I've only started watching Digimon this season (season 4) and it's only on episode 18 or something of this season, so Kouichi isn't in it yet. Feel free to tell me if I've got something wrong. And can anyone please tell me if Koji met Takuya before episode 1 of season 4, and also please tell me about Koji's family life and if he really lives near Takuya or not? Thanks!

This doesn't take place in any particular episode of the season, but the main focus is on Koji and Takuya, so it doesn't matter anyway! Oh, and sorry, but I'll be using the Americanized version of the names, cause I'm used to it. Hope you don't mind!

"....."= speaking /....../= thoughts

This is all gonna be from Takuya's POV (for now), so /...../ is Takuya's thoughts.

Digimon does not belong to me.

Taming the Wild


It was nighttime in the Digiworld. The five Digi-destined and their two Digimon friends were sitting inside of a Train Trailmon, on another journey, following their Digivices' directions.

"Hahaha!" Takuya laughed at a joke that J.P. had just told him. Him, J.P., Zoe, Tommy, Bokomon, and Neemon were crowded together, making the best of the ride. It would be a long journey, and no one was really sure where they were going, or why. Their Digivices just told them to go northwest, and they would be alerted when they had gone far enough. Laughing a bit more, Takuya looked around and spotted Koji sitting further down the aisle, on the floor, and quietly staring out of a window there. He didn't know why Koji never wanted to talk to or even be with them. He figured that that was just the way he was.

As shunning as Koji was to him and the others, Takuya couldn't help but feel bad for him. He looked so alone, and mad. No, maybe not mad just......alone. His mind always seemed to be far away. While the others continued their amusing conversation, Takuya quietly snuck away from them, and walked over to Koji. Koji was sitting facing the window, with the leg towards the approaching Takuya bent up (his right leg), his other leg (closest to the window) lying flat on the floor with one of his arms, and his right arm casually hanging over the knee of his right leg. Takuya knew that Koji's senses were sharp enough to have noticed him standing there, but Koji didn't turn towards him. Sighing, Takuya sat, cross-legged, facing Koji.

"Uh, hey Koji!" he said cheerfully.

Koji made no sign that he heard him.

Takuya started again. "Hey, why don't you come sit with us, huh? It's bound to be a long ride, and you'll get bored sitting here alone!"

Koji turned to Takuya, and like a wild animal, gave him a warning growl, showing his teeth as if to say he would bite.

"Ahh!" Takuya leapt back, and ran back to the others. /Why do I even bother with that jerk! Fine, he can sit alone if he wants!/

============================================================================ =================================================

Throughout the whole ride, all Takuya thought about was Koji. Again and again, he tried to get involved in the conversation with the others and banish the thoughts of Koji, but oddly, he couldn't.

/Well, this is weird. Why can't I stop thinking about him?/ he chuckled to himself /it was funny though, how he just growled at me! WAIT! What am I saying? I hate that guy! I've been trying to be nice to him forever, and he growls at me when I invite him to sit and talk with us! Man! The nerve of that guy!/

"TAKUYA!" Zoe shouted, bringing him out of his thoughts.


"Aren't you listening? What's wrong with you? You're really out of it!" she said. ============================================================================ ==================================================

An hour and a half later, Takuya decided that he'd once again try to talk to Koji. At first, he had wondered why he kept trying to talk to him. He now knew why. Before, he had had a hunch that it might be what he now knew. In fact, ever since he had met Koji, he knew, in some distant way: he was attracted to Koji. At first, it scared him to think about it, but he had to come to terms with it sooner or later. He often found himself subconsciously staring at Koji, only to have one of the others bring him out of his daze. He loved his features, and his long, blue-black hair, covered with his bandana. It wasn't just his looks that Takuya was attracted to, though. It was his personality, his aura, also. Sure, Koji got on his nerves with the way he never wanted to talk to or be near him, but Takuya could see deeper into him than what was hard on the surface. One day, he'd tell him how he felt.

He walked back over to Koji. Koji's back was now to the wall, and both his knees were drawn up this time. He silently watched as Takuya smiled at him, and once again, sat cross-legged in from of him.

"What do you want?" Koji grumbled.

"Just to see you." Takuya answered. Noticing how that must've sounded, he hastily added, "You know, just to make sure that you're still alive back here!"

"Uh, huh," Koji replied suspiciously.

/Hmm, I wonder if Koji knows how I feel about him. How obvious am I?/ he wondered to himself. They both just sat there, looking into each other's eyes (though Takuya secretly did it lovingly, and Koji did it menacingly). A strip of blue hair fell out from under Koji's bandana, and swept across his face. He took no notice of it. Takuya, however, was so lost in the other boy's eyes that he accidentally let his guard down, and reached over. He took the strip of hair in his fingers, and gently tucked it behind Koji's ear. He finally realized what he had just done as Koji's backed away as best he could while sitting down. Takuya hurriedly drew his arm back down and tried to look as calm as possible.

/What the hell did I just do? Damn it! Damn that boy's hypnotizing blue eyes!/

Koji spoke. "W-why did you that? What did you do that for?" he said quickly and in a voice that told Takuya that he had made a mistake.

Takuya, still trying to look as though everything were normal, shrugged, got up, and said "Gees, I was just helping you. Can't anyone come near you?" He walked away.

When he got back to his seat, Zoe asked, "Why do you keep going back there?"

"Oh, I....." he tried to think of something believable to say, when suddenly, the Trailmon stopped.

"We're here!" it said.

They emerged from the Trailmon, thanked it, and observed their surroundings. They were in a beautiful forest with not only trees, rivers, lakes, and ponds, but hills, mountains, and caves, too!

"Cool!" Tommy said enthusiastically.

J.P. starting jumping up and down. "Look, there's food! Yes, finally!" Sure enough, some of the strangest looking things were growing from the trees.

"Are you sure it's food?" Takuya asked.

"Yeah!" J.P. answered. " I saw it in Bokomon's book during the ride."

Bokomon looked confused. "I don't remember seeing anything about food in there! Then again, I haven't gone through the whole thing." He scanned the pages of his book. "Ah, yes, J.P. is quite right! Eat up!"

All of them were starving, as they hadn't eaten for nearly two days. After they ate their fill, they explored their surroundings. It was very peaceful. The seven of them all split up to see if they could discover some other Digimon in the area, or find any interesting things. While Takuya walked through some of the caves, he saw the back of a figure. It was Koji. They had come across each other's paths.

/Wow, he's so.interesting. / He thought. He couldn't make himself look away.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Koji had noticed him staring. Takuya shook his head to bring him out of his suffocating thoughts.

"Uh, I guess we just crossed paths."

Koji stared at him for a minute, and turned and walked away.

/I wonder if he feels something for me. Maybe he thinks about me. What if he knows how I feel about him? Would that freak him out? Should I tell him?/ all these thoughts ran through his mind as he watched Koji leave. Sighing, he decided he'd spend some time just sitting in the cave, thinking.

He found a nice, flat area on the surface of the cave, and made sure he was well hidden from anyone who might be looking in. He spent a long time in there, but to him it felt like no time at all. He pondered about telling Koji. /No, maybe I should tell one of the others first and talk to them about it. No, that's no good either. I'd rather that Koji be the first to know, and I'm sure he'd want it the same way. That is, if he wants it at all. But not tonight. I can't tell himjust yet; I'm not ready to be rejected just yet. Soon, though. Hopefully while we're staying here. It's serene here, and there's no evil Digimon here that we have to worry about. Plus, if he rejects me, I can just hide out here till I feel better./

It was so nice just sitting there, thinking depressing thoughts about being rejected, but Takuya knew that the others were waiting and would be worried. Reluctantly, he got up and went back to his starting point. Sure enough, the others were all already there.

"Takuya! Takuya!" they all yelled when they saw him approaching. He looked up at the sky. It was even later than he thought.

"Where were you?" said Tommy, who looked as though he'd just been crying. "Did you get into trouble, or find any Digimon?"

"No, it's okay. I'm alright. Nah, I didn't find any Digimon, either. I just got sorta carried away thinking."

"Thinking?" Zoe asked, disapprovingly, but obviously worried. "I'm going to ask you this again Takuya: are you alright? You've been gone "thinking" for over two hours, and today on the Trailmon-"

"I'm fine!" he interrupted. "Look, I just needed to be alone for a while. But, I've thought everything out. I've got my problems figured out. I promise, I'm much better now."

And he wasn't really lying. He finally admitted his feelings for Koji to himself, and decided that he would tell him while they were here. As soon as he was ready.

Feeling much lighter, he followed as Bokomon led them all to a nice flat spot he had found. "We should be perfectly safe spending the night here. It doesn't look too uncomfortable, either," Bokomon said.

They all arranged themselves on the ground. By sheer coincidence, Koji was lying down to Takuya's right, but was facing away from him. Takuya quickly glanced around to see how the others were positioned. All of them were turned the other way. He was very thankful for that. At least he could watch Koji without anyone else noticing.

An hour, at least, had passed, and Takuya was the only one still wide awake. He lay on his side, just staring at Koji from behind him. /He's so beautiful. I've never seen anyone like him./ He wanted to see his face again. He couldn't wait till morning. Failing at trying to resist the urge, he shuffled closer to Koji, and then bent over him. Chin resting in the palm of his hand with his elbow on the ground, he watched Koji's chest rise and fall with each breath. It was all Takuya could do not to throw himself at the sleeping loner and embrace him.

Suddenly, Koji's eyes opened. Takuya wanted to jump back, but he knew Koji had already seen him. So he just smiled. /I might as well hint my feeling for him before I tell him./ he reasoned. /That way, it'll come as less of a shock, and he'll have more time to think about me./

"What are you doing?" he asked cautiously.

/Think fast! Think fast!/ "Oh, I was just trying to figure out a way to make you stop snoring," he answered casually, but still grinning. /Good job! Wow, I'm a more fluent liar than I thought!/

Koji looked at him from where he was still lying as he studied Takuya's reply. Seeming to accept his answer as believable, he turned back to the side he was facing before (looking away from Takuya) and pushed his left arm against Takuya's middle to force him back down. "Go back to sleep."

To Takuya, that touch was Heaven. As he lay back down, he took a hold of Koji's arm against his stomach, and brought it down with him. Just before hitting the ground, he saw Koji's eyes go wide at this motion, though he was still facing away from Takuya. /Yes,/ Takuya thought, /I'll hint it to him./ He lay down on his back, and held Koji's hand close to his middle. Koji, it seemed, was so nonplussed that he didn't recoil. His eyes stayed wide though. Suddenly, Takuya was feeling very sleepy. Not releasing Koji's hand, he turned on his side to face his back. Even though he could finally fall asleep now, it was at the cost of Koji's sleep. /Poor Koji/ he mused /now he'll be up half the night, thinking about me and what I just did!/ And with that happy knowledge, Takuya fell fast asleep.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

A/N: The following song goes really well this chapter. It reminds me of Takuya's thoughts about how he wonders if Koji feels the same way about him, so I had to put it in here. Plus, the band rocks! This is actually one of my least favorite songs from them, but it's not bad, and like I said, it goes really well the chapter. I'll underline the parts of the song that really go with the chapter.

Diffuser "I Wonder"

And I wonder if you ever think about me anymore.

And I wonder if you ever think about me when you're bored.

And I wonder if you ever think about me when your hanging in New York.

skip the next 3 lines!

Chorus: Girl you mean so much to me, I wish that we could start it over, start it over.

I don't need your sympathy, your apologies. Still I'm staring at my coffee cup, It's 6 A.M. and I can not give up.

And I wonder if your happy or just glad to see me scarred.

Did my drunken self confessions sober up your bleeding heart? I am bending over backwards to get close to you but still I feel so far.


Girl you mean so much to me, I wish that we could start it over

I don't need your sympathy, your apoligies, no more.

Girl you mean so much to me, I wish that we could start it over, start it over

I don't need your sympathy, I just want you here with me.

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Hope you all enjoyed! That was my first Digimon fanfic., so please review and tell me what I did wrong! I'll add another chapter A.S.A.P. Oh, and I'm not titling the chapters, cause I'm writing a Harry Potter fanfic, too, and while writing it, I discovered that I hate trying to summarize the chapter into one title! Ok, go!!! Review!