I don't know. For what?"

"I mean…" Jubilee raised her hands helplessly, "We just like to…I don't know…walk around the mall, try on clothes, eat ice cream, and if we find something we like, we buy it."

"It's a girl thing," Jean added from behind him.


"Actually," Kitty piped up. "We're buying pajamas!"


"Well, actually, they're for Rogue," she explained.

Rogue blushed and glared at Kitty. Scott stared at them, "So all of you are going to buy clothes for one of you?"

"Yeah! It's a girl thing!"

Giving up on trying to understand, Scott waved them off and turned to Jean. "Teenaged girls," he said with a snort.

The pair had only walked a few feet down the hall towards their room when they were accosted by the oldest portion of the male student body, "Mr. Summers, can we go down to the Arena?"

"Weren't you guys there last week for the motorcycle show?"

"Yes, but today's Wrestling Day! Al the Sledgehammer's taking on Maxie the Bonecrusher! Please can we go?" Bobby Drake begged.

"Teenaged boys," Jean murmured.

"All right, you can have one of the cars," Scott headed back to his office.

"Uh, Mr. Summers? Can we take the Mercedes?"


To Be Continued…
