AN: Since this is the last chapter, I just want to take the opportunity to thank all the reviewers out there. I love hearing from you guys.

Chevie Jane: Yeps, I'm an Aussie :) We rock. Just read your profile – love the Looking for Alibrandi "I'll run to be emancipated" bit – it's probably my all-time favourite book. I've read it countless times but it still never fails to make me both laugh and cry.

Ruby Garnet: Thank you! I have a tendency to skip around excitedly after reading your work too.

Jewls: As always, your reviews inspire me.

Coolio02; Luke Rules, distortedstar, rorynjess4ever, jael, Sweetie and everyone else who consistently reviewed – it's encouraging.

And I'd like to thank my mum, and my dad, and my third grade teacher, and of course the academy and everyone who voted for me… *sniff* Oh my god, this is just such an honour! *sniff* ;p

Excuse my excitement, I'm just about to witness one of the biggest football games of the season. Oh, right, the story… Here go.


Part Eight


"Where's Luke?" Rory asked.

"Gone fishin,'" Lorelai said dourly

"Do we hate him now?"

* *

"…It's been five days! If he stays much longer he'll have fished out the whole stream," Lorelai complained. "I just want to talk to him, Sookie. I miss Luke."

"Should I make more cheesecake?"

"Couldn't hurt."

* * * *

Late Saturday afternoon, Lorelai was outside struggling with a large bottle filled with water when Rory appeared at the open kitchen door.

"Rory, you really need to get a new boyfriend soon. One who, unlike Jess, will change the water bottle of us," Lorelai complained.

"Do you want me to help you?" Rory offered.

Lorelai waved her off. "No, I think we'd only get in each other's way. I foresee a Three Stooges moment."

"You, me and my imaginary sister?"

"Exactly. Mowena can be so klutzy sometimes."

"You named your imaginary daughter Mowena?"

"No, I let you name her. You were only three at the time. So were you looking for me just now?" Lorelai asked Rory.

"Yeah, I just wanted to say bye. I'm going to Lane's and then on to watch her band play in Hartford tonight. They're on early because Lane has to get home, but she's thrilled anyway."

"Okay, sweets. Have fun and pick us up a cute groupie each, but be sure to test for water bottle changing skills first."

"I will," Rory promised. "Bye Mom. Remember, no moping and don't eat all the cheesecake."

Lorelai lifted the water bottle again with a grunt. Maybe she needed some of Sookie's cheesecake to sustain her. She was just about to drop bottle back on the bench and take a coffee break when strong arms lifted it from her. Familiar, flannel covered arms. Luke was back, doing and even better mountain man impression than usual.

"Jeez you're sneaky, I nearly had a heart attack," Lorelai complained as she followed Luke inside and watched him set the bottle on the cooler. "Thank you."

"No problem," Luke grunted.

"So you're back," Lorelai commented unnecessarily.

"I'm back," Luke confirmed, equally unnecessarily.

"How was fishing?" she asked.

"From whose perspective, mine or the fish?"


"They won."

"Oh. Well did you get a chance to think?"


"Have any dreams?"

They were both dancing nervously around on opposite sides of her kitchen. Lorelai pulled a chair out from under the table and sat down. "Sit," she ordered Luke.

He took a seat on the opposite side of the table and looked around for something to fidget with, but for once the Gilmore kitchen table was clean. Luke settled for occupying his hands by playing with the cuffs of his flannel shirt. "You know I wasn't mad at you, right? I just needed some time."

"I know. But Luke, you have to talk to me." Lorelai placed her palms flat on the table and fixed an unyielding gaze on him.

"I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you," Luke blurted out, diving straight in. "That's the one thing I know."

"I feel the same way. I know I love you, Luke. But that doesn't mean we're in love. Maybe we're just freakishly good friends and it's too late for us ever to be anything more."

"Then why is there this feeling that we could be?"

"Because we've never tried. We need sex," said Lorelai.

"What?" Luke was having a Nicole flashback.

"We have sex and if it's good then we're clearly meant to be together, but if it's not, then we're obviously just good friends. Oh well, thanks for trying."

Luke gave her a frustrated look.

"Okay, I'm sorry, dumb idea. But I don't know, Luke. That's pretty much my phrase of the week. I don't know what's between us, I don't know how you feel, I don't even know how I feel. But we haven't gone through all this to have it lead no where."

"What if it doesn't work out? What if we end up hating each other and never talk again?" Luke had always thought he'd jump at the opportunity of being with Lorelai, in any way, shape or form, but for some reason his brain was refusing to set his heart free.

"And what if the sky falls in and we all choke to death on fluffy, white clouds?" Lorelai asked.

Luke stood up. He didn't think his concerns were that ridiculous. "I'm sorry, I should go. I'm not ready for this. I guess there are still too many questions I don't have answers to." He walked toward the door.

'Cause baby can't see through

All this matter and makeup and déjà vu

Yeah we drift here alone, with nothing to do

Until one of us makes the other one come true

"Luke," Lorelai called, standing up also.

He turned and took several steps back into the room. She met him halfway.

"You think too much." Lorelai grabbed his arm, pulled him close and, without hesitation, brought her lips to his. Her kiss was firm and purposeful, yet not rough or demanding. She tasted the way she did in his dreams, like the minty freshness of her toothpaste could never quite eradicate the richer, ever-present coffee flavor.

The actual kiss was brief, but Lorelai didn't move away immediately, remaining on tiptoes, her hand still grasping his arm. "Gotcha." She whispered against his lips.

Luke hadn't moved at all. He hadn't returned her kiss, but hadn't pulled away either, so Lorelai kissed him again. And Luke responded this time, albeit tentatively at first.

Her hand pulled his arm behind her back, bringing him closer. Luke took the hint and wrapped both arms around her waist, holding her near. Lorelai reached her arms around his neck to give herself leverage as the kiss grew deeper. It passed the initial awkward stage of discovery and adjustment of techniques, progressed through the sweet, amiable stage – enjoyable, yet not entirely satisfying – to the full-blown, mind-boggling, is-that-your-tongue-or-mine? stage.

Eventually, air was required.

"Wow," Lorelai pulled back just far enough so that she could see Luke's whole face. Her skin was tingling from the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes. "Luke, that- I-"

Luke smiled. "Shh." He silenced her affectionately and touched a finger to her glowing cheek. "You talk too much."

Luke initiated the kiss this time, and, if possible, it was even more intense than the previous one. When they finally pulled back and looked into each other's eyes, an unspoken agreement was immediately reached. Lorelai took both Luke's hands in hers and led him upstairs.

* *

"This isn't just a test," Lorelai said huskily, as she pushed him down onto the bed and lowered herself on top of him. "I want you to know, it's not an experiment to me. I really want this. I want you."

"Good," was the last thing he said before their lips met again.

And this time Lorelai was demanding. She kissed him with a fierce intensity and commanded everything he had to give. And Luke was just as eager to share it all with her.

But this wasn't paradise. This was Lorelai's cluttered bedroom and unmade bed. There was no roaring fire or scented candles, unless you counted the melted remains on her dresser, wax hardened in position where it had begun to drip down the side.

And it wasn't impossibly perfect, like in the movies. There were no wafting curtains or soft piano music in the background. Lorelai wasn't wearing matching underwear.

And Luke wasn't a romantic hero. He smelt like fish and hadn't shaved for a week. He didn't expertly slip her clothes off and tell her she was beautiful. He didn't have to say anything; she could see it in his eyes. The realization, longing, fear, wonder, and love.

And it wasn't magical. It was occasionally awkward and messy. But it was real, and that made it infinitely better than any fantasy either of them could have concocted.

She said these questions don't answer like other questions do

So just let me be here with you

* * * *


Lyrics: Something for Kate, Déjà vu.

Okay, that's it. This was never intended to be an epic.

If you have thoughts, please share. (I don't even care if they have nothing to do with the story!)