(Title sucks I know ^ - ^)

Summary - K/H fic. Keiko and Yuske have been going out for a while till he dumps her for another! Soon demons kidnap her in trying to get Yuske. He doesn't know and they take her to Reikai, the spirit world. Guess who finds her, little hint he's short and all in black. PG-13-Action/Romance

Author's Note : Hey, I KNOW the title really sucks. I'll try to change it later if I think of a much better one. My first fic. So please no flames ^- ^. *~* Please read and review! *~* Please try to overlook any miss spelling and any thing else. Disclaimer - I don't own Yu yu Hakasho(sob)

Chapter 1 - EDITED

"You're breaking up with me?" a bewildered Keiko asked. "I just think that we have some trouble and should take some time apart," Yusuke said guiltly, looking down on the floor. "So who is it?" Keiko demanded, her heart struggling with each word. "It's uh, ... Lina." Yusuke mumbled. Keiko ran off, tears streaming down her face, her heart broken and trying not to show Yusuke her defeat.

It was a week since the incident and Yusuke was happily living life with Lina, a girl with brown hair and red highlights. Her eyes were a deep burgundy. She was... well lets say a bit ditzy and stupid. Her personality acted a bit like Yusuke.

Keiko on the other hand broke away from Yuske and the gang. Keiko hardly ever saw Kurama, Kuwabara, Yukina, Botan, and Hiei. She stuck with her other friends and hardly even took a glance at Yusuke during school.

Summer had soon shortly started and Keiko was out near the shore thinking. She felt hurt that the old gang she used to hang out with hardly took a second glance at her. Sure she tried in engaging a conversation with Botan when she wasn't with Yusuke but they always ended in about a minute. Keiko missed being friends with Botan and hearing Kuwabara make an idiot out of himself.

Keiko sighed and saw the sun setting against the horizon. I'll go home soon, she thought. Her now long brown hair swayed back and forth against the wind. She heard a deep harsh breathing and a growl whispering "kkkeeeiiiikkkkkoooo" And suddenly rough hands grabbed her and she could see no more.

"Yusuke, there's another crime we have to solve. A human girl has been kidnapped and want you to come, they are right now in Reikai." Botan told him for his next case.
"Who's the chick?" Yusuke asked bored, laying around the couch. He had to get ready soon, for he had a date with Lina.

"This isn't funny Yusuke, I don't know who it is, but the captors are very powerful, and have extraordinary spirit energy." Botan lectured.

Botan told the other members of the group and found that Hiei wasn't there.

"OH where is that foolish man when you need him?" Botan wondered.

"He's out doing some business of his own, I'll tell him when he returns." said the green eyed yoko.

Night was falling on Reikai and the demons that captured Keiko, tied her up and left her next to a blue haired demon. The demon guard saw Keiko's body and began to have dirty thoughts of the young teen's body and wanted to have his fun. He started to untie the human girl slowly with anticipation. She stirred slightly and woke up slightly.

"Where the hell am I?" Keiko asked looking around the wide open forest with huge trees.

"You are in Reikai the spirit world and I'm just about to get my prize." The demon yelled lunging after her.

His rough harsh lips touched hers, and his tongue went down her throat, and Keiko could hardly breathe. Kicking him quickly in the stomach, Keiko tried to flee. She stumbled up and started running in any direction to get away from him. Running only for a few seconds, the blue haired demon caught up to her.

"Leaving so soon?" the demon asked.

"Let me go!!!!" Keiko cried kicking and punching in trying to hit him, though failing miserably.

"Now why would I let such a beautiful school girl go?" he asked smirking.

He grabbed her shoulders and kissed her roughly again. His hands moved down to her breasts and explored, laughing at the pathetic attempts of her trying to injure him.

"Let me GO!" Keiko cried her arms being pushed upward to leave complete accsess.

"We need you for Yusuke Urameshi to show up." he snarled his hands finished with his exploration on her breasts. They slowly moved down to her thighs, running back and forth.

"For your information, I have nothing to do with Yusuke and never will!" Keiko cried small tears falling down her porcelain like skin. "Let me go you son of a ~~~~~~~~!"

"Uh uh uh uh, nice girls like you shouldn't curse," he cried lunging once again over her body. He started pulling her skirt down and explored once again.

Keiko kept her eyes closed, her yells continuing to echo in the forest. She tried to kick but the demon put his legs over her and she was completely trapped. She opened her eyes a little and it went to an immense tree.

A particular branch's shadow seemed to move. Her eyes opened a little farther and she saw a black cloak. And then heard a cold harsh voice ringing through the trees, "Let the ningen go, and I might spare your pathetic life."

Author Note - That is my new version. Just added a few more things. HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!!!!!!! NEW READERS PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!! ^^